Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 891 【0888】 Stealing the Power of the Gods

Lux carefully observed Lissandra on the city wall.

The more I looked at him, the more I felt like this was a fake.

This guy's condition doesn't look like that of the Frost Witch. Instead, he looks like a puppet, a figure on the front desk.

However, after realizing this, Lux did not feel relieved, but felt a little guilty - if Lissandra is not here, where is she?

Judging from many of her previous actions, this Frost Witch can be said to be an out-and-out old silver coin. Regardless of her style of conduct or specific methods, she has no bottom line. Now that she is here as a puppet, what about her? Isn't the main body causing trouble elsewhere?

This filled Lux's heart with a strong sense of crisis. She realized deeply that the battle at Forcalodna must be resolved quickly, so that the Northern Expedition and the Avarosan Army could use it as a bridgehead toward the Howling Abyss. direction to move forward.

If it was delayed and Lissandra was secretly prepared, it might be too late.


So, is Lissandra doing something secretly as Lux worries?

The answer is yes - yes, the "Frost Witch" that appeared on the head of Forcalodna is indeed a real person, and the real Lissandra has left the Frostguard Fortress early at this time and is taking the The Frost Guard priests under his command crossed the sea of ​​ice.

Before facing the Avarosan coalition, she planned to meet the silly big bear first, and then "borrow" some power from him.

Yes, Lissandra is going to find Volibear.

And this time she took the initiative to find Volibear with only one goal - to deprive him of the source of power as a god.

This is a pretty amazing plan.

Even though today's Volibear is no longer the revered Valhir, and his only remaining followers are the ferocious bears and a few shamans and spirit walkers, Volibear is still a warrior. A god who is the embodiment of roaring thunder, rolling thunderstorms, and unstoppable thunderstorms.

Even for most Freljordians, it seems that challenging the coalition forces of Avarosa and Demacia should be far less difficult than challenging Volibear. Although the coalition forces are huge, at least they have traces to follow. , but Volibear is the eternal thunder in the sky, and trying to defeat him will only make it impossible for people to do anything.

However, all these problems are actually not a problem for Lissandra.

Because she was well prepared and had rich experience in stealing the power of the old gods.

In fact, when Volibear blinded Lissandra, the reason was that Lissandra coveted the power of the old gods. When she was studying with Anivia, she realized the uniqueness of the old gods, but did not The brainy Volibear naturally became Lissandra's target.

In the era when the three sisters had just emerged, Volibear and Lissandra once had an earth-shattering battle. The result of the battle was that rolling thunder shattered layers of ice, and the unstoppable Volibear blinded Lissandra. Zhuo's eyes.

However, what Volibear did not expect was that the failure of the frontal battle was also part of Lissandra's plan - although Volibear won, those who once believed in him gathered around the three sisters and lost After gaining a lot of faith, Volibear gradually became an old god and an outsider in his faith. He could only live by his own bear believers.

If there weren't always people in the Freljord pursuing power, even if they got lost and became lost, I'm afraid Volibear would be gradually forgotten in the true sense and eventually become a part of history.

Later, the three sisters summoned the Watcher, but in the end they were unwilling to accept the end of all things brought about by the Watcher. The two sides fought a fierce battle in the Howling Abyss, and Lissandra's plan to steal Volibear's power was temporarily stopped. .

But it was just a pause after all.

The Frost Witch has never given up completely from the beginning, especially as the ice seal under the Howling Abyss has problems more and more frequently. She is also looking for a brand new power that can continue to suppress those monitors. .

The invisible Thunder is a good choice.

Over the years, Freljord's shamanic faith has been shrinking, and there are fewer and fewer beast spirit walkers. Those who have magical talents or have a strong connection with the spirit world have been trained by Lissandra to become Frostguard Priests. , which is essentially poaching Volibear’s corner.

Once the only followers of Volibear are those bearmen, he will become easy to control. Through this silent method, Lissandra can completely weaken Volibear to a miserable state. .

The plan went well.

Even the previous trials of Lux and Ashe accelerated this progress.

Originally, if Lissandra was given a little more time, she should have been able to make the plan more perfect, but as the Northern Expeditionary Army and the Avarosan army joined forces, she finally had to close the network in advance - although Lissandra did not know it. Regarding Anivia, she still had some suspicions about her former teacher. If she continued to delay, she was afraid that her situation would only get worse.

In Ai Xi, she saw the shadow of her former sister.

As for those warm-blooded people in Demacia, she felt a little uneasy.

So, when the Noxians were pulled out by her and Fukarodna became the center of the war, she took her real elite and personal followers north across the ice sea and arrived at the Ursine Island, beginning to bring an end to this action of stealing divine power that spanned thousands of years.

When Lissandra set foot on the Ursine Island, the rolling thunder revealed Volibear's wrath. As the northern sky was shrouded in clouds as thick as thick ink, at this moment, the whole Freljord was lost. They all roared in anger.

They heard the wrath of the Lord of Thunder.

However, Lissandra, who landed on Bearman Island, still looked calm and calm. She just led the Frost Guard Priests under her command and moved forward calmly in the direction of Volibear.

Along the way, every bear-man she met would turn into a lifelike ice sculpture with a wave of her hand.

Then, on the north side of Ursine Island, Lissandra met the scarred Volibear.

What a giant bear this is!

Rolling thunder and scarlet flesh together formed his huge and twisted figure. He had the body and posture of a giant bear, but when he stood upright, he looked just like a human being.

His body was clearly flashing with arcs of electricity, and his fur was pure white, but when anyone laid their eyes on his body, they would see an endless mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood in a daze.

