Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 718 【0707】 Choice

Under the influence of the Twilight Titan's persistence, Jarvan IV finally lost his will and became the incarnation of Twilight.

In order to slowly turn Jarvan IV into his own protoss in a way that is acceptable to the Demacians, the Twilight Titan can be said to have taken great pains. From the perspective of the Titan, he condescended to follow the rules of human society. Acting in accordance with the law, he seduced Jarvan IV step by step, and eventually his thoughts gradually aligned with Twilight's will, and he eventually became the host of the Twilight Titan.

Now, he succeeded, succeeded in the Shadow Realm!

The face of the Twilight Titan—or to put it another way, the Twilight Star Spirit—who had obtained a body that could freely walk in Runeterra showed a look of contempt and joy that Jarvan IV had never seen before. Smiling, he looked at LeBlanc and Vladimir escaping in the distance, and waved his arms gently.

The next moment, even the Shadow Realm, whose space laws are different from those of Runeterra, seemed to be like dough after waking up, being kneaded by Jarvan IV into the shape he desired.

A portal appeared in front of Jarvan IV. He stepped into it calmly and smoothly, and then appeared in front of LeBlanc and Vladimir so suddenly.

LeBlanc and Vladimir were stunned.

You know, when these two people are escaping, they can only be described as "flying separately when disaster strikes". They never cover each other and choose two directions from the beginning.

But now, they were obviously running all the way forward, but in the end they almost collided face to face.

What's even more outrageous is that the figure of "Jiawen IV" simply appeared in the middle of them, waiting for them to fall into their trap.

"Those demigods are defective products." Jarvan IV first looked at Vladimir, then frowned in disgust as if he saw something unclean, "And you are imitating it badly. With all that rubbish, you turn yourself into a miserable defective product?"

Although Vladimir didn't know what happened to Jarvan IV, the appearance of him looked wrong no matter how he looked. Under such circumstances, he did not hesitate at all and transformed into a pool of blood again, no longer even shying away from the erosion of shadows. , and immediately wanted to get into the ground.

However, in the presence of Jarvan IV, this act became meaningless.

The space under his feet and the space above his head seemed to be connected together, and his choice made him fall into a cage.

Without looking at Vladimir, who was struggling to escape from the infinite fall, Jarvan IV's eyes immediately fell on LeBlanc - he ignored LeBlanc who was trying to escape, and instead waved in the other direction. He waved his hand.

In the shadows, another LeBlanc who was trying to hide her figure was found out. Jarvan IV smiled and threw her into Vladimir's space cage. Then he smiled and was very satisfied. He nodded.

"It's really interesting." Jarvan IV's face was full of curiosity, as if he was looking at a rare and exotic beast he had never seen before. "Since you want to pursue eternity, why not take the right path?"

"The right way?" The situation was pressing, and LeBlanc could only respond bravely, "What is the right way?"

"Of course you believe in the truly great gods." Jarvan IV said in a matter-of-fact tone, "Become a loyal believer of the gods, and your soul will be eternal with the gods' will."

The corners of LeBlanc's and Vladimir's mouths twitched at the same time.

You don’t want to ask about what kind of organization the Black Rose we had was.

Mixing magic and occultism into a secret organization similar to a religion, we have relied on this to control Noxus for hundreds of years. Now you are telling us that "you can live forever if you become a believer in a god." This is simply It’s exactly the same as what our Black Rose said when we pulled people’s heads!

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, what kind of fairy tales are they playing?

Obviously, even LeBlanc and Vladimir know very little about Titan.

This is not because they are ignorant, but because of the special mentality of the giants - after the collapse of the Shurima Empire, in the eyes of the giants, Runeterra no longer requires them to expend too much energy, except for the war giants who feel uncomfortable without fighting. , and with the exception of Lieyang and Bright Moon, who tirelessly hope to promote their own order, the other giants no longer focus all their attention on Runeterra.

The empire that could threaten the Titans had collapsed, collapsing in the war with the void. Under the instigation of the Twilight Stars, the mortals of Runeterra had long returned to mediocrity.

