Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 886 【0883】 Secretly assassinate Chen Cang

Darius is no fool.

Although the cause and effect behind it is unclear, it is not difficult to see from the Frost Witch's act of "kindly giving up" the city of Forcalodna that she was trying to seize Noxus.

At this time, she also specially sent a Frostguard envoy, which highlighted her fearless attitude, as if she was sure that Noxus would stand by her side to fight against the alliance between Avarosa and Demacia.

In a sense, this can be considered coercion.

But the question is...does Noxus have a choice?

For Darius, if he is allowed to fight against Demacia and Avarosa alone, then he has absolutely no confidence - he is not a fool. What kind of virtues can he still have as the commander of Noxus? Not sure?

The empire's territory has not yet been restored. At this time, he went to war with Demacia. Even if it was at his own doorstep and had the advantage of close supply distance, he did not think that the advantage lay in Noxus.

But if the Frost Witch was involved, maybe things would be different.

Moreover, it is not difficult to see from Demacia's behavior of sending envoys to ask for a way out, that the Demacians do not seem to want an all-out war - at this juncture, if done properly, perhaps Noxus can rely on the first move Advantage, first capture the vanguard of the Demacia Northern Expedition, then stabilize the defense line and slowly plan for it.

While rushing to the reception room, Darius sketched possible follow-up plans in his mind. If everything goes well, maybe the future situation will be very different!

However, what Darius never expected was that the Frost Guard Messenger brought him a huge surprise.

The witch is not only willing to take on the task of facing the Avarosans, but also supports a group of priests!

Darius had risen through the ranks in the Northern Chapter by virtue of his military exploits, but he had been fighting with the Freljord raiders for ten years, but he had never seen the Freljordians take out a weapon. The mage group is coming!

Now when the Frost Guard messenger opens his mouth, he is supported by a priest group of 200 people. This simply makes Darius look at the Freljord people with admiration.

Of course, this priesthood is not given in vain - the priesthood and the subsequent miners, the Frost Witch will return the city of Forcalodna from Noxus.

Considering that the remaining miners and miners' families were part of the previous agreement, which was basically a group of Frost Guard priests in exchange for Fukarodna, this deal was not actually too profitable.

But considering the length of Noxus's supply line at this time, and the vanguard of the Demacia Northern Expedition that arrived at Nocmooch, this is the most advantageous option for Noxus at this moment.

Of course, negotiation or alliance requires bargaining. Darius also plans to get more from the Frost Guard Messenger. If possible, it would be good to send back some of the blacksmiths that were snatched by the looters, but it is a pity. , the Frost Guard envoy seemed to have drawn the bottom line a long time ago, and she refused to let go. No matter what Darius said, she had only one response.

"Promise, or not."

Darius, who left several times in the middle of the negotiation, even couldn't help but overturned the table in his office. However, faced with this kind of negotiation that could be called coercive, he still had no choice.

Time is not on Noxus' side.

In the end, Noxus and the Frost Guard reached a final consensus, and after exchanging conditions, formed an alliance to jointly deal with the offensives from Avarosa and Demacia.

The Covenant was pretty bad for Noxus.

But in reality, in the alliance between Noxus and the Frost Guard, Noxus' position is not as disadvantaged as reflected in the alliance treaty.

Noxus can actually take a step back. The worst it can do is give up the city of Forcalodna, lose the dignity it just gained, delay the reunification of the Noxus Empire, and allow the Demacians to pass through Turku. You're going north!

Instead, it was the Frostguard tribe. At this time, Lissandra really needed a helper to relieve the pressure and give herself a chance to seize the initiative in the battle.

The reason why during the alliance process, it seemed that Noxus was restrained in every way, and it was obviously the one who was dragged into the water, but ended up in the most embarrassing situation. The essence is that Darius has no regard for the Frostguard tribe. I don’t know, I don’t know anything about the relationship between Avarosa and the Frostguard tribe, or the purpose of Demacia’s journey north.