On the back of this giant bear, there are countless swords, both real and illusory, looming. Only when you look closely will you find that they are not swords in the physical sense, but sharp blades that stabbed Volibear's spirit like swords. .

Maybe others don't know the origin of these swords, but Lissandra knows it very well.

Behind Volibear, every sword represents a betrayal.

In that ancient duel, when Volibear defeated Lissandra and thought he could once again demonstrate his power, one after another former believers turned to the three sisters. The departure of these believers had a great impact on Volibear. As far as I'm concerned, it's like being pierced by ten thousand swords again and again.

It was those betrayals again and again that made Volibear more and more violent, and Lissandra, who planned all of this, was the one who "actually stuck the sword all over Volibear's back."

Yes, although this was the first meeting between Lissandra and Volibear after that duel.

But Lissandra had long ago completely seriously injured Volibear through her own plan. Although the Immortal Thunder still has the identity of the old god of Freljord and is still the incarnation of the original thunder, he now is actually more powerful than any other. Be vulnerable all the time.

This is why Lissandra chose to close the net in advance and capture the opponent's power. Volibear has entered a weak state and can deprive him of his power!

Although Lissandra had done everything well, she couldn't see it, but when she came to Volibear and raised her face slightly to face the giant bear, she seemed to see through everything about Volibear.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, which was a symbol that the plan was about to succeed.

In contrast, Volibear, who was already irritable, was almost completely mad at this time.

He roared angrily and guided the thunder in the sky to strike the earth. He jumped high and pressed against Lissandra like a meteorite or a mountain.

If this cunning guy had been staying in Frostguard Fortress, there was nothing Volibear could do, but now that you are here, don't blame Volibear for being ruthless!

Last time, He just blinded this mortal.

But this time, He will kill the other party completely and tell the world with his blood!

For this, Volibear has infinite confidence. He is confident that he can kill Lissandra, and he also believes that the violent bears under his command will tear this mortal attendant to pieces. At that time, the rolling thunder will hit all Freyrs. The Erjords, and even all the people in Runeterra, declare that the belief in the Immortal Crazy Thunder will return!

Volibear has always kept the sword behind his back, just to always remember this shame and pain. When the time comes for revenge, he will use these swords in return and pierce Lissandra one by one. !

Now, it's finally time for revenge!

However, when Volibear's body jumped high, giant glaciers rose up from the ground under him.

Lissandra did nothing, but Ice and Snow seemed to come alive, following her instructions and coming to stop Volibear.

"Ah, Anivia's method." Volibear sneered, stretched out his giant claws, and chopped the razor-sharp glacier. "Didn't she tell you that she is actually the worst at fighting?"

Obviously, these glaciers, which are almost insurmountable for mortals, are just "somewhat troublesome obstacles" to Volibear, and Lissandra's method of manipulating ice and snow is completely inappropriate in his eyes. Worth mentioning.

This is just a remaining trick played by the old gods. Compared with the old gods, mortals are purely inherently deficient. Even Lissandra is not looked down upon by Volibear at all!

The immortal thunder leaped up again.

This time, Lissandra simply wrapped herself in thick ice. When Volibear broke open the thick ice shell, Lissandra's body had already successfully escaped through the flying ice shards.

Under such circumstances, Volibear couldn't help but let out a low roar.

"Is this what you are capable of?" He was obviously very dissatisfied with Lissandra's choice. "Dodge and escape. You are destined to hide in the shadows of the ground and tremble while the thunder roars!"

As he spoke, Volibear raised his right hand high, and the endless thunder was like a dancing golden snake, completely covering everything in front of him. In this lightning storm, Lissandra seemed to have no more flashes. Room to maneuver.

However, Lissandra still did not panic at all. It could even be said that all this was within her plan. When the thunder came to the earth, she did not take any defensive measures, but opened her arms and embraced This rolling thunder.

The violent thunder penetrated her body, causing her semi-elemental body to continuously tear and collapse, but also constantly reconstruct and regenerate.

Volibear was already a little confused when he saw this scene. He subconsciously felt that something was wrong, and wanted to stop the thunder and use physical attacks to destroy Lissandra, but when he made a move, he found that everything was in vain. It's too late.

The swords inserted in His back, representing the betrayal of believers, are still guiding the power of thunder to re-forge Lissandra.

These swords, which Volibear regarded as marks of pain, targets of revenge, and bloody evidence of betrayal, were used by Lissandra at this moment. They penetrated deeper into Volibear's body, causing him to almost lose control in pain. .

The unwilling Volibear finally wanted to pull out these swords, because he realized that if he allowed these betrayals to continue to draw his power, he might really fall into Lissandra's hands!

However, it was only when he stretched out his giant claws to pull out these betrayal swords that Volibear discovered that these betrayals had already become a part of his body.

It turns out that Lissandra's long plan is not only weakening Volibear, but also unknowingly affecting everything in Volibear by adding sand to Volibear's followers.

Pain and anger overwhelmed Volibear's mind, and he was completely unaware that these "marks of pain" he had left voluntarily were actually traps Lissandra had set for himself and a means for her to manipulate him!

At this moment, when Volibear finally wanted to pull out these betrayal swords, he finally realized the key to the problem - Lissandra had taken advantage of his pride and set such a trap.

Volibear finally understood everything.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Kalya’s Little Classroom·The Power of Embodiment:

For Volibear, the betrayal of the believers manifested itself in the swords behind him. Due to the pride of the god, Volibear was unwilling to remove these swords before dealing with the culprits. Instead, he remembered them as a mark of pain.

Lissandra calculated this accurately, and in turn relied on these betrayers to influence Volibear and successfully steal his power.

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