Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 720 【0709】 Fighting in the air

The Twilight Protoss can create holes connecting different locations at will. However, due to the limitations of space stability, once the distance between the two ends of the hole is too far, he cannot directly travel through it - just like now, his true self is located in Pina La City, and the hole is connected to the city of Rithos. In this case, the Twilight Stars cannot teleport directly through the hole.

Of course, this did not prevent him from observing Rithos through the hole.

After several adjustments, the Twilight Star Spirit found a good overlooking angle, just like a middle-aged uncle returning from a business trip looking at the fish tank that he had not taken care of for a while, looking at the house that has completely entered military control. The city of Thos.

"Unsurprisingly, the same old routine." His eyes swept over the military camp, the residential area, the city wall further away, and the busy dock. The Twilight Star Spirit curled his lips with a subtle expression, "Take all the effort. Knead a group of mortals together with all your strength."

Although that is said, in fact, both the Lahorak warriors of the Burning Sun Sect and the Moon Legion of the Moon Sect also adopted the method of "kneading mortals" when they were formed.

The Twilight Titan's body has not entered Runeterra, and the power that the protoss can carry is destined to be limited - even if Jarvan IV's body is of good quality, he still cannot withstand the full power of the Titan and wants to disintegrate Kalya Mortals pinched together again, the Twilight Stars still need to use their brains more.

"In the past, I have never been able to figure out why you can always entangle those weak mortals." Looking at Lithos City where everything was running in an orderly manner, the Twilight Star Spirit finally raised the corner of his mouth, "But, thank you You sent Tam here, now I know.”

"Greed is how you take advantage of them."

"Now, I've learned it too."

"So, I wonder if you have any other options?"

“It’s really exciting!”

Just as the Twilight Stars were muttering to themselves, continuing to look at the city, and silently making calculations in their minds, the Colossus of Justice, which had been motionless before, seemed to have discovered something on the top of the city of Lithos. Something was wrong, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the hole.

The Twilight Stars also saw the Colossus of Justice raising its head.

However, he was not in a hurry to close the hole immediately. Instead, he waved to Galio leisurely. He waited until a trace of substantial doubt appeared on the face of the opponent's Forbidden Demon Stone before closing the space hole with a smile.

Galio was very confused when he saw a hole appeared in the air, and there was someone greeting him behind the hole.

"Who is that?" Lowering his voice, Galio used his own unique "little voice" and asked Pelopa, who was applying protective paint on himself, like thunder, "How come I haven't seen that person in the sky?"

"People in the sky?" Pelobas rubbed his somewhat swollen ears helplessly, "There is no one in the sky. Did a dragon and bird knight fly by just now?"

"No, it's not a dragon bird." Galio shook his head gently and adjusted his posture so that Paoloba could paint his lower jaw. "It's just a hole. There was a person inside who was looking at me just now. , looking at Rithos."

"In the sky?" Pelopa's expression became serious, "Did you see it just now when you looked up?"

"That's right." Galio confirmed this statement, "It's small, but it's very clear. Galio will not be mistaken."

"I have never heard of anything like this." Paoloba put down the paint for a moment. "Have you seen that man before?"

"I've met him many times," Galio said with certainty. "In Tobitsia, I even fought bad guys with him!"


"What did everyone call him back then?"

"Everyone calls him His Majesty the King." Galio did not realize the seriousness of the problem. "I remember when I was standing in the capital, everyone called him His Majesty the Prince..."

Paoloba was stunned.

"Send me back to the ground, Galio." After coming back to his senses, Paoloba finally no longer bothered to apply paint, "I'm afraid I have to go talk to Lady Laxana."

"I haven't seen her for a long time." Galio used the correct pronoun this time, "Then, say hello to her for me!"

"Of course." Paoloba nodded lightly, quickly slid down Galio's shoulders and along his arms, fell back to the ground quickly, and left with a long stride, "I will."


As one of the first royal guards, Poloba, who was responsible for the daily maintenance of Galio, had extremely high access rights.

