Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 824 【0812】 The night before the speech

Irelia was ready to learn, Silas sneaked into the capital city, and as a speaker, Lux was completely unaware of this.

She is still preparing her speech step by step.

Winter speeches are summaries, and summaries are never easy to write.

However, the audience obviously will not sympathize with Lux's difficulties. Since some magic production tasks have been transferred to the south this year, a small number of people in southern Demacia have also felt the new order of "New Demacia", with its flexible central ideas. Guys, they might as well take advantage of the relatively free time after winter and come to Xiongdu City as a tour of the city and listen to His Majesty the Emperor's speech.

Therefore, compared to the past, this year's Demacia Xiongdu can be said to be particularly lively.

It's just a pity that Demacia seems to have ushered in a cold winter this year. After the winter, the temperature has dropped significantly compared to the past. For those Demacia people who come from the south to travel to the capital city and listen to speeches , buying clothes to keep out the cold becomes an additional expense.

At first, many people were still thinking of gritting their teeth and holding on and getting over it. However, just two days before the winter speech, a freezing rain poured down on the city of Xiongdu, which became the breaking camel's back. The last straw forced the Demacians from the south to spend a lot of money to buy warm clothes.

Fortunately, due to timely market management, although the price of clothing has increased, the increase is still limited, but it will not cause a lot of bleeding.

Silas is not afraid of the cold. A freezing rain is no different to him than a drizzle. If he were not afraid of being too conspicuous, he could even wear a sweatshirt like he did in Freljord. The waistcoat is just walking outside.

In order to disguise himself, Silas chose to put on a fur coat. However, after putting on this coat, he unexpectedly found that he seemed...more conspicuous.

Because the quality of his fur coat is really too good.

As a "Frost Guard Warrior", Silas came all the way from Freljord and received many gifts from various tribes on the way, and this coat was one of the gifts.

Although the workmanship of these original Freljord fur coats is far from those of Northern Clothing, the materials are good!

Silas himself didn't even know that the fur coat he was wearing was the only snow antelope velvet coat in the entire Demacia - snow antelopes live in the mountains above three thousand meters above sea level in the East Freljord. The quality of fur can be said to be far superior to any common fur species. Even in the northern trade, the Avarosa tribe will sell their best furs, but the furs of ferrets and ermines , there is still a huge gap between it and snow antelope fur.

Compared with mink skin, the biggest advantage of snowantelope skin is that it is fluffy but not bloated. Snowantelope skin, which is mainly made of soft short velvet, can achieve the same fluffy and warm properties as mink skin with two-thirds the thickness of mink skin. .

Under such circumstances, Silas's snowantelope fur coat naturally seemed to stand out from the crowd.

However, Silas didn't pay too much attention, because according to his observation, there were actually not many foreigners in the entire Xiongdu City.

There were silver-haired Freljordian ice bloods all over the place, but Silas had seen at least twenty of them.

In addition, he has also seen Ionians with black hair, black eyes, and faces that are completely different from Demacia.

And the Baju people with brown skin, green tattoos, and shivering from the cold because they were not used to the freezing rain weather - that was the first time Silas learned that the pirates of Bilgewater were just guys who depended on others, Baru. Talent is the master of the Blue Flame Islands.

Compared with them, Silas is conspicuous because of his tall figure and outstanding appearance, but that's really all.

So he felt relieved and looked for an opportunity to visit the Grand Plaza.

Silas had inquired in advance. Every speech Laxana would give in the Grand Plaza, the format was very simple, just set up a stage and use some amplification.

The night before the speech begins, clerks will divide simple auditoriums here and mobilize people to maintain order.

As for who is responsible for order, Silas did not get the exact information - some people said it was Northern Walkers, some said it was clerks, and some said it was a group of young people who came to intern.

The hotel Silas stayed in was very close to the Grand Plaza, so when he was taking a walk after dinner, he could see with his own eyes the lecture venue being arranged behind the isolation belt, and watch the Archon inside move a batch of neatly arranged squares at an extremely fast speed. The stones were assembled into a platform, and then the magic circle began to be drawn on it.

Silas couldn't understand these magic circles, but he thought they were defensive magic circles, right?

If you want to carry out the assassination, you may have to destroy these magic circles first.

In order to avoid being noticed by these mages, Silas chose to return to the hotel after briefly watching.

Then, on the second floor of the hotel, Silas took out the Hex telescope he bought and observed the entire process of the arrangement of the magic circle. Since he had not studied magic orthodoxly, he had no way to analyze what these things looked like to him. It was a magic circle that looked like ghostly drawings, so he had to write down every place where the magic circle was arranged. In his opinion, only by destroying all the defensive magic circles could the assassination be guaranteed to be foolproof.

The royal guards were busy until midnight.

And Silas saw Midnight.

When everything was prepared and most of the mages left the scene, with only a few left to guard, Silas finally let out a long breath.

He had already memorized the locations of the twelve magic circles, and based on the map of the grand square and Silas's own markings, he quickly planned a complete course of action for himself.

According to Lissandra, there will be snow in Xiongdu tomorrow, and Silas's mobility will be greatly improved on the snow. If everything goes well, he should be able to destroy all twelve magic circles within a quarter of an hour. !

This speed should be enough for him to get a chance to attack Laxana before the guards can react!

After confirming the course of action again in his mind, Silas lay down fully clothed.

He still had some things to confirm with the Frost Witch.

A quarter of an hour later, Silas woke up from his dream.

He got the commitment he needed.

The Frost Witch will go all out tomorrow to show Demacia her true, god-like power!

After waking up, Silas simply washed his face, put on his coat, hurriedly left the hotel, and joined the crowd queuing up - although the speech was tomorrow morning, there were already people queuing up to enter. Okay, Silas had just narrowed his eyes for a quarter of an hour, and there were already dozens of people lined up in the queue.

