Time passes and the sun is slightly oblique.

Seeing that the weather was not very hot, several people began to pack their backpacks and prepare to hurry.

Mina looked at the tent in deep thought, her gaze wandering on Luo Xiaohei's body from time to time.

Luo Xiaohei, who was lazy and basking in the sun, opened his eyes impatiently.

Looking at Niko's appearance, she must be fighting some bad idea again.


"Hey, hey, hey... Xiaohei~" Mina smiled and held Luo Xiaohei in her arms affectionately.

At this time, she was more like a cat, constantly rubbing her face against Luo Xiaohei's body.

Luo Xiaohei enjoyed a little, after he can demonize into a human form, will this little girl be so affectionate with herself, after she becomes a human, this girl will definitely be shy.

After all, I pulled him to soak in the Mandarin Duck bath at every turn... (〃ノωノ)

It is said that he is now also a cat demon Luo Xiaohei, demonizing human form, is it also the appearance of the cat demon Luo Xiaohei?

Luo Xiaohei thought about it and felt that it was not bad, at least it was much better than his previous life.

"Xiao Hei, can you put the tent into that space of yours as well? Release it when Mina is going to sleep, so that Mina doesn't have to set up a tent anymore. The more she said, the brighter Mina's eyes became, and a pair of apricot eyes seemed to be hidden in thousands of stars, shining.

Luo Xiao, who was originally thinking about it, had a black face, well, the one that couldn't be seen.

'This girl is getting lazier and lazier, what do you think of my spiritual space? Storage rings?

''Even if you stored elf feed last time, you have to store it this time because you don't want to set up a tent.'' '

'If this continues, this girl may have to get in one day, let me go for her.'' Thinking

about it like this, Luo Xiaohei directly turned his head: "Meow~"

'Don't think about it, travel is to exercise yourself, if you want to be lazy about everything, it's better to go back to be your little gongju." Rejected

by Luo Xiaohei, Mina pouted angrily, making her little face with baby fat look like a white bun.

"Hmph! Mina doesn't want to go back, Mina wants to become the world's number one Pokémon trainer, and Mina won't go back when she doesn't fulfill this dream. Although Mina was a little angry, she gently put Luo Xiaohei back on the ground.

Then began to disassemble the tent: "If you don't help, don't help, Mina can!"

"Mina is really lucky to meet Blackie." Xiao Gang on the side saw all this in his eyes, and suddenly felt that Luo Xiaohei did not look like an elf, but like a teacher.

The craftsman who has been carving Mina's piece of jade.

After a short time together, he found that the gap between Mina and Xiaozhi was completely missing a Luo Xiaohei, well... And a lot of Mane... Maybe... The appearance is also a little worse... Belch... Well, there's a lot of difference....

Mina said goodbye to the wild elf who did not leave, and then followed Xiao Gang with Luo Xiaohei in her arms, out of the forest area, and officially entered the Tsukimi Mountain, the mountain range area.

Compared to the forest area, the terrain in the mountain area is steeper and more dangerous, and the wild elves that appear from time to time have changed from grass to ground and rock.

Every distance Xiao Gang walked, he would observe the top of his head, and even listen against the rock wall.

This move seriously delayed the speed of the team's advance.

This made Ash a little unbearable.

"Xiao Gang, can we go faster? We can't walk out of the mountain when it's dark.

Xiao Gang stopped, his expression very solemn: "There are many rock and ground Pokémon in this area, if we don't want to be injured or even lose our lives, it's better to be cautious." Ash

was still a little puzzled, but he had a good habit of asking questions.

"Why? Could it be that wild Pokémon on the rock and ground systems often attack passing humans?

Xiao Gang raised his finger and shook it: "No, although the Pokémon of the ground system and the rock system are relatively large and long, they are actually very docile, just like my big rock snake."

"Then why are you so cautious?"

Xiao just wanted to open his mouth to explain, but he was keenly aware of the slight vibration under his feet, and there was a sound of rolling down above his head.

Xiao Gang's face changed, and he quickly opened his mouth and shouted: "Everyone quickly cling to the rock wall here!" The

high-pitched voice, coupled with a slightly panicked expression, made the other three dare not slack, and quickly followed Xiao Gang's appearance and leaned tightly against the vertical rock wall on the side.

"Boom...!" The sound of boulders rolling down from far and near, which made the two girls very nervous.

"Is this an earthquake? We won't be buried alive!

Mina's hand holding Luo Xiaohei tightened: "Mina feels more like a landslide..."

As soon as the words fell, many round stones flew above the heads of several people.

Several of them are estimated to be about one meter in diameter.

According to this speed of rolling down, once it hits the person's body, it is estimated that there is not even a chance to rescue.

Luo Xiaohei's eyes were like torches, like a slow-moving camera, and he directly saw the true appearance of these stones.

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