Therefore, after he said there was something urgent, the secretary informed Lux ​​in advance without asking about the specific matter.

After a while, Lacus received Paoloba in the office.

"What's the matter?" While gesturing for Paoloba to sit down, Lux put the documents on the table aside first, "So anxious."

"Gario said he saw His Majesty Jarvan IV... Your Excellency." In his nervousness, Paoloba almost said the wrong title. "He said he saw a hole in the sky and saw Jarvan IV through the hole."

Is there a hole in the sky?

Lux's expression stiffened momentarily.

"What about you?" After a pause, Lux breathed out softly, "Did you see it?"

"I didn't." Paoloba shook his head slightly, and then his expression became tense again, "Gario's eyesight has always been very good and very sharp. He will not be dazzled..."

"Yeah." Lux nodded slightly, "I believe him."

"What about us?"

"Don't be too nervous, it's just some detection magic." In order to appease Pelopa, Lux chose an unflattering metaphor, "It's like a Hex telescope set up in the sky through magic. He plans to use this This is a way to take a look at the situation in Lithos City."

"So, does this mean that there is also a group of mages in Xiongdu?" Paoloba still couldn't relax, "But Galio is not fully ready to fight yet..."

"The question is not that serious. This is probably a trick played by those Rakkor people." Although Lux had already made a guess in her heart, she remained calm on the surface, as if this was just a trivial matter worth noting. " The capital city will not have the same structure as the Dharma Controllers, I am very sure of this."

"If it is really the Rakor people's trick, then Galio may be willing to do it." Hearing Lux say that it was related to the Rakor people, Poloba finally felt relieved, "When we were in Shurima, the fifth sequence I have also fought against them, and when we had a drink last time, many of them were still very unconvinced."

Hearing what Paoloba said, Lux couldn't help but smile.

As Galio's protector, Pellopas, although not in the battle order of the Archon, has always had a good personal relationship with the Archon of the fifth sequence - what he said shows that although the fifth sequence was in the battle of Nasramei We encountered some casualties, but our morale was still very good.

It's good to be dissatisfied, but it's bad to be afraid.

"Believe me, those Rakkor people can't realize their plans." Although Lux still had a smile on her face, her tone was very determined, "It took Forsbarrow more than ten years to achieve the wealth and prosperity he has today. Prosperity, and no one can destroy it, not even the Rakkhor."

"It's good that you are prepared." Paoloba took a long breath, "I was shocked when I heard Galio say that. After all, according to him, it was simply a teleportation hole... It would be terrible if Jarvan IV could really open a teleportation hole in Rithos at will."

"How is this possible?" Lux waved her hand, "If he can really open the hole so casually, wouldn't it be easier to wipe the entire Forsbarrow off the map?"


Although she comforted Poloba very confidently, when he was relieved and left, Lacus frowned.

Obviously, she remembered what Kalya had said to herself before about the troublesome characteristics of the Twilight Titan.

The power of space... Isn't this a bit outrageous?

Although judging from the opponent's performance, this hole can only be seen and cannot be passed through, but opening a space hole that can be maintained for a long time at such a distance is appalling in itself.

Lux has limited knowledge of space magic and has no talent in this area.

But because she spent time with Kalya and sat through Ryze's winding jumps several times, she still had a good eye when it came to space magic.

No matter from which angle she looked at it, this kind of spell that spanned hundreds of miles, opened and maintained a space hole that could be clearly observed, was still beyond her imagination.

Although I don’t know whether the opponent folded the space of Runeterra or created a passage through the space, this is completely regarded as a miraculous skill - the former means that the opponent can freely tear apart the plane barrier, and it does not There will be spatial disturbance; the latter means that the other party can create a spatial sandwich with no fixed positioning point, and the stability is amazing.

No matter which one it is, it's enough to give people a headache.

The only good news is that this level of empty space does not seem to be enough to carry people. At least Lux does not have to worry about the enemy suddenly descending from the sky and appearing in her rear.

