Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 856 【0853】Another Me in the World

If Ashe and Lux ​​simply look at their origins and experiences, they don't seem to have any similarities.

One is a noble lady from Demacia, who has been cared for by her parents and brother since she was a child; the other is of Freljord's ice blood, and has had high hopes from her mother who is a war mother since she was a child.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to find that the biggest thing in common between them is that "they are all urged to move forward by fate."

Lux's life as a noble lady ended when her uncle died and she came into contact with Kalya.

Ai Xi lost everything overnight after her parents died in battle and her childhood sweetheart betrayed her.

After that, the wind of fate blew violently into their lives, sending them on a path completely different from that in the past that they had never imagined.

Without in-depth communication about this kind of thing, the two parties would not have any feelings - but now they have become traveling companions, chatting and talking about the past during meals, this familiar development has quickly made them become each other. In my eyes, there is another me in the world.

In the past, Lux and Ashe could only think of each other as "ideal female leaders." Now, in addition to this identity, there is a new tacit understanding, which has undoubtedly brought the relationship between the two closer.

This kind of relationship, which has similar life perceptions, makes the two people unexpectedly get along in many aspects, especially in terms of learning and adaptability. Those who are pushed by fate and can reach today smoothly are undoubtedly very good. People with the ability to learn and adapt. Both Lux and Ashe are good at this, so the communication between the two parties often has the attribute of mutual learning.

And since the two of them will be the only traveling companions for a long time during the next journey, this mutual learning will inevitably lead to both parties becoming infected with certain habits that belong to the other party.

The natural conditions of Larkstadt Plain are good.

But the human density here is not much different from the desert of Shurima.

Yukal's sled flew all the way, and as the relationship gradually became closer, after half a month, Lux had mastered an additional sled driving skill.

To be honest, the Jukal sled is not easy to drive, especially when the snow in this snowfield melts.

Spring has arrived, and many places are already covered with large areas of dirt. Especially on the roads that people often walk, there is no trace of ice or snow at all.

In this case, the driver of the sled must properly control the sled to keep the sled running steadily on the relatively soft soil that has been stepped on by the sled, and must be quick-sighted to avoid being hit by the raised stones. The car flipped over.

At first, Lux couldn't believe that Yukar's sled could still fly under such conditions, but when Ashe smiled and removed a spare wooden board as a fender to block the gap between Yukar and the sled, After getting the reins of the sled, a shrimp hunt begins.

Under Lux's stunned gaze, Ashe drove the ordinary Jukal sled almost into the air. She used a knife to directly cut through Jukal's anus, causing the big animal to almost go crazy. , running desperately, and in the process, Ashe skillfully controlled the direction of its running, and guided the sled to rise and fall rhythmically, turning the tractor into a plane.

Finally, when foam appeared at the corner of Jukar's mouth, Ashe accurately applied a piece of herbal mud that had been prepared to Jukar's wound, causing the furious Jukar to slow down slowly.

"This is my exclusive trick!" Looking at Lux's dumbfounded look, Ashe couldn't help laughing. "Controlling Jukar is not an easy task. Even with the magic of those Frost Guard priests, You can’t let it run so fast and still hold the sled!”

"It's simply amazing." Lux nodded, "It's unbelievable. This is completely beyond my imagination."

"In the Freljord, there are many things beyond your imagination!" Ashe smiled, seeming quite satisfied with Lux's surprise, "So, do you want to try to learn this trick? Wait for the passers-by. It’s my territory, you drive the sled, I can snipe accurately, hit and run!”

At this moment, Lux's heart moved.

Because of the battle in Mithral City, she hated the Lost very much - she had seen many Freljord raiders. Although she did not agree with the raids, at least the raiders looted those Also for survival.

But what about the losers?

These bastards simply hate civilization. During the Battle of Mithral City, they almost completely destroyed all the artificial water conservancy facilities in the north of the city. Bridges collapsed, dams collapsed, and countless cultivated farmland was flooded. This part of The losses even exceeded the losses in the Mithril City port area during the battle of Mithril City.

Therefore, Lux hates the loser very much. If there is a chance to attack the loser, she will never give up.

"So, you also have conflicts with the Lost One?" She looked at Ai Xi, somewhat surprised, "I've never heard of it!"

"A friend of mine is lost." Ai Xi shook her head. "I'm not a shaman and can't save her, but I can at least end her... This is what I promised her."

Lux nodded.

She knew a little about Ai Xi's story, but not much - since Ai Xi said this, it at least proved that the two sides were on the same side on the issue of the lost.

That's enough.

As a result, Lux began to learn the skills of controlling Jukar.

This is not an easy skill, especially since Lux can only obtain "learning materials" by catching wild Jukar.

Even with her physical fitness and learning ability, it took her half a month to just drive the Jukar sled.

As for the skill of turning a tractor into a fighter jet like Ashe, I'm afraid they have to wait until they climb over the Crampon Mountains.

Nowhere in sight.


All the way north.

Lux and Ashe just rode a Yukal sled, hunting and logging by themselves, just like two ordinary ice travelers, heading straight for the Crampon Mountains.

During this process, they would occasionally take a short detour and go to nearby tribes to conduct some simple transactions as ice travelers in exchange for some supplies that were not easy to collect nearby.

The attitude of the Freljord towards the Ice Travelers is complicated.

For the tribe, Ice Travelers are people from the tribe who left. No tribe wants their tribesmen to become Ice Travelers, because that means either they have given up on the tribe, or the tribe has completely given up on them - so, Ice Travel Travelers are somewhat different and unlucky.

But also for the tribes, they often welcome the ice travelers from outside, because the ice travelers will bring them information and some trading goods, and if they retain the ice travelers, they can also replenish the tribe. Population, they have a practical effect.

