Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 844 【0831】 Continue eastward

Lux was a little frightened by the request from the Floating Snow Tribe.


You didn’t arrange this trip yourself?

Why are some people jumping out now and saying they want to join Demacia?

However, after quietly understanding the experience of the Floating Snow Tribe, Lux quickly understood the reason why the other party did this-the Floating Snow Tribe had just lost its war mother in an ice troll attack. For a tribe, this situation is a matter of life and death.

In order to survive, the Fuxue tribe had no better way.

Lux was overjoyed when she realized this.

There is nothing more suitable as a footnote to this alliance than the attachment of a tribe.

Although Lux also arranged several people, it was one thing for her to arrange it, and another thing for someone to make a spontaneous choice. In comparison, the latter was definitely more surprising.

Therefore, the Floating Snow Tribe immediately received Lux's promise - considering that they were used to living in mountainous areas in the past, Demacia would divide an area in the Dragon's Back Mountains specifically for It is used to resettle the Fuxue tribe and restore their accustomed living environment as much as possible.

Owoli was overjoyed to receive this promise.

Under normal circumstances, joining other tribes usually means abandoning everything in the past and becoming part of a new tribe. In cases where the old and new tribes have different customs, this often means complete changes.

From a macro perspective, this change can also be regarded as a kind of natural selection, a survival of the fittest under the ice and snow on the Freljord side, but from the perspective of the tribe itself, Most people are unwilling to change their existing living habits.

Although Ovoli had been mentally prepared when he offered to become part of Demacia, after learning that the Ovoli tribe would have an exclusive economic zone in the Dragon Back Mountains, they could continue what they were used to. When living in the mountains, his eyes still shone with longing.

Owoli is not the most skilled hunter in this alliance.

But at this moment, when he received Lacus's promise, he was willing to draw his hunting bow at any enemy for the sake of Her Majesty Laxana!

After cutting his palm, Ovoli stretched out his hand and held it with Lacus. The blood of both parties blended together, and the oath was established. Lacus raised his right hand high and showed it to After everyone was called, the representative of the next tribe soon walked onto the oath-taking stage.

Lux still has many oaths to make, and she can even meet people who have climbed the mountain. After this large-scale oath, they will fall into a short-term state of anemia.

Owoli, who finished his oath and walked off the oath-taking platform, was still a little dazed - it wasn't until a clerk found him and began to discuss matters related to the relocation of the Fuxue tribe that he finally felt able to return. Come to your senses.

"No problem." When the clerk asked if the Fuxue tribe could go to the seaside along the Valar Valley and take the sea to Xinfu Port, Ovoli nodded without hesitation, "We have already prepared everything. !”


Overall, the Neuscara League was very successful.

Including the Floating Snow Tribe, there are four small tribes that have chosen to annex. These tribes are either in a difficult situation or are close to Demacia. It is natural for them to choose to annex.

Among the many other tribes, only one tribe accepted the second level condition - this tribe called Polar Storm has always been close to Demacia, but because their tribe's territory is close to the large glacier, and it is currently not There was no threat, so in the end, we did not choose to annex, but chose the second level condition, and became the enclave autonomous domain of Demacia to a limited extent.

Lux naturally welcomes the choice of Polar Storm with both hands. The Dominion is also an important part of expanding Demacia's influence. The Northern Legion will be stationed in the Polar Storm station in the future, and a relatively large market will be established locally. , serving as Demacia's northernmost pivot in the Freljord.

However, considering that the living area of ​​polar storms is close to the poles, the impact of this part may be very limited.

In addition to the above tribes, most of the tribes have accepted the first level of the subsidy plan. After all, this is a business that is sure to make a profit, importing a certain kind of food from Demacia at a cheap price. Commodities are of extremely important significance to any tribe.

If the alliance hadn't continued, I'm afraid many representatives would have been thinking about how to convince everyone to target this year's subsidized products to those areas that their tribes need most.

Although the process of the alliance seems to be going very smoothly, once the scope of subsidies begins to be discussed, these Freljordians may soon stage an all-out martial arts show. Lux has already been prepared for this. , to her, it is normal for Freljordians to shake fists at each other in this regard, and it is already a good progress for them to sit down and talk.

Compared to persuading with words, these Freljordians are undoubtedly better at persuading physically.

And what happened was just as Lux expected - when the alliance ended and discussions began about this year's subsidies, the alliance platform that was orderly yesterday suddenly turned into a messy vegetable market.

Representatives of all the tribes began to shout out the names of the supplies needed by their tribes. Suddenly some people called oats, some called tea, some called cloth, and some people who knew the situation in Demacia better shouted "Evil". Newk breeder.

At this point, different tribes always have different needs.

If the people present were not representatives of the Freljord tribe, but Demacia nobles, then they would definitely take advantage of the short gap between the end of the alliance last night to start a private network. One night was enough for them to clearly understand A series of political alliances are drawn up and some tacit understandings are reached that cannot be announced to the public.

But the Freljordians have never done this.

For them, if they want some kind of subsidy, the best way is to shout at the top of their lungs, letting their voice overpower all the different voices, and clenching their fists at those who shout most vigorously about other subsidies.

Although this method of "persuading people with reason" can cause a lot of confusion and turn this meeting into an all-out martial arts meeting, the efficiency is also quite impressive - when more than one-third of the envoys present have bruises and bruises, all of them can't. The Raeljord tribe is vaguely divided into three camps.

