"Hmm... Mina..." Mina bit her finger and hesitated, she also knew that Wataru's cultivation experience would be very expensive, and if she asked for it, she might embarrass her grandfather.

Seeing Mina's hesitation, Du smiled, but he didn't expect that the little girl was not old, but he still had his heart: "I don't need you to give me anything, Mina is very cute, and I always want a cute sister, this is my meeting gift."

Luo Xiaohei glanced at him, this guy also had bad intentions, he actually wanted to pull relations like this, but it was not a big deal, and it didn't hurt to recognize a heavenly king as an older brother.

At least now when he has not fully grown up, he can still have a heavenly king to support him.

The most important thing is to make a family, and you can have one more choice in the future, not to mention a family that has a lot of quasi-god and elf resources.

"Since it is Mr. Wataru's heart, Mina, you can accept it."

Luo Xiaohei spoke, and Mina no longer hesitated, nodded and accepted Du's kindness.

"Then thank you Brother Du."

Seeing Mina listening to Luo Xiaohei's words like this, Du looked at Luo Xiaohei, a little black cat that was not very conspicuous, a little black cat with some surprise.

"You're welcome..."

As he approached the port of Dead Leaf City, Musashi quietly pulled Kojiro's sleeve: "Kojiro, there must be a lot of Junsha surrounding the port now, if we follow the little ghost head and land together, we will definitely be arrested, so let's run away now."

Kojiro was stunned, and then nodded with serious eyes: "You have thought it through, but we are now on the back of the tyrannosaurus, how can we escape?" Don't...? After speaking, Kojiro glanced at the sea below him.

The distance is still very high, estimated at about forty or fifty meters.

"Boom... I... I'm afraid of water..."

"Then you stay on the back of the Tyrannosaurus and wait to be put in jail, we are leaving!"

As they guessed, at this time, the Dead Leaf Port had long been surrounded by crowds, and the entire Junsha of the Dead Leaf City had been mobilized.

Now the outside world is even more rumored that Kojiro and Musashi are the leaders of this kidnapping case, so once the three of them land, they will definitely be arrested by a large number of Junsha.

If you can't resist, you will eat the gun directly.

Weighing left and right, the three took advantage of the tyrannosaurus and jumped directly.

When they arrived at the port of Dead Leaf City, a group of people quickly gathered around, the first being Miss Joy, whom Mina had seen.

The second is the top management of Dead Leaf City, as well as the managers who manage the port.

As for Miss Junsha, she stopped journalists and paparazzi who wanted to get first-hand information.

"Mina, how are you feeling, are you hurt? Come back to the Pokémon Center with us and let us give you a full body checkup. The

Joey who had been with Mina the longest examined Mina's body lightly.

There were even two Gili Eggs who pushed on stretchers and prepared to put Mina on them.

Mina hurriedly refused: "Sister Joey, Mina is not injured, Xiao Hei protects Mina well, the stretcher is still left to Ash, he is seriously injured and his legs are broken." Hearing

Mina's words, the two Gili Eggs ran to put Ash on a stretcher, and then slipped into the ambulance.

"Miss Mina, I am the mayor of Dead Leaf City, I am sorry for bringing you this unpleasant trip, we apologize for that."

At this time, the mayor was very panicked, because he had heard that Sil was very dissatisfied with what happened, and even ordered to stop any cooperation with Dead Leaf City, and even had plans to evacuate the Silver branch in Dead Leaf City.

You must know that the Fairy Ball is an indispensable item in this world, and Silver, who controls the Fairy Ball, can bring a large amount of tax to Dead Leaf City every year, if Silver really withdraws all industries, it can be said that he directly cut the tax of Dead Leaf City by half.

Now the mayor of Dead Leaf City is anxious to repair the relationship between Mina and Dead Leaf City.

Unfortunately, before Mina could reply, she was stopped by a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes who looked serious.

This person is Reitz, the general manager of the Silver Branch in Dead Leaf City.

"I'm sorry Mr. Mayor, my young lady needs to rest well now, so I'll talk about something later." After that, Retz walked over to Mina and bowed a big ninety degrees.

"Sorry young lady, it was a subordinate's negligence to let the young lady be frightened like this, this is all a dereliction of duty by the subordinate, please punish the young lady!"

Mina had an accident in his realm, even if he didn't know Mina's identity and everything in advance, but now that it happened, he was responsible, so he was the one who was even more alarmed than the mayor of Dead Leaf City.

If he was angered, his life would be over, so he hated the mayor of Dead Leaf City and Team Rocket half to death in his heart.

"Nope... You are not to blame for this, so you don't have to ask for guilt, trouble you to evacuate the crowd, Mina wants to find a place to wash and rest. Mina looked restrained and felt back to the feeling of staying at her grandfather's house as a child.

A hint of surprise flashed on Reitz's face: "Yes!" Miss! "

Being able to get Mina's forgiveness, his position can be considered saved, so he hurriedly organized the people of Silver's company to open a way.

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