Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 51 【0050】 Peak showdown

Fiona took the lead.

Although Lux developed early and well, Fiona was still a bit taller than her.

Therefore, Fiona chose to take the lead and take advantage of the larger attack range to directly seize the rhythm of the battle.

Fiona uses a stabbing sword. This kind of sword is different from the standard one-handed sword in Lux's hand. Because the sword body is slender, the sword moves lightly and the sword moves are extremely fast - in the blink of an eye, a single stroke The cold light went straight to Lux.

The target of this sword is the gap in the armor of Lux's elbow. Attacking here can not only break the armor easily, but also directly make Lux lose her combat effectiveness without causing serious injury and death. Although Fiona is unwilling to accept marrying an idiot, She didn't want to hurt Lux's life in vain.

After accepting the challenge, she was repeatedly told by her father that the current situation was bad enough. Once she had a deadly feud with the Crown Guard family, Laurent would probably be completely ruined!

From Fiona's point of view, Lux only stepped forward to defend her family's honor, and she probably didn't have much ability herself - she had heard that Galen was very talented, but she had never heard of Lux receiving guidance from a famous teacher or Train hard.

However, what surprised Fiona was that when faced with her sword, which could easily kill ninety-nine percent of the noble ladies in the capital, Lux dealt with it extremely calmly.

Not only did she react, she even took advantage of Fiona's opportunity to underestimate the enemy. While throwing her arms away to dodge the swift blow, she swung her sword across it!

Although Lux's long sword is much shorter than Fiona's stabbing sword, because Fiona's center of gravity tilted forward when she took the initiative to attack, Lux's sword counterattack was very effective. In a hurry, Fiona had to use a rather embarrassing posture, taking a step across to avoid Lux's sword style.

Between attack and defense, there seemed to be no gains, but Lux successfully achieved her tactical purpose and interfered with Fiona's duel!

In the Laurent family's swordsmanship, footsteps are a very important part. Although in the hands of generations of unworthy descendants, this swordsmanship has almost degenerated into a dance, but it was once famous for a while, even for this kind of swordsmanship. In a state of serious degradation, there is still a lot of valuable experience.

And the steps of the Heart's Eye Swordsmanship are its essence!

The essence of this special step called [Forward Fountain] is that it can move faster and faster while maintaining its own balance in a form similar to small steps. It is like a fountain and looks like just a stream. The thin springs can converge into a clear pool, completely submerging the opponent!

At the extreme, the whole person will follow the opponent, truly following every step and following him like a shadow!

And now, because of Lux's sudden counterattack, Fiona's steps were disrupted!

Without giving Fiona any time to adjust, Lux turned from defense to offense and bullied her. Only when her height and wingspan were not an advantage, close combat would bring about the best results.

Although Lux has never learned any superb swordsmanship after a lot of simulation training, she can use a set of basic Shurima swordsmanship with ease.

Even though she can't use magic to unleash a wave of lightsaber on her long sword here, her large amount of actual combat experience still allows her to deal with close combat relatively calmly. In this state of fighting, Fiona's mind is on the contrary. Swordsmanship is not that easy to perform!

At this time, Fiona has realized her mistake, but when the battle rhythm is extremely lagging, how can it be so simple to switch from defense to offense again?


Seeing that the battle between the two sides of the duel was getting fiercer from the beginning, the nobles who were watching were all stunned.

They never expected that Lux, who is known as the model of the new generation of Demacian nobles, would actually have such amazing swordsmanship!

Among the crowd, the few people who were truly skilled in swordsmanship were even more astonished as they watched, because they never imagined that Lux's sword moves were simple and unpretentious, but when used, they seemed to be extremely sophisticated like a veteran of many battles.

Every move can't be said to be gorgeous, but every move is just right.

Shurima's basic swordsmanship is the earliest swordsmanship school in Runeterra. It is extremely simple. In addition, this ancient swordsmanship is almost completely lost now, so even Xin Zhao can only see that "Lux's basic swordsmanship is extremely simple." It’s just solid and has an extremely keen sense of combat.”

Compared with Lux's talent of being able to use basic swordsmanship very proficiently without any actual combat, Xin Zhao felt disgusted with his disciple Galen for the first time.

He is also a member of the Crown Guard family!

Look at your sister!

She has no physical advantage, and she never pursues exquisite moves. Just using the most basic things well is enough to be called a genius!

Xin Zhao was a gladiator. Although he learned some how to use a harpoon when he was in Ionia, his current skills were mostly honed in the gladiatorial arena.

Therefore, from Xin Zhao's point of view, Lux's style is almost exactly the same as his own. She doesn't do any bells and whistles, but just uses the most basic skills unpretentiously, but it is enough to sweep thousands of armies!

Well, in a sense, Xin Zhao's view is really okay.

He came out of the gladiatorial arena, and Lux ​​also came out of simulation training.

Gladiators in the arena fight to the death, and Lux's simulation training also lasts until death.

The only pity is that due to age, Lux's strength is really not advantageous, and because of insufficient exercise, many movements have not formed muscle memory, making them somewhat jerky.

So much so that it was obviously a close fight that was more advantageous between the two parties, but every time Lux launched a fatal rhythm, Lux was always unable to expand the results due to lack of strength...

Xin Zhao was secretly feeling pity, but Fiona, who was fighting Lux, no longer had the thought of "giving in" at this time.

After a fight with Lux, Lux's image in her heart has changed from "noble lady" to "an opponent worth fighting".

Facing this kind of opponent, Fiona has no room to hold back, and it is absolutely impossible for Fiona to hold back!

As the two swords moved faster and faster during close combat, Fiona felt that every pore in her body seemed to have stretched!

At this moment, the eighteen-year-old Fiona Laurent finally experienced the ultimate joy of fighting for the first time. The more she fought, the more excited she became. Even some of the unskilled moves she usually had were as familiar as a familiar wheel. Come!

Fiona was surprised to find that she seemed to be born for fighting!

Hurry up, hurry up!

that's all!

Step forward, slash left and right!

Every time she takes a step, Fiona steps to her own beat!

Every time she stretched out her sword, Fiona danced her own waltz!

One sword after another!

One step after another!

The stagnant fountain of progress finally became smooth and free, and her skilled mind-eye swordsmanship reached its peak. As her body became lighter and lighter, her whole body entered an unprecedented smooth state.

It's now!

Amid the astonished gazes of all the nobles watching, Fiona made an extremely gorgeous turn and easily avoided Lux's fatal sword. Then, she gently bent down, avoiding Lux's sword. In the follow-up attack, he turned his stabbing sword into a sword flower, as if issuing a request for a pas de deux.

The next moment, before Lux could respond, Fiona stepped forward.

As the sword light lit up, her slender figure disappeared into the brilliance, and the nobles who were sitting in the audience stood up almost at the same time.

In the duel hall, they saw the long-lost swordsmanship of the Laurent family.

The legendary...Knife Waltz!

Blade Waltz, five knives per second;

Challenge the unparalleled, break four in one second.

Fiona is always a hero that I can’t understand.

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