Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 689 【0680】 The beginning of the war

Ino's battle plan is very stable.

The kind of stability that is even and stable.

Establish a secret mobile sentry supply point in the front. After confirming that there are no enemies in the back, intercept and block the attack at the necessary place, build fortifications, and do not go near the area where the enemy is indistinguishable from ourselves. Everything is based on the interception mission of the partial division.

Completely a typical example of doing things according to the rules.

Ino did not adopt any of the suggestions made by others.

"Although the Northern Walkers have undergone a lot of training, they also conducted special training for the desert environment." After talking about the battle plan, Ino finally raised his head, "But we need to correct our posture. We are a new army."


"And it is a new army that serves as a partial division." Ino continued, "When Fosbarrow was assembled, the team performed very well, but since boarding the ship, the team has had various accidents."

Hearing what Ino said, the expressions of others were somewhat subtle - some were helpless, while others were unconvinced.

Objectively speaking, after boarding the ship, the performance of the mountain walker was indeed a bit bad, and many daily activities were forced to be cancelled.

But in everyone's opinion, it was mainly caused by more than one-seventh of the team being seasick.

After arriving in Uzeris, resting for three days, and setting off into the desert, didn't everyone still perform well?

"We are serving as a partial division on this trip, and our main task is training." Ino clearly understands the thoughts of the others. "Any training needs to be gradual. Since the task can be completed safely, then act safely."

"However, playing it safe loses the meaning of training." The chief of the fifth sequence put forward his own opinion, "When we were at Forsbarrow, our training was higher than normal battlefield standards."

"That was non-actual combat training, and it is guaranteed!" Ino insisted, "But now, what we are facing is actual combat training, and it is the first time to conduct actual combat training in the desert. To show off one's strength is irresponsible to the soldiers!"

"But if we deploy our defenses conservatively, if we face an enemy that exceeds our scale, we may have no choice but to retreat." The leader of the second regiment also took the initiative and said, "Wouldn't this be impossible to complete our set mission?"

"We are Youyi's side force that puts pressure on the flank battlefield." Ino shook his head slightly, "If there is a team on the flank battlefield that exceeds the size we can handle, then there must be a breakthrough on the main battlefield, and we must also Mainly lag and harassment!”



Kalya watched quietly as Ino and several other commanders discussed each other back and forth.

In this military meeting, everyone seemed to have their own opinions and ideas.

However, the most mature one is obviously Ino - she did not disappoint Kalya, nor was she carried away by the excitement of making achievements, but calmly remembered the purpose of the trip.

Plains Walker is the collaborator of this Nasramai offensive and a wanderer on the flank battlefield. For Northern Walker, this is a military training. The main purpose of participating in the battle is to accumulate real combat experience and desert combat experience for the team!

Guaranteeing the safety of the flank battlefield, issuing early warning and delaying when large-scale enemies appear on the flank battlefield, this is the limit that Plain Walker should achieve!

After Ino made this clear, several other commanders who had previously had different opinions on her strategic plan frowned in silence.

They finally discovered that they seemed to be really obsessed with things on the battlefield and ignored the fundamental purpose of the war.

As a result, no one expressed any objections.

"Then, let's proceed as planned."


Facts have proved that compared to other officers who have only commanded military training in Forsbarrow, Ino understands the nature of war better, the soldiers of the Plainswalkers, and Shurima.

Because on the third day after the team left Uzeris, the first non-combat attrition incident occurred - two soldiers who were too tired from marching during the day and did not apply deworming medicine as required when setting up camp at night were sleeping soundly. I was stung by a scorpion.

Fortunately, they were discovered early and had emergency medicines in the team, so they were able to save their lives after experiencing a bloody amputation.

Since this place is relatively close to Uzeris, the two unlucky guys were sent back to Uzeris to take care of them.

This kind of non-combat attrition also happened in Fosbarrow's military training - every year during training in the Dragon's Back Mountains, someone would fall off the cliff or fall into the ice cave. Almost one thousand of the Northern Walkers fell into it every year. A casualty rate of one.

