Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 776 【0764】 Surprise changes in the restricted area

Completely different from Lux, Nezuk is not a kind guy. Although he will be grateful, he has no sympathy or mercy for the poor.

I hope everyone has magic, and it does not stem from their own childhood hardships.

What Nezuk expects from everyone is like a dragon. Specifically, it should be "if you can do better, you should do better" - since the magic swamp frog can appear on the supplementary food list for children in the orphanage, it also If it can appear among the signature dishes of high-end restaurants, then it should be the latter.

Others say "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility", but here in Nezuk it is "the greater the potential, the greater the ability should be".

The reason why everyone is like a dragon is not to escape from a life of hardship, but because since one can be like a dragon in the sky, he should be like a dragon in the sky!

Nezuk, who harbors this idea, is often ruthless. If Lux had the opportunity to meet her senior brother, she would be surprised by Nezuk's extremes.

Therefore, Nezuk is called "More Kalya than Kalya".

So, when Kalja realized that the essence of Kalja's Legacy was to harness the power of the void, he quickly accepted this fact.

Therefore, when he heard that Nezuk had cooperated with Kiran and read Ixtar's records about Nezuk, Kalya didn't even feel the slightest surprise in his heart.

He knew Nezuk too well.

In Kalya's eyes, Nezuk is like himself who has never met Setaka. He has no worries and is not someone who has followed Shurima all the way. He is willing to devote his whole life to Shurima. , not because he loves everything about Shurima, but because Shurima represents the most advanced politics and culture in Runeterra.

And with Kalya self-sealed and the Shurima Empire collapsing, Nezuk will not show any nostalgia for the warm afterglow of the sunset. He will only try to build Extal into a city that never sleeps.

Judging from Kalya's experience in Ixtar, Nezuk almost succeeded.

Under the maintenance of the Tower of Elements, within the gradient barrier of Ixtal elements, and with the spread of the original axiom, the Ixtal people have indeed achieved that "everyone is a spellcaster".

But in the end Nezuk failed.

Maybe he thought about taking a different path from the Shurima Empire, but in the final analysis, the combination of the Forbidden Zone and the Tower of Elements is not fundamentally different from Shurima's former Sun Disc and Magic Network.

When he heard the name of Kalya's legacy, Kalya immediately thought of the young man who shouted "Everyone is like a dragon" amidst the laughter of everyone.

Then, he thought about the history he had read recently, and recalled the beautiful love between Nezuk and the last princess of the Shurima Empire recorded in many novels and unofficial histories.

Kalya didn't know what Nezuk was thinking when he chose the name "Legacy of Kalya".

But what is certain is that in the last moments of his life, he should have realized many things that he had subconsciously ignored in the past.

After Kalya sealed himself, Nezuk finally realized what it was like to bear pressure, right?

Thinking about it, under Kieran's curious eyes, the look of sadness on Kalya's face gradually faded away, replaced by a relieved smile.

"Nezuk, this bastard." He lowered his head and shook his head slightly, "What a lazy kid!"


While Karya and Kieran were still rushing to the penalty area, another group of uninvited guests had already arrived at the outpost outside the penalty area.

This is a group of people holding special passes for the restricted area inspectors, claiming to the restricted area guards that they are patrolling the restricted area on Malzahar's behalf.

Although the passes in their hands were indeed issued by Malzahar, the guards in the penalty area did not give them this face.

The inspector of the restricted area belongs to the inspector of the restricted area. Even if you have a pass specially approved by the inspector, you cannot enter or leave the restricted area at will. In this regard, the guards of the restricted area are still very responsible.

But it is a pity that the guards in charge never expected that the opponent's goal of taking out the pass was not as simple as entering the restricted area. After being rejected, these people took out their weapons without warning and directly raided the restricted area guards. outpost.

The guards were unprepared.

After seeing the passes of these people, they thought that they really came on behalf of the new restricted area inspectors. The purpose was to take stock of the situation in the restricted area first, and they were refused entry because it was against the rules.

