Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 873 【0870】 The destruction of a kingdom

When the Frostguard Priest arrived at Delver Keep, she was surprised to find that the situation here was worse than she expected.

Famine is spreading.

In the Diver Fort, which has been cut off from food transportation channels, there is no longer any form of food for sale on the market. The mines and blacksmith shops are completely abandoned. The miners and blacksmiths either lie down at home to reduce consumption, or they use their last strength to go around. Find something to eat.

Hunger is like a terrible plague, covering the heads of every civilian in the Diver Fort, but even so, the Varrokan family still tightly closes the southern gate, prohibiting anyone from defecting to Noxus.

Although this will further intensify the dissatisfaction of the people, they know very well that if the south gate is released and these civilians are allowed to contact Noxus, they may soon become the vanguard of Noxus' attack on Fort Diver. .

If we starve them now, when Noxus comes to attack, they might be able to use food to raise an army to defend the city...

This idea is undoubtedly a self-comfort in a desperate situation, but at this moment, the Varrokan family has no choice. While preparing to sit in the isolated city, they are also working hard to arrange a retreat for themselves, and from the north Lissandra's envoy, and thus received a warm welcome from them.

Therefore, at this time when the common people were in famine, in order to welcome the arrival of the Frost Guard priests, the Varrokan family held a grand banquet, and used actions to explain what it means to be rich in wine and meat, and to freeze to death on the road.

The Frost Guard Priests who came to the Diver Castle did not disappoint them. In the expectant eyes of many members of Varrokan, the Frost Guard Priests expressed that the witches were willing to accept these lost lambs.

Withdraw from Delver Keep and hand it over to the Freldrow. The Varrokan family will be protected by the Frostguard tribe!

The promise of the Frostguard Priest gave House Varrokan a glimmer of hope.

However, they still hesitated - at this moment, the Delver Fort was their only bargaining chip. If they gave up the Delver Fort and went to Freljord to become a new tribe, these "people who are accustomed to rich clothes and fine food" The Royal Family of the Ironthorn Kingdom may not be able to adapt to the bitter cold of Freljord!

Therefore, while they were excited, they were also bargaining with the Frost Guard Priests.

If possible, the Varrokan family of the Delver Keep hopes that they can join the Freljord as a vassal, so that the Frostguard tribe can "expect the door to the south" so that they can "face the frontline of the Noxians." ".

Nice words sound good, but in essence they are still unwilling to give up the territory in their hands and hope to have more room for negotiation.

However, the Frostguard Priests obviously would not tolerate them.

While the members of the Varrokan family were still organizing their language and trying to launch a diplomatic offensive, the Frostguard priests had left a firm ultimatum of "Join the Freljord or face inevitable destruction." He left the banquet with a cold face.

Only the members of the Varrokan family were left, looking at each other in silence and embarrassment.


As the Frostguard Priests showed their attitude, the Varrokan family had to face an embarrassing reality - even if the Freljord was willing to accept it, they had no room left.

The specific details of the surrender on the Turkgul side have been revealed.

The leader who had raised his voice to form the Black Forest Federation, in order to save the Black Forest from the war, took the initiative to surrender to Noxus with some people, and took the initiative to become gladiators and enter the arena to "atone."

This also represents Noxus's attitude towards the rebellious leader: if he surrenders voluntarily, he can go to the arena to atone for his sins.

Although there are rumors that those gladiators performed very well in the arena and are expected to become the new Viscero - and they seem to have gotten in touch with the leader's brother Draven and became a certain A friend in a certain sense.

But this did not lessen the Varrokan family's fear of Noxus.

For many members of the Varrokan family, being thrown into the arena after surrendering is really no different from dying directly.

The leaders of the Black Forest Federation are all guys with great personal abilities and charisma. Otherwise, it would be impossible to organize the loose Black Forest area with just one call.

Their entry into the arena is a kind of experience and tempering, as well as a kind of self-proof and redemption.

But the Valrokan family's ability to establish the Iron Thorn Kingdom did not rely on personal ability!

