Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 764 【0753】 Prophet

If these towers were alive, then the contradictions Kalya had seen before... wouldn't be a problem.

Looking carefully at the living tower in front of him, even Kalya couldn't help but marvel at it for a moment.

So thoughtful.

I can only say that it is very thoughtful.

Although the time is too short for Kalya to fully understand the essence of this thing, judging from the current situation, these towers can also be regarded as a kind of "rune trees".

Well, let’s call it a rune tower!

The difference between these rune towers and rune trees is that their process of absorbing power and creating energy cores has nothing to do with plant growth, and is not considered slow at all.

It can even be said that on the contrary, their growth momentum is simply astonishingly fast!

Through the rune tower itself, power was extracted from the earth, and then quickly transported to the top of the tower, where it was condensed into a black bead. As Kalya circled the tower, the black bead on the top of the tower had become significantly larger. In a circle.

Hmm, wait, something seems wrong...

Looking at the magic circuits and marks on the surface of the rune tower, Kalya was finally startled and hurriedly leaned down and looked at the base of the rune tower.

Then, at the base of the tower, he saw a heart-stopping sight.

The rune tower is half-buried in the restricted area.

But what buried the rune tower was not soil, but a lavender material that seemed to be like muscle fibers and slowly wriggled.

It is an entity created by the "earth" of the void plane after entering Runeterra. It is a hotbed for the birth and growth of void creatures, and it is the saliva secreted by the eternally hungry void.

In the Shurima Empire, it is known as the essentia of the void.

In Icacia, the names of the fissures in the earth that are filled by them are... geohernias.

In other words.

These things that had just been unilaterally named rune towers by Kalya were simply placed on small ground hernias!

What an explosive thing this is. Ever since the Sorcerer King of Icacia used the power of the void to cause the destruction of Icacia, Kalya has never heard of anyone who dared to use the power of the void!

This is no longer a question of courage.

This is simply seeking death!

At this moment, all the previous doubts about the restricted area were finally revealed.

Why is this place designated as a restricted area and covered with a super large space barrier regardless of the cost?

Because it is necessary to cover up the fact that there is an earth hernia here and the use of the power of the void. Otherwise, once this matter is known, a large group of dark descendants may rush over at any time, shouting and killing.

Why is there so many things about the Tower of Elements that Kalya can’t understand at all?

Because Kalya has never studied the power of the void at all, he only feels specious about many things in the Tower of Elements.

Why can the Ixtal people create a super giant elemental gradient barrier that can cover the entire country?

Because they used unconventional power as the source of energy, unlike the Icathians who used to summon the void to fight against the Shurima Empire, Ixtal chose a more crazy way to use the void!

Looking at the rune tower in front of him, Kalya felt mixed emotions in his heart at this moment. He never thought that those who had experienced the Icathia War and the Void Rebellion would actually choose to develop it. The power of the void.

What madness!

The person who designed the rune tower used the power of the void to partially activate the monolith, and then quickly purified the monolith, stripping away the power that the void used to corrode the monolith to form a purer energy source. In the process, the monolithic elements carefully studied by the Shurima Empire became a "filter" for extracting void energy.

Taking advantage of the characteristics of the void that is never satisfied, and the characteristic that the void must first convert food into a "digestible state" before "eating", these rune towers use the power of the void infinitely, making these hernias a supply. The window of energy continuously filters the power of the void into black stone energy sources that can be used by humans.

If you don't consider the proliferation of the void, this is undoubtedly a very genius idea.

But because Kalya knew very well what the void was like, after understanding its operating principles, Kalya only felt terrified!

Whoring in vain?

Stop it!

The last person who thought he could prostitute the void for nothing was the Mage King of Icathia. He believed that the eternal flame could restrain the void, so he could "control" the void and fight back against the Shurima Empire.

And what is the result?

Small-scale void infections can indeed be cleaned up by the Eternal Flame, but when the passage between the Void Land and Rune Land is opened, those small flames shining with incandescent light can only be extinguished quickly after flickering a few times. All that was left was the only fire, which is carefully preserved by the current Icathia Autonomous Council.

The Mage King of Icathia didn't even realize that when he thought the void could bring him a great victory, he had fallen into the trap of the void and became a believer in the void.

He thought the void was his tool.

But in fact he is the tool of the void.

And now, within the restricted area of ​​Ixtar, the power of the void is being used again.

This time...who is the tool?


In Malzahar's view, these stupid Ixtarians are the tools to guide the return of the void. ,

This is not only because he is a prophet of the void, a person who longs for the void to appear again in Runeterra, but also because he has now become the leader of the radical faction of Ixtal, and he has prepared a great sacrifice.

Although Malzahar's current external identity is a "Great Elementalist", in fact, elemental mage is not his first profession.

Malzahar's first profession was that of a prophet.

In Shurima under the scorching sun, prophets are rare, but they are not pure folklore.

When those with extraordinary talent for time magic wander in the long river of time, their amazing talent occasionally causes them to jump out of the water unconsciously, and then glimpse glimpses of the past or future in the reflection of the long river of time.

Thus, a prophet was born.

Such is the case with Malzahar.

However, it is a pity that as the only son of an old grocery vendor, Malzahar discovered his talent when his parents were already terminally ill.

This is no longer the era of the Shurima Empire. Showing extraordinary talent will not get Malzahar a scholarship. In hardship, he lost his parents.

As a result, the young boy lost his mind and had to fend for himself on the streets of Amakra.

