Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 742 【0731】 The meaning of competition

For the residents of the capital of Demacia, they are actually very clear about the concept of competitive competitions - don't forget, when Jarvan III was still there, Demacia held an international competition!

However, compared to the people in the north, the residents of Demacia's capital actually have a relatively narrow concept of competition.

They understand martial arts duels very well, because personal force has a great relationship with subsequent development. Victory in the martial arts contest means that the combat effectiveness is good, and it is more likely to make meritorious deeds and prosper in the future. But now that the people from the north have come, they have proposed Various competitions, but they sound a bit strange.

Not a competition, but a competition of professional skills from all walks of life... No one has ever organized this in the past!

However, for the clerks who came with the army and the intern students who were subsequently transferred, they were completely familiar with organizing competitions-because in Forsbarrow and in Kalja, a competition called the Examination was opened. After Pandora's Box, competition culture quickly developed rapidly.

Not to mention the military competitions that Northern Walkers usually hold between training and competitions, even among the people of Forsbarrow, there are endless competitions, and quite a few of them are even organized by the government.

For example, the fishermen of Xinfukang Port have a fishing competition, the Xinfukang Port pier has a boat parking competition and a porting competition, and there are various competitions within the Registrar. New immigrants will also participate in immigration after arriving in Forsbarrow or Xinfuku City. Sports meets and so on.

For the people of Forsbarrow, various competitions are a national entertainment project to kill leisure time, and you can earn extra money by participating in some competitions. In Lux's eyes, these competitions are very important and cultivate. A means of collective consciousness and identity among the people of Forsbarrow.

An immigrant who comes to Forsbarrow from elsewhere in the north will be assigned to the community soon after arriving in Forsbarrow and registering. Depending on the time when the immigrant enters the community, every three to six Every month, about ten communities will jointly hold an immigration sports meeting.

Although the level of sports at these immigrant games is often not very high, most immigrants enjoy them.

The reason is also very simple. Unlike corporate team building, which is tiring, troublesome and meaningless, Fosbairo has prepared quite rich prizes for these new immigrants, many of which you cannot buy outside - and these sports Projects are often group projects.

Starting from the simplest tug-of-war and rowing, to passing fire that requires more delicate cooperation, Forsbarrow has prepared a very rich range of sports for these immigrants who are still in training.

In each competition, the immigrants of Forsbarrow can quickly adapt to their identity as Forsbarrow people. Even if their past identity labels are indelible, at least the new Forsbarrow labels can partially cover them. .

Participated in the Immigration Games, received awards, and became a Forsbarrow native.

Therefore, Forsbarrow's clerks have very rich experience in organizing competitions, and also have very rich experience in using competitions to break up the old order and form a new order.

In Forsbarrow, immigrants who have defected from all over the north will gain a new identity in the Immigration Games. From now on, their labels will no longer be Mithril City people, Owendale people or Rithos. People, but people from the 325 community of Fosbairo and the 221 community of Xinfucheng.

If studying and living in school is the first impression of the city for the children who immigrated to Forsbarrow, then the Immigration Games are the common memory of the adult immigrants of Forsbarrow.

And now, in the capital of Demacia, facing the huge and complicated citizen class here, and the intricate old forces, Lux is determined to conduct a large-scale special skills competition in order to erase this... The old labels of all walks of life in the city, like the Immigration Games, are incorporated into a new order!


After the news was released that specialized skills competitions in various industries were about to begin, the clerks who arrived in Xiongdu took action immediately.

As if they were businessmen, these clerks went around the streets and carried out initial publicity by shouting at their necks.

Subsequently, after the symposium with various industries, this news was also verified from top to bottom. Although some people had vaguely realized that Laxana was going to break the old order, such big news was hidden. Can't help it, if you don't help with publicity at this time, you are going against the new emperor. Anyway, everyone is the leader in the industry. Even if it is a fair competition, you may not be afraid of others, right?

So, in less than five days, everyone in the capital of Demacia heard about the industry-wide professional skills competition.

