Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 754 【0743】 The mysterious Ixtar

In the eyes of outsiders, the Kumang Ancient Rainforest is a barren land. There is no fertile land, convenient transportation, favorable climate and other unique conditions in the eyes of ordinary people.

Therefore, all businessmen who come to Kumangla to import grain will wonder why the Kumangla people have such a strong attachment to the countryside. It seems that Kumangla, surrounded by the rainforest, is the destination of their souls and they are absolutely unwilling to leave.

Whenever they asked the familiar Kumangla grain merchant in their spare time while the porters were loading grain onto the ship, the other party would only smile at this time, no matter how enthusiastic they were at the wine table yesterday or how they called each other brothers. , polite without losing a sense of alienation.

It seemed that there was some hidden treasure hidden in that humid and hot forest, full of deadly mosquitoes and terrifying animals and plants.

It is for this reason that many explorers have listed the "lost treasures" in the Kumang Ancient Rainforest on their dream lists. However, those who actually do it are often shocked after entering the Kumang Ancient Rainforest. I found that it didn’t look like there was any treasure here.

Those explorers who think that the Kumanggu Forest, which looks humid, hot, and full of mosquitoes, is a special place, only after entering it will they discover that it turns out that this place... is really just humid, hot, and full of mosquitoes.

Even though they were ruthless and formed a small expedition team, after going five hundred miles into the rainforest, those explorers still found in despair that there was really only a rainforest here.

Later, the secretive and playful smile of the Kumangla people became a collective joke in the eyes of the "knowledgeable people". There are no longer those who have no time to explore the depths of Kumanggu. There are many adventure activities in the entire rainforest. , almost all concentrated near the mouth delta of the Mang River and within a hundred miles of the coastline.

If you have the time, wouldn't it be a good idea to go to the black market in the desert and try to pick something up?

Even if you are deceived and tricked by cunning black marketeers, you will at least get one of last week's handicrafts, instead of getting a troublesome parasitic disease or something you have never seen before after entering Kumanggu. The strange toxins that have passed through the past have become a new research topic of the Department of Medicine of the Academy of Science and Progress.

However, ten years ago, with the publication of the book "Dark Green Sea", the once unheralded Kumanggu expedition quickly became Wazuan's top project.

The famous explorer Mr. Ezreal, another masterpiece after "Twenty Thousand Miles of Yellow Sand", tells in detail his adventure experience in the Kumanggu jungle. Although the man hidden in the jungle has been The country called Ixtar, he was as secretive as the Kumang ancients and did not describe it much. However, it was this obscure expression that aroused the explorers' desire to explore.

Some people even took the initiative to dig up Mr. Ezreal's past. Before the two books "Twenty Thousand Miles of Yellow Sand" and "Dark Green Sea", this explorer with brilliant blond hair, He is nothing more than a complete rookie.

At that time, the travel notes he wrote can only be described as unsightly. They were filled with exaggerated praises of himself and descriptions of his mood at that time that were as long and smelly as a foot wrap. There were also stiff remarks between the descriptions. Using some metaphors that perhaps only he himself knows is simply more self-pleasure than self-pleasure.

However, after a two-year expedition, Ezreal returned to Vazuan but stayed behind closed doors and quickly compiled two books: "Twenty Thousand Miles of Yellow Sand" and "Dark Green Sea" , his style of writing quickly became sophisticated and profound, and even had a hint of the aspirational poet's temperament. He could always use some proverbs that seemed vulgar but were thought-provoking after being chewed deeply.

As a result, these two books became an instant hit and became the splendid beginning of this adventure master's more than ten years of exciting adventure career.

After learning about this past, many people secretly suspected that in the legendary Ixtar, Ezreal received an apocalypse, which transformed him from an ordinary explorer into a Became a talented explorer.

No one has proof.

But for explorers, evidence is not needed to do something.

As a result, the long-dormant Kumanggu jungle soon welcomed a group of uninvited guests. Many explorers, either alone or in teams, carried a large amount of supplies and went deep into the depths of the Kumanggu jungle. Along the Master Ezreal's path began to search for the dreamy kingdom like a pearl in the dark green ocean.

