"Shhh~ Shikoku Eh! Mina didn't even know that the Moon Stone was so powerful. Mina had a touch of adoration in her eyes, which made Xiaoxia a little proud and a little embarrassed.

This seems to be common sense....

"It's decided, Mina will also go to Tsukimi Mountain!" Mina clenched her fists excitedly and jumped, revealing a large expanse of spring light.

In the male soup pond on the other side, Xiao Zhi is also learning from the master of Wu Neng.

"Uncle Wu Neng, your elves are so powerful, do you have any secrets?"

Wu Neng soaked in the soup pond, revealing an expression of enjoyment: "Cheats? Where can there be such a thing, the so-called secret is just to communicate with the Pokémon attentively, usually observe them more, understand them, and then persistently train.

"This... Is that so? Ash was a little disappointed.

Wu Neng straightened up: "What the hell is that disappointed expression of yours?"


"Alas! I really can't help you..." Wu Neng changed his comfortable position and lay on the edge of the soup pond.

"In fact, most Pokémon mentally equivalent to human five or six-year-old children, and most of the Pokémon in their final form are equivalent to human youth in the rebellious period."

"They have great fighting power, but what kind of battle do you expect from a young child or adolescent to fight?"

"So the key to victory lies in the trainer, who needs to always pay attention to the battlefield, analyze the battlefield, and make the perfect battle plan in his head."

"This is the responsibility of the trainer, and the real trainer is not just rushing towards the position of the hall, so Ash, you are not a qualified trainer now."

Wu Neng's words were like a heavy hammer, which shocked Xiao Zhi's heart.

"But... However, what did my uncle teach me to charge Pikachu is...? "

Oh ~ that, that's actually a relatively common pre-battle preparation." Wu Neng closed his eyes and couldn't see any expression.

"You know, I have an electric shock beast."

"Is it the powerful electric Pokémon you saw today?" Ash thought of the heroic posture of the electric shock beast, and immediately showed a look of adoration and envy.

Like Mina, Ash wants to own an electric shock beast.

"Well, that's him, he, like Pikachu, is a Pokémon of the electric system, they all have a characteristic, that is, they store electricity, and they like to find lightning splits in thunderstorms."

"This is what many observant trainers have long observed, and the basic meaning is just to fully charge the battery and then have more energy."

"So Ash, in fact, there are no secrets in this world, some are just the little skills summed up by the daily observation of trainers, and if you want to win the battle, you actually rely on these little skills, instead of attacking hard, you can knock down the opponent's elves."

"This... Is that so? Ash fell into deep thought.

"Yes, compared to Mina, in fact, you are more like the one without talent, that girl is like a changed person when she fights, the grasp of the fighter is amazing, after a period of growth, there should be greater progress, so you have to work harder." This made Ash choke because he had always thought he was better than Mina.

It is also true that if it were not for Luo Xiaohei's strict training, Mina would not be much better than Xiaozhi at all.

You must know that Mina is a guy who can't even understand what kind of elves and what skills she has.

However, under the education of Luo Xiaohei's tail, Mina abruptly memorized the elves she saw and his and Nidolino's skills.

After eating the Essence Cleansing Pill later, Mina's ability to understand the words of the elves became stronger, and the battle skills taught by Luo Xiaohei were also mastered.

Luo Xiaohei liked the Pokémon anime very much, all kinds of magical creatures, brilliant skills, special evolution system, attracting people's attention all the time.

Traveling to this real world, then the battle can't be like in the previous life game you hit me, I hit you.

The battle has become more flexible and has a lot of unknowns, so Luo Xiaohei's battle concept is flexible and changeable.

So much so that Mina has changed like this.

"What, Mina is much worse than me in school..."

After taking a shower, Mina called her mother Thea.

Because I bought a lot of energy cubes last time, it seems that the money left on my body is not enough for Xiao Gang and them to repair the house.

"Why did you call me again? Didn't you say to call me again when you came to Hualan City. Soon the call was answered, and Thea still looked impatient, causing Mina to lower her head.

"Mom, I'm in trouble..." "

What's wrong again?" Thea was not surprised when she heard it, which time did this girl not cause her trouble?

If it weren't for her own child, Thea would have strangled her to death.

"I broke someone else's house..." Mina tugged at the corner of her clothes and looked cautiously at her mother in the video.

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