Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 740 【0729】 Her Majesty Laxana arrived in her loyal capital today

The scale of the surrender ceremony was not grand. After all, after such a long battle, the soldiers on both sides were exhausted, and there was no point in holding a ceremony anymore.

Under the watchful eyes of soldiers from both armies, Jarvan IV handed over his Dragon Spear to Lux, and then the other legions also disarmed.

At this point, the main legions such as the Demacia Dreadless Vanguard, Garrison Legion, Ranger Legion, Plains Mobile Legion, and Swamp Chapter have officially become prisoners of the Northern Walkers. There are almost no more prisoners along the way from Lissos to Xiongdu. Formed into an organized guard regiment.

At this time, sending troops to the south, it is not too much to say a word of warning.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, Lux did not rush south immediately.

After the surrender ceremony, she organized the transportation of the prisoners to the rear while steadily advancing the front line. She completely lost the momentum of the army marching hundreds of miles a day when the troops were raised.

However, what remained the same as when the army was launched was that during the process of going south, she was still presiding over the trial of nobles and the distribution of land.

As the news spread to Xiongdu, Lux was not anxious, but the noble council, which had been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai until now, was anxious.

In fact, when the news came that Jarvan IV was captured and the Xiongdu Front surrendered, although the nobles of Xiongdu were shocked for a while, it didn't take long for them to quickly settle down.

For the Noble Council, welcoming a king—oh, emperor—who is not from the Light Shield family is a very difficult thing, and it can even be regarded as the first of its kind.

However, considering that Count Laxana has always been known as a model of nobility in the past, this difficulty can be understood under certain conditions.

Many nobles even felt a little secretly happy when they got the news. After all, Jarvan IV had always treated the nobles very harshly. What stood out was that he had a monopoly of power. The noble council had long been dissatisfied, but Jarvan IV held the power. Heavy troops, dissatisfied can only compromise.

But now that the aristocratic model comes to power, does that mean... that the era of co-governance by aristocrats is back?

In their view, after Laxana rebelled and defeated the Xiongdu Front Army, what she needed now was legitimacy and status.

So, who in Demacia is qualified to give Laxana legitimacy?

The answer is naturally the Parliament of Nobles. After all, in theory, the Parliament of Nobles is the highest authority in Demacia!

And if you want the noble council to give you a legal claim, shouldn't Miss Noble Model show some sincerity?

As we all know, politics is the art of compromise.

If Miss Laxana can appropriately use some artistic political methods, specifically to give the nobles more power and convenience as she did when she established the Art Support Association in Xiongdu, then the noble council will definitely not refuse. Add a legalized title to the Rising of the Northern Walkers.

Well, for example, "Accept the secret agreement of the Council of Nobles and correct Jarvan IV's extreme errors." This is a good reason.

Doesn't it sound much more agreeable than "the paragon of aristocrats rebelled"?

Even following this line of thinking, the previous disappearance of Lan Fu can be explained as a "secret transmission of news." Even if this is purely false, it at least gives this rebellion a legalized coat!

You see, you have gained your title and the stability of the situation in Demacia. You will also be able to receive the private fiefdom of the Lightshield family in the future, and the noble council has regained some of the rights that Jarvan IV had taken away in the past.

Hello everyone, hello, you are still a model of nobility and the light of light in Demacia; the Noble Council has restored the status of Demacia's highest authority, which can be said to be a win-win situation.

After several meetings, the noble council quickly reached unanimous agreement on this point of view. In the eyes of many nobles, this is Laxana's only choice at present. Unless she wants to take over a mess, she will have to fight with the nobles. Cooperation will be the best option.

Once Laxana expressed her sincerity, the noble council also discussed the sincerity of the nobles.

In order to avoid the heavily armed Laxana, they were even willing to give up their claim to the Light Shield family's territory, and only wanted to get back the military power and grassroots administrative power in their own noble fiefdoms - I heard about the Sun Sect and the Bright Moon Sect. If they are not good people, then the Illuminati is certainly not a thing, so those grassroots missionaries installed by Jarvan IV before should also pack up and get out!

During frequent internal meetings, the Noble Council finally listed a long and detailed memorandum, intending to use it to make political deals with Laxana, agree with her rule, and take the opportunity to control Jarvan IV's past centralization of power. The policy is counterattack and calculated.

However, after an internal agreement was reached and a memorandum was drawn up, the envoy from the north was still delayed.


Is this being reserved or just posturing?

Where are you waiting to eat the pot of pulp?

Seeing that Laxana was indifferent, the noble council simply sent Barrett as an envoy to take the initiative to go north to contact Laxana.

