Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 803 【0791】 Rebirth in Chaos

What is the situation in Shurima? This is a very interesting question.

You must know that Shurima is an entire continent. Even in the narrow sense of Shurima, it is at least a huge area from Mount Targon in the west to Ixtal in the east. Its area has exceeded Demacia and The sum total of Noxus.

In addition, Shurima is not in a unified state now. Various city-states and ports are flying the banner of orthodoxy, but in fact they are fighting on their own. Overall, it is more than just a garbled word.

However, if you look further, this chaos can actually be traced.

After the magic network waterway that once supported the prosperity of the Shurima Empire completely failed, due to geographical isolation, all cities in Shurima can be roughly divided into three horizontal areas.

These three horizontal lines are North Shurima, Shurima Riverside and South Shurima from north to south.

If we look at the entire Shurima situation from the perspective of these three horizontal lines, there are some things that can be said despite the chaos.

The first is the part of Northern Shurima that borders the Strait of Valoran.

There are a large number of well-known port cities here, such as Vazuan, Kumangla, Bergun, Telishni, Nasramei, Uzeris, Kalamanda...

These areas were not very central during the Shurima Empire era, but similarly, this also meant that they were least dependent on the Sun Disk and the Demonic Network Waterway. Therefore, after the collapse of the empire, they quickly Relying on its own characteristics and superior geographical location, it has found a new way out.

However, due to various factors such as limited population and different levels of utilization of magic, these cities are actually the most "spineless" places in Shurima. Except for Kumangla and Kalduga, most of the other northern Shurima cities are just talking about it. They claim to adhere to Shurima orthodoxy, but in fact they often actively or passively cooperate with outsiders.

When the Noxian Empire was strong, many northern Shurima cities would fly the Noxian flag.

After the collapse of the Noxian Empire, Nashraame is now still under Demacia's control.

Although it seems that there is not much development except for Vazuan when it is close to water, the strong commercial atmosphere makes life in many port cities in Northern Shurima pretty good.

In addition to these ports, Northern Shurima also has some inland cities including Zurita, Kenese, and Bumang. Although these cities are not on the verge of the Valoran Strait, they are at least not too far from the coastline. It is also within the scope of northern Shurima trade.

Compared with the port cities, these inland cities in North Shurima are more isolated. They often have their own unique specialties, or occupy certain key positions, relying on the prosperous trade along the Valoran Strait, although they are a bit It was difficult, but life was manageable.

To sum up, it is not difficult to see that the current North Shurima region generally relies on the maritime trade of the Valoran Strait. Although everyone talks about the empire, in fact, they rely more on the Valoran Strait for their livelihood. , many times slogans are just words.

The situation in North Shurima is completely different from that in Central Shurima in the area along the Shurima River.


Middle Shurima is the second stretch of the Shurima continent, the area along the Shurima River and its tributaries.

Nerimajie, Garden City, Faraj, Shurima City, Vikora, Marrow Seal City...these cities along the Shurima River and its tributaries are the flavor of the Shurima Empire on the entire Shurima continent. The thickest place.

Even though Mr. Blake Sward, the former port governor of Nashrame and now in exile in Kalduga, was the loudest in calling out the Great Shurima strategy and the Shurima circular trade, but really speaking, the Great Shurima and Shurima Shurima circular trade, then you have to look at Shurima.

Although the Sun Disk has fallen, the Shurima River waterway, which was spent great efforts to clean up during the Shurima Empire, still plays its role even today.

Starting from the diversion of thousands of rivers in Nerimaji in the west, to the confluence of three rivers in the west of Shurima City, to the arcs of deep rivers in the large sand dunes and the diversion ponds to retain sand, to the confluence of the water in Wekaula, relying on the giant god The abundant snow-capped mountain meltwater on the peak still plays an important role in many water conservancy projects on the Shurima River today.

The Thousand River Diversion Project made Nerimajie the source of the Shurima River. It also deepened the channel of the Shurima River in the far west, laying the foundation for the water conservancy of the Shurima River.