Good guy, can this still happen?

After confirming the authenticity of the news, the citizens of Demacia's capital quickly became active - as the army entered the city, many noble estates were sealed, and although the entire Demacia capital did not fall into chaos, But it was still quite deserted.

But now, when Lux takes the initiative to chart a path that has never been taken before, many people have some inexplicable expectations in their hearts.

In the past, everyone worked for aristocratic gentlemen. How much you could earn depended on your abilities and connections. If you don’t know a few brokers, no matter how good your professional skills are, you still won’t be able to catch the eye of noble gentlemen!

However, now that there is this competition, does that mean we can directly talk to the new noble lord?

Take the catering industry as an example.

There are at least thousands of famous chefs in the entire Xiongdu City.

Among these people, those who used to be private chefs for nobles have now lost their jobs and need to find new jobs; those who have private restaurants hope to make a name for themselves; those who have just started working as chefs hope to become famous instantly; and those who have a craft inheritance , hoping to rectify his heritage...

If there is no cooking competition, those aristocratic private chefs will be angry because of losing their jobs; the chefs of personal restaurants will be dissatisfied because of the poor market; the rookies who have just started working will be confused because of the changes in the situation; the old people who inherit the craftsmanship will be Worried because of fear of loss.

But now, when the news of the cooking competition came out, all of them had a very clear goal, which was to achieve a good result in the competition-according to the initially decided competition plan, ten people would be selected for the cooking competition. The famous chef and the twenty special chefs. If you win one of these thirty places, it means you have a firm foothold in Demacia's new and changing environment!

In this case, the loss of old jobs, the depression of the catering market, and the drastic changes in the situation in the capital all became less important.

And, even better, as long as the game is relatively fair, even if someone complains about it after the game, it will be difficult for them to gain approval - you are just complaining, are you not your own boss?

This is true for chefs, and it is true for other industries.

Tailors have clothing cutting competitions and clothing design competitions; construction teams have carving competitions and construction plan competitions; minstrels have poetry competitions and singing competitions...

In order to hold these competitions, almost all the students graduating next year were sent to the capital of Demacia to participate in this amazing social practice.

So, who will provide the funds for such a large-scale competition?


Naturally, it was generously donated by the nobles of the capital!

In fact, for Lux, holding these competitions also has a very important economic account.

After taking over the capital, almost all the assets of the nobles, including the Crownguard Manor, needed to be cleared and confiscated. However, due to continuous inflation, the nobles had never been in the habit of hoarding gold coins, so for a while, Lux There are many precious but useless things in my hands.

Among them, jewelry and the like are okay. Even if they are not easy to cash out, they can be sold slowly. But what is more troublesome are some things that are wasted without cashing out, such as precious ingredients, special magic materials, and things that are not easy to preserve. Silk, etc., if they stop circulating, they will soon become garbage.

These things are not easy to use for Northern Walkers to enjoy, and we can't just sit and watch them spoil, so this game is also a good way to consume them - such as the liver of the turtle, a precious ingredient that is worth gold. It’s not bad to use as material for the finals of the cooking competition.

Moreover, in addition to consuming some materials, this large-scale competition is also part of Lux's economic propaganda.

Also use the cooking competition as an example.

Nowadays, although the prices of many spices in the north have gradually dropped, Wang Xietang Qianyan in the old days was ready to fly into the homes of ordinary people, but if you want people to accept these spices, you must at least have a way to display them. Bar?

In addition, since the beginning of Shurima trade, the enjoyment level of the nobles in Xiongdu has continued to rise. They can eat sea beast eyes from Bilgewater, use Ionia's specialty silk, and enjoy Icathia's Specialty spices and Shurima jewelry can be worn, but because the royal family tightly controls the channels, this kind of enjoyment cannot even drive the private economy.

Now, in the special skills competition, specialties from various places will be displayed to the people of Xiongdu and Demacia, so that they can also intuitively feel that there is a bigger world outside, a bigger world. There are also more good things in the world, laying the foundation for Demacia to fully open its doors.

