Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 707 【0697】 The new order of Mithril City

No one enjoyed this meal except Lux.

For these nobles who have lived in etiquette and rules since childhood, Lux's behavior of completely disregarding the rules makes them somewhat at a loss.

Even Lux has shown her intention to completely crush the old rules of the aristocracy and cut off from aristocratic politics. Many people are still trying to find ways to make Lux swallow her words and turn the big issue into a trivial matter.

At this moment, the conservatism of the nobles was fully exposed.

Of course it was impossible for Lux to retreat.

Even after the banquet, the arrest and trial quickly expanded to include the Sheriff of Mithral City.

This time, in addition to the Second Northern Legion of Mithril City, Northern Walkers and clerks also participated in the arrest.

Relying on Forsbarrow's sophisticated household registration system, clerks originally from Mithril City were transferred to this operation. Together with the Second Army of the North, they arrested the scoundrels who had great resentment among the people in Mithril City, and After collecting evidence, a public trial was completed.

When the trial stage was set up, and the constables and tax collectors who were tied up were escorted onto the stage, and then were accused, tried to prove themselves, and then tried with facts and evidence, the civilians who originally wanted to watch the excitement finally finally Gradually I became excited.

Is this still possible?

State the law in an easy-to-understand way, tell everyone about the sins of these people, and put them on trial!

Is this justice?

It turns out that this is justice!

When the trial began, the people were silent.

But as the trial gradually progressed, and as each of the former scoundrels was detained, flogged, or even hanged for murder, the curses and cheers finally started to sound.

Although the law relied on in the trial is Fosbarrow's law, which is theoretically quite different from the current Demacia law, but... who cares?

This huge public trial lasted for three full days.

And this is just the first step.

The follow-up clerks will carry the flag of Forsbarrow, and under the protection of the Northern Walkers and the Dharma Protectors, they will continue to patrol the villages and towns around Mithril City, plowing the entire Mithril City area.

At the same time, the highlight of the public trial finally came - under the eyes of the people in disbelief, the nobles named Crown Guard were also pushed onto the trial stand.

When Lux personally sat in the chair of the trial, solemnly announced the charges of the people of the same clan, and presented the evidence and tried them in the same order as before, even if the charges of these nobles were worse than the previous scoundrels, The people in the audience became quiet again.

The nobles had all their honor crushed and were tried in public?

For the civilians of Demacia, this is something that is unthinkable.

In the eyes of Demacian civilians, nobles are synonymous with nobility. They are born in glory and do not need to perform menial labor like civilians. They can not only defeat enemies on the battlefield, but also make great achievements in the fields of literature and art. For these "Wenquxing" and "Wuquxing", the common people's reverence is truly sincere.

There is no civilian who does not truly envy the nobility and elegance of the nobles, and there is no civilian who does not desire to become a member of the nobles, because for most civilians, the gap between them and the nobles is simply wider than that between humans and dogs.

However, right now, Lark has torn away the glory of the nobles without any scruples, destroyed the aura of the nobles, and revealed the filth and darkness of the nobles hidden in the dark in front of everyone without any scruples.

Under the threat of punishment, once-arrogant nobles would burst into tears to repent, admit their mistakes, and beg for forgiveness.

It seems that there is no difference between nobles and commoners!

What's even more terrible is that Lux also disclosed the accounts of some nobles in a concise and concise way, so as to tell the people that among the taxes taken from you by the noble gentlemen, which of them are "really for Demacia?" , which ones are "their false names of Todemasija".

In the past, laws and legal interpretations have always had nothing to do with civilians. For civilians, the "law" they know is only murder for life and debt repayment based on homomorphic revenge - not even equal.

And on a deeper level, such as taxation and corvee, these are completely the scope of free play for nobles and noble servants everywhere.

They hold the power of legal interpretation at the grassroots level, and use this as a basis to make huge profits for themselves. It can be said that there are policies from above and countermeasures from below.

If it were placed ten years ago, Lux's public trial might not have given the public a too real experience. At that time, Demacia's grassroots order was still very stable, and many civilians were accumulating wealth, hoping that one day their descendants would You can also join the army, become a soldier, and then be promoted to a noble lord.

