Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 697 【0687】Tacit understanding

Of course, inferences are just inferences.

Xu Yuyan and Varus would not act rashly because of a possible inference - maybe it is a trap by the Demacians?

Therefore, they need more investigation and preparation for the facts.

As a result, Xu Yuyan and Varus divided their troops into two groups.

Xu Yuyan stayed in Nasramei, and the Sun God Cult contacted the Demacia flanking army.

Varus, on the other hand, quietly sneaked out of the city at Xu Yuyan's request and headed south along the Huangqiu Mountains to confirm the authenticity of the news.

Then, in Zurita, Varus saw these Mulhegra armed with moonstone weapons.

After confirming that what these mutes were holding were indeed moonstone weapons, Varus was quite confused - moonstone weapons were never a popular commodity, even in the heyday of the Shurima Empire, members of the Ascended Legion were Even the Guards may not be equipped with this level of equipment.

Where did these Mulhegra people come up with so many moonstone weapons?

There is no answer to this question.

The only thing Varus could confirm was that Demacia's flanking legions did not provide false information, and he did need to be careful about these guys.

It’s very troublesome!

Suddenly, Varus somewhat understood the meaning of this Demacia flanking army.

When the Mulhegla people officially left Zurita and began to march towards Nashrame, Xuyuyan and Varus finally met again.

They can confirm that the information provided by the Demacia flanking army is true. There is indeed a Mulhegra army carrying a large number of moonstone weapons and is about to go to Nashrame.

In addition, this team did carry a large number of documents from the Burning Sun Sect, and in Nasramei City, the naive Black still thought that this Moon Legion was here to help him.

The siege is imminent, and if the Sun God Cult does not take any action, these troublesome Moon Warriors will come to the city, and even be welcomed into the city by Black. By then, the fall of Nasramei will be a matter of minutes.

After confirming the above points, although Xu Yuyan and Varus still don't understand why the Demacia flanking army wants to actively seek cooperation with them, at least it is in the interests of the Sun God Cult for both parties to cooperate to stop the Moon Army.

That being the case, why not cooperate?

The most important thing about this kind of cooperation with consistent interests, no covenant, and limited communication is tacit understanding.

However, considering that neither side seems to be of the same system, Xu Yuyan believes that everyone needs to leave room for tacit understanding.

In-depth cooperation is impossible, so everyone should take responsibility!

Therefore, Xu Yuyan, through the Sun God Cult, implicitly expressed that he could teach the Bright Moon Legion some trivial lessons from the direction of the Barren Hill Mountains.

At almost the same time, the Demacia flanking legions also proposed that they could delay and intercept the enemy from the front and pull the enemy's formation.

What a coincidence. This isn't it.

It can be said that the tactical ideas of both sides are surprisingly consistent - they both plan to implement flexible defense and not to confront the Moon Legion head-on, so as to pull the opponent's marching line apart, and it is best to disperse them in different oases.

After reaching this point, wait for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack from the flank in order to cut off the interconnection between the Moon Legions.

During this process, although the two sides were actually allies, they did not have any direct contact.

Even if someone notices something is wrong later and wants to investigate, it is a very correct and normal reaction whether from the perspective of the Sun God Cult alone or from the perspective of the flanking legions.



After reaching an agreement, the flanking legions and the Sun God Cult started taking action at the same time.

As for the flanking corps, the defense line in the oasis belt began to adjust. The entire defense line quickly changed from focused defense to layer-by-layer interception.

At the same time, Ino finally came forward to communicate with the elders of the Lunar Sect for the first time. The two parties held a meeting in the north of Zuri Tower. Ino, who had already achieved some success in acting, said very "sincerely" that your hands I've read all the identity documents inside, and they are genuine, but I can't let you go.

Elder Jiaoyue was very confused when he heard this.

The document is real, why don't you let us pass?

"Because not long ago, the front line suffered a sneak attack." Ino looked helpless. "We need to prevent anyone from intervening in the war."

Elder Jiaoyue really wanted to say, "We have received instructions from the stars, and the sun and the moon are about to shine together." But this kind of thing is obviously not something that can be said now.

He also needs to consider the feelings of his followers.

If the sun and the moon shine together outside the city of Nasherame, and then the emperor Jarvan IV steps forward to mediate, then the Moon Warriors can reluctantly accept reconciliation with the sun and protect the glory of the giant god together.

