Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 801 【0789】 Reunion after a long absence

This voice is somewhat familiar.

Shyvana turned around.

At the entrance of the old building of the Art Support Association, surrounded by many people, a tall man was waving to Shyvana.

"Who are you……"

Shyvana recognized the other person immediately.

Jarvan IV - the former emperor of Demacia.

"Miss Shyvana, it's been a long time." Just when she was a little surprised, Jarvan IV took the initiative to separate from the crowd and came to Shyvana, "Is this still a construction inspection?"

As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and then glanced at the people surrounding him from the corner of his eyes.

Shyvana was a little confused, but facing Jarvan IV's expectant gaze, she nodded gently.

It just so happened that she also wanted to talk to Jarvan IV. In addition to sending a letter to Kalya during this trip, Tarik also had a letter for her to send to Jarvan IV.

"That's great." Not sure if it was an illusion, Shyvana suddenly saw a hint of relief on the other person's face, "Let's go, I'll take you to see the new buildings in Xiongdu in recent years."

With that said, Jarvan IV took the initiative to walk to a position shoulder to shoulder with Shyvana, then turned back and waved to those who were surrounding him behind him.

Those people seemed to want to continue to surround them, but they seemed to be unable to do so because of Shyvana. In the end, they could only stay where they were, watching Jarvan IV and Shyvana leave together.

"What's going on?" After turning a corner, Shyvana finally asked strangely, "His Majesty Jarvan IV?"

"I am no longer your majesty." Jarvan IV smiled wryly and waved his hand, "It's a long story... Anyway, you have helped me a lot. In return, Miss Shyvana shouldn't mind if I invite you. Would you like a cup of tea?"

A somewhat curious Shyvana blinked her eyes. She could vaguely sense the intense heartbeat of Jarvan IV, which was a bit subtle.

However, in the end she nodded slightly.


In a tavern on the corner of the street, Jarvan IV and Shyvana sat in a small box. In front of them was a small, exquisite tea stove. There was a copper teapot sitting on the stove, and the spout was steaming. of water vapor.

"The tea in this tavern should be the most authentic." Jarvan IV picked up the teapot and poured hot water into the cups in front of Shyvana and himself. "Try it, Miss Shyvana - and Wa How's Zuan's comparison?"

Shyvana nodded, then her eyes fell on the swirling tea leaves.

Typical Ionian spirit tea, the price is quite expensive.

Shyvana is not a dragon who likes elaborate meals.

In other words, elemental dragons and exquisite food never go hand in hand. Compared to the tea that gradually turns amber in the cup, Shyvana actually prefers the whole beef grilled over charcoal fire, and the tons of delicious food after a full meal. A large bucket of cool spring water mixed with some tea foam.

This kind of Xiaozhanling tea is very exquisite, but it doesn't fit in with her usual style.

However, since it was Jarvan IV's invitation, Shyvana would not refuse. She nodded gently first, then picked up the teacup with both hands, imitating Jarvan IV's example, like a dragon sucking water, and poured out the hot tea. Drink the tea in one gulp.

Jarvan IV's reminder choked in his throat - he wanted to remind Shyvana that the tea was very hot, but judging from Shyvana's reaction, she didn't seem to feel that way.

Therefore, Jarvan IV, who opened his mouth, could only change the topic with a slight embarrassment.

"Is Miss Shyvana here to study Demacia architecture again?"

"This time I just came to Xiongdu to visit." Shyvana shook her head gently, "I didn't think too much about it."

"That's right..." Jarvan IV nodded, "That's a pity. There have been a lot of interesting buildings in Xiongke in recent years."

"His Majesty Jarvan IV——"

"I am not your Majesty." Jarvan IV waved his hand and picked up the tea cup again, "I haven't been for a long time."

"Then... Jarvan." Shyvana changed her words accordingly, "I heard that a lot of things happened in Demacia."

"Yes, there are many things." Jarvan IV nodded lightly, and then took a sip of the spiritual tea in the cup, seemingly not caring about the boiling heat of the tea. "There are always things that people don't expect."


Shyvana nodded silently.

To be honest, after Lux told her a lot about Jarvan IV before, when she met Jarvan IV again, Shyvana did have a lot of questions to ask him, but considering her own identity and the other person’s experience , even Shyvana, who doesn’t know much about the world, has trouble asking these questions.

Shyvana has very complicated feelings about the former Emperor - she had dealt with him many times before when she was investigating news in Xiongdu. From a personal point of view, she did not dislike him. .

But the problem is that Jarvan IV doesn't know Shyvana's true identity. He doesn't know that Shyvana is a dragon, and he doesn't know that Shyvana has been on the north side from the beginning. He seems to have a crush on Shiva. Na's human form carries a special longing, which made the former Shyvana subconsciously want to avoid it.

However, after more experiences, Shyvana is now able to look directly into the eyes of Jarvan IV.

So she simply suppressed her curiosity and took the initiative to change the topic. As if she were an old friend she hadn't seen for many years, she chatted with Jarvan IV about the scenery and people she had seen over the years.

From the snow in the north to the yellow sand of Shurima.

These information, which were once confidential within the intelligence team, are now time to be "declassified".

Listening to Shyvana's story, Jarvan IV was surprised, and occasionally looked surprised.

"I have also been to Shurima and seen the desert there." When Shyvana told him about the wind-driven sand dunes, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's just that at that time, my mind was focused on In the midst of a battle that shouldn’t have happened, I didn’t notice those magical sand dunes… Listening to what you said, I feel like I missed a lot.”

"What about you?" Shyvana drank a cup of scalding spiritual tea again. "After... after the establishment of New Demacia, where are you Jarvan?"