From Darius's perspective, the conflict between the Frostguard tribe and Avarosa is a struggle for hegemony between the two large tribes of Freljord, and it is the expansion of the Frostguard tribe westward into the Rakstak Plain. .

For Darius, who has served in the Northern Chapter for many years, this kind of tribal conflict should be the main cause of the Freljord tribal war.

However, the actual situation is that this is a war involving the direction of the Freljord civilization and the means of fighting the void. It is a situation that has not been seen in the Freljord for thousands of years.

In the "tribal hegemony" war that Darius knew, the Frostguard tribe would never end the war personally. The Frost Witch would always act as a superior arbiter, overlooking the Freljord tribe's attacks. Cut it down, and then reward the final winner and take it for your own use.

This conflict between Avarosa and the Frostguard tribe was the first direct challenge Lissandra herself faced after the ancient Battle of the Howling Abyss.

Although Lissandra did not know about Ashe and Lux's participation in Anivia's trial, the Frost Witch had to face the worst situation and prepare in advance.

Therefore, the alliance between Noxus and the Frostguard tribe actually means that the Frostguard tribe needs Noxus more.

Unfortunately, Darius didn't know this. With completely losing the initiative, they became thugs who had to bring their own dry food after being dragged into the water. It can be said that they suffered a loss from their grandma's family.

After the alliance was established, the only way Darius could comfort himself was to focus on the future after the war was won - if this war was won, the unification of Noxus would be unstoppable!


With the signing of the covenant, Lux, who was waiting for news in Nokmoch, finally received Noxus' permission to pass.

The guy who came as an envoy seemed to be a great Noxian who was a war mason. Although he completed the task well and repeatedly emphasized the relevant agreements that needed to be observed during the transit of the Demacia army, it was obvious that the Demacia army was allowed to He felt humiliated that Marcia's army had passed through Noxian territory without any problems.

His face turned red from the moment he opened his mouth, and he was in a red-hot state from beginning to end, as if he was a pufferfish that was full of air and might explode on the spot at any time.

For the Demacians, the pain of the Noxians was their happiness - if the occasion was not right and discipline did not allow it, many Demacian soldiers would have started laughing and laughing on the spot.

What, you are not convinced?

It’s useless not to be convinced. The treaty was signed by Noxus yourself. After the Battle of Tobitsia and the disintegration of the Noxus Empire, you are no longer the one who worries Demacia and needs troops on the border. The Noxus Empire!

The only difference between the current Noxus and other Valoran principalities is that its territory is larger, and sooner or later it will fall under the category of others!

In the end, the angry Mr. Blowfish left first, leaving only some clerks to communicate with Demacia. When he asked them if there were any markets and cities along the way, these guys who looked like novices all started talking. I don’t know if I ask three questions.

This obviously represents the attitude of Noxus. They will only allow the Demacians to pass through to a minimum extent. As for more logistical coordination and additional supplies, don't even think about it!

Of course, the Demacia Northern Expedition had already anticipated this situation.

In fact, while waiting for the envoy to arrive, Lux had already reached an agreement with the Grand Duke of Nocmoch. This city would serve as a logistical supplementary base for the Demacia Northern Expedition—outside the city of Nocmoch. In a wasteland of , Demacia will build its own warehouse as a storage center, and at the same time maintain procurement in the market of Nokmoch.

From the beginning, the Crusaders never expected to receive logistical help from Noxus.

Therefore, even if the envoy leaves early and only some rookies are left to muddle through, there will not be any problems with the Northern Expedition's march.

At most, it's just more expensive.

At the same time, news came from the Northern Expedition's air outpost that the Noxian army in Forkarodna was gathering and seemed to be preparing to retreat - it seemed that the Noxians were indeed timid.

Most of the commanders who had received the news were relieved. After sending Dragon Bird Knight envoys to inform the Avarosa tribe and coordinate the takeover of the city, the regular military meeting looked jubilant.

Even though Lux no longer regards Noxus as a competitor, this situation of completely suppressing her former opponent still makes many people feel happy.