But now the sun and the moon have not yet happened. Only I and a few people know about the apocalypse from the protoss. Even this time the Bright Moon Legion is dispatched under the banner of fighting against Demacia. At this time, let the believers know that they have It would be embarrassing if there were documents provided by the Solar Sect personally that could pass through Demacia's defense lines.

Belief needs guidance.

With the sun and the moon shining brightly in front of them, and a mediator with sufficient status, the Bright Moon Sect can guide the believers' faith to the giant god.

But if there is no sun and moon shining together, once this plan is exposed, I am afraid that the fanatical believers of Bright Moon will be the first to stand up and give the elders who blasphemed Bright Moon some good looks - even the stars of Bright Moon will be on his side by then. The result will be that countless people will have their faith shattered.

Elder Jiaoyue never imagined that he would go so smoothly all the way, only to be stopped by the Allied flanking army!

Could it be that... we want to start a war with this flanking army and force a breakthrough?

After thinking for a moment, Elder Jiaoyue decided to be tougher.

The sun and the moon have not yet happened. Since you can't easily pass the defense line, the worst thing is to fight with this partial army first. With the bright moon warriors here, you won't suffer any loss anyway!

Later, when the sun and moon shine together really happens, then we can smile and forget the grudges when we meet again!

"Not allowed to pass?" Elder Jiaoyue's face was solemn, "Under the bright moonlight, no one can stop the heroic Jiaoyue warriors!"

Negotiations officially broke down.

The next day, the Moon Warriors and the Plain Walkers had small-scale contact, and a small-scale encounter broke out.

When Ino, Kalya, Aphelios, and Diana did not take action, the Plainswalker outpost without a magician suffered a bit and was forced to withdraw from the oasis.

The casualties were not serious, but it was a bit of a surprise - in terms of combat performance, the Plains Walkers were significantly more organized and their coordination was more sophisticated, but when faced with the Moon Warriors who used moon stones, their hard power The gap is still a bit big.

Even a full set of rune steel armor is no different than underwear when faced with moonstone weapons.

Although the Moon Warriors can't speak, in small-scale encounters where they can completely ignore the enemy's defense, they don't need too much communication and just rush.

Therefore, due to the gap in hard power, the commander of Pingyuan Walker's first post followed the predetermined battle plan, pulled back the aggrieved soldiers, and chose to withdraw from the battle.

The Moon Warriors won, and the morale of the Moon Legion was greatly boosted.

Since there are a large number of oases between Zurita and Nasramei, in order to clear the obstacles, the Moon Legion built a defensive outpost against the Plain Walkers, and also divided the people into small groups to try to clear the road and build a stable passage.

However, although this idea is good, the elder who commanded the Moon Legion was not a real military commander after all. In the face of a victory brought by the Moon Warriors, he miscalculated the enemy.

Therefore, in the second encounter, Plains Walker's third outpost strongly blocked the Moon Legion team that came here - this team only had three Bright Moon warriors, not all the previous Bright Moon warriors. The team thought they could capture the oasis in one fell swoop, but after encountering three consecutive waves of counterattacks, they suffered heavy damage.

Facts have proved that although Plain Walker is indeed no match for the Moon Warriors in small-scale battles, he still has a crushing advantage over other members of the Moon Legion.

In desperation, the elders of the Bright Moon Sect could only mobilize their troops again and let the team dominated by Bright Moon warriors go to the front to clear the way.

By the time these people arrived, the plainswalkers from the third post had already run away.

In this way, relying on the oases and outposts in the oasis belt, the Plains Walkers, under the command of Ino and the assistance of Kalya, demonstrated a disgusting elastic defense capability.

After meeting the main force of the Moon Warriors, withdraw from the oasis and go to the nearby outpost for supplies.

If you encounter an ordinary Moon Legion team that is not a Moon warrior, you can rely on the oasis for on-site defense and counterattack.

Anyway, for more than a month before this, the Plain Walkers had deployed a large number of outposts and defense lines in the oasis zone. At best, we would have to fight for them one by one and pull them back and forth.

Elder Jiaoyue really wanted to capture the main force of the Plain Walkers, and then rely on his invincible Jiaoyue warriors to kill them in a wave, but unfortunately, he could not find them.

