Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 813 【0801】 Different opinions

Ione is a very traditional Freljordian - Ione, who grew up listening to the legend of the three sisters, although she does not have a strong warrior talent, like those warriors, respects Freyr. The ancient traditions of Zhuo De, and the warm-blooded people who despise the south.

This trait became more and more prominent as she showed her magical talent and was accepted by the Frostguard tribe as a Frostguard priest.

Her talent is not very good, and she cannot perform those dangerous missions, nor can she be the next Frost Witch, but this does not prevent her from using her talent as a spell caster to always look down on all the ice blood warriors.

With Ione's strength, this kind of condescension is very rude according to Freljord's traditional concepts.

But because she is a Frost Guard Priest, the ice blood warriors she usually comes into contact with usually tolerate this rudeness.

And this experience obviously gave Ioni a wrong judgment - she seemed to have a wrong judgment about her own identity and strength.

This time being appointed as a messenger by the Frost Witch to preach to the warm-blooded people, Ioni's attitude was naturally a bit too condescending.

Ione didn't think there was anything wrong with her behavior. For her, passing the news of the Frost Witch's summons to these humble warm-blooded people was already the greatest blessing to them.

However, she obviously didn't know that those legendary warriors tolerated her mainly because of her identity; Lux was cautious about her because the news she brought was somewhat shocking and had nothing to do with her. relation.

So, when Ione was angered by this drama and believed that the warm-blooded people were desecrating the great frost witch, she became extremely angry.

"This is a shameful blasphemy!" Ione no longer regained her previous calmness and began to shout loudly, "Despicable warm-blooded people, you are blaspheming the great Frost Witch!"

But when she was really angry and took action against the stage, the mage who had been ambushing under the stage immediately chose to stop her.

Without knowing the true identity of the Frost Witch, Lux would not take the initiative to do anything to the envoy to cause trouble.

But if this messenger looks for trouble on his own...

Then I'm very sorry.

Because they couldn't figure out the depth of Ioni, the mages lurking in the audience chose to counterattack Ioni's spells with all their strength. Several users of ice magic immediately began to seize control of Ioni's spells and fight for it. Take her down on the spot.

Then, they were shocked to find that this messenger who was either extremely calm or hysterical... seemed to be a silver pewter spear head.

The ice cone magic she created failed to keep up with the effective control at all, so that the magician easily took away the control of the magic, turned and nailed directly to the bottom of the stage, shattering into ice slag on the ground. It didn't even touch the ice wall raised by another Dharma Master in advance.

From the perspective of magic confrontation, this is an out-and-out crushing advantage - as we all know, there are many ways to counter magic, but the only one that can be called a crushing effect is to completely obtain the enemy's magic. of control.

This means that the caster's magic control level is not at the same level as the counterer's.

However, Ioni was completely unaware of this huge difference.

While the mages were thinking about whether "such a weak magic is just to express their attitude," Ione began to continue casting spells.

She was completely unaware of the enemy's level of suppression on her. She simply thought that the magic just now was not powerful enough, so this time she simply poked her head out of the box without concealing it, and then chanted loudly. The spell that summons frost attempts to summon a powerful snowstorm to crush all blasphemers.

Objectively speaking, since she has ice blood, if this magic succeeds, its power will be amazing, and the entire theater will be almost submerged by the roaring ice and snow.

But the problem is... measuring the dimension of magic is never just about power!

This unabashed way of casting spells immediately ushered in the magic counterattack from the mage.

For the sake of caution, the mage in charge of spell countermeasures even prepared a second countermeasure to prevent the person who showed his head to cast the spell from being an illusion of "deceptive interruption".

However, such an ordinary interruption not only countered Ioni's magic, but even completely disrupted her magic. Uncontrollable frost began to spread on her body, and even on her body. A layer of frost appeared on the surface of her body. If it weren't for the fact that she had ice blood and was extremely resistant to frost magic, she would have been seriously injured on the spot if her magic power was out of control!

Just like that, under the stunned gaze of the Noxian ambassador, the Freljord envoy who was filled with pride for some reason fell straight back and hit the carpet of the box with a thud. A lot of dust and ice chips were thrown up.

The show was interrupted but resumed quickly.

When taking Ione away, the Archon who had just countered her took the initiative to express his apology to the Noxian ambassador.

Unlike Ione, although this Noxian ambassador is a regular envoy, he has a very friendly attitude towards the magician. Although he is not a skilled caster, at least he clearly sees that The difference in magic level between the two sides was revealed.

After a small interlude, the drama on stage continued.

It's just that the viewing atmosphere of the show is obviously not as good as before.

Even if most of the people who are willing to watch this new show are art lovers, what happened just now is so exciting that except for a few obsessed people, everyone else is either thinking or talking.

It’s human nature to gossip and everyone wants to know what just happened.

It's just that because Ioni spoke Freljordian, only a handful of viewers got a general idea.

Most people don't know why the person in the box suddenly went crazy.


The insane Ione was frozen into an ice sculpture and then sent to Forsbarrow's Forbidden Prison.

However, when the ice sculpture melted, Ioni was completely unaware of the crux of the problem. When facing the guards, she still chose to roar loudly regardless.

"You are blaspheming!" Her voice was sharp and piercing, as if she was scratching Zhenbing with her nails, "The great Frost Witch will punish you, and your soul and body will be frozen together, forever - "

"Okay, shut up." As if he disliked her for being too noisy, Ino finally took the initiative to show up, waved his hand and froze her mouth together, and then taunted in Freljord, "You don't even know how to deal with the ice plains." My spellcasting skills are not as good as those of snow rabbits on the stage, so do I have the right to express my opinions with my mouth open?"