The gone forever.

Barrett did not return, but the lord of Pinara did, and brought news that stunned the nobles.

The Northern Walkers are slowly heading south, and in the process, they have always insisted on what they did in Mithril City - judging the nobles and allocating land.

At this time, the noble council in Xiongdu finally realized that something was wrong.

Laxana... shouldn't she be serious?


Of course Lux was serious.

She had been preparing for this for fifteen years at Forsbarrow.

What can you do in fifteen years?

It was enough to establish a complete household registration system and conduct three detailed censuses.

It is enough to complete the dual-track and reliable grassroots organizational system of communities and trade unions.

Enough to normalize magic and make it daily, enough to make compulsory education widely available.

Enough to make the Spring Speech and Winter Speech deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, enough to unite the whole North.

It can form a unified standard for a large number of industries in the north and fully adapt industry and trade.

Three new promotion paths have been recognized, replacing the old system of the past.

It is enough to achieve ideological unity among the clerks, the royal guards and the Northern Walkers.

Fifteen years is a short time for an immortal, as if it is just a blink of an eye.

But fifteen years can be a long time, enough to completely change the appearance of a world.

Fifteen years are enough for the dragon's spine larches on the shore of the artificial lake to grow into a dense pine forest, making pine nuts a brand new specialty product of Forsbarrow.

Fifteen years were enough for a water network to crisscross the northern plateau, turning water transport into a blood vessel for trade, nourishing this once barren and deprived remote land.

Fifteen years were enough for Forsbarrow to transform from a border fortress into a prime commercial land of two cities, one port and three towns, allowing the people of Forsbarrow to completely get rid of hunger.

Fifteen years were enough for the first local Archon of Forsbarrow, Chief Wallow, to take over the banner of the previous generation of Archon and become the representative of the new generation of Archon.

Fifteen years are enough for Forsbarrow to become a trading point that cannot be ignored on the map of merchants, allowing northern specialties to enter thousands of households and integrate with more industries.

Fifteen years were enough for Fosbaeroha to absorb immigrants many times and accumulate a lot of governance experience from top to bottom on how to expand its rule.

Fifteen years are enough time for the people of the North, whether they are merchants, farmers, craftsmen, law enforcers, clerks or travelers in the North, to build up strong self-confidence.

When the nobles of Xiongdu thought that Lux would compromise with them in order to maintain their rule, Lux, Forsbyro, and the North Territory had already achieved great success and were ready to devour the world.

Jarvan IV did not dare to quarrel with the nobles, but Lux did.

Supporting her, in addition to the Northern Walkers and Dharma Protectors, there is also a large team of clerks and a steady stream of graduates one after another.

Although even after many rectifications and many ideological studies, the team of clerks is not very pure, nor can it be said that they all have ideals, but they at least have basic abilities, can write and do calculations, and have basic administrative experience.

With these clerks around, the nobles who used to rely on their rule could finally be completely swept into the trash can.

Sixteen years ago, she left the capital as a model noble. After making great achievements, she took the initiative to guard the borders of the kingdom, leaving only a loyal figure behind.

And sixteen years later, she came back.

This time, she didn't need to spread the word.

There is no need to play politics with the aristocratic council.

Because Lux's ultimate goal is not to replace Jarvan IV.

But completely...change the world.


Realizing that something was wrong, the noble council tried to counterattack.

For the first time, they united together so sincerely. They worked hard to mobilize manpower in their respective territories and took out the food from the bottom of their own boxes to form a coalition of nobles.

However, due to Jarvan IV's consistent weakening policy, the level of this coalition of nobles was quite poor.

The nobles in Xiongdu quickly discovered this problem. It seemed that the noble coalition they formed was very powerful, but its specific combat effectiveness was such that even a layman could tell something was wrong.

This is not possible!

Although in Lux's view, the nobles in the Noble Council are all a bunch of insects, objectively speaking, the nobles of Demacia are already very good among the feudal military nobles. After discovering the problem, they worked very hard to unite. , began to win over the Tobitsia Legion and the Green Teeth Peak Legion in the name of the Noble Council.

These two legions responsible for border defense are already the only combat-effective military armed forces they can win over.

The Noble Council promised a lot of benefits. While Lux was taking advantage of the situation and was not in a hurry to go south, it hoped that the Tobitsia Army and the Green Teeth Peak Army would maintain the defense of the capital and train new troops.

The capital of Demacia must be defended and firmly defended in order to have leverage for subsequent negotiations!