The later Rune Wars seemed to prove this, because mortals fought for worldly power, and even did not hesitate to use the power they had not yet fully mastered to self-destruct. The entire Rune Land had no chance to give birth to a Shurima again. The soil of empire.

Originally, the Titans were not even monolithic, but now the mortals of Runeterra no longer pose any threat to them. Except for a few Titans who are still interested in these mortals, the other Titans quickly entered the vast star realm. , began to plan his own journey to the astral realm.

And relying solely on the power of the three giant gods of war, the blazing sun and the bright moon, and with the Sun God Cult causing trouble in the periphery, the belief in the giant gods has never been able to expand on a large scale. Even after a thousand years, it has only been limited to the west. A corner of Shurima.

Regardless of the Western Shurima region, the two sects of Sun and Moon have their brains turned into dogs, but outside of Shurima, when people mention the Titan Faith, the first thing that comes to mind is the Sun God Cult. , from this perspective, Varieva’s strategy can be considered quite successful.

Therefore, even though the Black Rose even had a special intelligence point in Northern Shurima, they knew very little about the Titans. Even Vladimir, whose power came from the Darkin, did not know about the Darkin and the Titan. The relationship between.

Although they have not achieved the immortality they longed for, in terms of age, LeBlanc and Vladimir are both over a thousand years old. They naturally believe that they are not mortals, so they do not care about the giant gods and the like that mortals believe in. , and they didn't take it to heart at all - if the giant god is really so powerful, why do the Rakkor people still live like primitive people?

Even though Lux, Taric, and Jarvan IV were all climbers and gained powers far beyond those of ordinary extraordinary beings, in the eyes of LeBlanc and Vladimir, this power was no more than divine power. relation.

In their eyes, climbing the mountain is more like a training and a magic ritual.

Moreover, they have met the elders of the Burning Sun Sect and the Elders of the Bright Moon Sect. In their eyes, these elders are basically a group of magic sticks. They have obvious auras similar to their own!

How could the gods they preach exist behind a group of magicians?

Having witnessed the rise and fall of Mordekaiser, experienced the war and chaos of the Darkin, and witnessed the terrifying destructive power of the world runes, LeBlanc and Vladimir have seen a lot.

In their eyes, the gods should look like Nagakapoulos. Although they have no interest in the Baru culture, it seems that the gods of the Baru people are more in line with what people usually think of them.

It has no entity or will, it only represents certain laws and regulations, and people cannot even think of fighting against it.

As for the deity behind the Rakkor...

That is simply an illusion caused by Demacians who do not understand magic and have been deceived.


Seeing that LeBlanc and Vladimir did not show respect for him, Jarvan IV raised his eyebrows.

With a wave of his hand, he stopped the two unlucky guys from falling.

"This is stupid mortals." His tone was full of inexorable arrogance, "You are imitating those poor demigods and want to bind yourself to this sub-plane, but you have never thought about it. When you look up at the stars, there is a wider star realm there.”

LeBlanc and Vladimir, who finally regained their balance, looked at each other and were finally shocked.

Jarvan IV's words were not completely clear, but the implications were enough to make LeBlanc and Vladimir stunned - if they chose to bind themselves to the Shadow Realm to achieve immortality, So what if there really are some beings that bind themselves to the star realm?

There is no doubt that as long as they achieve this, they will be immortal as long as the stars are immortal.

And is this kind of immortal existence considered a god?

This is a question they have never thought about, and what is interesting is that the ignorant LeBlanc and Vladimir have already embarked on this path at this time.

"So, you are?" LeBlanc stood still and bowed slightly to Jarvan IV, "The master of the sun, moon and stars?"

"No, no, no, I am not the blazing sun, nor the bright moon." Seemingly satisfied with LeBlanc's reaction, Jarvan IV smiled again, "I am just the messenger of the alternation of stars, you can call me Twilight."

LeBlanc and Vladimir finally looked horrified.

