Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 712 【0701】Vanguard War

Heiko Jimenez stared at the map in front of him, as if he wanted to imprint it completely in his mind.

As the commander of the first regiment of the Plains Walker Brigade, Heiko Jimenez is the one with the greatest pressure among all the Northern Walkers - because just now, the scouts have confirmed the news, and the leader of Xiongdu The troops have arrived at the city of Pinara, fifty miles away, and may move northward at any time.

Once the opponent takes action, the first regiment of Plain Walkers under Haike will face the front.

Subconsciously pursed his lips, Heike's eyes finally landed on a thin blue line running northwest and southeast.

On the map, this thin line represents Canal 102, less than a mile from where the first regiment of Plains Walkers was stationed at this time.

After the ice and snow in the remaining veins of the Longji Mountains melted, they followed the underground rivers and surface streams and finally merged into the 102 Canal. Now is the time of the year when the water level in the canal is the highest and the current is the fastest. Even if the curtain of the tent is hung, Haike Sensitive ears can still hear the sound of the waves.

The water in the 102 Canal is turbulent and difficult to cross. In addition, Xiongdu's weak navy has been completely destroyed. If the opponent wants to continue going north, they can only build a pontoon bridge on the river.

Theoretically, the first regiment of Plains Walkers could wait for work on the river bank, wait for the enemy to make a move, and then attack halfway across the river.

However, although it is good to strike halfway across, the problem is where the enemy crosses halfway.

The 102 Canal is a diversion river with a very deep river bed. During the summer flood season, the water in the canal is turbulent and the river is full of undercurrents and whirlpools. It seems quite dangerous. But unfortunately, because this is a man-made canal, So the river is less than a hundred yards wide.

Moreover, there are temperate coniferous forests on both sides of the canal. Although the forest is not as lush as the rain forest, it is enough to hide the traces of military movements and can also provide wood for crossing the river. If the Haike Institute has been waiting on the north bank, then If the Xiongdu Army moves quickly enough, they can forcefully cross the river and set up a temporary camp before Haike can react, and then support the subsequent army to cross the river.

Even if they are more ruthless, the Xiongdu Army can forcefully cross at night under the cover of the forest, and Haike will have no time to stop it.

Therefore, adhering to the idea of ​​active defense, Haike chose to cross the river first, touch the vanguard of Xiongdu first, and grasp the initiative of the battle in his own hands.

As long as they took the initiative to cross the river and formed an array outside the forest, the Xiongdu Army's vanguard would not be able to ignore them and enter the forest, otherwise they would have no choice but to cross the river and die.

As for Heike, as long as he saves the reserve team and then fights in formation behind Lin, no matter he wins or loses, he will have a backup plan.

The First Regiment of Plains Walkers is the most elite team among the entire Northern Walkers. In the Battle of Nasramei not long ago, they relied on the oasis belt south of Nasramei City to engage in a battle with the Bright Moon Army. Relying on cooperation and multi-line blocking, they withstood the impact of the Bright Moon Warriors.

Therefore, Haike was very confident that even if the Fearless Pioneer was in person, as long as Jarvan IV did not come in person, he would be fully qualified to try it out first.

Looking across the diagonal area representing the forest, Heike finally withdrew his gaze.

Cross the river!


Will Jarvan IV come in person?

the answer is negative.

Although Jarvan IV likes to visit the front line in person, it is obviously not necessary now - the work of erecting a pontoon bridge across the river obviously does not require the emperor to be on the front line to supervise and supervise. Moreover, according to the news from the Dragon Bird Knight, Lux's main force is still in the north at this time. In Bor City, even if there are defenders on the river bank, the number will not be too many.

Facing a partial army, Jarvan IV believed that his own vanguard could fully cope with it. After all, they were the elite of the garrison. How could they control a partial army in the north?

Due to the difficulty of marching and the isolation of waterways, the supply of materials for the counter-rebellion army was still very difficult even though a lot of local labor was recruited.

In this case, if Jarvan IV can stay in the city where supplies are easy to supply, it is best not to go out and lead the troops to fight. It is best to wait for the forward to cross the river in front, defeat the partial division intercepted on the north bank of the river, and establish a temporary camp. After reaching the supply point, he led his army north again.

Therefore, after the main force of the counter-rebellion army arrived in Pinala City, Jarvan IV immediately found his vanguard commander Sa Lange and issued him the task of setting up a pontoon bridge and crossing the river to establish a stronghold.