The thin and clumsy Malzahar could not fight with others and knew nothing about pickpocketing. Tortured by hunger, he finally chose to do fortune-telling for people in the slums in exchange for a few change or slices of bread.

Among the many people who can briefly leap out of the river of time, Malzahar's figure is the most flexible. Even throughout the long history of the Shurima Empire, there are only a handful of people who are more talented than him in time magic.

Therefore, Malzahar's "divination" began to become more and more accurate, and his reputation began to grow.

Whether it's marriage or wealth, whether it's looking for people or things, Malzahar can always glimpse a few fragments from the ripples of time at the moment when he briefly escapes the shackles of the long river of time and jumps out of the horizon.

And these fragments, coupled with some flexible words, are enough to make a fortune teller from the slums rise all the way to the guest of the governor of various places.

Malzahar no longer has to worry about wealth. In this case, all he needs to worry about is himself.

However, no matter how many unknown secrets Malzahar could glimpse in the long river of time, he could never clearly see his own destiny.

It seems that Malzahar's future is shrouded in a lavender mist, making it unpredictable.

Apart from himself, Malzahar also couldn't see the future of Runeterra clearly.

Because during his long divination career, Malzahar had observed the uneven distribution of wealth and witnessed those who were dissatisfied with their lives fighting for each other with malice and violence.

Although everyone's fate seems to be very clear if you look carefully, when everyone's fate is intertwined, the result can only be chaos.

What's worse is that the essence of this chaos is a never-ending cycle of suffering, caused by countless people.

As a soothsayer, Malzahar was not satisfied with this answer. An indescribable emptiness and loss enveloped him, making him fall into a depression of pessimism and despair. He even left Amakra alone.

He plans to find his own destiny, and hopes to see the fate of Runeterra clearly on the journey of pursuing his own destiny.

Unwilling to spy on the fate of others, Malzahar began to live in isolation. He walked farther and farther until the sand turned into grains of salt, until he reached Icathia all the way.

Kieran's Time Mystery Lock was ignored by him. He strolled around the locked spaces, traveled through the Icathia region, and went deep into the place where the void was first responded to.

Here, he felt heart palpitations like never before.

It seems that somehow I will get all the answers I want here.

So, Malzahar sat cross-legged among the undulating ground, staring into the depths of the rugged abyss, opening up his wavering thoughts, desperate for enlightenment.

Then... the void responded to him.

Malzahar's soul became a beacon across time and space, once again providing direction to the insatiable void.

In response, the Watcher's will caressed the shattered prophet's soul, barely restraining his greed from engulfing him completely.

In an instant, the wonderful and indescribable power originating from another world filled everything in Malzahar, from his body to his mind.

I don't know how long it took, but a lonely figure finally walked out of Icacia, floating around the mysterious lock that made him uneasy.

This time, Malzahar is no longer a simple human being. He has changed from a "prophet" who peered into the world through the long river of time to a "prophet of the void" who has found his own mission.

In the will of the Void Watcher, Malzahar saw the end of all earthly suffering he had ever seen.

During this process, he finally realized that the reason why he could never see his future was because this illusion was his true calling: to bring this world into destined annihilation as soon as possible.

Yes, being swallowed by the void is the future of Runeterra.

Therefore, having learned this truth first, he must return to the crowd.

Malzahar wanted to tell the world that the sacred void would welcome all, believers and denier alike.

He will be the herald of this great redemption.

Using the power given by the void, he summoned rifts in the void in inaccessible villages and caused horrific tragedies.

Through these tragedies, he successfully threatened many villages to donate cattle and sheep to lose money and avoid disasters - and these flesh and blood will further nourish the rifts he summoned.

Under his tireless efforts, a sect that believed in the void, believed that the void would eventually swallow everything, and aspired to become a forerunner who merged with the void was finally born.

Having learned the story of the Icathian War, Malzahar carefully controlled the size of the order to avoid attracting unwanted attention.

This is not fear, but caution.

After all, there are still many stupid people who resist the void in Runeterra, and he needs to prevent his great plan from being interfered with and destroyed by these people.

Even though there were already soldiers who summoned a huge void rift and even sent some of the monitors to Runeterra, the result was that the rift was completely closed.

Malzahar believed that he needed a more shrewd approach.

At least he wants to figure out what the aerial fortress is that bridges the rift in the void.

He needs to be ready for everything.

Unfortunately, too much of the past of the Shurima Empire has been submerged in the yellow sand, and Malzahar was unable to find relevant information about the Monolith Fortress.

Until one day, in Kumangla, his followers discovered the "holy object".

The so-called holy objects are just a few gold coins contaminated with the breath of void. There are quite a lot of these in the desert of Kohalise.

But when such a gold coin appeared in Kumangla, Malzahar rushed to the scene immediately.

Through these gold coins, he discovered a secret transaction. The target of the transaction between the two parties was a black stone that was tainted with a bit of void atmosphere.

Following these stones, Malzahar found Ixtal, and after killing an unlucky man, he used his identity to sneak into this ancient jungle empire.

Then, like Kalya, he set his sights on the Tower of Elements.

In order to enter the Tower of Elements, Malzahar studied elemental magic assiduously, and finally obtained the identity of the Grand Elementalist, and officially gained permission to enter the Tower of Elements. He even presided over a monolith picking ceremony in the restricted area.

There, Malzahar saw the future he longed for.

Everyone must pay more attention to your health!

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