But it is a pity that as Jarvan IV has gathered military power, even Mithril City, which still has some private military power, has not actively recruited soldiers for ten years.

Moreover, in the past ten years, the prices of goods in Demacia have soared step by step. Those who longed to become a noble saw that the little money they finally saved in their hands became more and more "worthless", and they gradually fell into despair. despair.

In this case, when Lux began to judge the nobles, the sympathy disappeared.

Compassion comes from empathy.

If civilians still have the opportunity to join the army and become nobles, they will have illusions, hope that they will not be judged after becoming nobles, and will sympathize with the indignity of these decent people.

But now, Lux can only thank Jarvan IV for his efforts.

In order to consolidate power, he prohibited nobles from recruiting private armies and stopped the expansion of the regular army, directly cutting off the channels for civilians to become nobles.

The Shurima trade he carried out for the royal economy directly led to Demacia's inflation due to the lack of systematic economic policies.

On the surface, everything seems to be thriving as Demacia transforms from a kingdom to an empire.

But in fact, Jarvan IV's actions quietly dug up the roots of Demacia and severed the connection between the nobles and the common people. The glory of victory temporarily covered the problem, but as the noble model suddenly jumped back , people will realize that Demacia has long lost the support of the people.

Objectively speaking, even in the current Demacia, the horizontal comparison of the living standards of civilians is better than that of Noxus, which has been scattered, and many city-states in the Principality of Valoran.

But the worst thing is that in the vertical comparison, the public can clearly feel the huge and personal gap.

This gap is bound to lead to unquenchable dissatisfaction, and through this series of public trials, Lux stirred up this dissatisfaction without any scruples, igniting it into a fire that burned raging in the north.

Of course, Lux isn't just an arsonist.

While igniting the fire, Lux also gave her own method.

Fosbairo's propaganda machine was in full swing, and the expanded clerks began to establish a household registration system in Mithril City while telling their own experiences.

Lux wants to prove with facts that she will give everyone a way to advance!

Of course, if it were anyone else, even if a clerk showed up to explain it, civilians might not buy it.

Who knows if you are colluding?

At this time, Forsbarrow’s immigration advantage became apparent.

Many of Forsbarrow’s current clerks were once from Mithril City!

You don’t have to believe what others say, but I was also a resident of Mithril City in the past. Don’t you still believe it?

In addition, don’t forget, who saved Mithral City when the Freljord invaded south and Sejuani flooded Mithral City!

To this day, there are still many residents of Mithril City who remember the fall of the Colossus of Justice from the sky, and the brilliance that seemed to reach the sky and the earth on that day!

In order to capture Mithril City, Lux was fully prepared.

The steps to advance to the deepest level are ready, and real cases are in front of us. We must deal with the heinous people first to show our sincerity. In addition, Count Laxana is also the savior of Mithril City, and even the Second Army of the North is on her side. !

After initial confusion and disbelief, the residents of Mithral City quickly accepted Lux's new order.

On this basis, the clerks who had been carefully trained by Lux for fifteen years finally demonstrated the superiority of their own civil service system.

Compared with their counterparts in Demacia, the tax collectors and aristocratic branches, these clerks who were burdened with assessment requirements were much more efficient and capable.

The clerks who came to Mithril City are all teams with outstanding clerks as the core. Their main members have faced several large-scale immigration waves in Forsbarrow and are very good at establishing order and stabilizing the grassroots.

After arriving in Mithril City, these clerks, with the cooperation of local clerks in Mithril City and the guidance of Lux, quickly found work ideas that were more suitable for Mithril City.

In the countryside, their main task is to clarify land properties and set up boundary markers.

However, doing so requires prestige.

So where does the reputation come from?

In this regard, they drew on Lux's experience at Forsbarrow.

Rely on your own organizational advantages to carry out large-scale projects!

After obtaining the authority, the clerk team promised and undertook the repair work of water conservancy projects around Mithril City - yes, although ten years have passed since the battle of Mithril City, the water conservancy projects destroyed by the Freljord barbarians The project has not yet been completely repaired.