After all, what they saw and heard along the way was completely consistent with Master Ezreal's records in the book. Those dangerous animals and plants, as well as the methods used to deal with these dangerous animals and plants, all fit perfectly with the contents of the book. , it is no exaggeration to say that this "Dark Green Ocean" is the "Kumangu Jungle Travel Guide"!

However, at the most critical stop, things became a little more subtle.

When the explorers arrived at the place marked as "the border of the Kingdom of Ixtar" in Master Ezreal's book, what they saw was not a city hidden in the jungle; A rainforest like no other.

Unwilling adventurers wandered around, but no matter how they wandered, they gained nothing.

There is no Kingdom of Ixtal at all, there is only a lush but monotonous jungle, that's all!

After many unwilling adventurers returned to Vazuan, they publicly accused Ezreal of talking nonsense in his travel notes. However, at this time, his third travel book "Islands in the Shadow" was already online. It is still selling well and has formed a large number of fans. Faced with the accusations from explorers, they quickly counterattacked from the perspective of readers.

"In the book "Dark Green Sea", the part about Ixtal is full of gibberish."

"Yes, unlike other parts that have been confirmed, the part of the Kingdom of Ixtar is obviously an illusory experience."

"There is not really an Ixtal. Master Ezreal just used his own pen to construct a peaceful and peaceful Ixtal."

"For Master Ezreal, only by being in the deep green ocean can he truly feel the tranquility and calmness!"



In the minds of readers, Ixtal should be a paradise-like place. The truth or falsehood there is not important. What is important is Master Ezreal's desire for this kind of lifestyle, which is an open-minded and The indifferent attitude towards life is a dissatisfaction and ridicule of the Wazuans' pursuit of fame and wealth.

If you really read this book carefully, instead of treating it as an adventure guide, you should be able to understand what Master Ezreal means. You guys who only know how to question are the poor people who are actively being mocked by this story!

There was a lot of back-and-forth between the two sides over the authenticity of the Kingdom of Ixtal, but since no one had found Ixtal, and Ezreal's other stories had been corroborated, in the end it was Readers gained the upper hand in public opinion, and "Ixtal" even became the paradise of the Vazuan people for a time.

However, only those ancient Kumang people who smiled and said nothing knew that the kingdom of Ixtal in the story was indeed real. Deep in the rain forest, there was indeed a hidden gem in the ocean, which had experienced thousands of years of wind and frost. Nothing has changed, and to this day, it still considers itself the orthodoxy of the Shurima Empire.

The explorers failed to find it simply because a huge barrier separated the inside and outside, preventing ignorant people from the outside world from finding the correct path.


The wards of Ixtar are also a legacy of the Shurima Empire.

It is no exaggeration to say that this huge barrier that covers almost the entire Ixtar can be said to be one of the top applications of the Shurima Empire's Advanced Elements Introduction. In terms of its technical content, it is not inferior in any way. The monolithic fortress that bridged the void rift.

By controlling the elemental gradient under natural conditions, Ixtar achieved full enchantment coverage at the lowest cost, and unlike those enchantments that use rune stones or other anchors, Ixtal's elemental gradient enchantment The barrier has no anchors and will never dissipate unless Ixtal's elemental gradient environment is destroyed.

Moreover, because the element gradient has complete spatiality, even if you look at it from the sky, people who don't know Ixtal will not realize that the large forest they see is actually just a cloud-like illusion.

So, what kind of key is needed to open this mysterious barrier?

In fact, it is simple to say. As long as the person on the edge of the barrier has basic perception and control over the elemental gradient, then he can discover the existence of the barrier. If the level of perception and control is higher, he will not be able to enter and exit freely. There will be no problem.

For Kalya who came to Ixtar, he didn't even need to take action personally - as an elemental dragon, Shyvana naturally has a clear understanding of the elemental gradient.

In other words, in the eyes of the elemental dragon, Ixtar's elemental gradient barrier is more like a flash of neon, attracting their attention.

After leaving Demacia and stopping for a rest in Vazuan, Shyvana carried Kalya all the way south. Without much effort, they arrived at Parosa, the northern border of the Kingdom of Ixtal. .