"Do you like to look at the sky?" The Twilight Stars waved their hands after completing their self-introduction, and a magnificent star map was displayed in front of LeBlanc and Vladimir. "When you stand in Runeterra, look up Observing the vast universe, you may be surprised by the number of stars, but in fact, looking at the entire star realm, the stars that can be seen in Rune Land are just a drop in the ocean."

LeBlanc and Vladimir were completely confused.

"This is the Star Sea of ​​Justice, you must know it." Twilight stretched out her hand and pointed among the stars, "In the eyes of these Demacians, that is where their ancestors are - how ridiculously self-righteous,"

Then, without waiting for any reaction from LeBlanc and Vladimir, Twilight continued to introduce the starry sky.

Sea of ​​Justice Stars, Guardian Constellation, Perseverance Constellation, Singing Constellation, Fertility Constellation...

As if he were a professional commentator, the Twilight Star Spirit talked about mortals' expectations for the starry sky, but in his mouth, these constellations were actually above the starry sky, watching the immortal gods of Runeterra. .

It seems that in the eyes of these giant gods, Runeterra is an interesting landscape. Each giant god has its own preferences, and because of the giant gods' attention, these mortals will use their own concepts to name those constellations...

The stars are not named by mortals, but the stars decide the mortals - the Fertility Titan likes a good harvest, and whenever Runeland has a good harvest, it shines brightly, so it is named after Fertility; the Guardian Titan likes to be cherished by mortals, so it is named after it. Guard naming.

Such subversive information made LeBlanc and Vladimir dizzy. They instinctively wanted to refute the Twilight Protoss' statement, but after opening their mouths in vain, they couldn't even find an angle to question. .

Until the Twilight Protoss spoke lightly of the war constellation also known as Pantheon.

This broken constellation, which seemed to be divided into two, was really separated in the mouth of the Twilight Star Spirit, but it was not separated along the damaged part, but one star was singled out. .

"This is the star of greed."

"Mortals would not name a star with greed." Finally seizing the opportunity to speak, LeBlanc raised his own question, "As far as I know, the split of the Pantheon constellation happened sixteen years ago. , In the past sixteen years, I have never heard of anyone singling out the Six Stars of War and calling it the Star of Greed."

"Indeed, no mortal calls it that." Twilight Star Spirit nodded slightly, "But according to mortal habits, it should be called the Star of Greed—or the Star of Two Coats?"

Two coats?

Vladimir, who is inextricably linked to Bilgewater, immediately thought of the legendary demon Tam.

In the legends of Bilgewater, one of Tam's nicknames is Two Coats.

"You seem to know this name." Twilight Star Spirit keenly captured the change in his expression, "It seems that I should be able to save some time - yes, its owner is the one you know as the mortal A demonic creature."

LeBlanc and Wladimir’s brains have shut down.

"In mortal terms, that was a wonderful deal." The Twilight Stars finally lowered their heads and looked at the silent LeBlanc and Vladimir, "He became one of us, getting rid of Although I only have one star after losing my past miserable identity, it is still better than a broken sub-plane."


"There once was a demon in the Shadow Realm." Twilight Star Spirit continued, "Unfortunately, it has long been reduced to Kalya's plaything."

"Who is Kalya?"

"A fool who rejected eternity." The Twilight Stars seemed unwilling to say more on this issue. "And now, a brand new option is before you."


"Abandon your body, choose a sub-plane, imitate those self-proclaimed demigods, or raise your head and look at the more distant and eternal starry sky?"

As he spoke, the Twilight Star Spirit stretched out his finger and drew a circle on the war constellation.

"Pan Sen's split is inevitable, but the number of free stars is not very large."

Kalya’s Little Classroom·Wonderful Transaction:

Forced by the previous situation, Kalya and Tam reached a deal and handed him a meteorite from the Pantheon constellation. Kalya's original intention was to cause some trouble for the Titan, or at least the Titan's believers, but Unexpectedly, this meteorite helped the greedy Tam and Twilight reach an agreement.

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