The intersection of the three rivers was once part of the Magic Network Waterway. With the fall of the Sun Disk, this place has completely turned into a water conservancy project. The three rivers of Shurima River, Leike River, and Yuanliushui meet here, which not only enriches Shurima River, but also enriches Shurima River. The amount of water in the Ma River also contributed to the prosperity of trade around the city of Shurima.

As for the bends and deep river formations near the large sand dunes, as well as the sand retention ponds, this is a specially built midway purification project based on the terrain conditions in the middle section of the Shurima River. It aims to pass the bends of the river and specially built sand ponds, separation The water spout keeps the sediment carried by the Shurima River near the large sand dunes, reducing the amount of sediment carried in the lower reaches of the Shurima River.

Finally, the Shushui Confluence Project in Wekaula is a return flow project where the Kohali River merges into the Shurima River. Through the Kohali River, the water transportation of the Shurima River is extended to the vicinity of the Marrow Market and along the entire Shurima River. The trade network almost completely covers the entire Central Shurima region.

Compared with the bulk North Shurima, the trade in Central Shurima is more unified. Although the various city-states still dislike each other, the relationship between them is also closer because they are more dependent on each other.

Unlike the northern Shurima region, which was remote during the Empire era, the Middle Shurima area had a large number of systematic industries during the Shurima Empire era. For example, the woolen textile industry of Nerimaji's Pan Sheep was Concentrated in the downstream city of Faraj.

In addition to the textile industry of various animal woolen products, Faraj City also has supporting facilities such as specialized bone meal processing workshops, leather processing workshops, brine recycling tanks, etc. Relying on the unique local brine resources, the flowing water source passes through The canal was introduced, and after various uses and purifications, it was merged into the Shurima River. On the one hand, it improved the utilization rate of water, and on the other hand, it also relieved the pressure at the confluence of the three rivers after losing the regulation of the magic network.

The finished products produced in Faraj City will be distributed upstream and downstream. The ships transporting woolen products go upstream, and the ships transporting bone meal fertilizers go downstream and are sent to the next link.

Similar systems can be said to be everywhere along the Shurima River. As an area deeply cultivated by the Shurima Empire, even without the magic supply of the Sun Disk, many industrial systems along the Shurima River have remained intact. It's just that after losing the source of magic power, the production level shrank significantly, turning from large-scale production to a manual workshop.

If the cities in Northern Shurima are all "commercial cities with special products and ports", then the cities along the Shurima River in Central Shurima have retained the shadow of the Shurima Empire to a great extent. , each plays a production and processing link in a once glorious and complete system.

This legacy from the imperial era has, in a sense, maintained the unity of the Central Shurima region. The industries in each city can be regarded as integrated in a broad sense.

Moreover, due to the existence of Shurima City, although the cities in Central Shurima will also fly the banner of Shurima Orthodoxy, when conflicts arise, at least there will be a peacemaker who will come out to arbitrate.

Therefore, this state of "discord and discord but not dispersion" has been maintained since the complete collapse of the Shurima Empire, forming the unique natural and social features of the Central Shurima region.

If the cities in Northern Shurima are the confused people who have risen from the disabled wasteland after the collapse of the Shurima Empire and have a cosplay mentality towards the old glory, then the cities in Central Shurima are stubborn The old man has retained the most shadows of the past, and he still retains the most customs and habits of the imperial era to this day.

However, neither North Shurima nor Central Shurima seems to have the potential to rebuild Shurima after its rise.

Although after the collapse of the empire, many former ascendants and dark descendants lived incognito, their identities were often quite special, and they partly inherited some of the empire's "last wishes."

Just as the cities of Central Shurima are closely connected, there are similarities and differences between these wishes.

The weavers active in the southeast of Wekaura and Kohalise are the heirs of Azhi. They have always been committed to maintaining the precious wealth left by the empire. They often send out the best weavers every few decades. As an envoy, he traveled along the Shurima River to repair water conservancy projects.