The complicated attitude made the transaction process between Ashe and Lux ​​a bit awkward. These tribes did not believe in them, but they were willing to trade at a very fair price and tried to invite them to join their tribes.

Of course, there were also several tribes that tried to capture them and make them their furnace households, but the tribes that did so were unsurprisingly defeated and dispersed.

Anyway, it is spring now, and in Luxtaq, even the old, weak, sick and disabled who go out to wander in the spring will not die of cold and starvation for a while. Neither Lux nor Ashe has any psychological burden.

Just like this, walking, learning, trading, and fighting, Lux and Ashe finally saw the Crampon Mountains from a distance after a month.

From a distance, this pure white snow mountain looks like a giant recumbent python, winding on the edge of North Freljord. From east to west, the edge is invisible at a glance.

Although due to the height difference, the Crampon Mountains from the Rakstak Plains are not as oppressive as the Dragonspine Mountains from northern Demacia, but this place is close to the Arctic and has a higher altitude, so in terms of the environment, It's not even the slightest bit worse than Longji Snow Mountain.

At this time of year, before Lacus arrived, people collecting herbs from Forsbarrow had already gone into the mountains to collect on a large scale. But if they were allowed to enter the Crampon Mountains at this time, Lacus dared to say that even the most experienced herb collectors would not be able to collect herbs. On the premise of not encountering wild beasts and losers that cannot be dealt with, there is no way to survive.

The altitude is definitely too high.

The terrain of the entire Freljord continent is basically high in the north and low in the south - even the Rakstak Plain (or Rakstak Super Basin), which is relatively lower in the middle, is high in the north and low in the south. .

In this case, although Lux and Ashe have not yet reached the foot of the Ice Claw Mountains, the absolute altitude at this time has reached the height of the peaks of the Dragon's Back Mountains.

Only such towering crampon mountains can withstand the Breath of Anivia swooping down from the great glacier, and protect the Rakstak Plains from becoming the sacred land of the Freljord.

Even so, when Ashe and Lux ​​continued north and finally arrived at the foot of the Crampon Mountains, the temperature here still dropped suddenly.

There was no trace of black on the ground, and everything as far as the eye could see was pure white.

After entering this white area, Ash took out the reddish-brown ointment and smeared it around his eye sockets. This would effectively prevent his eyes from being burned by the snow.

Then, when she handed the paint to Lux, Lux waved his hand towards her.

"It can't hurt me alone." She stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Ai Xi's face, "The same goes for you."

With this light touch, Ai Xi was surprised to find that his vision suddenly became dim. On the snow, this dimness was not a bad thing. On the contrary, it could protect his eyes from injury while maintaining a clear vision. .

"Amazing magic." After moving back and forth, he confirmed that he would indeed not suffer from snow blindness, and that his dim vision was stable. Ashe couldn't help but marveled, "The Frost Guard Priest can't do this either."

"Frost magic is just one of many magics. The world of magic is still very big." Lux said with a smile, "There is the Crampon Mountains in front of us. What should we do with our sled?"

"Crossing the mountain." Lux took the initiative to change the topic, and Ashe naturally wouldn't say much about magic. "From here we go east, take the Gushuangkou, and go to Onkar, Yadursk, and Kucha. Well, after crossing the sea of ​​ice and landing on Bearman Island, you can reach the Great Glacier - although this road is a bit bumpy, most places are passable by sleds."

" it also a pass?"

Hearing what Ashe said, Lux couldn't help but think of the Newskala Pass - it was the closest pass between the Ice Claw Mountains and the Dragon Spine Mountains, and the Ancient Frost Pass here should be the gap in the Ice Claw Mountains, right?

"That's right, the pass." Ashe confirmed Lax's statement, "That's another way to enter the Laxtak Plain..."

After talking about this topic, Ai Xi seemed to have a lot more to say, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Anyway, it's an ancient road. I've walked it once before...dangerous, but definitely doable."

There is a story in it.

By Kalya's side, Lux had heard familiar sighs many times - when she was a child, Kalya could not help but make one or two sighs when talking about the Shurima Empire. He sighed before he could speak, and Ai Xi's sigh just now was exactly the same.

Obviously, there's a story here.

"Where is the danger?" Although she realized that something was going on, Lux did not chase after her. This was the tacit understanding between her and Ashe. "Is there a dangerous tribe or a dangerous terrain?"

"There are lost ones." Ashe didn't hide it. "In fact, in Freljord, some people will also call the lost ones as bears, because although they have many postures, many of them are similar to bears. There is a huge relationship.”


"But as far as I know, there are actually other bear-men... This involves some ancient legends, and I'm actually not sure." Ai Xi shrugged, "But what can be confirmed is that starting from Gu Shuangkou, There are lost ones all the way to Bearman Island."

"Wait, Ursine Island?" Lux finally realized the key from the Freljordian grammar, "You mean Ursine Island?"

"Yes, it is said that that is the island where the bear people live, and it is surrounded by hunting grounds for the lost." Ashe looked calm, "When I was a child in Weskar, some people even scared the children and said, 'The bear people are going to eat you.' Well, in my impression, many places are designated as hunting grounds for the lost, and even my mother would not set foot in them."

"So, we need to go straight through the places where there are losers and bears before we can reach the great glacier, right?" Lux seemed to understand a little bit, "This should be the key to the Anivia trial, right?"

"I think so." Ashe nodded. "Whether you can travel through the territories of the Lost and the Bears safely requires sufficient Freljord wisdom."

"And our choice is straight-forward combat wisdom." Lux smiled and stretched out her hand, "The wisdom of muscles and magic."

"It seems you understand it very well." Ashe high-fived her, "Muscles, magic and unity - yes, this is the survival wisdom of Freljord." (End of Chapter)

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