
...! Menasmina is tired of playing, go take a break. Mina

also felt a little tired after playing in the sea with Menas, but the manager just now was like a dream.

Menas wrapped Mina with his guardian skill, and then took Mina directly into the bottom of the sea.

A variety of aquatic Pokémon swim in the sea, schools of weak dingfish, and fat toots in blue and pink that resemble jellyfish.

There are also neon fish with butterfly wings, countless Pokémon in the water, which makes Mina an eye-opener.

In addition to the elves in the sea, what is more exciting is the colorful coral reef that can be seen just right through the sunlight refracted like the bottom of the sea.

From time to time, you can also see love fish hiding in it and sun coral.

"Hey!" Menas nodded and swam with Mina towards the beach.

After sending Mina ashore, Menas did not go to the sea to play, and then lay on the beach and turned into Mina's exclusive beach chair.

The cold, cold, slight body temperature scales made Mina enjoy lying down very much.

A few bodyguards were afraid that Mina would be sunburned, so they quickly swam to get a few parasols and stuck them next to Menas, and brought a small table and fruit drinks and other snacks.

"Who is that girl, not only Menas, but also bodyguards to protect her, because it should be the child of that big family."

"I envy her so much, she can lie down and sleep on Menas's body!"

"It is worthy of being the most beautiful Pokémon in the world, and this colorful scale is really dazzling."

"I heard that the scales on Menas' tail are called beautiful scales, and those rich people will spend a lot of money to collect them, which is a very precious collection!"


The compliments around made Menas very satisfied, thinking that when she was still an ugly fish, whether it was a person or an elf who saw her, they would say a good ugly word, and then walked aside with a look of disgust.

Only Mina did not dislike her from the beginning and always encouraged her to grow.

Thinking back to every encouragement from Mina in the past, Menas's gaze softened as he looked at Mina, who was snoring slightly...

Perhaps tired of playing, Ash walked ashore from it and found Xiao Gang, who had just been rejected by a beautiful woman and was in a lost mood.

"Xiao Gang, what are you doing? Are you confessing to other girls again?

Xiao Gang sat on the beach, his eyes blank: "Ninety-nine... I was rejected by ninety-nine big sisters again... My failed life..."

"What?! Ninety-nine? In such a while, you have already confessed to ninety-nine girls?? "

Although I have experienced it once, this time the amount is even larger.

Ash was once again taken aback.

Hearing Xiao Zhi's exclamation, Xiao Gang didn't know where to find a small wooden stick, squatted on the beach and drew circles.

The corners of Ash's mouth twitched, realizing that he seemed to have said something he shouldn't.

Suddenly, there was a familiar voice behind him.

"Ash? It's really you, I thought I was wrong. Xiao

Zhi looked back in confusion, and when he saw the person coming towards him, he was very surprised, and before he could speak, Xiao Gang, who had been drawing circles on the ground, suddenly burst out.

I saw Xiao Gang change his decadent face, with pig-like hands, and grabbed the small hands of a mature red-haired beauty wearing a light green one-piece swimsuit.

"You... Hello! My name is Xiaogang, I am twenty years old, can you be my girlfriend? Seeing

this, Xiao Zhi behind Xiao Gang flew up angrily and directly kicked Xiao Gang out: "Bastard! What do you want to do to my mother!

Xiao Gang lay on the beach and asked with a puzzled and surprised face: "You... Your mother?

Seeing this scene, Hanako covered her mouth and chuckled, stretched out a hand and grabbed Ash's ears: "Ash can't be so rude to friends."

After speaking, Hanako looked at Xiao Gang again: "Your name is Xiao Gang, right, sorry to live up to your love, I already have a husband."

"Yes... I'm sorry, Auntie, I didn't know you were Ash's mother..." Xiao Gang's originally dark face instantly turned red with embarrassment, and anyone who confessed to his friend's mother would be embarrassed.

"Mom, you let go, I haven't asked you, why are you here?"

"Aha, we are also here to travel, but now is summer, it is a good day to travel to the beach."

At this time, a voice that surprised Ash came.

Ash was even more surprised: "Dr. Ohki! Why are you here too?! Are you and my mother..."

Dr. Ohki, wearing printed shorts and a short shirt, was apparently also traveling.

"Because you had an accident on the St. Annu a few days ago and your mother knew about it, so please ask me to bring her to you, I inquired about your travel path, and then took your mother here to wait for you in advance."

Hearing Dr. Ohki's explanation, Ash breathed a sigh of relief: "That's the case, I thought you guys were hiding something from me, sorry mom, I worried you, I'm fine now." "

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