Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 61 【0059】The Unlucky Plaintiff

The next morning, when Ino got up after sleeping for nearly twelve hours, she looked much better.

Judging from Ino's mental state, yesterday's slight overdraft of magic power did not have any real impact on her.

As Kalya said - the magic power consumption of yesterday's exaggerated magic effect did not come entirely from Ino himself.

Then, when Lux and Ino, who were relieved, finished breakfast together in the hotel restaurant, the law enforcement officer who sent them back yesterday took the initiative to find them.

He very politely said that he needed to invite them to take notes and record what they saw yesterday.

Lux and Ino are naturally indispensable.

Following the law enforcement officer's footsteps, they quickly arrived at the law enforcement officer's office hall.

In the innermost office on the second floor, they met the leader of the Piltover law enforcement officers in charge of this matter.

"This is Ms. Grayson." The law enforcement officer who led Lux ​​over introduced her. "She is the police chief of Piltover. She is mainly responsible for the work within the academy area."

"Ms. Grayson." Lux nodded politely, "So, what do you want to know specifically?"

"It's mainly about the specific details of yesterday's explosion." Grayson's skin was dark, but even so, she still couldn't hide the severe dark circles under her eyes. "Tell me, what did you all see yesterday."

"There was an explosion, and the building exploded." Lux replied in a calm tone, "The four floors were completely cracked from the middle, even the road was cracked."

"Thank you very much, miss." Grayson nodded, obviously not surprised by the answer. "So, did you hear anything or see anything before the explosion?"

"No." Lux pretended to be thinking, and then shook her head, "It was just a normal walk on the street - I had just watched the performance at that time, it was very exciting, and I was discussing the plot with my friends."

"Thank you very much for your message." Grayson said in a routine tone, "Also, is this the mage lady who helped yesterday? The Gila Mann family is very grateful for your help and entrusted me to hand over a bonus to you."

With that said, Grayson took out a bag from his drawer, along with a certificate of award, and handed it to Ino.

"Sign your name here as the recipient - Ino, it's really a rare name... Okay, that's the end of it for you two, please don't send it far."

Ino took the bag and documents, looked at them carefully, and finally signed his name on the witness position at the bottom.

Then, the two men were politely sent out by the law enforcement officers.


Lux and Ino, led by the law enforcement officer, just left the office and met another group of people in the corridor.

"Hey, Marcos!" The oncoming law enforcement officer seemed to be an active person. He took the initiative to reach out and say hello to the law enforcement officer with Lux, "Is the boss still in the office?"

"She's here." Marcos nodded, "I suggest you don't be so playful, she's really upset right now!"

"Hehe, even if she is really angry, her anger will not be directed at me." The lively law enforcement officer smiled, "This Mr. Jess is probably the one who really has to bear the anger..."

"Please, Bloomer, stop teasing me, okay?" The guy named Jess sighed helplessly, "I'm unlucky enough to have turned from an explosion victim to a prisoner. Your mission is just to lead me Go see the Sheriff and maybe take me to jail, but no verbal education part anyway.”

"Okay, okay." Blumer shrugged, showing a clear face, "Our leader has been taught the verbal punishment part. You should be lucky. Fortunately, she is not a talkative..."

"The victim of the explosion became a criminal?" Lux looked at Jace strangely, "Were you also involved in that explosion?"

"That's right." Jess nodded subconsciously and replied mechanically as if he had said it countless times, "I conducted a little independent research, and I'm sorry that the research is dangerous - wait, who are you? ?”

"The key witness in the bombing case is an enthusiastic citizen." Marcos lowered his voice and replied, "You should thank her. If it weren't for that little girl with light blond hair, you might have been buried alive."

"Those ices!" Jace's eyes widened in excitement when he heard this, "Did you make those exaggerated ices yesterday?"

"Hey, pay attention to your identity!" Seeing that Jace seemed a little too excited, Bloomer quickly pulled on his handcuffs, "Calm down, Jace, you will make it difficult for us all!"

"Sorry..." Jace stopped a little embarrassed, trying to control his emotions, "I mean, you made those ices with magic, right?"

"Episotic magic." Ino nodded and showed a warm smile, "If it helps you, that would be great."

"Thank you very much - thank you very much, uh..."

"My name is Ino."

"Thank you very much, Miss Ino." Jess took a long breath, "I am Jess, and I am also the owner of that studio. I am very grateful for your help. Without your help, everything I have Materials and data will be destroyed in that explosion."

"Although it has been seized now." Blumer tirelessly tried to undermine Jace, "Don't waste time, Jace, the boss is still waiting for us."


"It's really a bit subtle." After walking out of the building, thinking of Jace she had just seen in the corridor, Lux couldn't help but sigh, "The Zaun people blew up a building in Pi City, only to find that the studio in the building was... Conducting dangerous experiments – there really is a hidden side to Piltover!”

"There are too many unknown things." Kalya's tone was also surprising, "Moreover, this illegal experiment is also related to the world runes..."

"Tell the truth, Kalya." Lux's tone became serious, "What you told me before, about the things left in Zaun, are they related to the world runes?"

"It's true." Kalya admitted Lux's guess, "Why, you can't wait to end your vacation and want to go to Zaun?"

"It's not that I can't wait." Lux shook her head, "I just think it's a little unusual."

"Of course it's unusual." Kalya snorted and pointed out the key to the problem, "The attitude of Ms. Grayson is quite wrong."

"Is the problem coming from Ms. Grayson?" Lux was stunned for a moment, and then quickly responded, "Yes, she wanted to settle the matter - so the bonus was actually paid by herself?"

"But she said that the money came from a family named Gila Mann?" When the bonus was mentioned, Ino, who was happily counting the money, raised his head strangely, "I also signed a letter of commendation. It’s written!”

"Although I don't know what the Gila Mann family is." Lux smiled and glanced at the money in the bag, "But I know very well that if this money comes from a business family, it is absolutely impossible to use it in this form. Let me leave it to you - someone who can offer a large bonus would not use the sticky notes commonly used by law enforcement officers in his thank-you letters, right?"

"Keeping observation, Lux." After hearing this, Kalya finally said with approval, "In short, there are enough things in this explosion for us to care about, whether it is the enlightenment gem, the law enforcement officer with a subtle attitude, and the... Yu Zuan’s bomber…I smell a conspiracy.”

Kalya’s Little Classroom·Sponsor:

Piltover's scientists are dependent on funding from funders who, in return, have priority over the application of their research results.

Of course, there are also independent researchers who make their own money and spend it themselves. Such people will either skyrocket to great heights, or become insolvent, and then go to Zaun in despair.

PS. Kalya doesn’t know the plot of the Battle of Two Cities.

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