Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 750 【0739】 Transformation that carries forward the past and opens up the future

When Lux finally brought the topic to the topic of "the nobles themselves are guilty", everyone present finally came to their senses.

The fundamental purpose of this public trial... is not to judge at all!

She just wanted to take this opportunity to completely realize her change in Demacia, a complete change!

And this kind of complete change will obviously cause everyone to panic.

This is Demacia, a Demacia with fine traditions. Although Demacia did have some problems some time ago, this does not mean that this country needs a complete and complete change.

If Demacia abandons the justice, honor, and nobility that it has always pursued in the past, can it still be considered Demacia?

There are problems with some nobles, but that does not mean that there is a problem with the identity of the nobles. Your Excellency, Laxana, what are you going to do?

The grand square fell silent.

Citizens who are not sensitive to politics have a vague feeling that Lady Laxana is talking about something very new, but they can't understand it.

Jarvan IV and a group of nobles, who were at the trial seat, looked at Lux with disbelief in their eyes, and even a hint of panic - not only worried about their own future, but also worried about Demacia.

In this case, Lux did not continue to talk about it, but started a statement very calmly and in an almost natural tone.

"When I was a child, I used to long for those great Demacia heroes. I listened to the legend of the Winged Sisters and the stories of the ancestors who opened up the kingdom. The surname of the Crown Guard gave me... Read more More books, a chance to learn more about history.”

"Before the age of twelve, I spent all my energy on studying, learning to suppress dangerous magic, learning ancient history, and learning etiquette passed down from generation to generation. I am full of pride in all of this, and I also long to be able to See the wider Demacia."

"However, the more I understand history and the past, the more I wonder, why do we today adhere to those creeds of yesterday?"

"My mother told me that this is tradition, passed down from generation to generation in Demacia, and it is the strongest root system supporting this leafy tree."

"She told me that we live in a city built by our ancestors. The common people cultivate the land cultivated by the ancestors, and the nobles inherit the glory of the ancestors."

"And what we have to do is to add to the city after inheriting it, to open up more land, and to leave it as a new tradition to future generations."

"Since then, I no longer have any doubts in my mind. Although I have seen some people giving up glory in Mithril City, I will not question the tradition because of this."

"So, I became a model of nobility in everyone's mouth."

"Later, during a duel, I gave up the chance to fight for a second time according to traditional creed, chose the punishment of stone crown, and left Demacia."

"After leaving Demacia, I traveled to many places, learned a lot about other people's traditions, and met many people trapped in traditions."

"That was the first time I started to think about whether it would really be okay if everything was done according to tradition. If everything was always like this, would that be right?"

"After climbing the mountain, I saw the most tranquil starry sky, but I still had doubts in my heart."

"Demacians have been building bricks and mortar in the city and opening up more farmland in the countryside for generations. Is this to follow tradition or to make life better for future generations?"

"With this doubt in mind, I became the lord of Forsbarrow, and for the first time I saw the shocking tradition. In Forsbarrow, people make a living by picking."

"Picking, mining, hunting, this is the tradition of Fosbarrow, but the tradition of Fosbarrow is not enough to fill their stomachs."

"So I decided to change the tradition of Forsbarrow."

"Twenty years ago, ten years ago, I don't think anyone here has heard of Forsbarrow. Even if they have heard of it, it should be because it is one of the three towns in the north, Demacia. ’s northern portal, no one knows what’s there.”

"Now, or three years ago, or five years ago, as long as you are not housebound, you should have heard about Forsbarrow, heard about the northern trade, and heard about many new things. .”

"One might think that I changed the tradition of gathering and hunting in Forsbarrow."

“But just as no one knows about the Forsbairo of the past, no one knows that what Forsbairo is growing now is exactly what they used to produce.”

"In the past, the people of Fosbarrow harvested red sage and hunted wild animals to obtain their furs; now, the people of Fosbarrow grow red sage and buy their furs."

“Did Forsbarrow really change the tradition?”

"Maybe it's changed."

"But has Forsbarrow lost his roots?"

"Forsbarrow is like this, isn't it the same in Demacia now?"

"I once lived in the diary of the ancestors. At that time, Demacia was still wild and desolate. The ancestors would not rest in the same place for more than five days, otherwise they might be attacked by a large-scale beast tide, or be killed. The evil black magician is on his sights.”

"However, after the Forbidden Stone was discovered and the first city was founded, the tradition became not to leave the city for more than two days."

"Then, when Demacia was formally established, the safe places became cities and the roads connecting them expanded into the farmland surrounding the cities."

"It's just that today, the traditions we adhere to are no longer the traditions when Demacia was first established."

"Tradition has always developed and changed. No matter how ancient a tradition is, such as the nobility or the royal family, it cannot remain unchanged."

"Now is the time for Demacia to make this change."




Starting with the public trial, Lux gave a speech that lasted for a quarter of an hour in the form of an argument.

The content of the speech is very simple and can be understood by everyone. The core of the entire speech is that "the tradition of Demacia must be inherited and carried forward."

Carry on the past and open up the future.

Demacia will always remember its history and use it as a foundation for moving forward.

But Demacia should not be trapped in traditions. When some traditions are no longer suitable for Demacia and will hinder Demacia from moving forward, this tradition needs to be changed.

The fundamental purpose of all Demacian traditions should be based on the rights of all Demacians.

This is both a speech.

At the same time, it is also a proclamation and a policy agenda made public to the public.

