Geng Ghost moved instantaneously and appeared directly in front of Hu Di.

Hu Di still felt a pain in his body at this time, and before he could react, he met Geng Ghost's blood-red eyes.

In an instant, the huge spiritual power directly acted on Hu Di's consciousness.

Geng Ghost's spiritual power is very large, but it is not only Hu Di who is fighting against him at this time.

And Nazi, who commanded him.

Nazi's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling that Geng Ghost was challenging his majesty.

Therefore, he did not let Hu Di hide, and directly came to a contest with Geng Ghost in terms of spiritual power.

Geng Ghost's spiritual power is like a tide, wave after wave, stretching endlessly.

When they first met, with the help of Nazi, the two sides were still somewhat evenly matched.

But Geng Ghost's strength is too strong.

That's impacting the realm of divine beasts.

Nazi is highly talented, but after all, she is shackled by shackles, so it is impossible to have stronger strength.

Hu Di don't look very powerful now, but he was actually forcibly promoted by Nazi.

Nazi didn't spend any time training him at all, so neither the battle nor the fight itself was actually very good.

Not even comparable to those intermediate trainers.

The reason why I won was also because of Nazi's relationship.

The two sides were in a stalemate, Mina's small fists clenched, and she looked at Geng Ghost very nervously.

Time passed minute by minute, and Nazi on the other side of the field didn't know when her body began to tremble slightly, and the blood vessels next to the corners of her eyes bulged.

Even sweat appeared on her forehead, which shows that this mental competition, Nazi is also very difficult.

Geng Ghost was still grinning silently, but judging from his slightly trembling hands, he was not without loss.

In fact, the most painful thing is the Hudi sandwiched between them.

Geng Ghost's spiritual power was attacking him, and Nazi's spiritual power was also used the most on him.

His body directly became a battlefield for both sides, and the impact of spiritual power made him miserable.

But soon he closed his eyes in relief.

In the end, Nazi lost.

Geng Ghost is better than the better after all.

I saw Nazi's body shaking, standing unsteadily, kneeling directly on the ground, her body was trembling, and her eyes were exhausted with exhausted mental energy.

Without Nazi's spiritual support, Hu Di was hypnotized by Geng Ghost in an instant.

Geng Ghost also gasped slightly: "Jiao... Little girl, you are the most powerful superpower that your husband has ever seen in his life, if you use the superpower in the doll, the old man is not your opponent. "

Geng Ghost appreciates Nazi very much, although her temper is not very good, she is a little arrogant, but the strength of this little girl cannot be doubted.

He has lived for more than two thousand years, and he has never seen such a powerful superpower as Nazi.

I don't even dare to imagine that human beings can have such terrifying power with their own bodies alone.

Nazi's chest heaved, and she also appreciated the look in her eyes when she looked at Geng Ghost.

Since she raised her superpower to her limit, she had never seen that creature that could compete with her in mental power.

Even the elves of the superpower system have not met.

She relies on superpowers, and none of the king-level elves are necessarily her opponents.

Now Geng Ghost has defeated her in her strongest way.

Nazi sighed a little, but as Geng Ghost said, if she used the superpowers stored in the doll, Geng Ghost would not be his opponent.

It's a pity that this doll was originally a gift she planned to give Mina, so it is impossible to use the superpowers inside.

The reason why I went to great lengths to fight was just to see Mina's strength.

This doll has her stored superpowers, although it is already ownerless, but because she is often possessed, she has established a little spiritual connection with her and can be used as her stand-in doll.

Giving this doll to Mina is actually to control the doll to protect Mina when Mina is in danger.

This is the daughter of Itagi's eldest brother, but she can't be hurt.

Originally, she also planned to release the water and let Mina win, but she knew that Mina had just come out for a few months, and she was guarded by such a strong elf as Geng Ghost.

Now it seems that Mina does not need her protection at all, after all, even she has been defeated.

In this way, I don't have to think about how to release water.

This doll is going to be given to Mina anyway, and how Mina wants to use it depends on her own plans.

"You won... It is worthy of being the daughter of Big Brother Banmu, now this doll is yours, there is my mental power stored for several years, the energy in it is very huge, it is already equivalent to a king-level elf, how to use it, you can see for yourself.

Nazi smiled tiredly, and the doll in her hand flew directly towards Mina.

Seeing this somewhat terrifying doll, Mina hurriedly caught it.

Thinking that this doll could be automatic and could talk just now, Mina felt a little creepy.

When the doll arrived in Mina's hands, Nazi directly withdrew the spiritual power attached to the doll.

At this moment, this doll no longer has anything to do with her, and she can't control such a doll in the future.

Mina swallowed her spit: "Thank you Aunt

Nazi..." First thanked Nazi, and then lowered her voice and asked Luo Xiaohei: "Xiaohei, is this doll useful to you?"

Luo Xiaohei raised his paws and put them on the doll's body, and immediately felt a warm energy drilling into his body.

This energy directly acted on the spirit, making him feel comfortable, that is, the soul that had been raised to the limit felt a little stronger.

Obviously, superpower energy is the key to strengthening his soul again.

Luo Xiaohei raised his paws happily, now is not the time to cultivate: "Useful, it has a great effect."

Mina smiled happily: "It's useful, this time I have to thank Aunt Nazi, and Geng Ghost."

Just when Luo Xiaohei absorbed the energy in the doll, Nazi had already sensed it.

"Sure enough, it's a strange elf, does this also have superpower attributes? It seems that this doll is going to cheapen you. As

early as when she saw Luo Xiaohei, Nazi had already sensed that Luo Xiaohei was not simple.

In Luo Xiaohei, Nazi sensed a very powerful soul, which felt like he could abandon his physical body at any time and become a ghost-type elf.

Even Nazi felt a little that humans were about to awaken the seeds of superpowers.

Now with the energy in the doll, Luo Xiaohei will soon be able to awaken the superpower, and after absorbing the energy in the doll, he can directly have the superpower of the heavenly king.

Of course, this is her conjecture, Luo Xiaohei himself wants to become stronger, not that his spiritual power can become stronger, but also needs the spiritual space to keep up.

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