Mina hung the Pokeball on her waist and hugged the fast dragon with her backhand, but actually lay on the fast dragon's body: "Thank you fast dragon!"

Kuailong showed a gentle smile: "Hmm..."

By the way, you were injured and poisoned just now, Mina healed you first.

With that, Mina opened her backpack and got busy.

Kuailong lay on the ground so that Mina could easily operate.

As soon as the fast dragon's injury was dealt with, the poké ball around Mina's waist opened automatically.

Geng Ghost pushed a wound and also came out.

"Geng Ghost, come quickly, Mina will check it for you."

Geng Ghost is then not allowed to refuse, and Mina begins to help Geng Ghost check his body, administer medicine, and let Picosi treat.

"Xiaona, please give more advice in the future, but the old man doesn't like to stay in the Pokeball very much, so it's okay to stay outside in the future, right?"

Geng Ghost is more than two meters tall, and he also sits on the ground with his butt, letting Mina medicate himself.

"No problem! But you're so big, it seems that you are not allowed to come out in the city..." Just after speaking, Mina was entangled again.

According to the elf following regulations in the city, not only large elves with a standard weight cannot appear in the city, but even the elves of the ghost line cannot follow.

Mainly because most of the elves of the ghost department are naughty, and they can't help but tease people when they come out, and if they scare children or pregnant women, they will be in big trouble.

"This is no problem, the old man is not a child anymore, he can usually hide in your shadow."

Mina Yixi: "That's great, welcome to join Geng Ghost!"

At this time, Xiao Gang also came up: "Congratulations Mina, there is another powerful elf."

"So envious, Mina has another such powerful elf."

Xiaoxia is also very envious, just now the battle between Geng Ghost and Kuailong, but it almost shattered her three views, especially the last move of Kuailong's thunder, that even the weather has changed!

"Hey, hey... Mina is also lucky! The

little girl couldn't help but be shy.

"Mr. Geng, may I take the liberty of asking you a question?" At this time, Xiao Gang suddenly asked Geng Ghost.

Geng Ghost grinned: "I know what you want to ask, I can continue to evolve because I reached my current state more than a thousand years ago, and the reason why I am a ghost is because I limited the power within it to achieve the effect of degradation."

"And my method is not useful for spirits with entities, and it can be degraded all because I have no entity, to put it bluntly, it is a simple soul energy aggregate, so you don't need to ask me this method."

Ash was dumbfounded: "What?!" A thousand years ago? Doesn't that mean that you have lived at least a thousand years?

Xiao Gang suddenly said: "That's so, thank you very much for your answer." "

Hehe, our ghost elves generally have a relatively long lifespan, and this fast dragon is many times older than me."

As he spoke, Geng Ghost looked eagerly at Kuailong who was playing with Mina on the side.

Xiao Zhi pointed at Geng Ghost in disbelief, and then pointed at Kuailong: "He is many times older than you?" This

time Geng Ghost did not explain to Ash again, but floated to Kuailong's side.

He was eager to understand how Kuailong broke through the shackles.

However, the fast dragon itself has no shackles, and she wants to know how this layer of shackles appeared, and how the fast dragon has the power of a divine beast.

Seeing Geng Ghost coming, Kuailong did not repel, but nodded gently.

Kuailong has been eager for companions, and now Geng Ghost is also his companion, and Kuailong is very welcome.

Geng Ghost also did not ink, and asked directly: "Senior, can you tell me how you have such strong strength?"

Kuailong showed a pensive look: "Hmm... Hmm..."

In the superancient period, when the world was first opened, Arceus scattered all the slabs of his source of power around the world in order to stabilize this newborn world.

Without this switch of Arceus, the attribute stone slab sends energy to the outside world all the time.

The energies of all kinds ran around in an otherwise barren world.

Rocky and ground-based slabs give the world earth and minerals, water-based slabs create oceans, grass-based slabs create plants, and ghost and super-powered slabs create souls.

Generally, slate creates matter....

and so on combined forces to make the world begin to colorful.

After that, Arceus did not want this world to be too monotonous and boring, so he used dragon slabs combined with the power of other slabs to create three dragons of time, space, and the reverse world.

Tiya Luca, Paruccia, riding Latina.

Because of the appearance of the three dragons, the world began to move, and the four seasons and the flow of time appeared.

Later, Arceus used the power of the stone slab to create the Three Sacred Mushrooms, as well as Hoopa.

After discovering that the elves he created were not dropping, he let the stone slab overflow with energy, which combined with each other to form various new lives.

This side is super-ancient, because the stone slab supplies a steady stream of energy, and it can be regarded as the first elf, so the elves themselves at that time had no restrictions.

As long as you keep drawing energy, you can become infinitely stronger and obtain the power of divine beasts.

Because the strength gradually became stronger, those elves were not honest, and began to challenge each other to divide the territory, and even challenged the three dragons to snatch the stone slab of Arceus.

Want to gain more power.

With a beginning, the world war soon appeared, but the three dragons were forged by Arceus himself after all, and they controlled the power that the rest of the elves could not control.

So the elves' challenge failed, but they started snatching the Genesis God slate again, wanting more energy.

Some elves succeeded, and they underwent qualitative changes and became divine beasts comparable to the three dragons.

Later, because of the increasingly chaotic war, Arceus realized that he could not make all the elves too powerful, otherwise the world he had worked so hard to create would eventually be destroyed.

So Arceus withdrew his slate and began to limit the energy of this world.

There is no slate to fight for, the elves are much more honest, but there are still disputes.

Seeing this, Arceus was disappointed, and used his supreme power to put a shackle on all elves, so that all elves had racial restrictions.

If you don't break through racial restrictions, you can't have supreme power for a lifetime.

Even the divine beasts themselves are also limited, but in order to let these self-created, and those divine beasts who have obtained opportunities help them manage the world.

They were given unlimited life, and the world became stable.

The fast dragon is the elf of the beginning, not the first generation, but the third generation of elves.

The black tattoo on the body was an energy seal that stored excess energy into the body at that time, which had no racial restrictions.

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