Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 881 【0878】 A strange combination of circumstances

Time is a long river, always flowing forward.

When the Overwatch League asked Demacia for help, the envoy consciously concealed the relevant actions of the Noxians in the north in order to highlight the seriousness of the problem.

Therefore, Lux did not learn the relevant information about the dissolution of the Black Forest Federation and the demise of the Iron Thorn Kingdom from their channels.

Instead, because of the exaggerated claims made by the Watch League envoys, Demacia mistakenly believed that the Noxians were trying to strengthen maritime trade for the sake of economy and were focusing on the south.

Originally, Demacia's reconnaissance force on the Noxus side was relatively weak, and there was a very high information delay problem. Now with the interference of the Watch League's envoys, when Lux learned that the Black Forest Federation was disbanded, When it was announced that Noxus had been incorporated and the Iron Thorn Kingdom had been destroyed, it had been more than three months since the incident occurred.

The result is that the relevant construction of Yiming City has now been launched and is proceeding in an orderly manner. Demacia's plan to expand its influence eastward has encountered problems in the next step of specific implementation.

The original plan was to take Turkugul in order to go north and join Avarosa. Now that Turkugul has become an autonomous territory of Noxus again, is it still feasible to go here again?

Compared with communicating with the Black Forest Federation, borrowing a channel from Noxus will undoubtedly complicate the problem. Although the relationship between Demacia and Noxus is currently relatively harmonious, Noxus is not easy to accept Demacia after all. The Macian army is passing through, and Demacia will not rest assured that its logistics supply lines will be placed on Noxus' land.

This means that plans cannot keep up with changes.

Under such circumstances, the eastward advance plan must be modified.

The plan that had achieved multiple goals with one stone suddenly became unsustainable.

On the one hand, it is impossible for the army to continue to travel to Turkgol, and Yiming City has lost its significance as a general logistics base and material distribution center.

On the other hand, the construction of Yiming City has begun, and even if the army does not go to Turkgol and it is not used as a logistics base for gathering materials, it is also a commercial city that drives the eastern economy, and construction will continue. However, considering the The next step is to unite with Avarosa, Demacia's focus is not here.

Taking these two aspects into consideration, the construction of Yiming City can continue, but the progress may be slowed down. His Majesty, Demacia's administrative power, will allocate manpower to Forsbarrow to use it as a forward base. Just fine.

Lux, whose arrangement was disrupted, finally realized that she still lacked some considerations when executing her strategy.

Although the plan was very well done, when it was being carried out, the collection of information was completely relaxed - of course this was due to the difficulty in collecting intelligence in Noxus and the geographical isolation between the two sides, but equally, this was also due to my own discovery. The reason why I sincerely despise Noxus.

It's not too late to make amends. It's not too late to transfer people from the intelligence team, add some diplomats, and find any reason to go to Noxus and collect local intelligence.

Lax did not expect these temporarily assigned members of the intelligence team to figure out Noxus' strategic layout. She only asked them to send back Noxus' confirmation updates as soon as possible to minimize the delay.

Although due to some political considerations, Demacia will not send an ambassador to Noxus, but after all, someone has to do a job similar to that of an ambassador.

In this way, a mission quickly set out from Demacia, in the name of artistic exchange, and headed for Noxus with many professionals from the intelligence team.

Then, what Lacus never expected was that a month later, the mission sent back a piece of news that surprised her.

"Noxus gathered an army and headed north, and Kur'gul went to the Freljord."

Wait, the Noxians are gathering their forces for something other than the Watch League?

Did they go to the Freljord?

When Lux received the news, she was a little confused. She and Ino personally checked the password and confirmed that there were no omissions in the information. According to the intelligence, Noxus sent out an army, and the matter should not be hidden. Yes, there is no need to fake it.

So, the Noxians purchased strategic materials on a large scale, which once raised the international price of strategic materials, but the goal was to go north to the Freljord?

What are they doing?

Lux tried to assume the perspective of Noxus, but no matter how she did it, she couldn't understand it - even if she wanted to go there for three days and three nights, she couldn't understand why the Noxians would be willing to spend it. At such a high price, I gradually packed up the supplies and ran to Freljord.