Although the elders of New Shurima City represent extreme conservatism and backwardness in the eyes of Kalya and Xerath, they also have their own political opinions. They are the maintainers of the regional situation and each city has given them some points. The arbiter of face.

Faraj and many of the organizations inherited from Darkin in Garden City are rare organizations that insist on maintaining good relations with Targon. Although it sounds like they have betrayed the Shurima Empire, they stand on the actual basis. From a perspective, maintaining a relatively good relationship with Targon and the Rakkor people is also of positive significance.

In addition to the traditions of the Shurima Empire, Central Shurima has shown a subtle trend of diversity. However, the diversity here is not spontaneous diversity, but what was left after the collapse of the Shurima Empire. different aspects.


Compared with North Shurima and Middle Shurima, the South Shurima region, located south of the southern vein of Mount Targon, is often overlooked due to its unique geographical environment.

To the north of here is the southern chain of Mount Targon, which stretches thousands of miles. There is only one large tunnel that can penetrate it. If you don't take this tunnel, you have to climb the mountain.

To the south here is the inaccessible Sea of ​​Mists, with rugged coastlines and dense reefs. Legend has it that there are dangerous vastaya people in the sea.

To the west of here is Icasia, which has not yet recovered. The desert, ground hernia, and void worms form an isolation zone that can be said to be inaccessible.

The unique geographical environment makes Southern Shurima almost in a state of natural isolation. During the Shurima Empire era, Southern Shurima was an area with no sense of existence.

After the collapse of the Shurima Empire, the economy of the entire Runeterra was moving towards the Valoran Strait, and it became even more remote. It seemed that from every angle, Southern Shurima was no longer orthodox to Shurima. What does it matter?

But in fact, the seeds of imperial renaissance are being nourished here.

Although Azir has not been completely resurrected, at least a team that seems to be quite reliable has been established around him.

With the assistance of Nasus and Xerath, with Antasil as the center, a new Shurima is expanding step by step - although Azir, Nasus or Xerath are all Privately, they complain that the people of Southern Shurima are now "not Shurima at all" and have completely lost Shurima tradition and inheritance. However, in Karya's view, this way of survival that adapts to local conditions is actually the most Shurima. inheritance.

There is no doubt that South Shurima is the place that Kalya pays most attention to, and it is also the hope for Shurima's future.

In the absence of other variables, the "Shurima Empire" in southern Shurima may be the key to Shurima's revival.

Therefore, when Kalya began to seal the void rift and Shyvana was idle and planned to take Jarvan IV out for a walk, he specifically suggested that they go to Antasil to have a look.

Going out for a walk won't prevent you from collecting some information and coming back!

The question Kalya asked, "What's the situation in Shurima?" mainly refers to the situation in South Shurima and the construction situation in Antasil.

Facing Kalya's question, both Shyvana and Jarvan IV had very subtle expressions.

Seeing this scene, Kalya couldn't help but raise his eyebrows - is there something going on here?

"Actually, the situation in Antahir looks pretty good." Shyvana sighed softly, "The development of that city even completely exceeded my imagination. At the port of Antahir, I Saw a lot of merchant ships.”

"This is a good thing." Kalya nodded, "The presence of foreign merchant ships proves that Antahir also has his own trading system."

"But the problem is, those merchant ships came from Kamavia." Shyvana continued, "And along with the merchant ships arrived, there were also some Kamavian envoys."

"Politics and economics are always connected, and that's understandable." Karya continued to nod, "But, from what you're saying, there seems to be something wrong with these envoys?"

"There is something very wrong." Shyvana nodded, "Although I don't know the past and history of Kamavia, no matter from which angle you look at it, a group of people came up and demanded a comprehensive political, economic, and military alliance and binding, spanning thousands of miles. To carve up the empire of Noxus is not normal at all costs."

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