Sa Lange quickly accepted the mission assigned by His Majesty the Emperor. He led his 3,000 vanguard troops and set off the next morning, leaving the city of Pinara.

According to Sa Lange's plan, the elite garrison under his command will arrive at the south bank of the unknown river tomorrow afternoon, where they will camp and rest, and then spend a day or two logging wood and building a pontoon bridge.

If all goes well, the vanguard force will be able to set up camp on the north bank of the river in four days.

The plan was perfect, but something went wrong in the first step - at noon the next day after leaving Pinara, he received a report from the scouts, saying that a rebel army had been stationed in the forest on the south bank of the Nameless River. It seems that they are forming up with their backs to the forest, intending to meet their own troops head-on.

When the news was received, the distance between the two parties was less than five miles!

Sa Lange was quite surprised when he heard this.

In his opinion, if these Yankees dive into the forest and harass his movements, they will cause some trouble, but if they are arrayed openly, why are you?

The confused Sa Lange asked the scouts in detail about the enemy's information, especially flags and other indicators.

The answer given by the scout was that the opponent was using the banner of the Winged Boots, and the specific number was not captured, so he did not know.

Flag of the Winged Boots?

When Sa Lange heard this, he blinked in confusion.

It seems like, where have I heard this flag?

Oh, I think about it, it seems that in the Battle of Nashrame, the partial division in the north had this flag!

Thinking of this, Sa Lange suddenly let out a long breath.

As an eyewitness of the Battle of Nashrame, Sa Lange was one of the first people to attack the city of Nasramé. It was precisely because of this merit that he was able to serve as the vanguard commander in this operation.

Sa Lange clearly remembered that during the Battle of Nashrame, a partial division was sent out from the north, and it was said that this partial division suffered heavy casualties when it blocked the Moon Army.

What are they called...

It seems to be called Pingyuan Walker?

Sa Lange, the Rakor of the Moon Legion, has seen them, and it’s not that he looks down on them. In Sa Lange’s eyes, the level of these guys is probably not comparable to that of the Demacian Border Legion.

Even if those plainswalkers are not adapted to the desert environment, they are fighting defensive and blocking warfare after all.

Being at a disadvantage against a team like the Bright Moon Legion... It can be said that in Sa Lange's mind, the level of the Plain Walkers was completely in line with his inherent impression of the aristocratic private army.

Even if the opponent is mainly from the north, and even if they are more familiar with the local terrain than himself, in Sa Lange's view, it is very unwise to fight him in an upright formation.

Want to wait for work?

If you don't have enough hard power, even if you wait for work, it will be meaningless!

Thinking of this, Sa Lange had no hesitation in his heart. He immediately announced that the vanguard army should stop and bury pots to make rice. After eating and drinking, he also fought openly with Pingyuan Walker to give peace to this time. Let’s get off to a good start in the war of rebellion!

After receiving the order, the vanguard army stopped immediately, and each small team of scouts began to inquire around, while most of the personnel buried pots and cooked rice on the spot.

It is said that cooking in a pot is actually just boiling some water in a large pot, adding some cheese and dried meat to make soup, and each person has a bowl of dry bread soaked in it and eats it in a hurry to fill their stomachs.

During this period, there was an endless stream of scouts from all directions. They all said that the Plains Walkers in the north were also cooking and eating, and seemed to be forming an array with their backs to the forest.

After receiving the news, Sa Lange couldn't help laughing. After the soldiers finished eating and took a short rest, he waved his hand and the vanguard army set off again and continued northward.

"When you see those northern country bumpkins, you should show your energy and show them how powerful we are!"


Sa Lange didn't think highly of Plainswalker.

As for the Plain Walkers, Haike actually didn't think highly of this vanguard army that he had been paying attention to.

This was not because Heike was arrogant, but in his opinion, the actions of this vanguard army were too protracted.

It would take them more than a day and a half to walk the fifty miles, and their marching speed could only be considered a failure among Northern Walkers.

Moreover, according to the scouts' information, judging from the size of their men and horses, these people are even equipped with one person and two horses.

One person and two horses can travel thirty miles a day. This marching speed can only be described as embarrassing.

At this point, Heike is a bit like Versailles - in fact, the Xiongdu Vanguard Army's marching speed of thirty miles per day is not slow at all!

Don’t forget, the Xiongdu Pioneer Army took not a main road, but a gently sloping plain with a gradually rising altitude.

