Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 773 【0762】 The truth is also false when it is fake

Galen is now relaxed and can enjoy his belated love.

But Catalina on the other side was in a completely different situation.

Katarina came with her own purpose. To her, Galen was not only a very interesting man, but also an important member of the Demacia royal family.

In addition to personal emotions, this love affair, which was specially funded by the New Noxus Mission, was obviously mixed with many other factors.

To be honest, this made Katarina quite awkward.

If she fought for Noxus, even if it cost her life, Katarina would not hesitate.

However, falling in love in the name of Noxus, with someone whom he has a strong crush on... can only be said to be extremely awkward.

To be honest, this kind of long-sleeved task is really not suitable for Catalina, who has been trained as an assassin since she was a child. In comparison, her sister Cassiopeia, who has been lost for many years, is more suitable for this kind of task.

Unfortunately, there has been no news since Cassiopeia was arranged by her mother to go to Shurima many years ago. Talon, who had been guarding her, returned in a hurry because of the civil war in Noxus, and then returned to Shurima. When Rima arrived, there was no news about her.

Later, as the civil war became more intense and Swain came to power, Du Cecao, who had been very worried about his little daughter, seemed to have received some news and would never mention Cassiopeia again, or even Katarina was not allowed to mention her.

Under this situation, the only information Catalina knew about her sister was what Swain said. She seemed to be deeply involved with some "traitors".

The disappearance of their youngest daughter should obviously be a heavy blow to a normal family - but the Kecao family is obviously not a normal family. After Cassiopeia disappeared, the only people who were most worried about her were Tyrone, the "adopted son".

Even Mrs. Cecao, who had always regarded her youngest daughter as the apple of her eye, chose to remain silent, as if she was not the one who devoted all her efforts to cultivating Cassiopeia.

What's worse is that during the Battle of Tobitsia, Caterina's mother, the dignified Madame Cacault, actually took advantage of the chaos and disappeared. After receiving the news, Du Cacault, who was already in poor health, collapsed on the spot. , the huge Kekao family fell apart so quickly.

In the end, only Catalina and her nominal brother Tyrone were left.

Although she didn't say it, the messy family environment made Catalina have a natural affinity for Galen's "silly brother" character. Even though she still had a nominal brother, Tyrone often regarded him as She was placed in the position of a servant, which made Katarina quite uncomfortable.

After losing her family, her love for Noxus was the only thing that kept Katarina going. But now, for the sake of Noxus, she had to get close to Galen in a twisted and awkward way.

Fortunately, Catalina is not a soft-hearted person.

Now that she has accepted this task, no matter how awkward it is, she must ensure that she completes the task!

With the intention of sacrificing her own happiness, Catalina began a love affair with public funds.

But what she never expected was that although the relationship between her and Galen was heating up rapidly, and even she couldn't control it, she didn't get any inside information about Demacia.

And through Galen, the elder brother, there is no chance to exert influence on Laxana!

Whenever Katarina talks about these topics, Galen will only show bitterness on his face, and then tell her, "Laxana is no longer the little girl who listens to her brother", or "she has actually shed all the position, now I no longer have any power."

Catalina once thought that Galen, the thick-browed man with big eyes, was messing with her, thinking that he had noticed that she had an agenda. However, after following Galen secretly for a few days, she finally realized that Galen, the German Queen Marcia's biological brother was actually excluded from the center of power!

Is this...isn't this right?

Katarina knew Galen's abilities.

Katarina also saw Galen's character very clearly.

Coupled with the relationship between Galen and Laxana, Katarina couldn't figure out why he could stay at home.

Such a talented, honorable, and self-demanding person, who is also the emperor's brother, is actually not even a political figure in New Demacia...

To be honest, Catalina was a little confused in this situation.

Confused, she began to carefully recall every moment of Galen's relationship with her. After comparing the timeline completely, she finally confirmed that it was indeed because of him that Galen had time to spend time with her. Now there is no work at all.

Realizing this, Catalina was completely dumbfounded.

Does this mean that Laxana has made up her mind to prevent her brother from getting involved in any power?

Could it be that their relationship is not as harmonious as they thought?

However, the very next day, Galen found Catalina very happily and invited her to his family dinner: "It has been a long time since Lux had a meal at home. This time I have the opportunity, I will definitely bring her You go meet her."

Although she still couldn't understand the awkward relationship between the brother and sister, there were not many opportunities to face Laxana, so Katarina agreed on the spot without any hesitation.


Then, that night, she really attended a very ordinary family dinner as Galen's girlfriend.

The only participants at the banquet were the Crownguard's family and his family of four.

Since Lux directly distributed the land after taking Mithril City, and after taking over the Imperial City, she also took most of the noble manors into public ownership and dismissed the slaves. As a result, Ogesha had to Cook yourself.

Considering that Ogesha has been a noblewoman for most of her life, if she really wants to cook, she must be at the level of an elite member of the fried kitchen team, so except for a fruit platter, most of the dishes on the table are takeaways.

The family dinner was held at the main castle of Crownguard Manor. Although this was once the place where Laxana spent her childhood, like most manors in Xiongdu, Crownguard Manor was partially taken over by the public - the garden is now a park. However, because Lux's identity is a bit special after all, the castle of this manor has been completely preserved and has not been directly transformed into a museum or library.

Without servants, it would not be easy for a family of four to take care of this castle. If it weren't for Lux's guards who would come over every day to simply blow the wind and sprinkle water, this castle would have been left to Austria. Gesha, she couldn't handle it at all.

In fact, this is the main reason why most noble manors have been transformed into museums or libraries. Although Lux only abolished the privileges and status of the nobles, denied the legality of slaves, and launched economic sanctions on the nobles, it will occupy the A large amount of the manor gardens of the capital were confiscated, but most of the manor buildings were still left to the nobles.

