Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 46 【0045】 Illumination Mark

From Tiana's point of view, everything is within her control.

Although it was a bit false to say this, she did not lie to Lux.

From Tiana's point of view, everything she did was indeed for Lux's good.

As a noble of Demacia, Lux must strengthen her position as a noble, so that the Crownguard family can reach a higher level.

Just like a noble family would choose to ruthlessly tear down the free love between boys and girls, Tiana personally acted as the villain this time, destroying Lux's friendship with her own hands and helping her cut off this unnecessary bond.

Kindness is good character.

But kindness must take its time, and getting too close to the common people will bring trouble to the Crown Guard family!

Nobles can be kind, but they cannot give up their dignity just because they are kind.

Tiana knew very well that because Lux's performance was so outstanding, the entire Demacian army didn't know how many pairs of eyes were staring at her - so every word and deed of Lux must be carefully considered!

Even if Lux hated her as an aunt, Tiana didn't care.

She believed that Lux would understand her painstaking efforts sooner or later.

As for Thorax's little actions outside the Forbidden Prison...

Tiana saw the fire clearly and didn't care.

As Lux realizes, her current power largely comes from her origin-it is her status as the eldest lady of the Crown Guard family that allows her to be respected and allows her to do things that are not entirely in line with the rules. matter.

Among the nobles, Tiana's power is much higher than that of Lux in every aspect, so Tiana is fully aware of any little tricks Lux does.

No matter how much you jump around, you are destined to be unable to escape from my grasp!


However, the reality was slightly different from Tiana's imagination.

Tiana's painstaking efforts made Lux give up.

"You are right, Kalya." Lux said with a complicated mood as she left the study, "As long as you are in Demacia, you will be entangled in this complicated relationship."

"This is what happens when power comes from status." Kalya said in a matter-of-fact tone, "The limit of a noble lady... is just a noble model."

"But to be honest, I'm still a little unsure about your plan." Even though she had agreed to Kalya's plan and started to implement it, Lux was still a little shocked every time she thought about this huge plan. "You took advantage of it. Almost everyone in the capital of Demacia - from nobles to commoners, from demonseekers to the Illuminati."

"This can't be considered taking advantage. At most, it's just taking advantage of the situation. Most people get what they want." Kalya's tone was quite relaxed. "As for leaving Demacia, frankly speaking, There is also a part of my personal factors. My current state is relatively stable, and it is time to find some old things from the past."

"But you don't want to tell me what those are."

"You'll know when you see it." Kalya still didn't want to say it directly, "It's hard to describe without seeing it -"

"Okay, okay, you always maintain a sense of mystery in some weird details." Lux sighed, "I don't know who said 'mages who engage in occult science are rubbish' in the first place. "

"This is different." Kalya didn't care about Lux's sarcasm, "These things are just about my personal privacy and have nothing to do with magic or anything like that... Okay, Lux, let's move on to the next step. Got it!"

"Is your mark really reliable?" Lux left the manor and came to the streets of Demacia's capital. "Sona can't give us too many hints, that will make her suspicious - —”

"Don't worry." Kalya was very confident. "Although I didn't watch the Illuminati grow up, I watched it be born. I know many of its unknown secrets. After seeing After the mark you leave, the silent people of the Illuminati will only think it is the real [divine guidance], and they will help you."

"You said you really experienced the era of the Winged Sisters, right?" Lux, who seemed to be just strolling around, soon came to the city wall, "Karya, tell me, those two Winged Sisters What kind of existence is it?”

"They are little guys with great ideas." Kalya chuckled, "They are also very idealistic, but after all they are not as determined as you... But it is not easy."

"That's right -" Lux nodded, "It seems that you think highly of me."

"But it's still the worst class I've ever led." Karya showed no mercy, "I can't say that."

"You said the Winged Sisters are not as good as mine!"

"So I didn't teach them at all..."



While chatting with Kalya in his mind, Lux squeezed in and out of the bustling crowd at the city gate like a swimming fish, and quickly got rid of the family guards - until the guards arrived outside the city out of breath. , when she followed Lux ​​again, the little princess of the Crown Guard family was at the foot of the Colossus of Justice, looking up at this huge statue of forbidden magic stone.

The guards let out a long sigh of relief.

It seemed that the young lady was just in a bad mood.

Unfortunately, what they didn't know was that in a hidden spot on the city wall, Lux had left a wonderful mark and a series of inconspicuous mysterious lines.

And just in the evening, the Illuminati choir, returning from a tour, passed by and saw this mark.

Sona felt that the mark was "artistically designed" and remembered what the mark looked like, and then vividly drew it in her sketchbook.

Then, Mrs. Bouvier, who invited Sona for dinner, saw the mark "by coincidence". After asking Sona where she saw the mark, she didn't even bother to eat dinner, and hurriedly left the Bouvier family that day. manor.

As a secret document written in a cryptic format was copied many times and sent to various counties, the Illuminati, which usually seemed to be indifferent to the world, suddenly started to act vigorously and resolutely!


Because she has to pay attention to her "uneasy niece", Tiana's intelligence network has been very active recently.

The day after the Illuminati started taking action, she learned about the "big move by the Illuminati" through her own unique channel.

However, although there is an inextricable connection between the Demon Searchers and the Illuminati, even Tiana does not know much about this top-secret information within the Illuminati.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that the Silent Man from the Illuminati, who usually ignores secular affairs and only serves as the inheritor, also went out this time.

After hearing the news, Tiana frowned subconsciously.

How could those guys from the Illuminati become active at this time?

You know, after the failure of the political struggle a hundred years ago, the Illuminati took the initiative to depoliticize.

Especially after the "secular faction" headed by the Bouvier family came to power, this sect has been silent for a long time.

To be honest, Tiana likes the current Illuminati very much.

In other words, who wouldn’t like a semi-religious and semi-educational organization that usually does charity, engages in art, and encourages people to do good?

But now, this organization suddenly started to become active, and it still looked like it was going to do something big...

In this way, Tiana had to be a little worried - she vaguely remembered that when the Illuminati tried to get involved in the political situation, none of their silent people participated. But this time, the silent people took action, and things seemed to be a little wrong.

Fortunately, even though the Illuminati's actions were somewhat unexpected, her current mission was not to cooperate with the Illuminati - this time she returned to the capital, Tiana's purpose was to correct her niece and get her back on track.

Although the Illuminati's actions are big, they have nothing to do with themselves.

It’s not like they did this because of Lux, right?

In comparison, it was the fact that the family guard said that Lux went out of the city for no reason and visited the Colossus of Justice, which made Tiana even more concerned.

Her husband is the leader of the Demon Searchers, and she still knows something about the Colossus of Justice - at least she knows that magic power can charge the Colossus of Justice.

In order to avoid accidents, the Colossus of Justice was towed away for repairs the day after Lux left the city.

Anyway, the Colossus of Justice needs regular maintenance and repainting, but this time it's just a little ahead of schedule.

Galio... is also a cover, hehehe!

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