They never thought that the goal of these people was to guard the penalty area from the beginning!

The envoys who were smiling and asking what procedures were needed to conduct a special inspection one second, and explaining that "the new inspector has a special status, the situation in Iso Oken is a bit chaotic now, and he is not willing to come out for activities", the next second It exploded on the spot.

Literally exploded!

Many grotesque bugs emerged from the messenger's body, which began to crack from the chest and abdomen. They fed on the flesh and blood of the messenger, and grew a foot long when they saw the wind. They opened their chitinous wings and pounced on the guard's face.

Although the guards of the restricted area have always been a casual position for the aristocratic children, if you want to become a guard of the restricted area, you must be at least an intermediate elemental user.

Unfortunately, facing the attack of these void insects, the intermediate elementalists had almost no room for resistance.

The elemental spells they released in accordance with the original axioms were almost completely ineffective against these terrible bugs!

Under Malzahar's "directed training", these void believers who raided the restricted area have long since become living incubators for the "Plateau Prime Axiom Resistant Void Worms".

If it is "normal" elemental magic, it is difficult for a void insect to develop targeted high elemental resistance - if you want to stack magic resistance in Runeterra, you need to be targeted. There is no universal magic here. anti.

But the problem is that no matter how many types of elements these guards use, the essence of their spellcasting is the modular spellcasting of the original axiom.

This method of casting spells is indeed convenient for daily use.

But once it appears in a battle, and the original axioms used are understood, understood, and even targeted by the opponent, the result will be doomed.

This is the situation that these penalty area guards are encountering now.

Their fighting power is not weak. Even if they are pulled over to fight against an equal number of law protectors, the losing party is likely to be a law protector.

But the problem is that their spellcasting mode is different from that of the magicians. Their magic theory is very weak. They are purely application tools of the original axioms!

When faced with the targeted attack of the Plateau Prime Axiom's resistant void insects, their counterattack seemed to be simply weak...

Obviously those bugs are about the size of hyenas, and their shells are not too hard.

But the ice storm, which was powerful enough to crack monuments and crack rocks, hit them, but it couldn't even slow down their actions.

This can't even be called a raid, it can only be called a horrific massacre!

The guard post in the restricted area that was attacked quickly fell before even giving out any warning. A whole team of intermediate elementalist guards failed to make any effective resistance and were killed by the void creatures.

After the outpost was captured, another group of people quickly appeared. They put on the same uniforms as the guards that had been prepared long ago, found the space secret key from the outpost, and grandly opened the space barrier of the restricted area, bringing them with them. These void insects quickly entered it.

At almost the same time, Malzahar, who was still "studying" in his office, received a special warning that the space barrier was damaged.

Even though he was well prepared, the alarm didn't even sound once before being turned off by Malzahar himself.

Invasion successful!


When Kalya took Kieran through the space anchor point and bypassed the space barrier into the restricted area, the restricted area was already in chaos.

Although the Void believers disguised as guards were well prepared, the patrols in the restricted area were too frequent - with all the faces being unfamiliar, a patrol team soon discovered the problem.

In this case, they had to suspend the action of activating the hernia and instead deal with these nosy restricted area patrols first.

Due to the existence of the Plateau Prime Axiom's resistant void insects, the results of the battle are mostly the same as those at the outpost.

After an encounter, a patrol team was wiped out.

The warning signal they desperately sent out was once again intercepted by Malzahar.

Taking advantage of this precious window, the Void believers found the nearest hernia and began to try to gain control of the Legacy of Kalya according to what Malzahar had taught before.

In the office, Malzahar, who has been studying the operating instructions for more than a month, now has a clear understanding of these legacy of Kalya. After figuring out the operating principle of this thing, he also discovered the self-destruction function. After the procedure, although Malzahar felt very sorry, he finally had to give up the idea of ​​using the hernia in the restricted area to summon the monitor.

The reason why he gave up this once and for all method was because, according to the records, the void energy contained in the earth's hernia was limited; on the other hand, it was because, regarding the backdoor to release the self-destruction program, even if it was a restricted area supervisor, There is no record at all in the level information.

