Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 889 【0886】 Two-way retreat

Once upon a time, Demacia and Noxus were bitter enemies.

The two sides have fought many battles at Green Teeth Peak and Mourn Gate. Although they both ended in Demacia's victory, if you look at the map, you will find that both Green Teeth Peak and Mourn Gate are Demacia. On the border, although Noxus was the losing side, this was an offensive campaign.

Overall, the Noxus Empire is more powerful, and Noxus has always had the upper hand in conflicts on the Valoran continent.

Although the Demacians' elite military policy prevents Noxus from easily breaking through its eastern defense line, the fact that it is passively beaten cannot be changed. Even in the diplomatic game of Valoran, Noxus has no bottom line. They often gain the upper hand.

However, with the Shurima strategy having little effect and the Ionian War failing, the internal shortcomings of Noxus became increasingly apparent. At this time, Demacia was also having a lot of troubles due to the differential treatment of the ban on magic. This behemoth was sinking together, but with the emergence of Lux, everything changed.

In the Battle of Tobitsia, Swain, who had put all his chips on the line, was defeated and died due to the successive betrayals of Black Rose and Ramo. The Noxus Empire fell into pieces. From then on, the fate of the two countries finally became completely different. different directions.

Before sending troops, Darius had actually done a good job of psychological construction. In his opinion, although Demacia also experienced a civil war, their country at least remained intact. No matter whether Noxus is now In terms of economic level and military strength, it cannot compare with Demacia.

Therefore, in this battle that took many years, Darius very carefully placed himself on the weaker side. Instead of fighting head-on, he chose a pincer offensive in order to gain victory in a disadvantaged situation. victory.

Unfortunately, what he doesn't know is that after the normalization of magic, the internationalization of trade, and the industrialization of industry, Demacia now is completely different from Demacia twenty years ago.

What Darius thought was "thinking from the weak side" was actually arrogant.

He simply doesn't know that Noxus is no longer qualified to regard itself as a country equal to Demacia!

This is also the fundamental reason why Darius' plan is regarded as a bad idea by Lux. When the gap between the two sides is large enough, only a seemingly very passive defense is the only way to achieve delay.

Unfortunately, Darius understood all this too late.

When the Trifari elite returned with the struggling Tamara and brought back Draven's final order, Darius was stunned on the spot.

The thumb of his left hand that was stroking the blade of the saber was cut, and bright red blood dripped to the ground, but he didn't seem to notice it.

The meaning behind this order...he knew it all too well.

At this moment, Darius could barely breathe - but as the Lord Commander of Noxus, he had no time to grieve.

"Retreat." The voice squeezed out of his throat and brewed in his mouth for a few seconds before it came out from between his teeth, "Go back to Dalmo, back to the Immortal Fortress, the Demacians' target is not us! "

The orderly soldier was startled by this order.

"Everyone, retreat." Darius repeated, "Get out of the way, show our sincerity, capture the Frostguard Priest - no, kill her directly, and then give her body to Dema West Asia, she’s going to take it all.”

The messengers left quickly.

Around Darius, many staff officers looked embarrassed.

The excuse for starting a war can be fooled, but how can the reason for a truce be that simple?

"If the Frost Guard priest is not enough, add the priest group." Darius glanced over their bodies, as if seeing through their worries and helplessness, "Then add mine."

At this moment, the strategists of the staff department all widened their eyes. They looked at the commander in disbelief, not expecting that he would

make such a decision.

"Retreat, I will break up the rear with the commander's personal guards."


The battle lasted less than two hours and ended with the victory of the Demacia Northern Expedition.

When the Noxians were completely defeated and retreated in large numbers on the western front, the eastern front troops also immediately retreated deep into the forest. When Darius led his personal guards to cut off the rear, most of the main troops Successfully evacuated the battlefield.

Afterwards, statistics showed that the five war groups on the Western Front of Noxus, including the most elite Trifari Chapter, had almost all lost their strength. When these five war groups left the city of Forcalodna, they still had their main forces. The number of soldiers was close to 3,000, but those who voluntarily returned to the Immortal Fortress or other cities to reorganize after the war, the total number was less than 3,000.

