Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 783 【0771】The place where time ends

Although in Kalya's view, the fact that the other party refused to recognize him as Kalya, but instead insisted that he was the "remnant of Ikasia", could only be described as ridiculous.

Although Kieran, who had been silently eating all this time, was suddenly filled with embarrassment and dissatisfaction after being called out, he couldn't explain it, and even less so if he didn't explain it.

However, from the perspective of the great elementalist, it is undoubtedly the "most likely" situation that the guy in front of him who claims to be Kalya is a remnant of Icacia.

After all, the original construction of the Legacy of Kalya had something to do with Ikasia - although in the information left by Nezuk, this part was not described in detail because it involved Kiran, but as long as you are willing to investigate After checking the notes, it is not difficult to find out.

After knowing this, the inference of the Great Elementalist was established. After all, the person who has the ability to control the Legacy of Kalya and turn it into Malphite should have a close relationship with the Legacy of Kalya, not Aika. Are the West Asians really Kalya?

Finally, the older elementalist left the restricted area angrily.

Obviously, he has realized that he may not be able to come to an agreement with the guy in front of him, and the goal he insists on seems to be impossible to achieve no matter what.

Since the other party can activate the legacy of Kalya into stone men, it means that they can really detonate them one by one and completely wipe out the entire source of civilization in Ixtar. For conservatives, this It's a complete dead end.

Looking at Xiao Suo's back as the other party turned and left, Karya felt no joy at all.

On the contrary, he couldn't help but frown.

Seeing Kalya's expression, Kieran, who had wanted to explain that he was not from Icasia, but had no chance, asked curiously:

"Why, pity them?"

"They are not worthy of pity." Kalya shook his head after hearing this, "But after taking on their always reminds me of Shurima who lost the sun disk."

Kieran blinked.

"Isn't it very similar?" Kalya sighed softly, "The Shurima Empire raised the sun disk and absorbed the power of the star world for its own use. Unfortunately, the technology of the sun disk cannot be fully mastered by itself."

Kieran nodded subconsciously.

"As for the legacy of Kalya of the Ixtal people, except Nezuk, I am afraid that no one is willing to study its theory." Kalya continued, "The original axiom is so convenient, and it is convenient for the entire Ixtar Most spellcasters are never willing to know the reason, and only a very small number of great elementalists will dabble in magic theory in order to expand the boundaries of the original axioms - but only in terms of constructing spell models."

Kieran was silent.

"Forget it, I won't feel sorry for them anymore." Seeing the envoy leave the restricted area, Kalya shook his head again, "If the King of Elements is not confused, the next envoy should be Qiyana. I hope It’s better if we can reach a tacit understanding with her.”

Then, while the two of them were waiting for the new messenger and talking about old people, the clock behind Kieran suddenly seemed to have reached one o'clock and began to ring rapidly.

"What is this?" The startled Kalya looked behind Kieran in surprise, "Are you worried about the time distortion in the restricted area and set the alarm in advance?"

"No, this is not an alarm clock, but Jax's destiny." Kieran's expression became extremely serious, "The guy they have been monitoring is probably quite extraordinary."

"Is there something wrong with the surveillance mission?" Kalya's eyes widened, "Are Jax and Shyvana's lives in danger?"

"At least Jax's life is not in danger." Kieran shook his head, "The time of fate is not the time of death...but the situation should be very urgent. I'm afraid I need to leave first."

"That's okay. Just leave the situation in the restricted area to me." Kalya nodded lightly, "I'll take you out."

After successfully leaving the restricted area, before the surrounding restricted area guards could come around, Kieran's figure seemed to disappear out of thin air, disappearing in the same place strangely, as if it was just a silver phantom.

This is what time magic looks like in the eyes of others - when time is compressed and stretched unbridled, Kieran looks like a ghost even if he is just walking normally.

Of course, Kieran obviously doesn't care about other people's eyes.

The most important thing for him at this time is to find Jax and find out what's wrong there.