Even if the data hadn't clearly recorded those special rune marks on Kalya's Legacy, Malzahar would have doubted whether they had a self-destruction program.

Since he couldn't use the restricted area to summon monitors, Malzahar simply did the next best thing and used the restricted area to cultivate a group of powerful void worms for himself, and then completely detonated the restricted area, completely destroying Ixtar.

Malzahar has already calculated clearly that if you just use the legacy of Kalya to accelerate the growth and replacement of void worms, it will not directly trigger the self-destruction program.

The reason why he chose to do this was, on the one hand, to prepare for the coming of the void in the future.

On the other hand, it is to expand the potential population base that may believe in the void - Malzahar has discovered that the more difficult the place and the more distressed people, the easier it is to fall into the embrace of the void, and people like Ixtal In such a place, even if Malzahar personally preaches, there will be very few people who are willing to open their hearts to the void over the years.

In this case, if Malzahar can destroy the Ixtal Forbidden Zone, the country will fall into dust overnight.

Without the element gradient barrier maintained by the Tower of Elements, without the elemental power that is so full that it is almost overflowing, how can Ixtar maintain this paradise-like life?

Waiting for the life of the Ixtal people to fall from heaven to hell...

At that time, countless people will be confused and start to think again and gain a glimpse of the void!

In order to do this, he mobilized manpower through personal connections and took out a special variety of void bugs that he had cultivated for many years. He sat in the office and cut off the warnings coming from the restricted area as soon as possible.

All he had to do next was wait.

Wait until the most loyal believer in the void returns with a full load!

But what Malzahar didn't know was that they were not the only uninvited guests who entered the restricted area today.

Just when these void believers killed the patrol, took the opportunity to iteratively cultivate void insects, and collected the black stones produced by Kalya's legacy, Kalya and Kiran finally successfully entered the restricted area.

They were heading in a different direction than the Void Believers, but Kalya, who had already realized the problem, did not prepare for the magic experiment immediately. Instead, he chose to explore the situation in the restricted area with Kieran first.

Then, as they expected, in a corner of the restricted area, they discovered a group of void believers and a group of void insects.

When discovering these people, both Kalya and Kilan breathed a sigh of relief - what they feared most was that these believers in the void would directly trigger the self-destruction system of Kalya's Legacy. In that case, even if they If you arrive as soon as possible, you may not be able to make it in time.

But now...

These void believers did not even see the enemy, they were stagnant in place as if they had been cast a immobilization spell.

And those void insects with extremely high resistance to the original axiom, like insects sealed in amber, instantly stagnated in place.

Then, a strong wind blew by, and countless yellow sands that appeared out of thin air were swept up by the strong wind. When the wind stopped and the sand settled, the void believers and void insects had disappeared into the yellow sand.

"It's so clean." Kiran seemed very satisfied with Kalya's spell, "So, do you want to give it a try?"

"Hurry up." Kalya nodded, "It will take at least a quarter of an hour for the patrol to appear here. If you work harder, maybe I can try it out."

"Did you really try it out?" Kieran couldn't help but grab a handful of his pure white beard, "If it goes wrong, I'm afraid we will end together."

"Don't worry." Kalya shook his head, "These lackeys of the void have already helped me complete a lot of preliminary work. As long as I'm careful, there won't be any problems."

Although Kieran's research on time is quite profound, he has almost no understanding of advanced elemental magic and monoliths, so in the end, he just nodded and opened his arms.

An invisible ripple spread out.

Wherever the ripples went, a giant time mystery completely enveloped Kalya and several of the legacy of Kalya around him.

Kalya’s Little Classroom: There is always a way to win without any tricks:

In Runeterra, spells are difficult to completely neutralize. Most of the counterspells in actual combat are interrupting spell casting.

However, due to the modular spellcasting characteristics of the Original Axiom, there is a natural "counter-curse" to the magic of the Original Axiom.

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