Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 762 【0751】 Smooth and Unsuccessful

With the blessing of acting skills, Karya's work is on track at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With the Tarik incident as the basis for cooperation, Qiyana and the radical faction are trying to expand the scope of cooperation little by little, trying to form an alliance that is not strong but effective enough.

During this period, Kalya got in touch with Qiyana. The other party seemed to value Kalya's ability to "be a spy" outside of Ixtar. Not only did Kalya, who "loved elemental dragons" She provided a visit permit to her private dragon farm, and also vaguely wanted to promote Kalya and enter the Ixtal dragon government system.

For this enthusiasm, Kalya naturally accepted everything. As a "dragon lover", he frequently visited Qiyana's private dragon farm, and Shyvana also took the opportunity to move in.

In this case, although Kalya did not enter the core of Ixtal's power, a channel to enter the core of power and allow him to access Ixtal's top-secret information has been opened to him.

Compared with Kalya, things were not progressing so smoothly for Lux, who was far away in the capital of Demacia.


The political situation in Demacia is very stable.

But it can only be said to be stable.

Although Ino and the Northern Walkers are still slowly pushing the southward front, and although the distribution of land and public trials of nobles are still orderly, as the de facto supreme leader of Demacia, Lux has gradually gained some respect. A feeling of powerlessness.

Demacia is huge.

There are a lot of people in Demacia.

Although the northern border is not small, the population is not actually dense, and the industries are relatively concentrated. Most people live in cities and farms, mines and other places around cities. Although there are also relatively remote natural villages, in general Generally speaking, management is not difficult.

However, when the Northern Walkers went south, when Lux occupied the capital city, and when more and more southern cities became invincible, the administrative pressure faced by the clerks suddenly began to increase exponentially.

At the end of the 14th year of the Forsbarrow calendar, there were more than 2,300 clerks per 100,000 people in the entire Greater Forsbarrow area, and the proportion of clerks in the total population was approximately 2.3%.

Such a large-scale clerk ensures the efficient operation of all aspects of Forsbarrow, allowing the government's grassroots administrative capabilities to reach the community level.

With the development of Fosbairo's integration strategy, a large number of new clerks have been transferred from specific production positions to temporary management and administrative positions. Fosbairo's clerk size has doubled in two consecutive years. After the war began, nearly one-tenth of the population worked directly for Forsbarrow's government.

The purpose of this is naturally not to provide benefits to all people and create redundant officials, but to prepare for the transformation of Demacia after unifying it.

Subsequently, with the victory of the war and the army of Northern Walkers moving south, most of those who had transferred from other positions to become clerks went south in batches and took over the administrative work of the newly occupied areas in a planned manner.

When the nobles thought that Lux could not rule the huge Demacia without them, Forsbarrow used such an unprecedented method to smash all their little thoughts to pieces.

However, even though the size of the clerk team is consciously expanding, and clerks have well replaced the former nobles and aristocratic lackeys, as the battle line goes further and further south, there is still a serious shortage of staff at the grassroots level.

With the beginning of the population census, Lux had population data for each city and region in Demacia for the first time.

Then, she reluctantly discovered that although most of the maps of Demacia did not have large cities, due to the development of agriculture, natural villages and towns could be said to be blooming everywhere - according to statistics, only south of the northern border, North of Tobitsia, the population of Demacia has reached 40 million people.

Counting the population in the north and the area south of Tobitsia, the total population of Demacia is probably close to 50 million.

What a concept!

This means that even if all the people of suitable age in Forsbarrow become clerks, the proportion of clerks in Demacia will only be 2.5%, which is the same as the proportion of clerks in Forsbarrow under normal circumstances.

In other words, if you want the administrative level of the entire Demacia to reach Fosbarrow's level, the existing staff size must be expanded ten times.

But it is a pity that the previous integration policy of Forsbarrow has almost drained all the potential of Forsbarrow City, Xinfucheng and Xinfugang. In order to successfully hold the vocational skills competition in Xiongdu, Lux was not even allowed to They did not sign a special internship order and sent all the students who were about to graduate to be interns. This solved the serious manpower shortage!

Although in the eyes of the nobles of the capital, Lux has used an organization they have never seen before to achieve the rule of Demacia and really get rid of them, but in Lux's own view, everything still has a long way to go. .

The current ratio of clerks at this scale can only maintain the most basic administrative requirements. Many villages and towns have to turn to local respected people for help. At this point, there seems to be no difference between New Demacia and Old Demacia. It's pretty big.

Unfortunately, this kind of "enough" in the eyes of the old nobles can only be said to be "far from enough" in the eyes of Lux, and even in the eyes of most clerks, it is also "far from enough."

Compared with the old aristocrats, although the virtuous and respected people in these villages and towns seem to be more reliable, they also need to be regularized. Although most of the aristocratic scoundrels were also tried when the aristocrats were tried, there are still many People who used to be associated with the nobility have now become respected local people.

If we really trust them with grassroots power, the result will inevitably be the birth of a new group of nobles.

You know, even if Kalya leads the internal purge of the clerks without mercy, and even if the clerks must receive education on clean governance, there will still be black sheep in this team. Even after taking over the capital city, the atmosphere of the new aristocracy is also faintly fermented. meaning.

If the clerks are like this, let alone those "highly respected people"?

It is no exaggeration to say that when Ino and the Northern Walkers occupied all of Demacia, it was also the time when New Demacia was most vulnerable - with just a little carelessness, this emerging Demacia would become Become a replica of the old Demacia!

And this situation is undoubtedly something Lux doesn't want to see anyway.

However, just when Lux was worried about the future of this country, a new trend was quietly blowing up in the capital.

And the name of this trend is... persuading.