The time of destiny is not the time of death. This spell was prepared by Kieran to prevent Jax from getting lost in the time lock. Specifically, it should be regarded as a "reactive time magic triggering spell". It can only be used when Jax It will only be activated when its own time is disrupted, reminding Kieran that "Jax is lost in the time lock and can't get out, please save him quickly."

So now that Jax's Time of Destiny has been triggered, it's very weird no matter how you look at it. Unless Jax has returned to Icathia and is trapped in a time mystery, this spell shouldn't be triggered. .

Kieran, who was confused in his heart, rushed at an astonishing speed after folding time. After leaving the restricted area, like a silver light, he quickly arrived at the trigger point of the fateful time.

This is the southern border of the Kingdom of Ixtal, the edge of the Kumangu Jungle, and adjacent to the barren land of Ikasia.

But now, this place already looks a bit like Icathia - when Kieran rushed to the scene, what he saw was Shyvana falling on the ground, sometimes clawing, sometimes spitting out a dragon's breath, and dealing with Jax was attacked by a large number of void bugs.

Under their feet was a devastated and cracking land.

Seeing this scene, Kieran finally lost his usual calmness.

"Void Rift!"


That's right, Void Rift.

Specifically, it was the void rift nourished by Malzahar - after gaining knowledge of the void and becoming a prophet of the void, he developed the Void Cult while using means not limited to extortion, extortion, seduction, and inducement. Quietly nourishing a crack in the void.

Unlike the Icathians who "summoned the void" back then, Malzahar's methods were undoubtedly more cunning. After he accepted the monitor's will, he had the ability to tear apart the space barrier and summon the void to come. But at that time, Malzahar did not have reliable sacrifices in hand, and could not really summon monitors. At most, he could attract some void insects. Therefore, he did not rush to realize the great blueprint of Void Advent, but chose to develop with peace of mind.

In a place that only Malzahar knew, he opened a small crack in the void and anchored the coordinates here. Subsequently, he continued to nourish this insignificant crack through the Void Order.

Since the location of this rift is very secret, and the "sacrifice" put in by the Void Cult believers was not directly included in the rift, but was thrown into the teleportation space connected to the anchor point of the rift, Malza has always been All of Ha's actions are so imperceptible.

Every believer thought he had seen a void rift.

But in fact, they just saw a teleportation space leading to the void rift.

In a sense, Malzahar is really a genius. He took advantage of the space penetration of the Void Rift, and by anchoring the coordinates of the Void Rift, he designed a ritual to specifically build a tunnel leading to the Void Rift. In the process of teleporting space, Malzahar himself basically does not need to contribute much. He can only rely on the power of guiding the void to perform long-distance sacrifices.

In this way, the Void Rift is constantly being nourished, but the place where the sacrifice occurred is thousands of miles away from the Rift. Even if someone wants to trace it, nothing can be traced - like Kaisha, she was just because of a She was trapped in a hernia during the sacrificial ceremony, but no matter how she searched, she could not find the "mouth" that sucked her into the ground.

If Kaisha had the opportunity to learn space magic and master the theory of space magic, then she would understand that although there was indeed a void rift that sucked her into the ground, her struggle caused her to leave the sacrifice area, so she was eventually It stayed in the earth's hernia and did not enter the void rift.

This can be considered a blessing among misfortunes.

So, here comes the problem.

Is the void rift that Kieran sees now the actual void rift, or is it the space of the sacrificial ceremony?

The answer is naturally the former.

In fact, the moment he saw the Void Rift, Kieran already understood the reason for the triggering of the Destined Time - affected by the Void Rift, the filled void spiritual energy caused time chaos, which in turn triggered Jax's Prepare the technique!

You must know that the land of void is essentially a place that is never satisfied, and it is also a desolate land without time.

The void does not deceive its "believers". Being swallowed by the void does mean eternity - even time is gone. The person who is swallowed becomes a part of the void. Isn't that eternity?

If I have to say it, the eternity of the void is just the eternity that normal people think of. There is only a slight difference in some details.

Since there is no concept of time in the void, the time flow in the void rift is also chaotic, and the chaotic time is the switch that triggers the destiny of Jax. As Jax walks into Malzahar's trap , the spell on him was instantly activated, attracting Kieran's attention immediately.