However, for this team that had been carefully selected and had received special training in advance, two people were lost due to non-combat on the third day. This was not a good sign.

Subsequent facts also proved that these two unlucky guys stung by scorpions were just the beginning of non-combat attrition.

Even though commanders at all levels later emphasized the discipline of desert operations again, when the team finally arrived at the oasis area in southern Nashrame, there were more than 20 people in the team of more than 1,200 people due to various reasons. Had to withdraw from the battle sequence.

Among these people, some were bitten by venomous insects due to insufficient application of insect repellent; some felt that the facecloth was stuffy and could not be worn properly, leading to severe trachoma infection; some got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and fell into quicksand instead of following the planned route; some did not pay attention and got close to the Sri Lankan people. Kalash was kicked away...

Knowing what is wrong does not mean that you will not make mistakes.

Long-distance marching in the desert is extremely boring and tedious. During such a monotonous march, it is easy to become mentally exhausted and slack, and various unexpected unexpected situations may occur.

But now, this unexpected ratio has far exceeded that of high-pressure military training in the north.

Even if non-combat attrition and combat attrition are not the same thing, this is enough to explain some problems - if Plainswalker follows the plans of several other commanders and takes the initiative to show off, the result is very likely to be due to various reasons. Failure to achieve set goals due to reasons.

In this current situation, perhaps being honest and holding on to the stronghold and fighting the war is what Pingyuan Walker should do.

For these plainswalkers who only have training experience and no actual combat experience, they still need to adapt to the desert and adapt to real combat bit by bit.


Pingyuan Walker has realized the problem.

But on the frontal battlefield, Jarvan IV obviously did not have a clear judgment on desert war and plain war.

Even he understands that the environment in the desert is more harsh, that there are no rivers in the desert as transportation arteries, and that the oasis in the desert is the most critical transportation node, but these things cannot be solved once he understands them.

When the Plains Walkers finally arrived in the oasis area and began to act as planned, Jarvan IV personally led the first batch of Demacia vanguard troops to Uzeris and camped at a predetermined location outside the city - and just During the three days of camp and rest, the vanguard force of 3,000 people suffered nearly a hundred casualties one after another.

The preparations were not as adequate as the plainswalkers, and the daily training was not as strict as the plainswalkers. The problems encountered by this vanguard force were much more serious than the plainswalkers.

Even with the guidance of people who had participated in the Shurima trade as guides, these Demacians who traveled across the ocean still suffered from a large number of symptoms of discomfort.

In comparison, only the Fearless Pioneer Team performed relatively well - although some people were bitten by camels, due to their physical fitness, these were just flesh wounds at best.

The non-combat attrition rate of more than 3% gave Jarvan IV a headache, and he had to give up the idea of ​​​​setting off directly to build a forward position east of Nasramae.

As the commander of the Battle of Tobitsia, Jarvan IV still had two skills in command. He found that the army lacked adaptability to the environment, so it must first adapt to the environment!

So, here comes the problem.

How to adapt Demacia's warriors to the desert war environment?

The answer given by Jarvan IV was to conduct targeted training with the help of local people.

This is a good idea.

But the only problem is that the local people Jarvan IV chose were not the professional guides of Uzeris, but the Rakkor people who were allied with Demacia - after some exchanges with the high priest of the Burning Sun Sect. , Jarvan IV invited several La Horak warriors as instructors to provide professional training to Demacia's vanguard.

The effects of training are immediate.

In less than half a month, the Demacian Vanguard seems to have completely adapted to the desert environment, and there will be no more non-combat attrition in daily training and drills.

Jarvan IV was pleased with the results of his training.

However, what he didn't notice was that as the training progressed, many Demacian warriors had subtle feelings towards the Rakkor people, Rakkor culture, and the beliefs and giant gods spoken by the Rakkor people. interest.

Jarvan IV didn't think this was a problem. After all, theoretically, if these warriors retired after this battle, they would most likely go to work as missionaries elsewhere, and communicating with the Rakkor people did not seem to be a problem. . that really the case?

