Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 758 【0747】 A wonderful reunion

Kalya didn't think Qiyana recognized her.

Although Kalya is wearing a mask, masks, masks and veils are very common popular elements in Ixtal. Even walking on the street, you can see more radiant Vidalian fabrics. This element The physical textiles even have a hint of cyberpunk in their artistic style, so Karya's level of disguise is nothing short of ordinary.

Carefully recalling his series of actions after arriving in Ixtar, Kalya didn't think anything would lead to his identity being exposed, so after thinking about it, Qiyana's main target might be Shyvana.

Or maybe she was interested in her experience of "secretly traveling outside the rainforest".

So, this salon might be a good opportunity... maybe?


Three days later, according to the time and address on the invitation letter, Kalya successfully entered the salon venue.

Although it is said to be a salon, this event is actually closer to a large buffet - there is no sitting down and chatting, just self-service of rich food on the long table.

Between the long table and individual dining tables, many people dressed in uniforms and Yuntar fabric robes were running back and forth like butterflies in flowers. After sitting down at a certain place, they often just whispered a few words. In just a few words, the other party will follow him and leave, and then go to the back room.

The expressions of these people leaving the room ranged from happy to sad, some were beaming, some were depressed, and a few who seemed to be in a good mood even had time to chat at the next table.

Then, while Kalya was observing the movements of others and tasting various foods on the long table, a tall man wearing a uniform sat opposite him.

"Good day, Mr. Yaka." The other party's words were very polite, but his attitude was quite aggressive. "I hope you like today's dinner, but I'm afraid I have to interrupt your meal because Her Royal Highness the Tenth Princess Waiting for you…her time is very valuable.”

While speaking, the other party straightened his arms and made a gesture of invitation.

Kalya didn't care at all. After nodding lightly, he stood up calmly and walked directly to the room without being guided.

In the room, Qiyana was drinking water - or rather, drinking tea.

After Kalya entered the room, the uniformed party quickly closed the door behind him. They did not come in, but stayed outside, seeming to prove the confidentiality of the conversation with their actions.

"Yaka...Mr." Putting down the teacup, Qiyana glanced down, then raised her head and looked at Kalya, "I'm glad you can come to this salon."

"This doesn't look like a salon." Kalya's acting skills are quite good. She looks like a foreigner who has been coerced and dares not speak out. "It's just a salon for Her Royal Highness. I have no room for rejection." That’s all.”

"Relax, Mr. Yaka." Qiyana shook her head gently, "The elemental dragon is just an excuse. If you care about that dragon very much, then I can apologize for this."

Kalya narrowed her eyes.

"To me, Mr. Yaka is much more important than that beast." Qiyana seemed to be praising Kalya, but the arrogance in her words was like the thorns of a porcupine, making people feel uncomfortable all over. "After all, in this ancient country, few people are willing to leave the protection of the Tower of Elements and go outside."


Kalya said nothing.

"Mr. Yaka, don't be too nervous." Qiyana obviously misunderstood the reason for his silence and continued to talk to herself, "Although the decision of the Elements Council cannot be violated, in fact, when it is implemented, some small accommodations It’s harmless, otherwise it wouldn’t be me who invites you to talk, but Elemental Inspector.”

"I'm sorry, Her Royal Highness the Tenth Princess, I don't know what you mean." Kalya could only shake his head, "I have always been law-abiding, and there is no reason for the elemental inspection to find me."

"You'd better be like this." The other party snorted, "Then, let's just assume that you are indeed law-abiding."


"Law-abiding Mr. Yaka, please explain where the natural Shuriman grammar and rhetoric in your words come from. There is no record of you studying Shuriman history in Yuental's files. Record."

Kalya kept silent, as if intending to use silence as a countermeasure.

"I have always had a high regard for people who are willing to leave Ixtal to see the outside world and bring back things that are available outside but not available in Ixtal." Seeing that Kalya stopped talking, Qiya Na's tone became more and more cheerful, as if she was sure that she could control the other person, "I know that Mr. Yaka still loves this country."

"As an Ixtarite," Kalya replied stiffly, "it is natural for me to love Ixtar."

"But now, Ixtal is sick." Qiyana ignored Karja's harsh tone and slightly restrained her arrogant attitude. "The Elemental Parliament has changed from conservative to stubborn. They cannot see the changes of the times, and they still can't see the changes of the times. If you want to stick to the jungle, even Icasia is already on the rise again, and even those ignorant outsiders have unusual power."

"I do not know what you're talking about."

"You've been to the Huangqiu Mountains, right?"

Kalya nodded slightly.

"Then you should know that Nasramei has been occupied by a group of barbarians from the north." Qiyana narrowed her eyes, "They were a group of barbarians who were once considered to be able to only do vulgar things in remote places. And now, they're reaching out to Shurima."

"But their footsteps cannot enter the jungle, and they cannot even affect Kumangla." Kalya shook his head gently, "Her Royal Highness the Tenth Princess, I don't know what great ideals and plans you have, but I believe that Everything is based on your pride as Her Royal Highness the Princess. You are a descendant of Nezuk and the master of Ixtal, and I am just a country bumpkin from Parosa, destined to have nothing to do with these great things. "

"No, it is closely related to everyone." Seeing that Kalya seemed to make it clear that she did not want to die in it, Qiyana had no intention of giving up, "You can leave the jungle, tame the elemental dragon and control it back here, then It means that you have proved yourself. Although this may represent deviance in the eyes of those old antiques, at least in my opinion, this kind of deviance can represent the future of Ixtal, and even the future of Shurima."

Kalya's eyes widened, seemingly shocked by Qiyana's words.