Ioni's eyes widened, and she tried hard to open her mouth, but she couldn't say a word. She was like a toad whose mouth was covered, and her eyeballs were about to bulge.

"Tell me why you are crazy." Ino just looked at her quietly. When Ione was obviously a little exhausted, she unlocked her magic. "Messengers should also abide by local laws. Instead of launching a magic attack for no reason."

"It's not for no reason." It seemed that it was because of Ino's frost magic and her lack of energy. Ione finally looked calmer, "but because of shameless blasphemy."

"Blasphemy?" Ino raised an eyebrow, "Where is the blasphemy?"

"Don't think that I can't see your despicable reflection." Ioni snorted, "The great Frost Witch is not just a beggar in front of those false gods. Those false gods who pay lip service but don't mean what they say can only use This extremely stupid lie has deceived you, the equally stupid warm-blooded people..."

Ione's language talent is obviously quite good. Compared to her lame magic, the Demacian language she uses is somewhat formal, and she even uses it a little self-taught. The rhetorical device has a final rhyme.

However, Ino obviously didn't care about her Demacian proficiency, and even the offensive parts were like a breeze blowing on her face. What really made her care was the sworn attitude shown by Ioni.

It seemed that she was convinced that the history of the Freljord that Kael told on stage was pure nonsense.

To make this judgment, either she knows who made up the history on stage, or she knows the "real history."

Considering that this guy obviously doesn't seem to understand the Titan, it's not difficult to judge that she does know something about the history of Freljord.

And this is exactly what Ino expected to see.

"Then tell me, what is the real history." Ino ignored the filth and sarcasm in the other party's words and took the initiative to hand over a glass of ice water, "This is the history that we spent a lot of money to find out. I originally thought of using this to show diplomatic etiquette..."

Ino is talking nonsense, because no one's diplomatic etiquette includes taking the initiative to perform an undetermined historical drama. Choosing to stage such a good show has the meaning of stimulating Ioni, even if it causes diplomatic disputes , then you can just push it on the giant god.

It seemed that Ino's tone satisfied Ioni's needs. After snorting and emphasizing her disdain again, she finally said what Ino wanted to hear.

The Frostguard Priest's version of the story of three sisters.


In the Frostguard Priest's version of the story of the three sisters, the Titan is not the protagonist, not even the main supporting character.

According to Ioni, when Rune Continent was still in ignorance, it was the three sisters who took the lead in igniting the flame of civilization. In the harshest environment, they learned strength, wisdom and unity before anyone else, and used their blood to As a hub, it was the first to build the prototype of civilization.

At that time, human beings were still very weak, and on the ice fields where giant beasts were rampant, even ordinary direwolves could be the life and death enemies of a tribe.

And in this extremely harsh environment, the three sisters used their own power to protect the tribe, used their wisdom to guide the tribe, and used their beliefs to unite the tribe, and finally ignited the fire of civilization in the great city of Laxtaq. .

After the fire was ignited, the people of Freljord united around the three sisters. They no longer needed to kowtow to the wild demigods to satisfy their whims, nor did they need to show off to the giant gods who paid lip service but did not deliver. With respect to oneself, there is no need to worry about the invasion of wild beasts and darkness. With the three sisters here, the rise of Freljord is only a matter of time.

However, it was this rise that caused dissatisfaction in Freljord.

The savage demigods were dissatisfied that they had lost their blood food and sacrifices.

The giants were dissatisfied that they had lost their right to be superior.

The Dark Will is dissatisfied that humanity no longer surrenders completely to itself.

As a result, these forces who did not want to see the rise of mankind united together and completely strangled the three sisters.

Lissandra killed the giant python, banished the violent bear, suppressed Ornn, convinced Anivia, and even tamed Juvask into a mount, allowing people to see the true face of these wild demigods. At the cost, she was blinded by a violent bear who fought to the death.

Serelda shattered the war, expelled Twilight, captured Fertility, defeated the Guardian, rode Juvask to the heavens, fought hard until she was hoarse, and could no longer utter the inspiring war cry.

Avarosa went deep into the darkness. She eliminated those evil sects that worshiped darkness and blood, and killed the evil yeti leader who was good at deceiving people. Until she was the first to discover the more terrifying enemy under the abyss, in order to prevent herself from being The words seduced him and he took the initiative to pierce his eardrums.

In order to deal with the terrible enemies lurking under the abyss, the three sisters distributed their power to the Freljord people through their bloodlines. From then on, the Ice Bloodline was born. All the Ice Bloodlines are united under the three sisters. around him, and started a vigorous great expedition.

At the end of the expedition, the three sisters and all their followers had an earth-shattering battle in the Howling Abyss and the darkness beneath the abyss. Serelda and Avarosa were killed on the spot, and only Lissandra took her last breath to seal it. Darkness, and passed on the identity of the Frost Witch. Since then, the Freljord has entered the mortal era, and only Lissandra is the only one left in the inheritance of the three sisters.

Compared with Kyle's version, the story of the three sisters told by Ioni is undoubtedly more passionate and exciting. No matter from any angle, this story can be regarded as an ancient epic hymn, even if Ionni has a deep love for the three sisters. The story of the sisters itself is not interesting, but I can't help but be impressed by how wonderful this story is.

Ioni, who was very satisfied with the story, began to applaud. After applauding, she asked the most crucial question.

"This is completely different from what the Star Spirits said. How can I confirm that what you are telling is the truth?"

"Haha." Ione looked at Ino as if she were a fool, "The truth is that everyone in Freljord respects the three sisters, and countless ice bloodlines are showing their bravery, wisdom and will, but Have you ever seen anyone worshiping those damned star spirits?"

Ioni's story is obviously biased and far from the truth of what the three sisters experienced.

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