Of course, it can't be done from the rear, but if the distance is closer, if Jarvan IV wants it, he will definitely be able to transport a team of surprise troops - in the next battle, Lux must be more vigilant. , to reduce the weak points of one's own formation as much as possible, otherwise once the flaw is caught, the end of the Xiongdu Vanguard Army on the edge of the 102 Canal will be the end of Lux.

Especially when the enemy now has Sun Warriors and Moon Warriors in their hands.

Well, it seems that it is quite difficult to win in a head-on battle!


Lux has a headache over there.

The Twilight Celestial Spirit, who had finished peeping, was also very dissatisfied with his spying.

How to put it, it was like a mutated goldfish in the fish tank had hidden among the lush algae after being away from home for a few days, and he couldn't find it no matter how hard he looked - after greeting Galio, he looked at it from multiple angles. I watched for a long time in Lithos, but there was no trace of Kalya.

Not only does it not exist in Lissos, but it also doesn’t exist in Forsbarrow, Xinfucheng, or Xinfugang.

The Twilight Stars adjusted their viewing angles thousands of times, but could not find Kalya.

This undoubtedly made the Twilight Stars quite unhappy.

To be honest, the Twilight Stars were very happy when they heard that Kalya seemed to have recovered.

But for such a long time, he never talked about old times with Kalya face to face - only the two iron fools Zhan Zhan and Lieyang met Kalya, and then they were played hard.

Now that she finally has a decent star spirit, Twilight really wants to meet Kalya and see what kind of expression Kalya will show after seeing her now.

Therefore, when opening the space hole this time, the Twilight Stars' first goal was not even to study the organizational structure, staffing and material supply of the Northern Walkers, but to find Lux's sword first.

According to Lieyang, Kalya has now lodged himself in a sword, or a broken sword, and has fallen like the dark descendants.

However, what the Twilight Star Spirit didn't expect was that the sword seemed to have disappeared from the world, and no matter how hard he looked for it, he couldn't find it.

Even the Twilight Stars opened a passage on the ceiling of Lux's office. Without Lux knowing anything about it, they watched her for a long time, but still found no trace of Kalya.

Not being able to find Kalya makes the Twilight Protoss very unhappy - this kind of thing is out of control and does not follow the established trajectory. The Twilight Protoss hates it the most. Just like in the past, he liked to see the twilight coming. At that time, mortals panicked and marveled when the stars appeared, instead of now, mortals use all kinds of whimsical ideas to interpret the stars from their own perspective.

Although they have always laughed at Haoyue and Lieyang for always thinking of treating those mortals as their own toys and planning for them to act according to their own will, in fact, the Twilight Titan is not much different from them.

In other words, the only difference is that his "will" is not as clear as the burning sun and the bright moon.

So, Karya, you're not in Risos, where have you been?

Kalya actually didn't go anywhere.

He's in Rithos.

Lux's sword was replaced with a scabbard, and was worn on the waist of an ordinary-looking mid-ranking Northern Walker officer.

Judging from the medal on the chest of this mid-level officer, he is a company-level commander of the Plains Walkers.

At this time, the commander was receiving rations and equipment from the military supplies office as the captain under the organizer. He looked no different from the many Northern Walkers who were busy in Lithos City.

However, what no one knows is that these people who look like the captains of a certain company of the Plains Walker Brigade are not all genuine Northern Walkers - many of them were just a few hours ago, or they were mages or clerks. …

It wasn't until Kalya found them through unofficial channels that they had the same identity and should stand together.

Member of the Anti-Twilight Team.

The goldfish in the fish tank did not disappear, but just changed back to its previous appearance.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·Plausible:

The Twilight Stars who think they have mastered human nature obviously underestimate the complexity of human nature. After all, the conclusions drawn as an observer and the conclusions drawn as a participant are often different - in comparison, although Soraka I haven’t met too many people, but I actually understand human nature better.

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