Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 907 【0902】 Despicable Throat

Kalya often does fishing and is very skilled at it.

But fishing for insects requires careful planning - although the Maw of Despicableness is not a demigod in the true sense, if he fails to succeed once and waits for him to escape back to his lair, he will have to think about it later. It might be really troublesome to take down this big spider.

Kalya has no interest in running into the spider lair and searching for spiders on silk.

Without looking at the three bandits who were still struggling, Kalya narrowed his eyes and thought about the specific steps of this pest control operation.

First of all, you should go to the Despicable Throat's lair and learn as much as possible about its habits. This is to visit the spot in advance and to prepare for its nesting.

Subsequent targeted plans must be arranged bit by bit based on the other party's performance.

After seeing the lair of the Despicable Maw, Kalya also needs to go to the temporary market set up by the treasure hunters on Shadow Island - not to continue to eat evil, but mainly to collect local materials and take a look. Is there anything I can use?

What if three baits are not enough?

Finally, Kalya also needs to find a reliable venue for the pest control operation and find a way to attract the Despicable Maw, which will directly affect the success or failure of the pest control operation.

Considering that the dark fog that permeates the Shadow Island is not very suitable for the use of one's own gravel, it is obviously necessary to set up traps in advance.

Maybe the Vile Maw is used to ambush its prey in the spider web, but this time, Kalya needs to let him fall into her spider web!


The Vile Maw happily stretches its limbs - oh, eight limbs.

The black mist of the Shadow Island may be full of corrosive and terrible disasters for mortals, but for the Vile Maw, it is a good nourishment.

Today's weather is very good, and Shadow Island is as dark as ever. In this pitch-black weather, it's time to have some fun.

The Maw of Despicableness is a terrifying man-eating spider, but it does not do so because of its exclusive love for human blood - or rather, not just because of the taste of human flesh.

In fact, He always puts humans first in His diet. The reason in the first place is that He hates humans.

And this dislike comes from past humiliating experiences.

Kalya believes that the Maw of Despicableness is a "demigod who is not a demigod". This judgment is very correct. This big spider does have the qualifications to become a demigod.

But his qualifications were abruptly interrupted in the end - he was captured, and then sold to Blessing Island as an experimental material. After being blessed with countless sealing spells, he became the local Human experimental materials.

It was undoubtedly a painful experience for the Despicable Maw. He was studied in various ways without dignity. In order to save his life, he had to serve as a stable source of spider silk. In order to obtain better quality spider silk, the locals , and even tampered with His recipes, and even forced Him to combine with various spiders in an attempt to give birth to stable offspring...

Kalya's magical research ideas and breeding plans in Shurima obviously had a major impact on subsequent research in Runeterra. Even the Hylians on Blessed Island also absorbed a lot from Kalya's research methods. content.

Through the study of the Maw of Despicableness, the Hylians have mastered a lot of knowledge about the observability of magic. They use the spider silk produced by the Maw of Despicableness to observe the flow of magical energy, and then weave spells exquisitely. , combined with the dense spring of life on Fuguang Island, completely hiding this place and isolating it from the world.

The entire Blessed Light Island seemed to have been built into a huge spider nest. The Hylians were leisurely observing the changes in the outside world in the nest. Even the collapse of the Shurima Empire and the impact of the Darkin War were not enough. Shaken their defenses.

Over time, there have been some subtle changes in the research direction of the Hylians on Fuguang Island. When the external enemies are not enough to break through the defense line, most of the Hylians have abandoned the research of direct damage spells and instead focused on more Much energy is spent on the study of the flow of magic, the weaving of the magic network, and the study of sealing spells.

For the Hylian people, the barrier around Blessed Light Island is their supreme understanding of magic. As long as the barrier remains, then Blessed Light Island is destined to be as stable as Mount Tai!

Well, their idea is very good, and the outer barrier they set up is indeed unbreakable - but the problem is that this barrier's internal protection ability is not very good.

When Aatrox followed the traces of the Resurrectionist and found the passage connecting the Land of the Undead and Runeterra in the center of Blessed Light Island, the shocked Hylians wanted to expel this uninvited guest, but they failed. I can't come up with any decent means.

The Hylians, who were accustomed to relying on peripheral barriers to resist their enemies, could hardly form any effective resistance when faced with Aatrox rushing out from their home.

What's even more terrible is that the energy that appeared with Aatrox in the Land of the Undead, after coming into contact with the Fountain of Life on Blessed Island, produced a terrifying mutation, which quickly spread to the entire island in the form of black mist. Above, the Hylians were completely stunned, and finally had to evacuate Blessed Island in embarrassment and became wanderers in Runeterra.

Aatrox himself had no interest in Blessed Light Island, so he only entered the Land of the Undead after confirming that the passage to the Land of the Undead was stable and reliable.

After this incident, the entire Fuguang Island quickly became a ghost world - in this ghost world, the former experimental materials and the despicable throat of the breeding spider finally gained freedom.

Then, the first problem He had to face was the problem of eating.

Objectively speaking, during the years when it was used as an experimental material, although the Despicable Throat was "damaged", its living conditions were still good. Although the Hylian people used it as a material and seed spider, apart from using it Apart from the restriction of freedom by the sealing spell, other aspects are very easy to talk about.

Therefore, the Despicable Throat can eat all kinds of fresh flesh and blood, or in different ways. Except that the Hylians will mix some weird things into it for experimental purposes, the Despicable Throat is generally not You need to worry about eating.

However, with the arrival of Aatrox and the Hylians being forced to evacuate the Shadow Isles, which was no longer suitable for human habitation, the Vile Maw who was left on the island soon found that he was gradually running out of things. eat.