At this point, the Varrokans are still somewhat worried.

For them, being thrown into the arena after surrender means death, and it is an ugly death. On the contrary, the local miners and blacksmiths of Fort Diver may not suffer such harsh treatment.

In this case, they will inevitably fight to the end. It is absolutely impossible to surrender before all the miners and blacksmiths are dead!

After the failure of the northern trade and the Ionia trade, the members of the Varrokan family have finally recognized the reality. The reality is that except for the Noxus Empire, the Delver Fort and even the entire Ironthorn Mountains, there is actually no Too much strategic significance.

Whether it's the northern barrier, the northern warband's strongholds, or the dark iron mines and forge centers, it's all about Noxus.

Although there is now an additional option to escape to Freljord, compared to surrendering to Noxus, the biggest advantage of this option is that you can survive and will not die in the arena.

The choice remains difficult.

Moreover, there is not much time left for the Varrokans.

Because just three days after the Freljord envoy arrived, news of the Noxian army beginning to gather also came - after regaining control of the Black Forest area of ​​​​Turkgul, Noxus had Be prepared to attack Fort Diver from both sides.

They made no secret of their mobilization of the army, and seemed to be ready to retake these arsenals and northern positions!


Under heavy pressure, the Varrokan family had no room to continue to swing.

Because if the Noxian army comes to the city, even if they want to escape, it may not be that easy.

In this case, they could only follow the requirements of the Frost Guard priests, take the miners and blacksmiths in the city, and leave the city on their own initiative. When they left, they burned the entire Diver Fort to the ground.

The miners and blacksmiths, who were weak due to hunger, painfully watched the place where they once lived being devoured by raging fires, but they had to force a smile on their faces in the hope of getting a slightly bigger portion from the soldiers who distributed rations. A bit of bread.

Although in theory, the Varrokan family still controls order, in fact, when the residents of Dredge Fort were driven out of the city and followed the mountain trails away from the Iron Thorn Mountains to the north, the place had already become a Purgatory on earth.

In order to avoid troublesome resistance and save the limited rations, the Varrocan family set an outrageously low ration standard for these residents who were trapped by themselves - one pound of poor bread for every seven people per day. , providing a pitifully small amount of non-staple food for every ten people.

It is difficult for a person to survive with such a large amount of food, but the soldiers of the Varrokan family are still driving them forward.

In order to fill their stomachs, many people choose to drink water during rest, trying to fill themselves up in order to feel more comfortable.

However, after leaving the water well in Fort Diver, they drank the mountain spring water without special treatment. As a result, many people suffered from dysentery and began to have diarrhea.

In the case of malnutrition, once diarrhea begins, the result is death.

Diarrhea and death quickly brewed a terrible plague.

Even though the priests of the Frostguard Tribe tried to treat him, the miners, blacksmiths and their families who were forcibly moved out by the Varrokan family still suffered more than two-thirds of the casualties during this death march.

Almost everyone, old and young, died on the way.

When the team walked out of the Iron Thorn Mountains, these people didn't even dare to look back at their past home - for them, it was no longer their hometown, but hell.

In contrast, many members of the Varrocan family suffered no losses at all during this death journey. Some people even complained that "those unlucky civilians wasted too much food and lost their treasures." Thoroughbred horses can’t even get enough to eat” and so on.

When these noble nobles passed by, the common people around them would lower their heads.

But this is not because they are sincerely respectful, but because they want to cover up the irrepressible anger and pain in their eyes.

Since then, the Varrokan family's last bit of influence over the Diver Fort and the Iron Thorn Mountains has been completely eradicated. No one would have any respect for them, if it weren't for some dog-legged soldiers tied with them. Now, I'm afraid these people have long been completely torn apart by zombie-like civilians.

Most members of the Varrokan family cannot see this.

They were currently observing the "hunting ground" divided for them by the Frostguard priests. This vast plain would be the place where they would build a new home in the future.

Although the terrain is obviously not as good as the Diver Castle located in the Iron Thorn Mountains, it is rich in products that can be seen with the naked eye, including large areas of swamps and forests. As long as it is developed well, there should be great achievements.

