Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 724 【0713】 Yuyu clarifies

Under the triple suppression of speed advantage, numerical advantage and equipment advantage, this air battle, which is significant enough to be recorded in history, officially came to an end in just five minutes.

On the Wing Legion side, nine of the ten-man team were killed on the spot. After the dragon bird's wings were caught by the flying rope and the magic circuit was locked, they had no room for resistance at all. They could only half glide and half crash land. In the process, he was brutally hit.

It's hard to say whether the remaining guy is the unlucky guy or the lucky one, but he was captured by the squadron's full siege, along with his dragon and bird.

After the great victory, the squadron did not hesitate at all. Under the leadership of Xisilia, they immediately turned north and set off to return, and finally returned to Lithos smoothly.

After hovering over Beicheng for a while and watching the team members land smoothly one after another, Heathlia finally landed with the prisoners.

After taking off the mask and announcing the disbandment, Xisilia comforted Yun Ling, who was still unfinished, and then left the North Tower with the captives.

Xisilia remained silent along the way, and the captives following her also looked at death as if they were ready to face the cruel punishment that might come.

"I won't say anything!"

However, the torture expected by the prisoners did not occur.

After the interrogation yielded no results, the Northerners quickly detained him in the temporary prison in Lithos City.

Then it was as if he had forgotten about him and ignored him.


The inexplicable disappearance of a Flying Wing Legion team first attracted the attention of the Flying Wing Legion - a team of ten people disappeared without warning, which was not a small matter in the Flying Wing Legion.

In order to find this team, the Flying Wing Legion dispatched three teams and launched a detailed search on the trajectory of the team's planned investigation.

Not only did they find nothing, they even lost contact with one of the three teams.

After receiving the news, Gaguier, the commander of the Flying Wing Legion, felt his head was pounding.

It was originally thought that the first missing team had lost its way due to clouds and terrain, but as the second team also disappeared, it was obvious that the situation could not be explained by simply getting lost.

I knew with my knees that the two teams couldn't contact each other for no reason. It was definitely not a simple accident. Maybe the people in the north had mastered some special weapons to fight against the dragon and bird knights!

Things have reached this point. The Flying Wing Legion alone can no longer handle it. The aerial search is not only unsafe, but also not careful enough. At this time, ground troops must be deployed!

Although the Flying Wing Legion is also equipped with a lot of infantry, the location of the incident was a bit far away from the stronghold of the Xiongdu Front. Gaguier knew that it was okay for the infantry of the Flying Wing Legion to perform supply missions and simple garrison tasks. They were asked to stay away from their own side. The location investigation of the stronghold is a bit difficult.

In desperation, Gaguire could only report the situation to Jarvan IV and request to send ground troops, preferably the Dauntless Vanguard, to search and see if there were any clues on the ground.

Faced with Gaguire's request, Jarvan IV did his best (or rather he has been doing his best recently) and sent a search team composed of Dauntless Vanguards to the predetermined location and launched a detailed search.

Finally, three days later, in a forest east of the incident site, the search team finally found the bodies of some of the missing persons.

After a simple identification, the members of the search team unanimously believed that these dragon and bird knights were all killed by sharp weapons, and they were melee weapons - there were few wounds, but they were all fatal. If they did not have collective brain damage to land on their own initiative, then they should be eliminated. It's the air force in the north.

Gaguire couldn't help but frowned when he came to this conclusion.

In his opinion, this conclusion was somewhat outrageous.

He didn't know how many Dragon Bird Knights there were in the North, but according to the results of the Flying Wing Legion's internal training, if an encounter occurred in the air, unless the outnumbered number reached ten to one, it would be almost impossible to completely annihilate the opponent. possible.

The two squads were annihilated in the organized area. Judging from this ratio, hundreds of dragon and bird knights were dispatched from the north?

This number is a bit astonishing.

Although the Winged Legion does not have the number of private dragon and bird knights in the hands of other lords, the total number of dragon and bird knights in the entire Imperial Capital Front is less than three hundred - this still includes many who cannot go to the battlefield and can only deliver messages. The case of the messenger.

If we only count those Dragon Bird Knights who can appear on the frontal battlefield, conduct low-altitude reconnaissance or even aerial combat, then the entire Flying Wing Legion only has 200 people.

Moreover, it should be noted that although the dragon bird has good load-carrying capacity, good obedience, and is an excellent flying mount, like other creatures with the "dragon" affix in its name, its growth is extremely slow.

