Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 779 【0767】 Kieran being squeezed dry

When he learned that he had to charge nine more Malphites, Kieran was completely stunned.

Not that he wasn't willing to help Kalya.

There are really nine Malphites...that can really drain Kieran dry.

However, seeing Kieran's expression of bitterness, Kalya looked like "stop pretending."

"Don't think that I don't understand you, Kieran." Kalya was not polite at all, "Others may not be able to do it, but you still can't do it. You who have been wandering around in time and space all year round...haven't you given yourself a chance to do it?" Prepare some time for yourself to separate."

Hearing Kalya's words, Kieran's eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost.

"How do you know this?"

Kieran does have a similar skill - just as Kalya said, he has been wandering in the long river of time all year round, and he has indeed found a way to "invite help" from his past and future selves.

But the problem is, this spell, which Kieran himself named Reflection in the River, has never been revealed to anyone else!

Where did Kalya get this top-secret information?

However, what made Kieran even more stunned was that when faced with his rhetorical question, Kalya actually showed a satisfied smile.

"Sure enough, there is such a spell." He nodded and urged, "Then use it quickly. Time is tight. We must quickly set up a simple Malphite network before we can communicate with the Ixtal people. negotiation!"

"You defrauded me?" Hearing this explanation, Kieran couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, "How did you think of it?"

"Before you came, I was monitoring Malzahar." Kalya shrugged, "But to be honest, I feel like I have nothing to do - but you can always maintain the shadow that envelopes Icathia in all directions. Time Mystery Lock says you can’t clone yourself, who would believe it?”

"That's not a clone, it's just a phantom of the future and the past." Kieran shook his head helplessly, "I can only perform some step-by-step tasks according to the established method."

"So can they recharge the Malphites step by step?"

"You need to wait a moment." Kieran sighed helplessly, "Summoning the reflection in the river will take a while, and it's not in the accelerated state of time."

"So, I need to help you get rid of the patrols that may interfere with you?"

"But it is necessary to ensure that the self-destruction program is not activated from the outside."

"Don't worry, I've checked it." Kalya's expression relaxed a lot after hearing this, "The inside and outside of the restricted area are completely isolated, and the only switch to start the self-destruction program is on Malphite himself."


Kieran, who got on the pirate ship, had to start summoning those "past tense" and "future tense" selves.

When the spell preparation for the reflection in the river began, Kieran, who was fully committed, could not continue to cast the time mystery, so the differential time mystery that shrouded the inside of the restricted area was temporarily lifted, and the task of follow-up alert was handed over to Kalya. in hand.

Without the protection of the time mystery lock, a patrol team arrived nearby smoothly, and before they realized something was wrong, a burst of yellow sand completely surrounded them. After the sand dust dispersed, the patrol team's The members turned into solidified statues.

Then came the second and third patrol teams. They were all taken down without even seeing Karya and disappeared silently. Karya, who had been studying the restricted area for some time, had no idea about the patrol team in the restricted area. I already have a lot of understanding, and I can easily sit back and wait without alerting the patrol members at all.

Unfortunately, although Karya's side performed perfectly, because Malzahar had already left, and Jax and Shyvana also chased him out, there was no mole in the restricted area inspector's office who could provide cover at this time.

As five consecutive patrol teams lost contact and failed to clock in on time, the alarm rang again in the office of the restricted area supervisor.

This time, Malzahar did not shut down immediately, and the ear-piercing screams resounded throughout Isuoken!

At this moment, almost the entire Ixocan was alarmed. The Elemental Council began to gather urgently. The old guys in Yuntar also quickly changed their clothes. Even the Elemental King who was enjoying himself in his harem was panicked. Lifting up his pants.

It's terrible, something happened in the restricted area!

The Elemental Council, which had the fastest response, quickly appointed Qiyana as the special inspector and headed straight for the restricted area with a large team of elementalists.

Elder Yuntar quickly opened the internal authority when he could not contact Malzahar, and gave the great elementalist team special permission to enter the restricted area.

Be sure to figure out what went wrong in the restricted area!

Be sure to prevent the self-destruction program from starting in the restricted area!

After receiving special permission and obtaining the exclusive space anchor point, the Great Elemental team took action quickly.

Then, when they saw the bodies of the guards outside the restricted area, the great elementalists, who were originally very nervous, relaxed visibly.

