Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 241 【0238】 Internal Conflict (Additional Update 1/5)

Chapter 241 【0238】 Internal Conflict (Additional Update 15)

In fact, after Zaun issued a strategic cooperation statement with Bilgewater, Piltover's maritime caravans had already taken the initiative to set off. Several maritime fleets set off separately, sailing along different courses. Ionia - In order to facilitate the departure of this caravan, Camille even relaxed her guard and control over the families with Noxian background, headed by the Myrdalda family.

There is no way, the local business families do not have a route map to Ionia, and they are facing many difficulties if they want to stop in Noxus and go all the way north to Ionia. Only those who have been suppressed for three years have Noxus. Only families with a Sri Lankan background can access this trade route to Ionia.

Camille responded swiftly and made unwise choices.

But Zaun's leap-forward development far exceeded her expectations. With the completion of the new port and the visit of the Siren, it was clearly Lux who was boosting Zaun's morale!

Yes, the living conditions in Zaun are not as good as Piltover - there is no Sun Gate in Zaun, and everything must be created with the efforts of one's own hands.

However, as long as Lux is here, Zaun is qualified and capable to promise a future to the people of Zaun!

In the past three years, Zaun has created too many miracles, so the Zaun people believe that Lux and New Zaun will create more miracles in the future!

Perhaps now our lives are not as colorful as Mrs. Piltover, and the commercial products are not as diverse as Piltover.

But Zaun, which is making great strides, will inevitably surpass Piltover at some point. At this point, most Zaun people are full of confidence in Zaun and themselves!

This is fatal.

If the Zaun people have always maintained their self-confidence and are willing to slowly improve their quality of life with the new Zaun, then does Piltover still have an advantage over Zaun?

Camille didn’t have an answer to this question.

That's why she convened a special meeting at this time.

Just like the last time she did not hesitate to use violence and break the rules to eliminate several unruly members, this time Camille is fully prepared to unify the goals of the Piltover Council.

Seeing that each of the congressmen were pretending to be deaf and dumb, unwilling to stand up and speak at this time, unwilling to sacrifice short-term interests and start a bottom-line all-out competition with Zaun, the Camille people came from the editor-in-chief of the Piltover Evening News. He took the photos in his hand and handed them to the congressmen present one by one.

There are exactly eight members, one for each person.

"Everyone here is a businessman." After sharing the photos, Camille finally spoke again, "Then, we won't talk about politics, only business."

After hearing what Camille said, the congressmen finally raised their heads.

"Look at the Zaun people's new allies, new routes, new ports and new products." Camille's voice was cold and unhurried, "Excluding the political competition between the two sides, economically, Zaun has also become Our opponent."

After a moment of silence, a fat-bellied congressman finally couldn't help but speak in a low voice.

"This... what Gray Lady said is a bit of a fuss." He raised the photo in his hand and couldn't help but sniff, "This kind of strange machine... is very interesting to look at, but I'm afraid The functionality can’t even compare to the handling cranes in our port twenty years ago, right?”

"The thing you mentioned has been kept secret from us from the beginning. If they hadn't intentionally leaked it this time, I'm afraid we still wouldn't know that they have opened up a new technological path." Camille snorted, "Bo Mr. Naser, I need to remind you that their new gadget is very similar to our latest Hex product in many places."

This sentence caused Councilor Bonasse to fall into silence - obviously, Camille meant that this technology may have a bright future like Hex Technology.

"But we all know the consumption of Hex Technology." Another councilman looked at the photo of Zaun New Port in his hand and said hesitantly, "We have Sun Gate and generous sponsors to support it. Why do the Zaans start the research and development of Hex Technology? Maybe they have discovered a new project, but how many manpower and resources can they allocate?"

Everyone glanced at him.

"Look at their port, it's quite big." Sensing everyone's gaze, he stood up and cleared his throat, "But there are two ships parked alone at the huge dock... What's the use of this? ?”

"Zun and Bilgewater have reached a cooperation agreement, and the profits from Ionia's commodity trade are visible to the naked eye!"

"But we can definitely compete with them in the field of Ionian trade!" A smile appeared on the councilor's face. "The whole city will fight against this kind of thing, killing a thousand enemies and damaging ourselves eight hundred. It is completely unnecessary. We All we need to do is strangle the Zaunites in Ionian trade."

Camille gritted her teeth silently.

This congressman is an upstart, coming from an academic background. He has invested in many Hextech projects in the past three years - these projects have brought him an astonishing rate of return.

A full-scale confrontation is obviously not good news for him. It means that many new inventions and new investments will be cut off, which is not what he wants to see.

On the contrary, he is happy to see the small-scale competition in the maritime trade field - that is the field of the old money. You have to defend your own field and fight to the death with the Zaun people in trade.

As for us Hex investment experts...we and Zaun are completely on two parallel lines!

After he spoke, three more council members (including Jess) nodded.

Whether it was from the perspective of their own interests or the consideration of avoiding competition, they were not willing to let Piltover and Zaun fall into an endless attrition according to Camille's words.

Their attitude made the other four congressmen obviously dissatisfied.

Originally, after the Ionian War, the Sun Gate's income had been declining day by day. At this time, Pi City also vigorously developed Hex Technology to make you qualified to sit here. As a result, the Zaun people were in sea trade. We have launched a challenge to Piltover, shouldn't you also contribute your efforts?

If nothing else...

In order to gain an advantage in the trade competition with the Zaans, can the patent fees for the latest Hex products be discounted or even canceled altogether?

For Piltover!

And for this kind of rhetoric, the new rich are obviously well prepared.

Will Hex product patent fees be cancelled?

OK, how about tax-free for Hex-related products when passing through the Sun Gate?

Since everyone wants to be in the same boat, let’s give in to all the benefits!

Kalya’s Little Classroom Hex and the Sun Gate:

The new rich and the old money in Piltover have always wanted Hex Technology to reduce patent fees and Sungate to reduce tolls.

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