What are you doing, going to watch the direwolves?

Obviously, Lux is completely unaware of what happened in the Dredge Fort - the destruction of the Dredge Fort itself was controlled by Lissandra. For outsiders, the most they know is that "there is thick smoke rising from the Iron Thorn Mountains. Later, I heard that the Noxian army entered the Iron Thorn Mountains, and I had no idea that there was a deal between the Frost Witch and Noxus.

Therefore, no matter how imaginative they are, no one would have thought that Noxus’ target was actually the Freljords, and no one would have guessed that they were trying to get back the 20 coins in the hands of the Frost Witch. Thousands of skilled miners.

At this moment, Lux, who was in Yiming City, finally felt the trouble of the shadow of war. She had many doubts and puzzles in her heart, but due to the lack of effective information, she was unable to make an accurate judgment at all. Everything was just Can rely on guesswork.

If the object being guessed is rational and logical, then you can continue to make judgments on subsequent related issues. But if things become strange or become chaotic due to the introduction of some unknown variables, then you can only rely on guessing. It will cause misjudgment.

This was reflected when the construction of Yiming City began. According to the information from the Watch League envoy for help, coupled with the estimate of Noxus’ economy, from Lux’s perspective, the current Noxus We should strengthen our own internal economic construction.

Continuing along this line of thinking, it is not difficult to imagine that using force to take back the Overwatch League to the south would allow Noxus to get a share of the increasingly prosperous maritime trade. This is not only in line with the Overwatch League's request for help, but also in line with Noxus' interests appealed, so Lux formulated the entire eastward strategy based on this.

As a result, when the specific information came, everything changed.

Not only did the Noxians not go south, but they also hoarded supplies at high prices like crazy and went to the Freljord. Lux could not imagine what benefits the Noxians could gain from going to the Freljord.

In the entire Freljord, only the Rakstak Plain can barely be called somewhat fertile... Wait, the Rakstak Plain? !

Thinking of this place, Lux suddenly felt horrified.

Could the Noxian's target be the Rakstark Plains?

When the Noxus Empire is falling apart, the Noxus economy is on the verge of collapse, and the existing Noxus territory is barren in resources, if Noxus can stand firm on the Rakstak Plains, the most fertile land in the Freljord, Heels, maybe they can also embark on an alternative journey of conquest?

Or maybe the Noxians' march north was not only for conquest, but also, like themselves, related to the Howling Abyss and the Frost Witch?

In Lux's past knowledge, Noxus and the Frost Witch were two completely unrelated things.

But because of the keyword Rakstark, they were put together, and there was a subtle connection - considering that the Avarosa tribe's attitude towards Lissandra was undisguised hostility, then, Will the evil witch, who has never been afraid to send her minions to interfere, just sit back and wait for death?

Avarosa can ally with Demacia, but can't she ally with Noxus?

Considering that until now, no specific information about the Dredge Fort has been leaked, does this mean that the fall of the Dredge Fort was a cooperative operation by both parties to destroy the Iron Thorn Kingdom?

At this moment, Lux finally had some subtle understanding. She had always thought that she had stood very high, but now it seemed that it was not high enough.

Thinking of this, she issued the order without hesitation and dispatched the second and third special intelligence teams, one to focus on Turkgul and the other to investigate the Diver Fort.

The intelligence delay caused by the distance, after estimating the time required for the transmission of intelligence, she judged that she would not have time to wait for the specific actions of the two special intelligence groups before starting preparations.

After confirming the urgency of time, Lux simply ordered to use the Yiming City and Green Teeth Peak Military Camp, which had not yet been fully completed, as bases to start accumulating supplies, hoarding troops, and sending envoys to carry out diplomatic activities, making sure to prepare for the subsequent direct march into the soil. Kugul does the outpost work well!

This decision is a little risky.

But after estimating the gains and losses, Lux believed that a risk was needed this time - if Noxus did not join forces with Lissandra as she judged, the consequences would at best be a waste of materials and manpower, coupled with Germany's It’s just a loss of Macia’s political credibility.