Different from the king's speeches in the past, Lux set her sights on every Demacian. She no longer used abstract images and used glory that was difficult to implement to explain her purpose. She wanted to use words that the people could understand. If so, explain what you want to do.

This was her second speech after arriving in Xiongdu.

With the foundation of the previous skills competition, although the people could not fully understand what Lux meant by this speech, they were at least skeptical.

In other words, they are willing to give it a try as Lux said.

But unlike the people who were talking in low voices, some had doubts, and some were eager to try, when Lux raised his head again, Jarvan IV was in disbelief, and the nobles were even more stunned.

In her speech just now, Lux integrated the royal family and the nobility into one. On the one hand, she affirmed the importance of the ancestors of Demacia to the birth of this country, and affirmed their struggle and hardships along the way.

But equally, she mercilessly rejected the current king and nobles.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lux is faintly at the height of history, as if overlooking the long river of time, fundamentally denying the significance of the existence of the royal family and nobility.

In Lux's words, the royal family and nobles are representatives of inefficiency. The bloodline is not enough to screen out capable people, and a large number of people who lack ability and belief are responsible for maintaining the order of the country, which means that the order of the country is chaotic.

Moreover, the royal family and the nobility had no responsibilities commensurate with their power.

Those Demacia ancestors have a prominent status because they are the scouts who opened the way and the guardians who can protect the first generation of immigrants. Their special status is matched by their abilities and merits.

If the ancestors are not worthy of their name, it means that a group of immigrants will be wiped out.

But now in Demacia, the only responsibility of the royal family and nobles is to maintain glory, and maintaining glory cannot be clearly quantified, so the nobles will rush to become moths, and the new nobles will become more powerful than the old nobles after they come to power. Greed - because the new aristocracy has little glory to inherit and carry forward.

Under such circumstances, it was time for Demacia's noble system to undergo radical changes.

Nobles whose power and responsibility do not match should be swept into the garbage heap of history!

While Jarvan IV and all the nobles were in a daze, Lux took advantage of the situation and put forward her long-planned plan to transform the Demacia nobles.

The plan is mainly divided into three parts.

First of all, within the nobility, those who violate the requirements of the nobility must first accept the trial and punishment of the nobility themselves. This is also the easiest part to understand.

Then, nobles who meet the requirements of nobles will now automatically lose their noble status and have most of their property confiscated as punishment for hindering the progress of Demacia - in fact, this is what Lux did in other cities, But there are only a few local nobles with clean butts.

Finally, self-reliant re-education is carried out among the nobles who have accepted the above two punishments, so that these representatives of the old order can become part of the new order, and their status as old nobles can become a trace of history.

For the nobles after the transformation, New Demacia will give them a new identity and status.

The above three items are also the main principles for the rest of this public trial.

After explaining the three principles, Lux's eyes fell on Jarvan IV.

"Jarvan IV." This time, Lux no longer had the polite smile on her face. Instead, she took out a stack of records very calmly, raised her pen, and pointed at the blank space of the first line, "Are you Are you willing to accept transformation?"

"I do."

Beyond Lux's expectations, Jarvan IV gave the answer right away, and there was even a somewhat relieved expression on his face.

"So, what are you good at?" Lux ticked a check mark, "In other words, what area do you think you are good at?"


At this point, Jarvan IV was a little hesitant.

He wanted to say martial arts, but after remembering what it felt like to have his body controlled, he swallowed it.

After a moment, he finally shook his head gently.


"The ability to command requires practice and assessment, and the organization of the Northern Walkers is different from other legions in Demacia." Lux recorded the word "command" in the first place of the transformation choice, and then picked up the pen again, "Except for this What? You still have two choices."

"Perhaps, history?" Jarvan IV thought for a moment, "and ballroom dancing?"


Jarvan IV's cooperation exceeded all nobles' expectations.

When Lux recorded his three wishes in detail, as if he were an ordinary clerk, the other nobles in the dock looked at Jarvan IV with a hint of "I am ready to fight to the death." "Why did your Majesty surrender first?"

They were completely unable to understand why Jarvan IV, who had been extremely stubborn when it came to consolidating the power of the nobility, would so obediently accept the transformation from Lux.

Are you really planning to give up completely and have no intention of making a comeback?

Are you really willing to accept Laxana being so unscrupulous?

Some people were dissatisfied with Jarvan IV's weakness, some were regretful that Jarvan IV did not give them a chance to vote for him, and some were truly sad for Jarvan IV's refusal. The look that fell on Jarvan IV at this moment could be described as sad. Happiness is mixed, each is different.

However, only Jarvan IV knew in his heart that it was impossible for him to make a comeback.

Having watched countless public trials before, Jarvan IV thought they were trying to scare the monkeys.

But now, as Lux spoke frankly about her policy, Jarvan IV truly realized that it was a kind of self-confidence.

She is confident and has the ability to take control of the situation.

Under such circumstances, what is the point of continuing to be stubborn?

Moreover, after experiencing the mastery and surrender ceremony of the Twilight Stars, Jarvan IV, although not discouraged, had almost completely lost his obsession with power.

It doesn't mean that you should look away if you look away.

But there is no point in being rigid.

Then just take it one step at a time - he also wanted to see if Laxana could do everything she said.

She has no intention of erasing the glory of the Lightshield family. It was she and Jarvan IV who failed. But before her, everyone in the Lightshield family is still the past king of Demacia!

After all... Laxana is better than those bastard nobles.

I'm a little bit over the top, and I've made myself a little confused. Let's get over this part of my thoughts quickly!

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