Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 230 【0227】 Kalya’s preemptive strike

Lux's hesitation surprised Ino.

Is there anything worth hesitating about Teacher Kalya’s plan?

Just do it and it’s done!

Facing Ino's doubts, Lux smiled bitterly - yes, Kalya had made many plans before, but those plans were all plans to eliminate disputes and relieve pain.

But this time, according to Kalya's plan, in order to avoid the completion of the new port and the rune technology being coveted by the Noxians, his choice was to strike first and cause trouble for the Noxians.

Of course, considering the relationship between Demacia and Noxus, Lux would not refuse this kind of behavior to cause trouble for Noxus.

The problem is that this time Kalya's plan is essentially to support a war, which makes Lux feel a little uncomfortable.

"Karya told me very clearly." Lux came to Ino, "I also understand that sometimes war is an unavoidable method, but when I think of innocent people dying, I feel a little... resist."

With that said, Lux briefly told the whole story.


Everything started three days ago.

Three days ago, the day after the Piltover kidnapping occurred, envoys from the Duren family of Besilico arrived in Zaun, hoping to take their young master back.

(Master Duren was Cassiopeia’s former licking dog, the fat man who was trapped in the mine with his guards and was later rescued by Lux.)

When Duren stayed here for three years before coming to pick him up, it was not because the family gave up on Duren, but because the family wanted to protect him. According to Duren, during the Ionian War, Noxus wanted to protect Duren. Large-scale conscription was required for war, and even the children of nobles had to go to the battlefield.

Therefore, knowing that Duren was not in danger, the Duren family simply allowed him to stay in Zaun to prevent him from being sent to the battlefield.

Now that the Ionian War is over, the Duren family quickly sent people to take Duren back.

If that were the case, neither Lux nor Kalya would care about the little thoughts of a Noxian noble.

However, what was very surprising was that the envoy who received Duren applied to see Lux and offered to spend a lot of money to hire workers from Zaun to repair the city wall in Besilico.

According to the envoy, "Master Duren was full of praise for the efficiency of Zaun's construction workers." It happened that Besilico's city wall needed repairs. Considering that Besilico was short of manpower after the war, he came to discuss with Lux how to You can't hire a bunch of Zaun construction workers to do the work.

The request sounded reasonable.

But the problem is that Zaun workers are just relatively efficient at work. No one has ever built military buildings such as city walls or fortresses. It seems strange to hire Zaun people to build city walls.

Then, the next day, before Lux could even think of how to respond, Piltover Daily happily published an article titled "Peace Brings Business Opportunities."

In this article, the reporter tried to prove that "peace will bring trade prosperity" through the argument that "a commercial city of Besilico's size still purchased a large amount of materials from Piltover after the war" This conclusion is an attempt to cheer up the people of Piltover and encourage the sluggish economy.

Hire a high-efficiency construction team to repair the city wall and purchase a large amount of metal and food supplies - these two pieces of news appear at the same time, which is really thought-provoking.

So, before Duren left Zaun and came to thank Lux for saving his life, Lux, under the guidance of Kalya, confirmed a shocking news in a circumstantial way.

Besilico is preparing for a defensive battle.

So, the question is, as a non-border city, who is Besilico defending against?

At this point, Kalya finally made a bold inference - Besilico is guarding against Noxus, and they want independence!

When Kalya came to this conclusion, Lux was stunned.

She could never imagine that Besilico, as the main commercial city and port hub in the southeast of Noxus, would one day declare independence and break away from Noxus!

No matter from any angle, this is really crazy!

But if you think carefully, this kind of behavior may not actually be traceable. In the Ionian War, the coastal cities headed by Besilico undertook the heaviest military mobilization, but the result of the war was outright fail.

Under such circumstances, it is not incomprehensible that Besilico and the Immortal Fortress are at odds with each other.

Moreover, Besilico was conquered by Noxus and became part of Noxus less than thirty years ago. Besilico was originally frightened by Noxus' troops and had no choice but to surrender - the result Noxus suffered a huge setback in Ionia, so how could Besilico follow him all the way?

After reaching this conclusion, Kalya directly proposed that Zaun should directly provide workers to help the Besilico people build the city wall so that they can hold on to the city wall without any scruples - in addition, they should also contact Sarah to see if they can pull the strings Open a sea supply line to Besilico and Bilgewater, open a sea supply line to Besilico...

If according to Kalya's wishes, once Besilico raises the flag of rebellion, it will become a bone-deep wound in the Noxus Empire, continuously bleeding the empire.

By the time the Noxians take the initiative to attack, they will inevitably suffer heavy casualties. The siege of Besilico will be well-supplied, and there will be wars everywhere. No matter what they choose, I am afraid they will not have time to cause trouble for Zaun.

After Lux finished everything, Ino couldn't help but widen his eyes.

On the one hand, she was surprised by Kalya's keenness, and on the other hand, she was also impressed by her teacher's boldness - when facing Noxus, he never thought about simple defense, but took the initiative to cause trouble for the opponent.

"But why can't you make up your mind?" Surprised, Ino asked with some confusion, "Isn't this a good thing?"

"Maybe it's good for Zaun." Lux shook her head, "But when I think about the chaos that Besilico will fall into during the siege, I feel a little heavy."

"So you didn't tell him what you thought?" Ino blinked, "You didn't tell him this?"

"I said it." Lux spread her hands, "Then, he proposed a bolder idea: taking advantage of Noxus's current weakness, starting with Besilico, build an alliance including Fendo, Chuxi Many...Noxian siege networks including Iron Water City."

Ino opened his mouth and his whole body fell into a sluggish state.

"Then I said, forget it, just support Besilico." Looking at the dull Ino, Lax sighed helplessly, "Then, I realized that Kalya had lifted the roof of that set, The theory of opening windows was applied to me without even realizing it.”

Kalya's Little Class Noxian Indigestion:

The roughly thirty years before the Ionian War began were thirty years of rapid expansion of Noxus' territory - and this rapid expansion inevitably led to Noxus' indigestion, and many lords transformed into The new nobles of Noxus.

With the defeat of Noxus in Ionia, these new nobles finally began to take action.

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