Being able to become a great elementalist, and now being sent to the restricted area as a special inspector, this team of great elementalists are obviously not mediocre people.

Therefore, they only need to briefly look at the bodies of the guards outside the restricted area to have a general understanding of the enemy.

These guards died horribly.

But the traces of the battle were also very clear, and it was obvious that he had fought with the enemy several times.

In other words, judging from the fighting marks, the battle between them was fierce!

Moreover, among the corpses, there were many people who were obviously not guards - so although the guards in the restricted area failed to stop the intruders, they were not completely incapable of resisting.

After reaching this conclusion, everyone was obviously relieved.

If there is really a powerful enemy that can enter the restricted area without anyone noticing, and all the guards in the restricted area died without warning, and they have not even received any news yet, then the great elementalists will be nervous!

But in this situation... it's very likely that some self-righteous fool is making things stupidly.

For an enemy of this level, given the size of the current team of great elementalists, it can be said that it is not a big problem!

The great elementalists, who were determined in their hearts, passed the special coordinates and successfully entered the restricted area.

The restricted area was quiet, as if nothing happened.

However, when they arrived at the inner guard post according to the coordinate instructions, the place was almost deserted - the patrol team was nowhere to be seen, and only the special circuit of Dianmao was still flashing a dangerous signal when it was activated. red light.

Qiyana, who led the team, briefly checked the situation inside and outside the outpost, and tentatively activated the outpost's special signal.

Following the pre-set special signal, she contacted the restricted area monitoring office and confirmed that the signal was flowing smoothly.

Therefore, it is now confirmed that there is nothing wrong with the hardware of the restricted area monitoring system. The main reason for the warning is the invasion of foreign enemies and the disappearance of the patrol team.

After confirming this situation, all the great elementalists entered combat status immediately. Although the enemy's strength seemed relatively limited, considering that there were still many "dangerous items" in the restricted area, they must use all their strength. Go ahead and take down these invading enemies at the lowest cost possible!

After agreeing on a signal, the eight great elemental envoys began to explore in eight directions. As soon as they found an enemy, they would send a signal as soon as possible, and everyone would come directly to besiege!


Kalya naturally knew nothing about the movements of the great elementalists.

However, even though it was easy to clean up the patrol, he still did not take it lightly - from the series of designs in the restricted area, it is easy to see that Nezuk had put in a lot of effort to maintain the stability here, so these rules The patrol team is probably not the only monitor in the restricted area!

Sure enough, just after he took care of the patrol team of the sixth team, it was no longer those rookie patrol teams that came towards him.

This time, Kalya saw an old acquaintance.

"Your Highness Qiyana." Recognizing Qiyana's identity, Kalya greeted her with a smile, "Long time no see. I really didn't expect that the Tenth Princess would come to the restricted area in person."

But unlike Kalya who was smiling, Qiyana only felt a little confused when she saw Kalya.

what's the situation?

Isn't this Yaka from How to Train Your Dragon?

How come he is here?

Is he the one who invaded the restricted area?

What's that big guy next to him?

Why is there a big hole behind him?

After meeting Kalya, Qiyana had many little questions in her heart. At this moment, the only thing she knew was that she might be in trouble.

Without any hesitation, she immediately activated the power of the elements and sent out an enemy signal according to her previous agreement.

Kalya, on the other hand, looked at her with a smile as she sent out the signal, but did not immediately stop her.

"A careful choice, but there are some problems." Kalya said in a relaxed tone, "Your Excellency Qiyana, I have a better suggestion. Maybe you can refer to it carefully before the reinforcements arrive."


Looking at Kalya who was calm and even confident, Qiyana felt that something was wrong with her head.

Now that the situation is like this, you still want to negotiate with me?

Do you have any negotiating leverage?

"Don't you, Your Excellency Qiyana, always hope that Ixtal can return to the environment of Runeterra?" Kalya seemed not to see Qiyana's eyes as if she were looking at a dead person, and continued to talk to herself, " From a personal perspective, this is something I would like to see happen.”

Qiyana just looked at Kalya without saying a word.

"The Kingdom of Ixtar has preserved many valuable legacies from the Shurima Empire. These legacies should be used in a wider field, and the original axioms also need more exchanges and development." Kalya seemed to be talking about a mountain. Just like that, he talked to Qiyana, "Although Ixtal is doing well now, if you look carefully, he is a bit too conservative and too traditional."