If we go later, I'm afraid Silas won't even have a chance to grab a front row seat!

Silas hurried downstairs and soon joined the queue waiting to enter.

After briefly estimating the number of people in line in front of him and confirming that he should be close enough to the podium, Silas began to look around at the people who were about to sit next to him - he needed to find someone who looked more reliable. When you go to destroy the defensive formation, you need to help yourself occupy a position.

In front of him was an old man with a serious face. He was well-dressed, thin but upright, and he didn't seem to be easy to talk to.

Behind him was a woman who looked like an Ionian but had pure white hair. Considering that he had always had a good relationship with the opposite sex, Silas decided to strike up a conversation with her and ask her to help him occupy it. position.

So, he turned around and smiled actively.

"Hello, beautiful lady."


This is not the first time Irelia has been approached.

In other words, after leaving Ionia, Irelia has gradually become accustomed to being approached by others. Therefore, when Silas showed a smile that he thought was the last friendly one and spoke proactively, Ai Relia Ruelia was not shocked, but responded very naturally.

Anyway, queuing is boring, so why not chat with the other person? Along the way, Irelia discovered that chatting is a very good channel for collecting information. If you can chat with different people, you can understand something from different perspectives. thing, so she doesn’t resist chatting with others.

Especially since Sylas looked like he was from the Freljord.

Irelia has never had a good chat with the Freljordians before, and she doesn't know anything about the Freljord. Now that she has the opportunity, she naturally wants to get to know them better.

So, Silas was pleasantly surprised to find that this Ionian lady seemed to be very concerned about her identity as a Freljord, and was also more interested in news about the Freljord. In this case, she seemed to It doesn't take much effort to gain the other person's favor!

Under this situation, Sylas talked endlessly, telling most of his experiences in Freljord to Irelia after a slight adaptation, starting from his experience on the ice field. What he saw and heard was the traditional tribal system and War Mother of the Freljord people, as well as the legends and past spread in the Freljord.

All are new things that Irelia has never heard of!

However, after the initial excitement passed, Irelia soon discovered that it seemed that things in the Freljord did not have even the slightest reference to her.

War Mother, Tribe, Plunder, Shaman...

Isn't this too primitive?

Although Irelia is learning humbly because of the tragic failure she suffered in Ionia, but she has to choose who to study, right?

It makes sense to learn the advantages of Vazun, the advantages of Shurima, and the advantages of Demacia.

The advantages of learning the Freljord... What are the advantages?

Irelia doesn't think there's anything to learn from the War Mother System or the Predator System.

Therefore, her attitude quickly changed to "just have fun" and she was not distracted at all.

But Silas was completely unaware of this. He was still racking his brains to think of interesting facts about the Freljord. Seeing that Irelia seemed a little uninterested, he even told some things about the demigods of the wilderness. .

Ornn's Oracle, Volibear's Thunder Whisper, and Anivia's Ice Breath, these are all things related to demigods that few people know about.

Unfortunately, Irelia is still not very interested in this.

There are demigods of the wilderness in Ionia too!

Moreover, unlike those wild demigods in Freljord who have physical forms and are far away from humans, most of the demigods in Ionia have abandoned their physical entities and live in the spiritual world. There are a large number of monks follow.

Sylas could only speak of the legend of the Freljord.

But some temples in Ionia - such as the Shuoji Temple where Kalya is located - even have detailed information recording the daily life of demigods. For those monks who followed the demigods into the spiritual world and abandoned their own entities, To put it bluntly, the demigod is the teacher who lives with them day and night, and both parties can be regarded as knowing each other thoroughly.

The legend of demigods...

What's the point of that?

However, Irelia, who has experienced so much, is no longer the naive young person she used to be in terms of emotional intelligence. She did not directly show her indifference, but took out a small bench to express that she was a little sleepy and wanted to Take a break.

Seeing this situation, Silas could only express his understanding - for him, this level of communication should be enough. He just wanted to become familiar with the other party and wait for him to destroy it when the time comes. When defending the magic circle, someone helped him occupy the position and reserved the front row assassination position for himself.

Seeing the other party take out a small stool and sit down, curling up into a ball, Silas simply stood on the windward side.

The two stopped chatting and quietly began to line up, waiting to enter tomorrow morning.

While everyone was waiting in line, a gust of north wind blew quietly in Xiongdu.

Dark clouds were rolling in the night sky, and in the howling north wind, a burst of snowflakes began to drift to the earth.

It’s snowing in Xiongdu.

For this city located in the deepest part of the bay, snow is an unusual thing. When the snowflakes fell one after another, many people in Xiongdu who lined up even forgot about the cold and showed extra joy.

Irelia, who pretended to be resting but was actually in a meditative state, was calm as this was not the first time she saw snow.

Silas, who came from the Freljord and was repeatedly thinking about tomorrow's assassination plan, was also used to the wind and snow, so he remained calm.

The two of them just stayed quietly in the queue of people squirming with excitement, quietly waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.

However, in the second half of the night, the snow became heavier and heavier, and the originally excited Xiongdu people gradually felt a little cold.

The legal guardians who stayed at the venue had already activated the emergency plan, prepared some hot soup for the people in line to help them resist the cold, and advised the weaker ones in the team to leave first.

Seeing this, Silas breathed a sigh of relief - it seemed that despite the heavy wind and snow, the speech would not be cancelled.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·The Demigod of Ionia:

There are many demigods in Ionia, but most of the demigods in Ionia have abandoned their bodies and entered the spirit world. It seems that they think that is a freer way of existence.

PS. Updates are resumed!

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