Therefore, the Varrokan family readily accepted this kindness and instructed the soldiers and civilians to stop and completely station themselves here.

It’s time to build a new Dredge Fortress, where the Varrokan family will use their architectural talents to build a forward position for the Freljord and the Frost Witch to attack the Dredge Fortress and the Ironthorn Mountains!

Although many members of the Varrokan family were wondering why the Freljordians would voluntarily abandon the existing city of Fort Diver, they still breathed a sigh of relief and focused entirely on the construction of the new territory. .

However, just when the Varrokan thought it was appropriate to hold a grand banquet to celebrate their arrival in their new home that night, five banded raiding tribes visited the new owners of the territory.

The private soldiers of the Varrokan family were fine in suppressing the hungry miners and blacksmiths, but facing experienced raiders in a field situation would only lead to death.

When the marauders rode Enuk, they formed an arrow formation and rushed into the private formation; when the horns of Enuk, which were polished to gleaming, easily pierced the private armor and hung it on the On their heads; when the simple fence was trampled into rubbish on the ground by these Freljord barbarians who were unreasonable and refused to accept communication, the nobles of the Varrokan family were finally stunned.

"No!" Old Varrokan shouted bitterly in half-baked Freljord, "This is the will of the witch. We came here to follow the will of the witch. You can't do this -"

However, none of the marauders paid attention to him. Even many Erniuk knights who heard his call when charging back and forth just glanced at him calmly, as if speculating on his threat.

Well, an old man who can only talk.

So, they didn't even think of coming to attack him.

Finally, when there was no soldier wearing armor standing on the ground, the surprise battle finally came to an end.

Looking at the lost private soldiers, the former Iron Thorn King and now the old Mr. Varrocan could only murmur, "Your actions will definitely offend the Frost Witch", and then he seemed to be showing off. , shaking like a big, fat mesh.

"Come on, old guy." While other marauders were cleaning the battlefield and collecting trophies, a leading war mother rode a warg taller than a horse and came to him, "The frost witch won't She can't take care of this."

"You!" Old Varrocan's eyes widened, "You damn—"

"Noisy." The war mother riding a warg took back her perfect ice scimitar, then leaned down flexibly, picked up a spear from a corpse on the ground, and stabbed the old thing easily. They said to each other, "We have followed the will of the Frost Witch and given you the most precious territory. It's a pity that you can't hold it."

Blood spurted out, and the warg subconsciously wanted to open its mouth, but the war mother grabbed the reins and led it to jump to the side - her disgust for the blood of old Varrokan was clearly visible to the naked eye.

"The witch gave you a chance, but you didn't use it, old guy!"

At the same time, most of the direct members of the Varrokan family were executed, and the former Ironthorn royal family completely disappeared in the long river of history.

In contrast, those blacksmiths with sallow faces and skinny faces, who looked like skeletons, gained the attention of these raiders, and were quickly divided up and became the furnace owners of various tribes - even for these blacksmiths, several people who had just joined forces... The tribe almost fell out.

In the end, the blacksmiths were divided up and taken away, and the nobles and soldiers became fertilizer in the wasteland. Only the largest number of miners were left shivering, not knowing what to do next.

Fortunately, not long after, the Frost Guard priests arrived and provided them with basic survival guarantees, taking them to a mountain col.

At the same time, in the Immortal Fortress, a Frostguard priest also served as an envoy to meet the current Noxian Commander-in-Chief.

"Your Excellency Darius." The Noxian spoken by the Frostguard Priest was stiff and strange, with an obvious accent from the Diver Fort. Fortunately, Darius was originally from the Northern Warband, so he could still understand it, "Noxian." Does Texas need two hundred thousand skilled miners?"

Kalya's Little Classroom·The Cruel Laws of East Freljord:

In East Freljord, no one will go against the witch's will, so the place divided by the witch always counts.

But if the witch did not declare to protect a certain tribe or person, then killing him and then annexing his territory would not be considered as violating the witch's will.

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