On the contrary, the organization of the Bright Moon Legion began to become increasingly fragmented - in order to occupy key oases and maintain a stable marching channel, even the Bright Moon warriors were somewhat exhausted.

However, although the fight was uncomfortable, Elder Jiaoyue was still full of confidence.

The reason is very simple. The exchange ratio between the enemy and ourselves is almost the same, and the enemy's front is gradually being broken through.

If you continue like this, although you will pay some price, you will soon be able to build a stable channel, and then pass through the defense line and reach Nasramei!

Even this elder has his mind to think about it. After the sun and the moon shine together, he must find a way to give some color to the commander of the Demacia partial division.

Obviously, he did not realize that there are actually huge hidden dangers behind the current situation, which "seems to have some twists and turns, but the overall direction is good."

If an enemy can take advantage of this moment to concentrate superior forces, launch an assault on one's own weak link, and defend on the spot, then the entire Moon Army will be cut apart, and the forward part will lose supplies, and the rear part will be unable to attack.

Of course, from his point of view, this was impossible - during the battle, the mobilization of the Plains Walkers was traceable, and their numbers were not enough to support them in launching a large wave. Even if their The commander is an extraordinary person, and it is absolutely impossible to cut the Moon Army into two parts by himself.

There are indeed not many elite Bright Moon warriors in the Bright Moon Legion.

But there are not many enemies!


The battle in the oasis area has entered its eighth day.

Due to repeated conflicts between the two sides, the outposts pre-arranged by the Plains Walkers in the entire southern oasis belt of Naslam were now intertwined. It was clear that the Moon Army would be able to open up a safe road for the army and supplies to pass through.

At this time, a team with less than a thousand people but amazing combat effectiveness quietly arrived at the predetermined combat position.

This elite team of the Sun God Cult, led by Varus himself, left under the cover of night from the east of Nashrame City, came all the way south from the foothills of the Barren Hill Mountains, and finally arrived in the eastern part of the oasis belt today.

What Varus has to do next is to lead the elite of the Sun God Cult to raid the Moon Army and cut it off!

And since the Sun God Cult and Plain Walker relied on tacit understanding to fight, Varus was not very clear about the situation on the battlefield.

To him, it was the fog of war.

However, Varus didn't care.

Before setting off, he and Xu Yuyan had made complete preparations. Combined with the characteristics of seasonal oases, he must have targeted three oases that must be captured.

The supplies of the oases are connected by dots. As long as these three oases are captured, the Moon Army will be cut off front and back!

The elite members of the Sun God Cult who left the Barren Qiu Mountains began a march that reversed day and night, and three days later, they arrived at the first target oasis.

It was late at night.

After taking a short rest five miles away from the oasis, the Sun God Cult warriors began their final rapid march in the early morning.

Then, when the morning glow appeared on the horizon and the soldiers of the Moon Legion guarding the oasis were not yet fully awake, Varus' army launched a surprise attack on the oasis like divine soldiers descending from the sky.

"Praise the sun!"

"Destroy the heretics!"

"For Shurima!"



The soldiers of the Moon Legion who were still in a daze were stunned due to mental arithmetic.

When a few commanders came to their senses and wanted to organize their troops to defend, Varus, who was wandering around the periphery of the battlefield, took action without hesitation and called their names one by one.

Without the commander, the Moon Army, which was originally in chaos due to the surprise attack, completely exploded.

In less than an hour, the target oasis was captured, and more than 700 Bright Moon Legion soldiers stationed here were wiped out, along with thirty Bright Moon warriors.

After capturing the first target oasis, Varus did not hesitate at all, leaving only a few people to guard, and continued westward with most of his main force, successfully raiding the second target oasis at noon that day.

However, although the appearance of Varus and the elite of the Sun God Cult did catch the Moon Legion by surprise, the battle in the second target oasis did not go smoothly.

Varus, who wanted to repeat his old trick and name the commander of the Moon Sect, met his opponent this time - Aphelios was also in this oasis.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·Oasis Belt Supplies:

The movement of large groups of troops is slower and requires more supplies.

For a team of more than 10,000 people, the theoretical supply radius of an oasis is fifty miles. That is, if you want to safely pass through the oasis belt, it is best to ensure that after leaving an oasis, there is another oasis under your control within fifty miles. Otherwise, There may be problems with supplies.

When the Shurima tribe came out of the Death Sand Sea, it was somewhat lucky.

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