Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 710 【0700】 Northern Territory Examination

Even for Lux, who is used to being busy, after the mobilization of Forsbarrow, her work has completely exceeded her standards.

If it weren't for the fact that she had learned not to sleep in a short period of time when she climbed the mountain, she might have had a backlog of work.

The highest decision-making power of Forsbarrow has always been in the hands of Lux, Ino and Sona. Among them, Lux has the most arduous task. Political, economic and military affairs can be regarded as almost everything. Depends on Lux.

In this case, even if Lacus has Kalya helping her, her workload can be said to be extremely heavy - especially since the implementation of the integration strategy, the burden on her shoulders has suddenly increased, even if she stops the magic theory Studying, often working hard at night, is endless.

With the beginning of the general mobilization and the situation in Mithril City, Lux's workload increased again. Unknowingly, she had not had a good sleep for ten consecutive days. Even if her spirit and body could still support it, she had been unable to sleep. If this continues, she will have problems with her head sooner or later.

"So, you now need to consider handing over part of your decision-making power." Seeing Lux stamping and signing various places on the reserve mobilization material and equipment list, and then slumped in the chair like a salted fish, Kalya finally said with a smile. He said, "No matter how worried you are, you can't really take care of everything."

"I also thought that there would be a lot to do when the real thing came, but I never thought that there would be so much to do." Lux's eyes almost lost their light, "The Shurima Empire is so big, how did you do it? ?”

"Assign governors and three assistants to various regions, hand over the garrison to the Thousand Gods Association, and have a special audit committee and regional representative meeting in Shurima City. Politics is like this." Kalya leaned on the table and shrugged helplessly. Shrugged, "Decentralize and then centralize power, professionalize everything."

"There is no shortage of professionals in Forsbarrow now, but there is a shortage of professional leaders." Lux couldn't help but shake her head after hearing this, "Among the clerks, there are too few people who can really look at problems from a leader's perspective. …”

"Choose the best and study in depth." Kalya smiled and handed a list to Lux, "Forsbarrow's list of outstanding clerks over the years does not yet have a clear reward and promotion system. After the first war, the expansion of decision-making and personnel promotion and reward mechanisms will also be put in place."

Lux got up and rubbed her forehead.

"Can't it be the same as now? The only difference between clerks is their positions?"

"Of course not." Kalya shook his head seriously, "Now almost all the organizational power of Forsbarrow is in your hands alone. This situation is abnormal!"

Lux was silent.

"After any organization expands in size, its structure will inevitably move away from flatness." Karya looked at Lax with a calm expression. "You should be very clear about this. People who follow you have expectations in their hearts."

"Yes, everyone aspires to be in a high position." Lux just lowered her head, flipping through the list, her eyes scanning the rows of familiar names, "To be honest, Teacher Kalya, I am very scared right now."

"What are you afraid of?"

"Just like when you were a child, you told me in advance that you were going to take the exam." Lux finally raised her head and looked directly into Kalya's eyes. "I resist instinctively, but I know very well that resistance is meaningless."

"It's like giving everyone promotions?"

"It should be to assume greater responsibilities, improve his personal treatment, and give him honors and commendations." Lux let out a long breath, "Although it seems to be no different from being promoted to a higher rank."

"The difference is huge." Kalya smiled and shook his head, "When Shurima was first established, some people said that there was no difference between the governors of various places and the former city lords and slave owners. But in fact, there is no difference between them. The difference is huge."

Lux blinked, finally feeling a little enlightened.

Is this... a spiral?

Thinking about this, she couldn't help but shake her head, and then glanced at the clock.

it is midnight.

"I've been too tired recently, and my mental state is obviously not right." Lux finally stood up and stretched, "To think that I would get into trouble for something like this... It seems that I have to take a rest today. "

Kalya nodded.

"Well, I have to talk with Ino and Sona tomorrow."


The next day, Lux, Ino and Sona got together and held a small meeting to discuss the future expansion of Forsbarrow's organization and personnel promotions.

At this stage, Fosbarrow's organization mainly consists of five main systems: clerks, law-enforcers, Northern Walkers, industry associations, and intelligence groups.

Among them, the Dharma Regulators and Northern Walkers have their own specialized organizational systems. Even if they are expanded in the future, their organizational systems will not require much adjustment.

The personnel of the intelligence team are relatively complex, and issues related to the intelligence network need to be discussed later and will not be mentioned for the time being.

The framework of industry associations has been set up. Now each industry association is originally oriented to the entire northern border, and the subsequent expansion to Demacia is just a further subdivision of the organization.

What really needs the three giants in the north to worry about is the clerk system.