Qiyana also agrees very much with Ixtal's conservatism and tradition, but this does not mean that she is willing to talk to Kalya - at this time, she has fully reacted. I am afraid that if Kalya appears here, even It also has a lot to do with myself.

In this case, it is best for you to remain silent and not speak at this time, so as not to cause trouble for yourself after catching this bastard later.

After making the judgment that "Yaka is actually nothing to worry about", Qiyana is now even thinking about the aftermath of this incident.

"You must be thinking, how can you talk to those old antiques after this matter subsides?" Seeing that Qiyana was thinking, Kalya was keenly aware of what the other party was thinking, "Or, You're thinking about whether you should just pretend you don't know me."

When Qiyana heard this, she almost jumped up on the spot.

"Relax, Qiyana." Under Qiyana's astonished gaze, Kalya's mask grinned with a big smile, "This is a good thing for you, I will let Ixtar Returning to the order of Runeterra, at this point, my goal is the same as that of your political partners, otherwise I would not reveal Tarik’s identity to you.”

"So, you are a Demacian?" Thinking that reinforcements were coming, Qiyana finally narrowed her eyes, "Or are you actually an enemy of the Demacians... a Noxian?" ?”

"None of them." Kalya shook her head gently, "I am a Shurima!"

"Shurima people, why did you come to Ixtal?" Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a thick cloud approaching the ground. Qiyana finally put her hand on her elemental ring blade, realizing that her companion was Arriving, stroking the edge of the Axiom Arc, Qiyana finally had the confidence to speak in an interrogative tone, "Be honest and be lenient, otherwise the elements will make you unable to survive or die."

"Ixtal is originally a part of Shurima." Kalya reached out and took off his mask, "Coming to Ixtal is just a tourist at most. Is there any special purpose needed?"

"No one will come to the restricted area for tourism." The dark clouds fell to the ground and turned into a dark-skinned strong man, standing behind Qiyana. "Strangers, just capture them without mercy... Wait, are you an elemental creature?"

In the astonished eyes of Qiyana and the great elemental, they saw what Kalya looked like after taking off his mask - it was a face that was a little too handsome, and more importantly, this face was clearly made of golden Made of gravel.

For the great elementalists, elementalization is not a great skill, but the state of the person in front of them is obviously not elemental.

His whole being is a living element!

What the hell is this?

And...why does this face become more familiar the more I look at it?

I seem to have seen him somewhere!

Just when the two of them were on guard and did not dare to attack rashly, the third great elementalist also arrived at the scene.

This great element transformed into a glacier and quickly came to the scene. When he saw Kalya's face, he blurted out a curse word from Ixtar.

"Damn it, the regent showed up?"

I'm really convinced.

I'm not making excuses, I'm just giving a brief explanation of what happened these past few days.

Originally, my grandma back home was fine, but I finally came back. Just as I was saying that I could write more, I said something heroic and turned around.

The keyboard started to connect dots like crazy. When I typed an ellipsis, a line of 6 would come out. Y and u seemed to be stuck together, and spaces worked sometimes.

I disassembled it, cleaned the firmware, and put it back again. It was fine. Considering that the keyboard was indeed a bit old, I ordered a new keyboard.

Then yesterday, the keyboard connected again. It still didn't work after dismantling and reinstalling it, so I was forced to take a leave of absence.

The new keyboard arrived this afternoon. I originally planned to pick it up after taking a nap, but when I woke up, I found that my glasses had been crushed by myself. The legs of the glasses were so big that they couldn't be glued back together.

The optical shop where I got glasses last time was closed, so I didn’t have a chance to change my frames directly.

The result is that after taking off the keyboard, I have to buy glasses.

Because the author has astigmatism, it is troublesome to wear glasses, which will have to be done tomorrow. The old glasses are not powerful enough and are uncomfortable to wear. After much thought, I decided to buy a box of daily disposable invisible lenses to deal with it.

Then, because the author's eyes are relatively small and the eyelids are relatively thick, the process of wearing contact lenses can only be described as painful. The water in the glasses has dried up and I haven't put them in. In the end, I struggled for a long time and now I am a little confused.

Yesterday’s update cannot be applied today. Let’s do it again when we get new glasses tomorrow!

Alas, I feel tired...

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