Small-scale repairs can be done by the villages and towns themselves by organizing their own manpower, but once the scale of the project expands, it will be extremely difficult without a leader.

Even the current level of repairs is largely due to Peter and Ogesha after they retired and returned to their hometown. For the nobles of the Crown Guard branch, getting them to organize the repairs of the water conservancy project is simply more difficult than the sky.

Not only is it time-consuming and labor-intensive, it will also delay your own land annexation. Only a fool can do this!

But now, the team of clerks who went to the countryside acted as arbiters to clarify the land and property, and on the other hand, they promised a large amount of water conservancy construction work on behalf of Lux. They even signed a contract in duplicate with a respected local person, which detailed the water conservancy facilities. The work that both parties need to undertake during construction.

Good guy, when have the locals ever seen this?

If an outsider comes and says that we need to clarify the property and establish rules, even if you are Laxana's people, the villagers around Mithril City will not be willing to accept it - yes, Laxana did save Mithril City. , everyone respects her, but if you are not her, we will still be dissatisfied if you come to divide the land.

But you said you would repair the water conservancy facilities, signed a contract with me, and with the authorization of Her Excellency Laxana, you could even return some of the land that had been occupied by the nobles in the past, and you might even reduce taxes in the future...

Even though there is a cake painting part, everyone is still willing to give it a try!

With multiple guarantees, farmland clarification and agricultural population registration work are finally on the right track.

A large number of specially processed stones with simple magic circuits engraved on them were erected at the boundary points of the land as boundary markers; each field deed was also stamped with a magic circuit seal and officially filed in quadruplicate. …

The organizational advantages of Forsbarrow's working model were brought into full play at this moment. With clerks as the main force, and when necessary, mages and Northern Walkers were introduced for professional collaboration, Mithril City's rule reached deep into the fields for the first time.

Although compared with Forsbarrow, the order of Mithral City under the village is not concrete enough, the situation between the two is different after all. Being able to do this has been what the king of Demacia has wanted for the past hundreds of years. Something I couldn’t even imagine.


The nobles of Demacia did not understand Forsbarrow's social model.

In Demacia, there has never been a city that grew up due to international trade in the past. Coupled with Lux's reputation as a paragon of nobles, even if some people vaguely feel that something is wrong, they can't tell clearly after all. For the sake of money, it doesn't matter. .

However, as long as they are not stupid, after the trial in Mithril City, they will know exactly what the key to Forsbarrow is.

Damn it, the aristocratic paragon's butt is not sitting on the aristocrat's side!

As a result, as the news spread uncontrollably that a large number of nobles in Mithril City were accused, arrested, and even tried without dignity, this incident quickly caused an uproar.

Lux went from being a model noble to a scumbag and a scumbag. The clever noble immediately chose to block the news.

But unfortunately, it was too late.

Through various industry associations, this fatal news spread throughout the northern border as if overnight, and it spread to everyone.


Come on, nobles everywhere don’t get as much information as civilians. Is there a hammer to blockade at this time?

The dumbfounded northern nobles watched helplessly as the eldest sister they chose to take the lead suddenly turned into a rebel, and for a while they were unable to come up with any effective strategies.

Theoretically, as nobles, they should turn to the royal family as soon as possible, contact Jarvan IV immediately, and request the heavenly troops to go north.

But the problem is that the Northern Territory now has its own business model. If you choose to invest in the royal family at this time, even if the rebels are wiped out, how will everyone live in the future?

Everyone knows what life was like for the northern nobles before Lux came!

Under such circumstances, some nobles who had inquired about the turmoil in Mithral City, or learned about Lux's actions from some "young talents" who had returned safely, thought about it carefully and found out that they followed After Lux's logic didn't seem to need to be judged, her thoughts gradually became more subtle.

Otherwise... talk about it?

They didn't even need to take the initiative. After screening by the intelligence team, the nobles on a secret list were visited by representatives of the local prestigious industry associations.

The name of this list is called [Main Unity Objects of the Northern United Front].

Take off, take off!

It’s a pity that this chapter recently said that I can’t see it and it’s uncomfortable.

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