Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 896 【0893】 Furious Lissandra

Defense Calodna is working steadily. Although there are always some fun people who cause a little embarrassment, there is no problem with the progress of normal work.

Various materials departed from Yiming City, were transferred through the Laobaomen Nokomochi Tukgul transportation route, and were delivered to Fukarodna.

Among the supplies delivered, there were not only a large amount of food and fodder, but also a lot of additional equipment and weapons - some of which were even for the Avarosa warriors.

The Avarosan people do not have the habit of wearing armor. The Freljordian honor makes them adhere to the idea of ​​"the less you wear, the stronger you are." Those who can resist the cold like to go shirtless.

Demacia, which has a developed fur industry, has a large number of fur tanning, cutting and enchanting factories in the three towns of Fucheng. As early as when He was planning to join forces with Ashe, Ashe tried to place the first batch of military orders for Lux. .

It's just that even for Demacia, which produces large-scale products, it's not easy to get a large number of enchanted fur vests, so the products are only now shipped to Focalodna.

This batch of fur vests was well received within Avarosa, but after harvesting it, Ashe only felt pain in her body. In order to exchange for these fur vests, she needed to hand over all the captured Zhenbing to Dema after the battle. West Asia.

It goes without saying that the value of Zhenbing is more precious, but in Ashe's heart, the lives of her people are still more precious. These fur vests can significantly reduce the casualty rate of Avarosan warriors in battle. She really doesn't have many choices. room.

When placing this order, Ashe also considered paying in other ways, but unfortunately, she couldn't find anything of equal value in the huge Freljord and the vast Larkstark, unless The Avarosa tribe was willing to give up a third of their Enuk herd, but this was obviously impossible.

As for other possible options, such as "allowing Demacians to enter Rakstark for mining", they were obviously more problematic. As a result, after thinking about it, she could only make up her mind until the next step. The seizure was on.

This can be considered Yin eating Mao Liang, right?

Of course, if Ashe's worries are put aside, everything in Fukarodna seems to be going very smoothly. The cooperation between the coalition forces is gradually becoming more and more tacit, and they are becoming more confident. The newly formed elemental dragon army is even more... The scope of investigation was gradually expanded and simple manned flights were carried out.

Although it sounds simple, it is not simple at all to actually take this step - the elemental dragon has a strong taste, but it is most concerned about face, and it is impossible to allow others to ride it easily. If Kalya hadn't mastered the promotion ceremony of the elemental dragon, I'm afraid they need to be a little more reserved.

In addition, the command headquarters also made a not-so-detailed plan for the next battle based on the current information. According to the plan, the coalition should strive to advance the front line to the Iron Thorn Mountains before winter this year. At that time, the coalition forces will be able to rely on the Iron Thorn Mountains as a barrier to survive the winter safely, waiting for the spring of the next year before launching the final offensive against the Frostguard Fortress.

At the same time, professionals from the intelligence team are also arriving in Fokarodna, where they will receive professional training and special blessings from Kalya.

With the nightmare mark and no secrets revealed in their dreams, they will come into contact with the core of the intelligence war - the real and fake Lissandra plan.

Most of the members of the intelligence team will work with Avarosa's guide to visit different tribes and bring news of Lissandra's defeat in order to influence and win over the neutral tribes.

As for those tribes that are completely bound to the Frostguard tribe, they will wait for the opportunity to sneak in and support a "real Lissandra" to stir up trouble and expand their influence.

The task of this secret front is very heavy. They have to face the Frost Guard Priests who are resident in every tribe in East Freljord. The two sides will engage in a battle in the shadows that cannot be seen with swords and swords, but still... A life and death showdown.


All work in the city of Focalodna is progressing smoothly.

In contrast, when Lissandra had almost adapted to Volibear's power, surrendered some of the Ursines, and led the team back to the Frostguard Fortress, various news made her slightly raised lips. He sipped it directly.

The good mood disappeared the moment I learned about the fall of Focalodna.