"The changes in this world are far beyond your imagination, even if you have stepped out." Qiyana continued, "If Ixtal continues to remain stagnant, then our future will only be determined in this dark green ocean. Drown."

"That's not something I should consider." After swallowing hard, Kalya still pretended not to be tempted. However, after hesitating for a moment, he seemed to be worried about causing the other party's displeasure, so his tone remained He felt a lot more relaxed, "But if Her Royal Highness the Tenth Princess needs any help... I will do my best."

"That's enough." Qiyana looked quite satisfied with this level of expression. "Someone will contact you later. If you want to leave the rainforest, they will also provide you with help and help each other. In order to Ixtar."

With that said, she handed a letter to Kalya, and then waved her hand to indicate that he could leave.

The next moment, the closed door was opened, and the eyes of those people in robes fell on Kalya.

So, Kalya took the letter, stood up tremblingly, and left the room, and these people also started running towards the next unlucky person.

After returning to his position, Kalya started eating and drinking as if in revenge. However, while eating and drinking, he was also paying attention to the surrounding situation with the corner of his eyes, looking at those who entered the room and left. The person who occupied the room.

And as he looked around, he discovered a very familiar figure.

If Kayal is not mistaken, the tall man, dressed in a slightly different style from Ixtar, who is about to enter the room to talk to Qiyana in detail... is in the tower that he has not seen for a long time in Demacia. gram.


Kalya was not mistaken, Tarik did appear in Ixtal's capital, Ixoken.

However, unlike people like Kalya who are really invited, Tarik's "invited" needs to be put in quotation marks.

That's right, Tariq was almost escorted here.

As for why the star spirit who once guarded the giant god was escorted to Ixoken... this is a long story.

It all started when Taric left Demacia.

At that time, with the emergence of Kumanggra and Kalduga, Demacia's food sales suddenly fell into the cold in Shurima. In order to understand the reasons, I still have some understanding of Shurima and have accumulated experience in Shurima. Taric, who had gained a lot of experience, volunteered to go and learn about these two important food producing areas in Shurima in order to help Jarvan IV in his next plan.

Starting from Xiongdu, Tariq first arrived in Nashrame by boat, and then transferred to a boat to continue eastward. In less than a month, he successfully arrived in Kalduga and began to conduct field surveys. .

In the windless zone of Kalduga, Tarik saw a completely different way of food production from Demacia. There was no intensive farming by a large number of farmers, and instead there were many special magic devices that he could not understand.

Tariq had never seen these things that could move on their own before. At most, they were occasionally mentioned in some explorer's novels as mechanisms to protect Shurima Tombs.

If I have to seems that the large machinery used for loading and unloading cargo at Vazuan Port is somewhat similar to them.

However, in Kalduga, these things are widely used in agricultural production - plus Kalduga is located on the seaside of Kalduga Bay, where the ocean currents are stable, there is almost no monsoon, the climate is warm and humid, and rain and heat occur at the same time. , the suitable climate and the widely used agricultural magic machinery allow the Kalduga people to maintain the reclamation and maintenance of large areas of land with a small amount of manpower.

In order to understand the scale of agriculture in Kalduga, Tariq stayed in Kalduga for three full months. During this period, he was surprised to find that the main way for Kalduga people to cultivate land was to open up wasteland.

After finishing harvesting a piece of farmland, they would quickly abandon it, allowing the land to be annexed by the Kumanggu forest to the south and west, and then go elsewhere to reclaim a jungle and plant it.

With the help of magic, their land reclamation seemed easy and freehand. There was no need to set fire or cut down. They only needed a ritual that Tariq could not understand to clear a rain forest.

What is even more surprising is that in Kalduga, many wealthy Wazuan merchants have tried to invest in reclamation in recent years. However, no matter how much effort they put into it, the reclaimed rainforest was very barren; but after After Kalduga's reclamation ceremony, the land where the jungle faded was extremely fertile. Holding a handful of soil in your hands, it was as if you could squeeze out oil.

Tarik himself can also use simple spell-like abilities, but he has never studied magic systematically, so he has no idea what the mysterious reclamation ceremony means.

Tarik, who was confused in this regard, could only change the direction of his investigation angrily and began to study how much land could be cultivated around Kalduga, as well as the per-acre yield of food under the industrialization of magic.

However, before his investigation could produce any results, an accident changed the goal of his action - he discovered the key to the operation of those huge magical machines!

If you want to make those big guys move, you need a kind of black stone. As long as that kind of stone is placed in a specific groove, it will start to work, automatically turning the soil and harvesting!

Under such circumstances, Tariq naturally became interested in that black stone.

So, while Tariq continued to operate in Kalduga, he began to consciously pay attention to the black stone.

During the process, he discovered that this stone did not seem to be a local specialty of Kalduga, but had been sent to Kalduga through some way. However, after studying the port of Kalduga for a long time, Tariq did not find anything. Related news about the entry of this stone into the port.

Could it be that this kind of stone could be dug out from the depths of the rain forest?

Full of doubts, Tariq changed the direction of his investigation, and the results were truly astonishing.

By chance, he witnessed a transaction about that kind of black stone.

A caravan coming from the depths of the rainforest used this black stone to exchange a large amount of gold from the Kalduga people!

Tariq chose to follow the caravan - and then, upon entering the rainforest, he was attacked by the living plants.

Those barbed vines and huge tree men were very difficult opponents even for Tarik. When he finally got rid of these living plants and planned to stop tracking, the caravan had already Surrounded him.

I watched half of the game while having dinner, and ended up watching the ten minutes when Taobo beat Baron. Watching them send themselves away from an economic advantage of 8,000, it made me sick.

What kind of evil have I done...

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