As for why Malzaha had to fight to expose the void rift he had carefully nourished and lure Jax forward...

Isn't this because he was forced to run out of tricks?

At the beginning, Malzahar only thought that Jax was Qiyana's messenger, so he hoped to lure him to his side, then capture him, and then continue to run away without anyone noticing.

But he didn't expect that Jax's mission was to monitor. When Malzahar stopped and waited, Jax and Shyvana also stopped.

What's even more terrible is that as the stalemate continued between the two sides, the explosion in the penalty area that Malzaha had been waiting for for a long time did not happen.

There was silence in the restricted area. The expected self-destruction that could tear the earth apart and destroy the Ixtar civilization did not happen!

Under such circumstances, even if Malzahar had no idea that there was a force secretly monitoring him, he at least knew that his plan had completely failed.

The failure of the plan means that the vest of the great elementalist of his has turned into a flaw and must be dealt with immediately!

Taking off the vest is not difficult.

But before taking off the vest, Malzahar had to get rid of the little tail hanging behind.

So, the question is, how to completely erase a guy riding an elemental dragon?

Malzahar's initial idea was to have an ace aerial battle.

After all, in his opinion, Jax was riding a thin and small elemental dragon, while he had a carefully selected and raised elemental dragon under his command. In an aerial battle, the opponent should be at an absolute disadvantage.

As long as you close the distance and don't let the opponent escape, it shouldn't be a problem to capture them!

However, although Malzahar's idea was good, when he took action, there was a problem in the first step.

Shyvana, who resolutely carried out her surveillance mission, had no intention of letting Malzahar get close.

Being labeled as "very dangerous" by Kalya, Shyvana would not let him get close rashly.

Malzahar was a little dumbfounded after getting close several times, but being pulled away from him.

What's happening here?

Has he already realized his purpose?

Thinking of this, Malzahar turned around decisively.

But once Malzahar makes a U-turn, Shyvana will immediately follow up without giving him a chance to make a profit. With many years of surveying and mapping experience and training experience, Shyvana has an amazing grasp of space, and has always pushed herself Stay outside the attack range of Malzahar, while ensuring that Malzahar is within your surveillance range.

The two sides wandered back and forth for a while as if dancing a tango, and Malzahar finally became anxious.

If this continues, the Ixtar people may catch up!

Malzahar didn't know that there was a third party, so from his perspective, maybe the Ixtar people had already become suspicious of him, and if he didn't get away in time, it would be difficult to get rid of them later!

So, after much thought, he simply gritted his teeth and brought Shyvana and Jax to the void rift.

When he lured Shyvana to the sky above the Void Rift, he directly closed the disguise of the Void Rift.

As the void rift was exposed, an astonishing suction force sucked Shyvana directly to the ground. At the same time, a large number of void creatures swarmed forward, trying to tear this person and dragon into pieces as soon as possible!

After the trap took effect, Malzahar himself immediately chose to fall to the ground, trying to completely control Jax with the gesture of Hades' Grasp, resolve the battle as soon as possible, and then resume the disguise on the void rift.

Malzahar thought well, and the first step of the plan was successful. Shyvana was indeed forced to land and deal with the void worm attack on the ground.

But what Malzahar never expected was that in this situation, Jax did not hesitate at all. After a loud shout, he directly smashed the cover of the lantern in his hand!

As the bright eternal flame exploded, Malzahar, who had originally wanted to approach the Grip of Hades, felt an indescribable heart palpitation for no reason.

The beating, seemingly alive flame seemed to be his destined nemesis, which made him unable to move forward for a moment. He could only stay far away on the periphery and command the void insects to surround him.

It doesn't matter!

It doesn't matter if it's hard to get close to him.

Malzahar didn't believe it. In this wilderness with no villages or shops, do you still have reinforcements?

Since there is no support, no matter how dangerous the flame in your hand is, it will inevitably be swallowed up by the endless void army!

As long as he devours this person and the dragon, disguises the void rift, and changes into a vest, he will have to start all over again!

There should be another chapter in the second half of the night.

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