Literally ten out of ten.

Among the more than 20,000 people who lost their lives, no more than half probably died on the battlefield. The other half were completely shattered by this crushing battle. They no longer had the courage to fight, and even suffered from serious illnesses. Mental illness, or simply being haunted by demons.

In contrast, the casualties on the Demacia side did not even reach four figures, and except for a few unlucky ones, most of them were only minor injuries.

On the contrary, on the eastern front, in order to deal with the Noxian attack, Demacia suffered about 2,000 casualties and achieved an exchange ratio of close to one to two during the battle.

Although the seven Noxian battle groups on the eastern front lost less than 4,000 men in the initial echelon charge, in the subsequent retreat, even if Darius personally led the commander's guards to cut off the rear. , and used all the reserved black powder to set off a large fireworks to stop the enemy. However, under the continuous pursuit of the Northern Expeditionary Army with the blessing of magic, the direct casualties and non-combat attrition also exceeded 5,000.

A quarter of the 40,000-strong Eastern Front Army was lost in the first battle, and most of its supply equipment was lost. The total losses were no less than those in the previous Battle of Tobitsia!

At this point, Noxus's mobile troops are almost empty, and its reserves of food, grass and equipment are almost at its bottom. The earth dragon lizards can only guarantee follow-up breeding. Two breeds of Yaron dogs are completely extinct. The black powder reserves are empty. They have just been destroyed. The suppressed Black Forest independence movement is once again surging.

It is foreseeable that the Noxians' desire to rebuild the empire was completely interrupted. The next thing they have to consider is not how to rebuild the Noxus Empire, but how to prevent the current Noxus from continuing to divide!

Of course, before considering this issue, Noxus still needs to face a humiliating and difficult choice: negotiating with Demacia.

A complete failure on the battlefield means a complete lack of initiative at the negotiation table. At this moment, Noxus' only hope is that the Demacians are more concerned about the situation in the Freljord and are unwilling to negotiate with Noxus. Si pursued and fought fiercely - otherwise, judging from the current situation, as long as the Demacians are willing, they can even drive straight from the Dalmo Plains to the Immortal Fortress.

And once things develop to that point, Noxus will completely cease to exist.

From this perspective, the Noxians are quite lucky.

Although Lux won the Battle of Turkgol, she did not have the time to continue pursuing Noxus.

As this battle showed, Noxus is no longer qualified to be Demacia's opponent. Although they still vaguely consider themselves a great power, compared with Demacia, they are already others. .

After the Battle of Tukulgul completely defeated Noxus, Demacia had no further meaning at all. All Lux needed now was a stable logistics channel like Tukgul.

Therefore, the negotiations between the two parties were completed as quickly as the aunt at the wet market can buy groceries.

Noxus will hand over all the priests of the Frostguard tribe, and Darius will also go out.

In addition, the entire Black Forest area has been changed from an autonomous territory of Noxus to a "neutral channel temporarily managed by Demacia." All buildings owned by Noxus in the Black Forest area will be owned by Demacia.

Demacia will cease its eastward advance, and the Noxian army will be restricted to the Dalmor Plains.

For the ordnance and supplies obtained by Demacia, Noxus will use food or other supplies to purchase them at a discount; and the captured Noxian soldiers can also be redeemed by Noxus with money and supplies.

There are other details. Although Lux really wants to take advantage of this opportunity to reach some economic "cooperation" with Noxus so that Noxus can become a link in Demacia's production and trade, but now She really doesn't have that skill.

Even after the war, the Northern Expeditionary Army could not rest for a few days, so they had to rush north.

There is only one reason for all this: Avarosa can't stand it anymore.


While Demacia and Noxus were confronting and fighting, Avarosa and the Frostguard were also confronting and fighting around Fukarodna.

At the beginning, the Avarosans, led by Ashe, were stationed on the west side of Forcalo Rodna in a semi-encirclement formation, and they harassed it from time to time.