Here, Shyvana folded her wings, lowered her body, and entered the elemental gradient barrier. After a moment of elemental chaos, what she saw in front of her quickly changed drastically.

The lush dark green rainforest turned into a carefully cultivated farmland. When Shyvana landed, countless farmers were working hard in the fields.

Choosing a deserted place, Kalya turned into a streak of quicksand and jumped down in mid-air.

After Shyvana landed, she returned to her human form, and couldn't help but twist her neck and waist. Although she was often used as a transportation tool, Shyvana was still not used to the dragon form, and she wouldn't do it because of this. Feel at ease with the form.

"This seems to be a farmland." As she twisted her neck, Shyvana's eyes swept over the surrounding crops. "But most of these plants... seem to have never been seen before."

"That's right." Kalya nodded, pulled off a green leaf and handed it to Shyvana, "Try it."

Shyvana took the leaf in confusion, and then brought it to her mouth as Kalya said - and then she was surprised to find that there was actually a trace amount of element flow in the leaf itself.

"Cultivation of elemental plants is not easy." Kalya leaned down and carefully observed the plants and fruits of the plants in front of him, "However, for so many years, there has been no progress at all in the breeding of Ixtar. This makes me A bit disappointed."

Shyvana didn't answer because she had no idea what the tall plant in front of her was.

"It's called Huoliang." Kalya pushed aside the dense leaves and showed Shyvana a bunch of spherical fruits with a color like flames. "It's a very good improved elemental crop that can be used in volcanic craters and the like. Planted in places with abundant fire elements, it is one of the few staple foods that tastes spicy."

Shyvana blinked, a little confused: "But it doesn't look like there is a volcano here!"

"In addition to special natural conditions, planting elemental crops can also be equivalently replaced by artificial conditions. Take a look here."

As he spoke, Kalya leaned down and pushed aside the carpet-like fungus at the roots of the plants.

The next moment, a pungent smell hit his face, and after smelling this smell, Shyvana's entire dragon couldn't help but be stunned.

"That's right, dragon dung. Specifically, it should be the dung of the fire elemental dragon." Kalya covered the fungus blanket, "It seems that Ixtal should have quite a few elemental dragons now!"

Although Shyvana has also seen farmers plowing and fertilizing, and although the humus soil used to cultivate hazel mushrooms is more disgusting than dragon dung, as an elemental dragon, Shyvana is still a little dull after seeing this situation.

"This is good news." Kalya looked at her with an unbelievable expression and couldn't help but smile, "Since Ixtal uses dragon dung to maintain elemental cultivation, they must welcome a wild elemental dragon. 's arrival."

"Wait, wait a minute!" Shyvana came back to her senses, her expression becoming even more unbelievable, "You mean, I want to move in the form of a dragon?!"

"That's right." Kalya nodded matter-of-factly, "Otherwise, do you want me to reveal my identity and airborne to Iso Oken with you?"


Shyvana didn't answer, but judging from her expression, she seemed to think so.

"That's impossible." Looking at her look, Kalya couldn't help but sigh, "We don't know how many monoliths Ixtar owns, let alone whether they would like to welcome an old antique. What if something happens between the two parties? Unfortunately, we cannot withstand the continuous pursuit and bombing of the Monolith Fortress."

Sivana couldn't help but frown when she heard this - based on her understanding of her teacher, since Kalya said this, she must be prepared for a conflict between the two parties.

After all, the converse of this sentence is "If Ixtal cannot control the monolithic fortress, Kalya will very likely choose to turn against him on the spot."

Kalya’s Little Classroom·Elemental Crops:

The crystallization of the breeding wisdom of the Shurima Empire, like the Pan Sheep, is a product of a combination of magical creatures and artificial breeding and planting. Elemental crops have yields beyond ordinary people's imagination, but as a price, they require a special elemental environment, and it is difficult to take care of them. Quite troublesome - they don't need to weed, and generally don't have to worry about pests and diseases, but people need to keep an eye on their growth, remove mutant plants in a timely manner, and strictly prevent their disorderly expansion.

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