There is no problem with the idea of ​​​​the noble council, and the decision is very correct, but the problem is that the main army of Demacia has been finished. With two border defense forces, plus a group of farmers who were temporarily pulled over, it can really resist An army of Northern Walkers?

To be honest, many nobles really have no idea about this issue.

Unfortunately, when it comes to noble inheritance and noble status, the noble council has no choice.

In this case, they could only hope that the armed farmers could use their lives to slow down the pace of the northerners, forcing Laxana to sit down and negotiate.

With this in mind, the noble coalition fought two consecutive large-scale battles with the Northern Walkers in Edessa and Jandel.

As for the outcome of the battle...

It can only be said that the Battle of Edessa and the Battle of Jandel illustrate that the gap between professional soldiers and non-professional soldiers cannot be bridged by a numerical gap of no more than two orders of magnitude.

And, more importantly, with the steady advancement of the Northern Walkers' front, news of the trial of nobles and the distribution of farmland quickly spread to the south, which directly led to the temporarily armed peasants facing the Northern Walkers. At that time, there was no combat effectiveness at all, and if there was a slight headwind, they would surrender in an organized manner.

The large-scale surrender of farmers even affected the Tobitsia Army and the Green Tooth Peak Army, making their defense lines riddled with holes. Many places that could delay the movements of the Northern Walkers in their battle plans were was passed quickly, resulting in a large number of serious miscarriages of justice.

In addition, due to the collapse of the Flying Wing Legion, although the Green Teeth Peak Legion and the Tobitsia Legion also had many dragon birds, the Northern Air Force firmly grasped the air superiority of the battlefield and could even temporarily intercept the signal. In a true sense, it prevents the enemy from looking at each other.

Under this situation, the Green Teeth Legion finally chose to shrink its troops and fight to the death with the Northern Walkers on the city walls of Demacia's capital, relying on the advantages of city defense.

To this day, only the tall city walls of Xiongdu can give them a certain sense of security!

Faced with the Green Teeth Legion's defensive defense of the city, Lux and the Northern Walkers continued to move south along the Melan River without any delay, and leisurely expanded the front line, clearing the capital of Demacia. The defense of a large area in the east finally began to surround Xiongdu City.

The Northern Walker army did not carry siege weapons, but they adopted an attacking posture. It seemed that they planned to storm the capital of Demacia, and a brutal siege was about to take place.

The nobles trapped in the isolated city can only hope that the Northern Walkers will not be able to withstand the casualties caused by the siege, and finally choose to end the war in a relatively decent way - at this moment, they no longer even have reservations about it. The fiefdom has expectations, they just hope that they will not be judged!

However, the siege of the capital of Demacia took them in a direction that caught them off guard from the very beginning.

The Northern Walkers who spread out their troops in the west, south and north of the city and planned to attack the city were just a pretense.

It is the navy that really takes on the task of siege.

The seven giant ships sailed into Xiongdu Bay and stopped steadily less than three hundred yards from the sea lock of Xiongdu Port. The sailors opened the water doors of the gun cabins, tore off the gun jackets and exposed the sides. There are more than thirty magic cannons installed on it.

Due to the limitations of the processing level in the north, this kind of magic cannon is difficult to miniaturize. Even with the Ernuk cart, it is difficult to support the requirements of land warfare, so it has never made an appearance - but now, facing Demacia The weak coastal defense of the capital, the highest level masterpiece of the northern military industry so far, finally let out its roar!

Although these cannons are based on certain Hex technology weapons, the ammunition they fire is not Hex crystals, but the even more insane... Zhenbing.

Under the stunned eyes of the port defenders, wherever the shelling hit, even the sea was frozen.

Then, when the defenders were still at a loss, the curtain of shadow was torn open, and Lux ​​took the first and seventh sequences of law-enforcers, as well as some elite plainswalkers, through the curtain of the shadow realm, stepping on Clinging to the ice, he climbed over the city wall of Xiongdu Port.

The weak defenses were simply not worth mentioning under the joint offensive of the three giants of the North, and the elite cover of the Lawkeepers and Northern Walkers. Less than five minutes later, the sea gate that closed the port area was twisted open from the inside, and Demacia The port area of ​​Xiongdu completely changed hands.

With a red flag rising, amidst impassioned heroic hymns, the supreme light of Demacia arrived in its loyal capital of Demacia today.

Everything will fall into place, it can only be said that things will fall into place when conditions are ripe.

The foreshadowing before was enough, but now it is obviously a long plot. I even felt that there was nothing to write about, it was very smooth.

PS. I seem to have some serious illness. I have no energy during the day, but I feel energetic at night.

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