However, if Noxus' target is really Rakstark, then this adventure will bring huge rewards and completely cut off Lissandra's reinforcements!

This well worth it!


Lux obviously did not guess the whole truth of the incident at Fort Diver.

But at least she came to a conclusion that was closer to the truth.

The fog of war is still there, but as the Noxians began to take big actions that they could not hide, under the fog, the tip of the iceberg of a conspiracy has been revealed.

And her decision to directly assemble the army and hoard supplies can be said to be very decisive - because almost at the same time she made this decision, Ashe from Lake Stark City received the news that Lake Maurer was plundered. news of the attack.

The raiders from the East Freljord formed a coalition and launched an unusual attack on the settlements along the shores of Lake Maurer in the summer. Many tribes suffered heavy losses.

Although there is no evidence to prove that this matter is related to Lissandra, after experiencing the trial of Anivia, Ashe believes that this must be the work of the Frost Witch. After all, there is a lot of evidence to prove that Dongfeng The Raeljordian Raiders have a close relationship with the Frostguard tribe.

After receiving the message for help, Ashe immediately issued an order, asking the tribes along the shores of Lake Maurer to move westward and first go to the city of Forcalodna to gather defenses - this city is to the east of the Laxtak Plain. Although the gate is not as dangerous as the Nyuskara Pass, it is also a fortress that is rare in the Freljord.

Recognizing that this was Lissandra's attempt to disperse Avarosa's military power, Ashe decided to let the tribe shrink its strength and defend key areas to prepare for Avarosa's army to move eastward.

Ashe knew very well that fighting the raiders who came and went like the wind on the plains would inevitably result in Avarosa's army being trapped in a quagmire and unable to extricate themselves. When the opponent took the initiative to attack, the best way was to rely on City fortress defense!

As for the temporarily abandoned hunting ground...

That can only be regarded as a necessary price.

Ai Xi's judgment is relatively accurate. If she hurriedly sends out mobile troops to rescue the tribesmen who are harassed by the marauders, she may soon be attacked by the elite Frost Guard composed of Frost Guard warriors and Frost Guard priests. Strike, and with Lissandra available to help, such a reckless attack could easily turn into a fatal suicide attack.

However, even if Ashe's judgment was correct, Lissandra also prepared a backup plan - when the Avarosa tribe retreated to the city of Forkarodna, the Noxian army officially passed through Tukugur. Entered the Freljord.

The raiders, who were mainly cavalry and came and went like the wind, really had no ability to attack the city.

But the Noxians do.

It was early summer, the time of the year when the Freljord's climate was the mildest. The Noxian army that moved north through the Turk'gol belt and then turned west showed no signs of acclimatization.

Although the army was led by the unreliable Draven, most of the battle groups he commanded had experienced hundreds of battles. Even the new recruits had been trained by Darius, and their discipline was quite reliable.

Compared to the Marauders, the biggest advantage of this Noxian army lies in its extraordinary ability to attack difficult areas.

Although the Noxians completely looked down on the Freljord's level of urban defense, because Darius consistently followed Noxus' territorial expansion ideas, in addition to combatants, this army also had Equipped with a considerable number of engineers whose task is to build permanent fortifications.

The daily training of these engineers is mainly about construction, but if necessary, they can also pick up tools and temporarily build various siege equipment for Noxus, and go out with the army to carry huge supplies. Adult earth dragon lizards can also be used to crash into city walls when necessary.

If there is really a city in the Freljord blocking the road, and with these engineers here, the Noxian army will send them to the sky in minutes. Even after taking the city, they can still bargain on the ground to see if they can do the opposite. Get something back from Lissandra's lips!

In this way, when Ashe thought that the situation in the east would be stabilized and that he could assemble an army to defeat the marauders in one fell swoop, the news that Forcalodna was under siege and that the city's defense was in danger spread back to Laxtaq City.

After getting the news, Ai Xi was finally a little confused.

how so?

The temperature has dropped, please take care of yourself.

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