It takes at least eight years for a dragon bird to hatch out of its shell and become a mount - five years of growth and three years of training.

In addition, dragonfowl usually only lay one or two eggs in a nest, and dragonfowl that build nests and lay eggs cannot be ridden. Even if Forsbarrow started cultivating dragonfowl after Laxana arrived, there is no reason why he can now Pull up a hundred-man dragon and bird knights!

Or is it that Laxana has been quietly accumulating strength, and even took the initiative to trade dragon birds and dragon bird eggs from other nobles?

Shaking his head, Gaguire could only ignore the reason for the time being and instead focus on the next actions of the Winged Legion.

The investigation work cannot stop.

Although I don’t know how the dragon and bird knights in the north can hide from everyone and dispatch hundreds of them on a large scale, at least for now, small-scale reconnaissance can easily deliver food when the enemy has a large number of dragon and bird knights. .

Therefore, after some thought, Gaguier decided to simply continue to reduce the scale of the Dragon Bird Knight dispatch, abandon the weapons, and set out lightly to see if he could lure the enemy to appear. It would be best to collect some information about the enemy before making a decision.

Soon, he submitted a combat plan to Jarvan IV to lure the enemy to attack, and then look for opportunities to mobilize a large number of dragon and bird knights to annihilate them. He also requested the cooperation of engineers to find a hill on the front line to build a dragon and bird nest.

After receiving the plan, Jarvan IV did not make a decision immediately, but said that he would study it himself.

For a moment, Gaguire didn't understand what Jarvan IV wanted to study - in the entire Demacia, he ranked second in terms of air combat, and no one dared to claim first. What's the point of the detailed battle plan he proposed? Researchable?

Is there insufficient support from the logistics side?

It shouldn’t be!

But His Majesty said so, and Gaguire could only go back and wait for the news.

Fortunately, Jarvan IV did not keep him waiting too long - he found Gaguire the next day and provided him with information that stunned Gaguire.

According to intelligence, there are no hundreds of dragon and bird knights in the north. The total number of dragon and bird knights stationed in Lissos is only more than fifty, and they also include reserve dragon and bird knights.

The reason why they were able to successfully annihilate the two squads of the Flying Wing Legion was mainly due to their special tactics. It seems that these northerners incorporated evil wizards into the Dragon Bird Knights and used magic to restrict the flying wings. The actions of the Dragon Bird Knights of the Wing Legion formed a battle of annihilation.

After repeatedly reading the information provided by Jarvan IV, and even unable to resist speaking to confirm the authenticity of the information, Gaguire was finally sweating profusely.

If it is true as the intelligence said, then the battle plan I prepared before will probably fail without success, and I may even be bitten by the people from the north and then let them go freely!

And once things get to that point, our own dragon and bird knights will completely lose their combat effectiveness, and the air superiority of the Xiongdu Front will be gone!

At this moment, Gaguire was really lucky that His Majesty had placed a high-level spy beside Laxana - without this key information, the outcome of the subsequent Flying Wing Legion would be unimaginable!

In this way, Gaguire revised the battle plan overnight.

In the new battle plan, Gaguire finally let go of his reserve as the commander of the Winged Legion. He opened his mouth like a lion and asked Jarvan IV for "the support of a large number of ground troops with long-range weapons."

As long as the premise of luring the enemy into taking the initiative remains unchanged, Gaguire hopes to use more powerful land-based long-range weapons to make up for the magic in order to severely damage the northern air force.

Jarvan IV read his battle plan with confidence and raised many questions about the details. After Gaguire answered them one by one, he finally approved the plan.

In order to cooperate with Gaguire's plan, Jarvan IV generously mobilized three squadrons of bows and arrows from the garrison and a squadron of spear throwers, and ordered the three Forbidden Stone crossbows used to defend the city to be dismantled into parts and shipped. Assemble at the ambush location.

In addition, as a bodyguard, he also mobilized twenty Sun warriors to participate in the operation, aiming to eliminate the Northern Air Force stationed in Lithos with one blow!


Following the issuance of the battle order by Jarvan IV, the Xiongdu Front quickly took action.

The ambush wing rested during the day and marched at night. While ensuring that the Forsbarrow Air Force was not aware of it, they arrived at the predetermined ambush position. On a hill, under the cover of a not-so-luxurious coniferous forest, they began to set up an ambush. attack position.