Because she had trouble with Volibear before, she needed to connect with those believers who stabbed Volibear in the back, so the connection with the Frostguard priests was temporarily busy, but at that time she believed that Forkarodna was indestructible. , even if Demacians come, the Ten Thousand Miles Expedition plus its own apprentice defense, the problem of defending the city is still not big.

As a result, now that I have returned to the Frostguard Fortress, I suddenly heard that the city of Forcalodna was gone...

Furious, Lissandra began to try to contact the Frostguard priests she sent out, hoping to figure out what happened from their dreams.

However, in her dream, Lissandra saw the demon again.

Because these people are essentially believers of Lissandra, Lissandra entering their dreams is not a blind jump, so even if Kalya used the power of Nocturne to set a trap, in the end, she could not hurt Lissandra as hard as before. Zhuo.

However, this incident itself was already bad news for Lissandra.

The guy who controls the power of nightmare is his enemy!

This will mean that his most reliable way to collect intelligence through dreams will be completely blocked!

Damn it!

Lissandra's mood suddenly worsened when she realized this.

However, this is just the beginning.

After directly contacting the Frostguard Priests of Forcalodna to no avail, she instead entered the dreams of the Frostguard Priests of other nearby tribes.

As mentioned earlier, Frostguard priests will be stationed in different tribes in East Freljord in various capacities. They will provide these tribes with medical, coordination and other services, and they will also enjoy a certain degree of Decision-making power, this is how Lissandra controls East Freljord.

Since the coalition forces were not in a hurry to advance eastward after taking Forcalodna, although the surrounding tribes had increased their vigilance, no more fighting broke out. Therefore, Lissandra successfully connected to the nearest In the dream of a frost guard priest in a tribe.

Then, she got news that almost made her lose her temper.

"The warm-blooded people of Forcalodna announced that they had defeated and captured Lissandra. They proved with ironclad facts that among the three sisters, Avarosa is the eldest, and Lissandra is mediocre."

Although Lissandra had already thought about what would happen if the opponent was defeated when she chose to let someone temporarily bear her name, according to her plan, even if "Lissandra" was defeated, the enemy would definitely have to pay. A heavy price to pay.

At that time, the coalition forces spent a lot of effort to defeat a "Lissandra", and then a new Lissandra came, and then the morale of the coalition forces would plummet.

However, the development of the battle exceeded her expectations from the beginning, because according to the reflection in the dream of the Frost Guard Priest, it seemed that Lissandra was easily captured by one person? is this possible?

To be honest, even if Lissandra herself wanted to take advantage of the pretty talented little girl, it was nothing more than that - could it be said that there was someone in the coalition who could talk to her?

No, this is not possible.

Lissandra instinctively wanted to deny this possibility.

However, as the wisest one among the three sisters, she finally chose to be cautious - just take it as a given.

After absorbing the power from Volibear, even if there is, it won't hurt.

Thinking of this, Lissandra's irritable mood finally calmed down a little.

Then, she quickly realized that things were not as bad as she thought, because at least the owner of the dream she jumped to was still full of confidence in herself, even if the war mother of this tribe had shown a little bit of a wallflower. trend, but despite the arguments of the Frost Guard Priest, she still expressed her resistance to the coalition forces, at least on the surface.

Lissandra didn't expect these wallflowers to stand firmly on her side.

But she was very concerned about these wallflowers not to directly side with each other.

Lissandra thought clearly that if the coalition forces continued to defend Forcalodna, they would definitely not be able to survive; and if the coalition forces moved eastward, unless they conquered all the tribes along the way, their supply routes might be blocked at any time. cut off.

Even considering that Lissandra has an amazingly large group of raiders in her hands, even if they really conquer the tribes along the way, wherever the Wolf Cavalry goes, the supply line will still be fragile.

On the contrary, Lissandra can calmly deploy her troops and generals. Don't forget, Forcalodna was originally the territory of the Avarosan tribe. The Avarosan people's massive Eastern Expedition has not yet left. Where is the door!