People ran away, and the animals quickly turned into undead creatures under the erosion of the black mist. Although these undead creatures could eat, they tasted no different from eating dirt. They were accustomed to the despicable throats of humans offering blood food. , obviously there will not be even a little bit of satisfaction from these walking dead.

Driven by hunger and greed, this huge spider looked at the only group of creatures on the island that were still alive and kicking in the black mist with its multiple pairs of compound eyes.

The Despicable Maw's own offspring.

The despicable Throat, which has no emotion for these heirs and even regards them as competitors for resources with itself, has no mercy at all when it comes to its own descendants. He can easily sense the position of his heirs, so Every time the desire for flesh and blood arises, an unlucky person will be randomly named.

Over time, as Despicable Throat overflowed with desire again and again, the spiders on the island were almost completely eliminated by him.

But even so, the problem has still not been solved. Now there are no spiders on the island. The only option before the Despicable Maw seems to be to eat zombies...

However, the flexible Miss Despicable Throat always has a way. She found some experimental materials left by the Hylians, and used these materials to help herself give birth to a new batch of offspring. Compared with the previous offspring, these Newly born children are born with stunted growth, live and die quickly, and are completely obedient to their mother.

As a result, the Despicable Throat had a group of temporary workers that could be utilized. After having these short-term workers, the Despicable Throat peacefully entered the nest prepared for itself and handed over other tasks to the newly born The heirs, let them eat the zombies that taste like chewing wax, and then accept the flesh and blood sacrifices offered by these heirs through the despicable throat.

Although the ethics of spiders are not the same as those of humans, the behavior of the Despicable Throat, which is self-artificial insemination, giving birth to offspring and then letting the offspring go to the lower level of the food chain, and then easily preying on its own offspring by controlling the offspring, is really a bit too much. It exploded.

So much so that after LeBlanc followed Mordekaiser's traces, found Blessed Light Island, and saw the "ecological environment" of Blessed Light Island for the first time, she was a little stunned for a while.

What haven't I seen?

Sorry, I have never seen this kind of thing.

LeBlanc was not welcomed into the Maw of Despicability at first.

However, when he demonstratively turned one of LeBlanc's men into a jelly-like gel and quickly devoured it, but LeBlanc remained indifferent, the Despicable Maw was surprised to discover that it turns out that humans are the best thing. food.

As a result, the two parties finally reached an agreement, with LeBlanc providing people and the Vile Maw helping to collect the magic items left behind by the Hylians.

From then on, cannibalism became Mean Maw's biggest hobby.

Whenever the Black Rose brings a new victim, it will carefully wrap it in layers of spider silk, then inject venom into it with its large claws, hang it up and let it stand for several days, until it completely turns into colloid, and then Suck and taste carefully.

It smells of blood and revenge.

For the Vile Maw, these human feasts are his most wonderful enjoyment.

No one in this world may even know that only the Despicable Throat is really sad about Elise's death. If possible, he even hopes that his own child will die instead of Elise, who is the liaison between himself and the Black Rose. Liz!

Fortunately, someone has come to the island again. This time, the Despicable Throat can finally take the menu into his own hands - the only thing he has to do is to restrain his desires and not Eat too much in one go. Only in this way can we continue to catch fish from the lake.

Not long ago, the black fog on Fuguang Island once again spread on a large scale.

And Despicable Throat, who is very familiar with this, also clearly realizes that many, many humans will come to the island soon. At that time, he only needs to take out some things from the depths of the lair and give them to them, and then he can choose some for himself. For those who are interested, let’s have a wonderful buffet feast!

The Despicable Throat, who is in a happy mood, now needs to find a few guys he has seen before. Those people will be the seed players in this death match, and will also be strong competitors for the ingredients of the Despicable Throat's banquet.

Having had the painful experience of being captured, the Despicable Maw will not appear in front of everyone carelessly. This cunning big spider follows the web it left behind and shuttles through the shadows with a speed and agility that is not suitable for its size. The island is among the dry and decaying trees.

Although occasionally overwhelmed trees fall down, before they crash to the ground, there are always slender spider threads that grab them first and then let them lie down gently.

Therefore, even though the Despicable Throat was flying on its eight legs in the forest mist, except for the shaking and interlacing clicking of its claws, the whole process did not make any other sound.

The Maw of Despicableness is like a huge black ghost, patrolling the spider silk passages on Shadow Island, watching the people who have landed on the island with its compound eyes in the dark, figuring out which one to start talking to.

Then, just when the Despicable Throat could no longer hold back its inner impulse and almost wanted to rush out to find a lucky person to satisfy its greed first, a slight tremor came from a thin invisible spider thread.

After the Despicable Throat felt this tremor, it was as if cold water had been poured over it, and all its desires were in vain - he no longer looked at the humans who landed on the island, but flew faster than when he came. He rushed back to the door of his spider lair.

Outside this cave woven by spider silk, the Despicable Throat carefully observed and sensed everything, including the slight vibrations on every spider thread. After a long time, the cunning big spider finally felt relieved.

The intruders had left, but in a very disgraceful manner.

Although the spider silk alarm was triggered, there were no problems within the subsequent spider webs.

Considering that there are no wild beasts on Shadow Island for a long time, the identity of this uninvited guest is very clear.

It's human!

Realizing this, the Despicable Throat bumped his claws impatiently - he hated humans who were overly curious.

Therefore, this time, he decided to add a link to the spider secret treasure and death match in order to find that one or a few daring bastards among the crowd.

Anyone who dares to peek into the spider's lair will pay the price!

Finally, after confirming that the intruder had left, the Despicable Throat was no longer in the mood to observe the ingredients. He slowly turned around and entered the spider silk lair upside down.

And all of this was clearly seen by Kalya, who was hiding in the dark and completely transformed into an element. (End of chapter)

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