After everything was ready, the Flying Wing Legion started to lure the enemy according to the planned plan.

In the view of Xiongdu Front Army, this will be a perfect ambush. They have the advantage of intelligence and have prepared heavy firepower in advance. They can definitely use this magical force to defeat the unruly northern border in an air battle. The Air Force won it in one fell swoop—or at least hit it hard.

However, what they didn't know was that someone did have an intelligence advantage in this ambush, but it was not them.

Because from the beginning to the end, the Flying Wing Legion has used itself as a model for its combat planning.

The Dragon Bird Riders of the Winged Legion were blind at night, so the plan called for marching at night to avoid an ambush and detection.

The Dragon Bird Knights of the Flying Wing Legion did not have heavy firepower, so they believed that the ambush wing had enough killing firepower.

But what they don't know is that the Northern Air Force is completely different from the Flying Wing Legion in terms of army building ideas.

The main purpose of the birth of the Flying Wing Legion is for reconnaissance, communication, and rapid maneuvering.

On this basis, the Northern Air Force proposed the tactical goals of "completely occupying air superiority", "helping ground forces guide and cooperate", and "delivering a fatal blow to enemy low-mobility targets".

Moreover, the only air unit of the Wing Legion is the Wing Knights, but on the Northern Air Force side, in addition to the Wing Knights as the main force, there are also the Hawkeye Squadron, which is specialized in reconnaissance, the Bombing Squadron, which is responsible for heavy fire support, and although The dragon group is pitifully small in number but insanely powerful in frontal combat.

Marching at night is enough to hide from normal detection, but the Eagle Squadron under the Hawkeye Squadron can conduct night reconnaissance.

Gaguire's belief that "night marches can hide from enemy detection" was a false proposition from the beginning.

He had never seen the Freljord's giant snowy owl, so naturally he didn't know that after being domesticated, it could become an aerial reconnaissance unit like the falcon!

(Here the Northern Air Force thanks the intelligence team. The way they observed and concluded that the Avarosa people domesticate falcons is the source of inspiration and technology accumulation for the Northern Air Force to domesticate snowy owls. Compared with the current expensive and expensive The Hex night vision device with limited field of view, Snow Owl is cheap and easy to use, and can also clean up all kinds of annoying rodents in the camp.)

Therefore, this "secret ambush" was simply one-way and transparent on the Northern Air Force side.

At first, the Snow Owl reconnaissance showed that there was an enemy salient, but the Northern Air Force had not discovered the problem yet.

But as this protruding unit hid during the day and continued to advance at night, the Northern Air Force quickly realized that this was definitely a tactical move. When the protruding unit stopped moving, Heathlia personally took action. , during the ultra-high-altitude cruise flight, using the Hex military telescope, the ambusher's tail was finally discovered.

Although ultra-high-altitude flying reconnaissance cannot confirm the number of enemies very accurately, as the Flying Wing Legion continues to carry out aerial reconnaissance in small groups nearby with amazing performance, even if the Northern Air Force is a fool, they can guess that the enemy is attacking What an idea!

Under this situation, various departments of the Northern Air Force held a meeting. After some exchanges, they agreed that this was a good opportunity to use their tactics.

Since the enemy wants to rely on land-based weapons on the ground and plans to fight an ambush battle, the Northern Air Force has the obligation to teach you what air supremacy is and what tactical bombing is!

The Xiongdu Front Army had been advancing step by step towards the camp, and with the support of the main force of the Flying Wing Corps, the Northern Air Force's several bombing plans were shelved after assessing the risks.

But now, you took the initiative to leave the camp's large number of heavy crossbow protections, and specially allocated a sufficiently attractive number of dragon and bird knights as bait, and ran out to ambush?

Can this be called an ambush?

This is obviously door-to-door delivery!

In the end, the Northern Air Force unanimously determined that in response to the ambush of the Flying Wing Legion, our army should formulate a special countermeasure plan and strive to eliminate as many aircraft as possible at the lowest cost outside the enemy's massive heavy air defense firepower. The effective strength of the Wing Legion, and then completely control the air superiority in this war!

This combat plan was personally decided by Sivana, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Air Force, and was determined to be the [Yuyu Clarification] plan.

I beg you all the book friends who know everything to recommend a big and heavy mouse. My last mouse was Logitech’s G502.

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