In the north, many people want Lux to become the new emperor of Demacia.

And as the entire territory of old Demacia was occupied, the people who wanted Lux ​​to become the new emperor of Demacia also expanded to the entire Demacia.

For the people of the North, Laxana is their leader and now the ruler of all Demacia. It is natural to become the emperor of Demacia.

Although Lux has repeatedly emphasized that they cannot create new nobles, even if the goal of the clerks is not to become new nobles and they are completely public-minded, Lux becoming the emperor will be of great benefit to New Demacia.

After all, only when Lux becomes the emperor of Demacia can many things be implemented legitimately, and the power in the hands of many clerks can be determined, and they will feel more at ease when working.

Needless to say, the Dharma Controllers are the direct descendants of Lux and are also students of Lux. Their loyalty to Lux is unquestionable. They are extremely eager to hope that Lux can sit in the position of emperor and lead the entire Demacia. .

Also loyal is Northern Walker. Lux has an astonishing reputation and influence in the army that is not inferior to that of the Law Enforcers. Northern Walker also very much hopes that the lord can become the Emperor as soon as possible.

Even as this trend intensifies, not only the people in the north, but also the Demacians in the south are looking forward to Lux becoming the emperor.

For the farmers in the Demacia Plains, only when Her Excellency Laxana Crownguard becomes the emperor can they completely relax about the land deed in their hands and don't have to worry about it one day becoming useless paper.

For the new technical backbones in the capital, they also prefer the current culture of superiority among the capable, in which everyone compares their professional skills rather than who has a better relationship with the nobles.

As if overnight, tens of millions of people throughout Demacia were eagerly waiting for Lux to move to the supreme position and become the new emperor of Demacia.

And the only ones who are worried about this are the remnants of the old era who have been washed away by the waves.

However, in the face of this trend, Lux herself, who was highly anticipated, was actually not very interested in "becoming an emperor".

In other words, in Lux's heart, the position of emperor itself is dangerous. It has too much power and the corresponding responsibilities are also too great. It is simply not something that one person can bear alone.

But even if she was not interested in the emperor, Lux did not stop this trend of persuading the emperor to enter the country as she had done before to stop the "new aristocratic trend".

Because she knew very well that Demacia... really needed an emperor.

Although there are many disadvantages to sitting on that throne, it also has many benefits for Demacia.

Especially when void creatures have appeared in Freljord, Demacia must make a voice - and it is not difficult to see from the history of Shurima that although power politics has various problems, it is still facing a severe environment. , the efficiency is also quite amazing.

Moreover, the emperor and the emperor...may not be the same thing.

If done correctly, the emperor of Demacia can also be a leader with the title of emperor.


When the news that Ino and the Northern Walkers had crossed the Gate of Sorrow spread back to the capital, there had been an invisible wave of persuasion to enter, and finally it became a de facto storm.

From Forsbarrow in the north, to White Cliff City in the south, Greentooth Peak in the east, and Dornhold in the west, the voices of countless Demacians finally converged into a storm, urging Lux to climb the long mountain. Step, sit on that throne of storm.

In this storm, Lux, who had always ignored the advice in the past, finally responded for the first time.

She would ascend the throne and become the Emperor of Demacia.

As soon as the news came out, the whole country of Demacia was in an uproar.

No matter how many people secretly shook their heads and lamented that the ceremony was ruined and that the Crownguard family that was supposed to protect the royal family had usurped the royal power, but anyone with a discerning eye could see clearly that Lux's ascension to the throne and proclaiming himself emperor was the inevitable trend.

She has mastered all the armed forces in the country.

Her administrators reached every corner of the empire.

Peasants, who made up the largest proportion of the empire's population, received land because of her.

The birth and development of other industries in Demacia are also closely related to her.

When Lux was about to ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor, some people woke up from a dream. They were surprised to find that the empress had prepared everything before she ascended the throne and proclaimed the emperor, sweeping away all the people and things that could hinder her. In the trash.

Moreover, compared with the past, Laxana Crownguard has no constraints from the noble council, and the Illuminati has also been included in the religious management system. The entire political situation in Demacia seems to have completely become her decision!

This has never happened before. Even the emperor of Noxus next door has to share his power with the nobles and military leaders.

But after Lux became the emperor, she truly became the king of Demacia, and no one could control her!

Many old aristocrats who have lost all their wealth and can only make ends meet by relying on ordinary people's jobs that they despised in the past, and who have completely lost their aristocratic dignity, can finally express their concern for the country and the people. Power is like a wild horse running wild. Her Majesty Laxana completely gave up on the Noble Council and left the emperor's power completely unchecked, which is very likely to cause problems.

While everyone is rejoicing, someone must stand up and raise objections!

However, no one was willing to take a second look at them, whether it was the clerks, the royal guards, or the ordinary people in Xiongdu - although not everyone heard that they "wanted to be the one who opposed for the sake of opposition, and with His Majesty." "Opposition double-acting" voiceover, but this does not prevent them from casting a disdainful look at these guys who have been swept into the garbage heap of history.

In this way, in the spring of the seventeenth year of Fossby's calendar, Laxana Crownguard gave up the surname of Crownguard and took the name of Laxana and proclaimed herself emperor in Xiongdu. In the seventeenth year of Fossby's calendar, It was also officially changed to the first year of the new Demacian calendar, referred to as the first year of the new calendar.

When Lux spoke about her rights and responsibilities in the form of a spring speech, and made a promise of prosperity to the people, in the grand square, countless people from the capital and the people from the north who came from all the way cheered. stand up.

But in the midst of the roaring and tsunami-like sound of celebration, Lux glanced towards the south without leaving any trace.

She didn't know why, but she always felt that Kalya wasn't here at this time... maybe on purpose.

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