"I..." Jarvan IV put down the tea cup and rubbed the right angle of the table with his fingertips, "I originally thought about going to the Art Support Association to teach people how to dance."

"This must be a good fit for you." Shyvana said sincerely, "You are very good at dancing."

"But sometimes, if you want to teach people to dance, just having dancing skills is not enough." Jarvan IV's expression was a little embarrassed, "Not many people are willing to accept a dance teacher with a special status, and there are also people who learn dance but have different backgrounds. Same goal."

"Like those people surrounding you today?"

"Yes, it's like them." Jarvan IV paused, then picked up the tea cup again, "So, you have helped me a lot. If you hadn't appeared, I'm afraid they would still be entangled. long time……"

"Who...are they?"

"They are a group of people who cannot see the reality clearly." Jarvan IV seemed unwilling to continue on this topic, and just answered vaguely, "There will always be people who are used to living in their own world."

"So, the identities of those people." Shyvana narrowed her eyes, and her eyes had a faint tendency to look like snake eyes. "Are they all former nobles?"

Jarvan IV did not answer, but raised his glass again and took a sip of hot tea, then picked up the teapot again.

"Since they can't see the reality clearly, why not let them see it more clearly?" Thinking of what Lux and herself had said about the poor and refined old nobles, Shyvana couldn't help but said, "Take them Pulled out of your own world."

To be honest, this sentence has a somewhat profound meaning to Shyvana.

However, Jarvan IV, who had never had anyone to communicate with, didn't mind the other party's presumption.

"It is precisely because they know that the outside world is very different that they hide." Jarvan IV looked like he had seen through it all. "They just want me to be a flag instead of facing the world."

Shyvana frowned.

"Actually, if I hadn't actually experienced something, I probably wouldn't be willing to accept it." Jarvan IV continued, "From this perspective, I actually have no qualifications to criticize them. In this case, it's better to let them It saves them from going to other places to cause trouble."

Jarvan IV was open-minded.

After experiencing the possession of the Celestial Spirit, he has deeply realized where the danger in Demacia comes from - in a sense, he was already a dead man when Twilight controlled him. The reason why he was able to accept New Demacia so calmly was largely because he regarded his subsequent experience of regaining his will as a rebirth.

Yes, in the eyes of Jarvan IV, he is a person who has "died once", so he is very open-minded and calm.

It's a pity that the nobles of Xiongdu have not "died once", and they still have undue illusions about their past glory - but regarding the threat of the protoss, Jarvan IV is not yet able to remind him, so he can only let it go. If the old man is entangled with you, you can hide if you can.

From this perspective, there is nothing wrong with him thanking Shyvana. If Shyvana had not appeared, he would have been entangled by these old people for a long time today.

Hearing what Jarvan IV said, Shyvana suddenly felt a little irritable for some reason.

If it had been before Ixtar's trip, perhaps based on her experience, she would have had some sympathy for some of Jarvan IV's choices.

But after the trip to Ixtar...

She always felt that this kind of nonsense was very boring.

How do you say that - dojo in a snail shell?

"In fact, you shouldn't pay attention to them." Shyvana hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to say this, "Your talents should actually be used in more appropriate places."

"I also think I'm pretty good at teaching students to dance." Jarvan IV subconsciously avoided the important and chose the easy. "At least there won't be any problems..."

"Not in this aspect, but the power contained in your body." Shyvana interrupted Jarvan IV, "Just like Taric, his power should not be used to maintain that backward order. "

Jarvan IV's eyes widened.

He had no idea why Shyvana suddenly mentioned Tarik - in fact, it was no exaggeration to say that among those former confidants of Jarvan IV, the only one he cared about now was Tarik.

Garen is now planning his wedding, and it seems he's finally getting ahead of Jarvan IV in this regard.

Barrett is Sona's father. Even if he retires, he can still enjoy his old age in the future.

Lan Fu is simply a despicable traitor and has nothing to say.

The only person Jarvan IV couldn't worry about was Taric. There was no news about him since he went to Kaldurgar. Jarvan IV believed that he would not be in any danger in Kaldurgar, but he was worried. After he learned about the current situation in Demacia, he got involved in some unclean restoration organization.

Without completely severing the relationship with these elders, Jarvan IV also had considerations about Taric - if Taric came back, at least he would have a way to contact him, and he could prevent him from taking a dangerous path.

"Tariq is on his way back to Demacia." Under the astonished gaze of Jarvan IV, Shyvana took out a letter from her arms and said, "I'll give it to you now."

Jarvan IV's head was a little hard to turn around.

Didn't Tariq go to Kalduga and Kumangla to explore the food producing areas?

How could it be related to Shyvana?

Was it a chance encounter?

Jarvan IV took the letter.

"Take it apart and take a look." Shyvana gently urged, "Let's talk about it after reading it."

Jarvan IV tore open the envelope and took out the letter. What caught his eye was a line of familiar notes.

Yes, it's Tariq's handwriting - he's always so precise and never misses a beat.

Then, as Jarvan IV read line by line, his expression gradually became more exciting.

Especially when he read the part about Shyvana.

Tarik did not know that Jarvan IV once wanted to pursue Shyvana, so in order to emphasize the seriousness and authenticity of the problem, he specifically mentioned in the letter that "Miss Shyvana is an elemental dragon in human form. Witnesses to this terrible war."

When Jarvan IV read this line, he could hardly believe his eyes.

Shyvana is... a dragon?

He forced out a dry smile, looked over the top of the letter, and subconsciously looked at Shyvana.

As if sensing something, Shyvana also looked at him, and snake-like vertical pupils appeared in her charming golden eyes.

Facing this pair of eyes that mixed humanity and wildness, Jarvan IV's breathing seemed to have stopped.

In other words, my previous self was actually obsessed with... a dragon? (End of chapter)

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