Although the Avarosa people's shooting ability is not bad, when there are Frost Guard priests in the city and the main part of the city wall is relatively complete, it is impossible to capture Forcalodna just by relying on arrows and slings.

Considering that Demacian reinforcements were arriving and their team included spellcasters and professional siege units, Ashe steadily maintained a semi-siege situation.

However, just when the Noxians began to try to delay the Northern Expedition and buy time from the pincer offensive, the Frostguard warriors of Forkarodna, who were still maintaining a defensive posture, suddenly took the initiative to leave the city and attacked Alcatraz one after another. Varosa's camp launched an offensive.

Since Ashe was prepared in advance, the effect of this attack was not very good, and it looked a bit like killing people.

However, Ashe, who thought the Frostguard tribe was anxious, was not happy for two days when the news of Lissandra's arrival made her feel like she was struck by lightning.

The Frost Witch... is here?

Although Ashe is the leader of the Avarosa tribe, has the Avarosa Longbow in her hand, and is also recognized as the "descendant of Avarosa" by the Rakstark Guild, the Frost Witch is officially a member of the Eight Classics , the descendants of Lissandra whose relationship can be traced, and even their names have inherited Lissandra.

(Of course, Lissandra has always been the same Lissandra, but most Freljordians don't know it.)

In such a comparison, Ai Xi, who originally had good charisma, suddenly looked less charisma.

As for charisma, in Freljord, it can only be summed up by reputation.

Since the social structure is still relatively primitive, in the tribe-based Freljord society, the logistics of Avarosa's "expedition" from Raxtak to Forkarodna cannot be relied on. Completely resolved by myself.

Although the dairy products produced by the large animals carried by the army can provide some supplies, and Avarosa also stocked up a lot of food before, it is still too late to rely on a little transportation.

In this case, the tribes in the areas near the battlefield and the tribes along the way from Lakstaq to Forkarodna will become part of Avarosa's supply chain.

Avarosa's supply line relies heavily on the assistance and trade of nearby tribes - even if the Demacia Northern Expedition requires countries along the way to open trade, the Avarosa tribe is undoubtedly more dependent on the tribes along the way.

Since the Rakstaq Alliance had just been held not long ago, most of these tribes would sell Ashe to save face, and there were no problems with Avarosa's supply line.

However, with the arrival of the Frost Witch, the situation suddenly changed.

The tribes that originally fully supported Avarosa's logistics became hesitant because the Frost Witch's name was equally resounding and they were unwilling to offend the other party.

Under this circumstance, the originally smooth logistics transportation of Avarosa experienced obvious delays.

At the same time, the battle around the city of Fukarodna also began to go wrong - along with the Frost Witch, there were also a large number of Frost Guard Warriors and Frost Guard Priests.

The former are ice-blooded warriors who can easily tear apart the Avarosans' front on local battlefields, and even directly cause widespread collapse.

The latter is the most powerful spellcaster in Freljord. Even if it is not their strongest winter, these Frostguard Priests still caused staggering losses to the Avarosan people, forcing Ashe to temporarily avoid them. Edge.

If that's all it is, then things are not hopeless.

What really dealt a fatal blow to Avarosa was Lissandra's personal attack.

At that time, the people of Avarosa only glimpsed Lissandra from a distance, who was like the queen of the land. Then the climate around Fuca Rodna changed suddenly. The originally mild weather suddenly dropped in temperature, and a moment later it became even colder. Heavy snow began to fall.

In the heavy snowfall, the Frost Guard Priests and the Frost Guard Warriors launched a tidal wave of attacks, defeating the main force of Avarosa's front army in one go. It was not until Ashe personally took action that he could stabilize the situation.

As the Noxians fell, so did Avarosan.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·Frost Guard Warriors:

In the East Freljord, a well-known warrior often disappears suddenly - the result may be that he died in a certain battle, or it may be that he was impressed by the Frost Witch and became a Frost Guard Warrior.

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