Under such road conditions, carrying the necessary baggage and some tools, even for one person and two horses, thirty miles per day is already a very good speed of movement.

On the contrary, it is abnormal for an army like the Northern Walkers to have the support of mages, the advantages of water transportation, and the maneuverability of large vehicles, and can charge hundreds of miles a day on the plains.

To this day, Jarvan IV, who has received the information about the siege of Owendale, thought that Owendale was besieged so quickly because Lux was prepared and quietly sent the team out first. He never thought about it. It was because Ino led the team to travel hundreds of miles a day.

In short, after determining the marching speed of the Xiongdu Pioneer Army, Heike finally gave up on the safe circle formation when preparing for the battle. Instead, he arranged two teams on the flanks specifically to break through the formation and try to fight. Defeat battle.

For this reason, he even took the initiative to reduce the thickness of the central army, using it as bait to lengthen the enemy's front as much as possible, and then fly together on both wings in order to achieve complete victory.

All of a sudden, the flags were flying, and the soldiers were rushing back and forth. The first regiment of Plain Walkers performed their duties and spread out their formation very relaxedly. With their backs against the not too lush pine forest, they seemed to be fighting with an open card. The big yawning mouth secretly hid its sharp fangs.

Neither the dragon bird knights in the sky nor the scouts from the capital observing the battlefield from a distance, none of them noticed that among the seemingly relaxed formations on both wings, there were several rows of people wearing robes and ready to attack.

Finally, an hour after the Plain Walkers arranged their formation, smoke gradually rose from the south, and an army whose number was smaller than that of the first regiment of Plain Walkers, but whose number of Tajima was rarely exceeded, appeared at the end of everyone's field of vision.

In the queue, blue flags were raised one after another, and the dragon and bird knights in the sky also waved their blue battle flags. The soldiers of the Xiongdu Pioneer Army began to change horses and divide their groups.

The packhorses carrying rations and sleeping bags circled around and were led to safety one by one. The soldiers of the vanguard army finally mounted their horses after wiping their horse armor and adjusting their rune steel armor. .

Without exception, the vanguards selected for the self-defense garrison were all skilled archers and horses. After mounting their horses, everyone gathered in groups of eight or ten people in silence according to the size of the sword and shield formations used in daily training. Together, under the guidance of the team leader, we began to move towards the north.

At the beginning, the war horse just held its head high, took small steps, and moved forward unhurriedly.

Gradually, the pace of the war horse began to become faster, and the team members gathered together also walked at a regular pace, gradually entering a fighting posture.

As the shield formation team advanced, all the war horses gradually lined up in a horizontal row. The gaps between the war horses and the warriors and the warriors did not even allow people to pass sideways. From a distance, each shield formation team seemed to be on the same side. The moving wall seemed to be stationary at first, then gradually became faster and faster, until it was crushing.

On both sides of these walls, there are sword formations that also operate in small groups, but with a more flexible formation. The cavalry teams in the sword formation are often arranged in a wild goose shape, and the acceleration of the war horses is obviously faster than that in the shield formation - they obviously start charging together. But the sword formation team arrived at the front of the Plain Walker formation first.

However, they did not drive directly into the formation. Instead, they began to turn a hundred steps away from the Plains Walker formation. Each sword formation team quickly turned from vertical to horizontal, and took the opportunity to unfurl their bows and set arrows, or trigger their crossbows. Either throw a throwing ax or throw a war hammer.

The sword formation became the arrow formation.

The warriors of the sword formation team have a tacit understanding. If the projectile weapons have a long range, they should aim at the middle of the Plains Walker formation. If the projectile weapons have a short range, they should aim at the sides of the Plains Walker formation closest to them. They strive to use the firepower of the projectile weapons to cover the Plains Walkers who are about to meet the shield. The front line of attack!

Sa Lange was on a small mound in the south of the battlefield, watching the plainswalkers being weighed down by various throwing weapons and unable to raise their heads. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly - however, as the sword formation team almost all took a turn. The circle and shield team entered the charging posture, and his smile finally froze at the corner of his mouth.

He was shocked to find that this "less elite plainswalker" was not in any confusion when faced with the suppression of throwing weapons and the wall charge of the shield team!

Something's wrong!

Kalya’s Little Class·Shield Formation and Sword Formation:

Demacia's shield formation consists of mounted heavy cavalry and dismounted heavy infantry; its sword formation consists of mounted light cavalry and dismounted light infantry.

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