No one knows the answer.

People only know that as the second batch of Demacian soldiers arrived in Uzeris, the prepared Demacian vanguard, together with their Rakkor allies, finally set off and began to advance eastward.

The Nazi-Latin American War has finally begun.


When the Demacia Vanguard and the Lahorak Allied Forces set off, the Plains Walker, who was in the oasis between Nasramei and Zurita, had almost confirmed the situation in the surrounding area.

Regarding this war, both Zuruita and Bumang chose neutrality, but due to the interception of Plain Walker, the connection between Zuruita and Nasramei has been effectively severed.

Between Nasramei and Zuruita, no large-scale army appeared in either the oasis area where troops could hide or along the barren hills and mountains.

What plain walkers encountered were at most some Nashramei scouts.

The Nashrabeans seemed to have made up their minds to defend the city, and had no intention of coming out to touch Demacia.

Of course, this is very understandable - the Demacians have no way to cut off Nashrame's sea supply line, so Nasramae is naturally happy to defend the city. There are city walls and magic circuits on the walls. If Demacia dares to attack City, Nasramei is totally willing to accompany you!

Under such circumstances, it seems that Pingyuan Walker, a partial division unit, is destined to be in trouble.

Of course, considering that the Demacians were coming fiercely and had a high-profile alliance with the Rakkhor, Nashrame was not unprepared.

However, the war preparations of the Harbor Governor, Mr. Blake Sward, were mainly internal.

Although there are few Rakkor people in the city of Nashrame, there are still many followers of the giant god.

As the Sun Religion declared war on Nashrame, Blake did not hesitate at all and directly seized the temple of the Sun Religion in Nasramei, detained all the priests, and strictly prohibited the Sect of the Sun from gathering or engaging in any activities.

In addition, the port of Naschramei also entered military control for the first time, and Black gave a speech in the port square.

In his speech, he emphasized that this was an out-and-out war of aggression. It was the angry revenge of the Demacians after they suffered a commercial defeat, while the Rakkor and the followers of the Burning Sun Sect were Ambitions who want to seize profits from silence.

As a Nashlamite who represents the orthodoxy of Shurima, Black emphasized that the whole city should unite at this time and rely on the supplies brought by the port to deal a heavy blow to the invaders!

Moreover, in his speech, Black also said with great confidence that this war will "temper the will of the Nashrame people and prove to Runeterra the significance of the Great Shurima strategy and Shurima circular trade."

As the end of the previous war, Black, who overthrew Saga, is still very prestigious in Nashram. The Shurima circular trade he advocated has indeed boosted the economy of Nashram to a certain extent, so for Black's speech , the acceptance rate of Nashilamis is very high.

When Blake emphasized that Nashirama would "provide basic living security for every resident" and began to recruit temporary militia to help guard the city wall, many Nashirama people enthusiastically signed up.

In this way, while Blake stabilized the situation in the city, he also raised a city defense army composed of more than 13,000 people and more than 40,000 militiamen. Known as an army of 100,000, he vowed to invade the city of Nasramei. a heavy blow.

After this army is mixed, it is enough to provide sufficient defense for every city wall on the basis of maintaining public order in Nashrame. No matter where the enemy attacks from, they are destined to be beaten to death!

It was also on the tenth day after Nashrame entered a state of mobilization that the Demacia vanguard and La Horak allies finally appeared in the oasis to the west of the city of Nasram.

The fifteenth year of Fossby's Luo calendar falls in autumn and August.

As the Demacia vanguard led by Jarvan IV and the Lahorak allies led by the priest Ra'kor arrived in the west of Nashrame City, they were far away from the defenders at the head of Nashrame City across a muddy seasonal swamp. Hope, this war destined to be recorded in history has begun.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·The Custody of the Blazing Sun Cult:

In Nashrame, adherents of the Sun Cult were detained at the beginning of the war.

Black first ordered the demolition of all the temples of the Solar Sect in the city, using everything in them as military supplies, and then imprisoned those who still believed in them in the ruins.

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