But facts have proven that under such circumstances, the nobles cannot hold on to their manors at all. Most of the glamorous noble manors quickly become dilapidated without the servants who take care of them. If young masters and young ladies do housework, it will simply kill them!

Although the aristocratic transformation implemented by Lux allows the nobles to rely on their own skills to obtain normal labor income, this income is not enough to support them in hiring housekeepers to take care of their estates.

Some of the slaves who worked for them in the past have now become the municipal maintenance personnel of Xiongdu, and some have left Xiongdu and returned to the countryside to allocate fields. They want to hire people to clean up the castle. This expenditure is of great significance to the loss of fiefdom and confiscation. It is almost impossible for the nobles of the capital who have a lot of extravagant wealth.

As a result, the nobles who lost their servants also lost their glory. Only a few nobles who were really capable could rely on their own craftsmanship to maintain the operation of their own manors.

And all this fell into the eyes of the citizens of Xiongdu, and the result was that there was finally a subtle change in their attitude towards the identity of "noble".

Maybe...the nobles are not as powerful as they seem?

Of course, these things that only the nobles themselves know, Katarina does not understand at all. Although she is a member of the New Noxus mission, she came to the capital with the task of spying on intelligence. Even within the mission, she She was trying to walk the path of becoming a noble in the capital, but she still couldn't understand this level of change and what was hidden behind it.

Katarina didn't understand Lux's purpose of completely eradicating the nobility, but instinctively thought that she was too kind - I heard that the old emperor of Demacia was teaching people to dance, and he himself Isn’t it a bit outrageous to still enjoy it?

In short, when Katarina sat down at the table, her mood was uneasy and subtle. On the one hand, she was worried that Lux would see her purpose and embarrass herself and even New Noxus. On the other hand, she was worried that Lux would not be able to see it. For his own purpose, he didn't want to talk to New Noxus at all.

However, just as Katarina was racking her brains to formulate words and trying to take action in a field she was completely unfamiliar with, Lux showed amazing directness.

"If Noxus has some intentions of territorial expansion, or even bringing Demacia down with it, then I have to advise you to put aside these intentions."

Catalina, who was thinking and competing with food, suddenly broke out in sweat when she heard these words.

"This is not an official statement, and it has nothing to do with posturing. Demacia went on the wrong path in the past and caused a lot of unnecessary trouble. So what we have to do now is to correct these mistakes and build a new Demacia. Marcia.”

Catalina was a little stiff. She wanted to nod subconsciously, but she always felt that doing so was a bit self-inflicted.

"As for Noxus...whether it is new Noxus or old Noxus, it is not within my or New Demacia's consideration."

If Lux is telling the truth, then maybe this is good news.

However, after a slight smack, Katarina felt a little uncomfortable - Lux's natural tone made her always feel that Noxus was being looked down upon.

Yes, you performed very well in the Battle of Tobitsia. At that time, the Black Rose in the Empire was also holding back. Mr. Swain died for his country, and Noxus was forced to split.

But if we take back our homeland and completely eliminate those damn separatist nobles, will Demacia be sure of victory in another Tobitsia battle?

I heard that the Northern Legion showed great fighting power during the rebellion, and even won Jarvan IV's heart.

But where do you have the confidence to maintain such a confident attitude of victory when facing the "Complete Noxus"?

Damn it, I was looked down upon!

Unable to help biting her back teeth, Katarina raised her head and looked at Lux with burning eyes.

However, Lux just faced her with a smile, her eyes narrowed into a beautiful arc, as if what she just said was just an ordinary and trivial matter that everyone knew, and was not worth mentioning at all.

"New Demacia has always strived to resolve problems and disputes through peaceful development." Although what Lux said was official rhetoric that Katarina had heard many times, there was a sense of matter-of-factness in her words. It feels extremely sincere, "War is never a good choice."

"So, Nasramei will end the trusteeship soon?" Catalina wanted to ridicule the other party for treason, but when the words came to her lips, she adjusted slightly and chose a less sensitive topic, "Then That’s a really good thing.”

"Of course it's a good thing." Lux seemed not to hear the sarcasm in her tone at all, and nodded gently, "Shurima is a country with a long history, and Demacia has always attached great importance to the relationship with Shurima. relations between the two sides, and very much look forward to the normalization of trade between the two sides..."

Under the table, Catalina couldn't help but clenched her fists.

Although Galen has always said that his sister is an upright girl, and Laxana's record also proves that she is extraordinary, but seeing the other party saying the most nonsense in front of her seriously and in the most sincere tone, Katarina still endured it. There is always fire in my heart.

"That's great." Seeing that the atmosphere at the table was about to drop to freezing point, Catalina finally chose to take two deep breaths, and then gritted her teeth and said, "I am also very much looking forward to seeing Nashrami regain its autonomy. After all, there are many Noxian expatriates there..."

"Nashlame will be returned to the Shurima Empire." Lux dropped a bombshell with a smile, "If Noxus cares about the expatriates, then maybe they can talk to the emperor of Shurima. , maybe there will be unexpected gains?”


Kalya’s Little Classroom·Medical Channel:

Catalina's little moves can't be hidden from anyone - or in other words, her actions can only be hidden from Galen.

For Lux, she is a good mouthpiece. Unfortunately, although Lux is telling the truth, it seems that Katarina is not willing to believe it.

In addition to being a sounding board, she is also... a future sister-in-law who seems to have a bad temper.

However, considering her brother's age and personality, Lux always felt that this might not be a bad thing.

As for Katarina's Noxian background...

Sorry, Lux really doesn't care.

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