At present, there are two main types of clerks in Forsbarrow. One is a grassroots organization clerk based on the city regional committee who is responsible for various matters in a certain area. The other is responsible for certain special projects in the Forsbarrow area. matter clerk.

Since both types of clerks are directly responsible to Lacus, Lacus is extremely busy.

This horizontal and vertical clerk model is basically derived from the traditional lord model of Demacia, that is, local respected people are responsible for the grassroots order, and the lord dispatches various commissioners to undertake various tasks.

When Forsbarrow was still a remote village, this system could well maintain the order of Forsbarrow and help Lux complete various tasks. But now, when Forsbarrow has become the northern trade center, even if Lux has superhuman energy. Even if her prestige is unquestionable, even if she has Kalya to help her, she finally can't stand it anymore.

If the organization wants to expand, such a simple horizontal and vertical approach is obviously no longer able to meet the needs. Lux must come up with a new and complete system to cope with the next changes - after the Northern Walker army takes over, the follow-up The clerks also have to keep up.

So, what exactly do you do?

After referring to Kalya's plan in Shurima and combining it with Demacia's national conditions, the three giants in the north finally came up with a somewhat complicated plan.

Generally speaking, clerks are still divided into horizontal and vertical groups, that is, they have their own specialized work content, work objects, and work areas. On this basis, the cadre group headed by the Northern Frontier Pioneers will be separated from the most basic work and switch to Responsible for coordinating, planning or evaluating the work of clerks.

Carrying out such a plan is familiar to Kalya, but it is the first time for Lux. Although she is considered to be quite experienced in governance, both Vazuan and Forsbarrow are just A city can rely on Lux's hard work alone to complete all decisions.

But now that the general mobilization has begun, the North is about to be taken over on a large scale. With Lux alone, she will be too exhausted to do it.

For Lux, the next battle and takeover will be the summary of her past sixteen years of work and a large-scale examination.

At the same time, for Forsbarrow's clerks, Northern Walkers, Law Enforcers and other people from all walks of life, this will also be a test - unlike Lux, who only wants results, their test content And the exam questions still need Lux ​​to come up with.

This is a big test for everyone in the entire Northern Territory.


In Forsbarrow, Northern Walkers who are on active duty, in reserve duty, and those who meet the standard for secondary service after retirement have been assembled and ready to go.

Combining the intelligence from the intelligence team and feedback from the industry union, the first phase of the North Walker's combat objectives has also been confirmed.

The Northern Walker Legion must take over the defense of all cities in the North before Xiongdu sends reinforcements.

Since the northern nobles also have private armies, there will inevitably be battles during the takeover, but in small-scale battles, the Northern Walkers have a crushing advantage.

After taking over the defense of each city, due to the insufficient number of clerks, public trials need to be conducted city by city, so temporary military control needs to be implemented in various places, and all nobles, tax collectors, sheriffs and other local managers are detained pending subsequent trials.

The custody and military control of non-frontline cities will be mainly provided by reserve and secondary service members, as well as snow walkers.

As for the main force currently in service, they will focus on two directions.

For Forsbarrow, Lux will lead the Plateau Walkers and Plains Walkers, and cooperate with the river navy to attack Jarvan IV's main force.

At the same time, Ino will lead the Hill Walkers to seize Owendale and fight against the First Army of the North to avoid threats to their flanks.

If the plan goes well, within two months, the Northern Walkers will occupy the entire northern territory except for the Owendale area. As for Owendale, because its city defenses are strong, and Ino will not mobilize offensive forces. , so the conservative goal is to prevent reinforcements, and whether the Owendale Fortress can be captured is not mandatory.

At the military mobilization meeting of all commanders, Lux explained the next operational goals to everyone, and directly assigned combat tasks to the brigade level. As for further specific command, it was left to them.

Lux herself gave a swearing-in speech for this trip in Forsbarrow, in front of all the citizens.

During her speech, Lux did not take out Oren's warhammer, nor Sentu's scabbard. She just calmly recounted the changes in Forsbarrow over the past sixteen years.

Lux told all the Forsbarrow people with hard facts that she was the one who led Forsbarrow to where it is today.

"Glory is not the gesture and etiquette of aristocrats."

"Glory is the happiness and future of all Demacians!"

"The great country of Demacia was born from our ancestors who overcame all obstacles and faced many obstacles. That is the glory of our ancestors!"

"And now, in the northern reaches of Demacia, in Forsbarrow, we have found a path to a greater future."

"That's us, the entire Demacia, the endless glory in the future!"

"All Northern Walkers, listen to the order, pick up your weapons, join me, and let new glory shine on the entire Demacia!"

There is another chapter behind

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