There is no doubt that this will be a true national competition. In the entire Demacia capital, except for the nobles who are now under guard, all citizens are either participants or witnesses.

Of course, for this kind of national competition, if it is done well, it can re-establish order, but if it is not done well, it will completely lose the support of the people. Many participants can't help but feel anxious, worried that these northerners are not knowledgeable.

For competitions such as music, painting, and sculpture, Lux and Sona can completely control the situation, and no one will have any objections. But for many competitions that are more life-like, do the North really have reliable referees?

Or should they take the first step to select truly reliable people as referees?

Many people have thought of this level, so after the symposium, many industry leaders successively gave hints that they could serve as referees.

Regarding these overt and covert hints, Lux chose to accept them all and review them personally.

In the temporary tent in the grand square, Lux, who was dressed in military uniform and holding a sword in hand, received these "referees" with a smile, and then communicated with them in person one by one.

It often only takes about half an hour for these industry leaders to leave dripping with sweat, with disbelief in their eyes when they leave.

Almost everyone who left had similar thoughts in their minds - how could she know everything?

Cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing, gardening, veterinary medicine...

Lux looks like a human encyclopedia!

This is too terrible!

In front of this expert, many industry leaders had no choice but to be humble and give up their ambitions for judicial power. Lax did not embarrass them. After showing her own experience, she discussed the sea with them one by one. selection rules.

Lux is certainly not an encyclopedia.

But Kalya is.

When a person lives long enough, then he has truly achieved "I have never eaten pork and I have seen pigs run away." Kalya's cooking skills are average and he doesn't know much about tailoring, but this does not hinder him Opinion as a critic in the fields of food and clothing.

Although he has no practical ability in many things, he does know a little bit about theoretical techniques. With this theoretical technique, although it is not easy to further help players improve, at least he can comment!

This is enough.

With Karya here, at least someone on the referee panel of each competition knows the truth. Even if it is biased, generally speaking, fairness can be completely guaranteed.

And with the guarantee of fairness, the result of this game will be affirmed by the people of Xiongdu and even the entire Demacia. No matter how Lux judges and liquidates the nobles in the future, the mentality of the citizens of Xiongdu will only be for fun. , rather than sharing the same hatred.

On November 1, the sixteenth year of Fossby's calendar, half a month after Lux entered the capital city, she finally arrived at the Grand Square. Facing the people who were eagerly looking forward to the rules of the industry skills competition, she started this year's competition. Winter Speech.

Just as she promised to build northern water conservancy facilities in her first winter speech in Forsbarrow, in the Grand Plaza, Lux also made her first political promise in the capital of Demacia.

"I will host this competition in a fair and impartial manner, select and reward the real industry elites."

"After the competition, there will be many new fields and professions open to all citizens of Xiongdu. Anyone who meets the requirements and has matching abilities will get an equal opportunity to compete, just like this competition. "

"I always believe that the greatness of Demacia comes from the shining of every Demacia; the future of Demacia rests on the shoulders of every Demacia."

"I announce that the first Demacia Industry Skills Competition is officially opening!"

Kalya’s Little Class·Cooking the liver of the fish:

Although in Bilgewater, the internal organs of many sea beasts are fishy and smelly and are given for free, but the Tallfish is obviously not one of them.

The fish oil of the Dauer fish not only has a peculiar aroma, but also has a very obvious refreshing effect. The liver, which is rich in fish oil, has naturally become one of the top ingredients in Runeland.

In addition, the green sac in the mouth of the turtle fish near the pharynx is an important source of purified magic essence. The skin of the turtle fish is also an excellent leather armor material. This kind of fish that lives in the ocean is full of treasures, and Pike is It was the Tall fish that dragged him down. Pike, as a harpooner, was sold by his teammates when he was catching the Tall fish. He was buried in the belly of the fish and eventually became a ghost in Blood Harbor.

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