After thinking about this, Lissandra finally calmed down a lot. While she summoned more Frostguard warriors, she organized the Frostguard priests to accept the new power of thunder. At the same time, she continued to mobilize the marauders, and at the same time, she Those lost under their control were also included in the battle order. While Forkarodna was preparing for the battle, the Frostguard Fortress was also busy.

Then, just as Lissandra was preparing everything calmly, Lissandra, who was regularly patrolling the dreamland, received some news that made her unable to sit still.

The first message came from the Frostguard Priests of the tribe stationed near Forkarodna.

Fukarodna's coalition launched a "victory parade". They didn't know where they got a few elemental dragons, carrying the captured impostor, bragging about their victory to the surrounding tribes, and trying to win over them. .

Even if you remove the bizarre filters of the dream itself, this victory parade is still huge and the lighting effects are amazing. It is really hard for Lissandra to imagine what kind of person would put so much energy into it. , invest in the effect display.

But don't worry about how much effort they put into the lighting. Just as far as the results of the parade are concerned, it can be said to be extremely detrimental to Lissandra.

Few people in the Freljord have seen elemental dragons. When these behemoths covered with ice and snow fall from the sky, most people will be stunned and stunned. Even if the other party is clearly talking nonsense, they will believe it first. point.

Under this situation, even if the Frost Guard priests desperately tried to find compensation and tried to argue with them, the war mothers of many tribes were very obviously shaken - these grasshoppers have now completely entered the wallflower state, and even really There is a slight possibility of falling to the other side.

The victory parade in the air caught Lissandra a bit off guard, but it didn't shake her fundamentals yet.

What really made Lissandra's eyes darken was another piece of news.

This news came from a relatively pious Frostguard priest. After she heard the news of Lissandra's capture, she did not hesitate at all. She denounced it as nonsense and quickly calmed down the chaos within the tribe. Loyal and capable.

However, now she is trying to contact Lissandra and try to confirm what the "Seer of the Mountain" is about.

Prophet of the mountain?

What is that?

Lissandra was also a little confused, so she jumped into her dream and figured out what was going on.

It turned out that after the news of the capture of the Frost Witch came and was refuted by the Frost Guard Priest, it didn’t take long for a “mountain prophet who walked out of the mountains and walked on the ice fields” to appear, and then someone started saying this. She is the real Lissandra, and her voice is getting bigger and bigger, so much so that even the most devout Frostguard priests are a little confused.

Then, before Lissandra could respond, new news came over there - the mountain priest took the initiative to form an alliance. She followed the ancient rituals, performed a series of fancy operations, and then pulled the strings in public. It was a big one and made the prophet of the mountain a joke.

However, it was not only the Prophet of the Mountain who made a fool of himself this time. Due to the previous Ruowuowuo binding, many people established a connection between the Prophet of the Mountain and Lissandra, thinking of the news that Lissandra came from Foca Rodna. Sandro was captured, and many people's attitudes towards the Frost Witch were shaken.

Even in the depths of the devout priest's dream, Lissandra saw some details that the other party tried to hide - someone in the clan said, "Lissandra is nothing more than that" and hoped that "the high priest can carry Lissandra's flag." "Yunyun.

After discovering this, Lissandra finally realized the seriousness of the problem. The Frost Witch, who was accustomed to manipulating people's hearts, never expected that one day she would be pecked in the eyes by geese all year round. There were obviously professionals in the opponent's camp. It was simply... You are looking for trouble for yourself without reservation!

Under such circumstances, even if she was slightly passive, Lissandra still sent some Frostguard priests to leave the Frostguard Fortress and run around to reduce the negative impact, and hinted that the raiders would teach the most restless bastards a lesson.

Unfortunately, with the support of the intelligence team, Lissandra, who lost the first move, is destined to be unable to easily reverse the situation. It is foreseeable that the respected Frost Witch will fall into anger from time to time for a long time in the future - Devouring Wo Liber's power still has some side effects. (End of chapter)

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