One camp hopes to receive cheap food subsidies. The tribes holding this view either have a newly expanded population or domesticated a large number of livestock. They hope to survive the explosion of new population and livestock by importing food.

The second camp hopes to get subsidies for handicrafts such as cloth. They either hope to get Demacia's textiles and paints, or they hope to get Demacia's metal tools that can cope with the Freljord winter. The Freljord also has its own craft industry, but in terms of price and performance, it is impossible to compare with Demacia's products.

At present, in the entire Freljord, the only one who can surpass Demacia in this aspect is Ornn himself.

Considering that many handicraft products themselves are important production tools, this tribe obviously also has the idea of ​​independence to a certain extent.

When it comes to independence, the third camp is the most independent - these tribes hope to get improved crops and livestock from Demacia.

In their view, improved seeds of crops and livestock are the most precious things. Compared with this, food and handicraft products that can make tribes live comfortably in a short period of time can only be regarded as the choices of short-sighted people.

In the process of arguing with each other, some people even accidentally said, "Can you still rely on Demacia?"

However, even so, Lux, who was presiding over the meeting, still looked at them with a smile and didn't seem to mind at all.

But it is a pity that regardless of whether Lacus minded or not, it seemed impossible for them to come to a unified conclusion in a short time. In this case, Lacus simply handed over the task to the accompanying clerk and herself It was on the third day after the alliance that he set off decisively and entered the Western Pass of Nueskara.

Here, she met the chapter leader of the Western Chapter of the Avarosa Tribe, and confirmed her follow-up itinerary plan - due to the delay of the Newskala Guild, she must speed up her pace next. Catch up with the Rakstark Guild's ceremony.

Fortunately, since he had already prepared for this, and the road to Laxtaq City after passing the Newskala Pass was almost flat, Lax did not need to worry about being late.

Compared with not being able to catch up with the next alliance, Lux is more concerned about the problem of Malphite's network at this time.

"I need a little help to help those big ice puppets cross this level."

"This is no easy task."

"Actually, this matter is actually very easy. As long as your army doesn't intercept them when they cross the pass."


The confused Chapter Leader obviously knew nothing about the shape-shifting ability of the Malphites - when she saw these big men with her own eyes in magical postures, they quickly stepped on the makeshift ice platform and climbed over it. When she reached the pass, her mouth was so wide open in shock that she could even stuff a duck egg into it.

To be honest, this guy is already well-informed in the Avarosa tribe. Before becoming the chapter leader, she was an ice traveler and had seen the Frost Guard priests casting spells and seeing them making frost puppets.

But compared to the puppets made of ice and snow by the Frostguard priests, the puppets driven by these Demacians are undoubtedly more refined and reliable, and they seem to have no duration limit.

This undoubtedly intrigued her.

It's a pity that because she is not a spell caster, she cannot figure out the details of these puppets, let alone copy these big guys that seem to be very useful-or, it is precisely because she does not understand magic at all, so she Only then would he compare Malphite to those temporarily formed ice and snow puppets.

Finally, after building an ice platform and crossing the two passes of Newskala under the watchful eyes of the Avarosan warriors, Lux and his party finally entered the Luxtak Plain and entered the This is the central zone and core area of ​​the Freljord continent.

When the group of people followed the road, turned around the foot of a mountain, and officially entered the plains, they couldn't help but widen their eyes even though they had heard the businessmen describe the situation here.

If I had to describe this feeling of surprise in words, it would probably be "Is this the Freljord?"

Well, okay, that doesn't seem quite right.

It should be... what the hell is this Freljord?

In this season when the ice and snow in Forsbarrow has just melted, and when even most cities in the northern border of Demacia still have snow, in the Rakstak Plain, the snow is already visible to the naked eye. Dissolved.

Different from the Freljord frozen soil that most people have in mind, this plain called Rakstak is melting away at a speed visible to the naked eye when spring arrives and the Message of Anivia dissipates. , as if spring is coming!

When the accompanying soldiers saw the stream that could already be seen running under the half-melted ice cap on the roadside, they almost couldn't believe their eyes - is this really Freljord?

Shouldn't the Freljord be a frozen land?

Why does the climate here seem even milder than in the north?

In fact, when it comes to climate, the Rakstak Plain does not quite match people's impressions of Freljord - but if there is a map, there is nothing wrong with the Rakstak Plain having such a climate. .

Unlike the West Freljord subcontinent, which faces the Breath of Anivia, the Rakstak Plain is an area surrounded by mountains.

The Dragon's Back Mountains and the Crampon Mountains, which had previously joined together in the west to form the Nyuskara Pass, separated from the north and south after heading east, stretching east and west, and the Rakstak Plain was the middle of these two mountains.

With the existence of the Crampon Mountains and the Dragonspine Mountains, the cold breath of Anivia will not blow directly into the hinterland of the Rakstak Plain even in the dead of winter. And in spring, this place will be even more dense than the northern border. Warming up sooner.

The Crampon Mountains and the Dragon's Back Mountains contribute a large amount of snowmelt at this time, and form a large number of seasonal streams on the edge of the Laxtaq Plain. After these streams gather together, they will eventually become several seasonal rivers, and It merges into several continuous lakes in the center of the Laxtak Plain.

And the famous city of Lakstaq is located surrounded and surrounded by these lakes - in winter, the city of Laxtak is surrounded by frozen lakes, but after the arrival of spring, the ice surface will freeze. Gradually it melts and eventually turns into a tourmaline-like lake.

In the Freljord, where living conditions are harsh, Rakstak is an isolated paradise. (End of chapter)

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