However, the decision-making commanders headed by Lux could not laugh at all.

Although neither the intelligence team nor the Air Force reconnaissance system found any tricks played by Noxus, as long as you think about why the Noxians attacked the city of Forcalodna, it is not difficult to find the inevitable behind Noxus. There are shades of the Frost Witch.

Therefore, no matter how cooperative Noxus appears and no matter how painful the envoy looks, there is no guarantee that they will not cause trouble in the future.

In other words, the more "normal" Noxians look, the more "abnormal" they appear.

Based on this judgment, the Northern Expeditionary Army continuously dispatched intelligence team personnel and air force to investigate the Dragon Bird Knight, not to confirm whether the Noxians had an ambush, but to find the specific location of the ambush.

But the problem is that no matter how hard they search, the Northern Expeditionary Army has not gained anything.

It was as if they really planned to abandon Fukarodna and allow the Demacia Crusade to pass through Turkgul.

From Lux's perspective, she had dispelled the fog of war through her high-altitude vision, but even so, she could not find the Noxian ambush, which made her feel tremendous pressure.

So, the question is, where did the Noxians avoid the detection of the Northern Expedition?

In fact, the answer to this question is actually very simple - the Noxians did not arrange any ambush in Turkgol at all.

Their goal from the beginning was to resolve the battle in the Freljord.

Dragon Bird Rider's reconnaissance results showed that the Noxians seemed to be about to withdraw from Forcalodna City, but in fact this was just a defense change. The Noxians who withdrew from Forcalodna City did not He will not return, but will enter the Dragon's Back Mountains with the assistance of the Frost Guard Priests.

Although the arrival of summer has made the temperature in Freljord become milder and the Dragon Bird Riders' detection range has been significantly increased, generally speaking, they still have to move along the Black Forest-Turkgol line and cannot freely move around. Traveling between the north and south sides of the Longji Mountains.

After all, it is a bit difficult for a dragon bird to fly over the Dragon's Back Mountains, especially if there are people behind it.

Moreover, even if there are occasional dragon bird knights searching along the Dragon Spine Mountains, they will not find traces of the Noxians - because the Noxians evacuated the city of Forkarodna at night. They will enter the Dragon's Back Mountain Range immediately, and then enter the glacier crevice under the guidance of the Frost Guard Priest.

This method of passing through glacier crevices was originally discovered by Silas. After he fell into a dream, Lissandra also learned about this method.

Above the snow line of the Dragon Backbone Mountains, there are a large number of ancient glaciers that have not changed for many years. As long as they find a place with a stable structure and natural glacier fissures, the Frost Guard Priests can open up a "hidden army" for the Noxians. "Cave", and by extending the glacier fissure, this Tibetan Soldier Cave becomes accessible in all directions.

In fact, while Lux was still leading the Demacian Northern Expedition to advance cautiously to avoid possible ambush, the Frostguard Priests had already opened up a route between Freljord and the Black Forest. Glacier fissure.

Through this glacier fissure, the battle group that Draven brought to Forkarodna was slowly returning to the Black Forest, preparing to regroup.

At the same time, in the Immortal Fortress, Noxus also carried out comprehensive mobilization-not only did all the war groups enter a state of preparation for war, but the blood magic creation that had not been used before was also unsealed again.

Darius's thinking was very clear. He wanted to wait until the vanguard of the Demacian Northern Expedition passed through the Black Forest, crossed Tukgul, and arrived at Forkarodna, and then relied on Draven's maneuverability. The troops and the main force in the direction of the Immortal Fortress attacked from east to west, cutting off the main force of the Northern Expedition in the Black Forest.

In Darius' view, this is a very complete battle plan. Unless the Demacians turn their backs first and launch an attack even if Noxus has fulfilled its treaty, they will be forced to fight. , encountered a surprise attack.

When Draven's troops returned from a secret retreat along the glacier crevices in the Freljord, the initiative on the battlefield had already fallen into the hands of Noxus!

My neck has been extremely tight recently, maybe I have a cervical spine problem...

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