Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 92 【0089】The Legend of the Lost God

Vi clearly didn't believe Lux's story.

"How is this possible? We are different from the Picheng guys..."

"Differentiation happened later." Lux simply stood still, "Why, are you interested in hearing a piece of history - just think of it as listening to a story."

"Story?" Wei subconsciously wanted to refuse, but out of the corner of her eye she saw Baobao struggling to carry her small bucket. Seeing that she couldn't support it and was still gritting her teeth, she simply put down her bucket. , "Okay, let's just listen to a story."

Just let Bao Bao rest for a while.

"Once upon a time, there was an inconspicuous seaside city, and its name was Oshla Vazuan." Lux started the story with a smile, "This city actually has no specialties, and it has no dazzling gems. It doesn’t produce all kinds of exotic flowers and plants, and even the birds that live here are ordinary, the most common cyan birds.”


"However, Vazuan's geographical location is very special. It is the junction connecting the two continents of Valoran and Shurima. On the east and west sides of the city, the ocean currents of the Sea of ​​Watch and the Sea of ​​Conquest are constantly washing here. "Lacus outlined the two oceans in mid-air with simple light, "Because shipping is always cheap, so it has two ports. People here will carry goods on their shoulders and backs, crossing the mountains and transporting them. Things go from one port to another."

Blast opened his eyes wide and looked at the light in Lux's hand in disbelief.

"It's already hard work carrying a bucket." Lux pointed to the bucket at her feet, "What's more, carrying goods over the uneven and magnificent barrier - but at least you can make money this way, so The Oshla Wazuans have lived here generation after generation, using their shoulders and backs to feed themselves."

Wei raised her eyebrows.

"They worked diligently, and they were grateful for the vitality and prosperity that the sea brought to this ordinary city. The sailors at that time believed that there was a storm god protecting them, and this storm god The messenger is the most ordinary cyan bird in Wazuan. Therefore, the Zaun people also believe that it is the storm god who brings them good luck." Lux continued her story, "This People in the city have always believed in the Storm Guardian. They built altars, erected statues and shrines, and thanked the Storm Guardian for his blessings on the brightest day of the year."

Wei said in a voice that only she could hear: "A clichéd fairy tale."

"However, the good times did not last long. The emperor issued an order to remove all false idols in the country, and the Storm Guardian worshiped by the Vazuan people was among them." Lux changed the topic, "At that time, There are many such gods of faith throughout the empire. Most cities followed the emperor's will and destroyed shrines and statues. However, the Wazuans chose to leave their faith behind. They no longer erected huge statues of the wind elves. It is folklore to wear bluebird ornaments in honor of their storm guardian.”

Wei finally showed an expression of interest, as if she was looking forward to a fight between this storm and the emperor.

"Later, the empire collapsed and wars broke out. However, Vazuan, as a transportation hub, was able to survive the war under the protection of the Storm Guardian." Lux continued her story calmly, "After the war, A new era has arrived. The Vazuan people no longer have an emperor, and they no longer need the protection of the storm. What they desire now is no longer protection, but prosperity."

Skipping the fight part, Vi looked a little defeated.

"Carrying on their backs no longer satisfies their pursuit of trade. The Vazuan people began to dream of digging a canal on the isthmus at their feet to open a sea route between the two continents of Valoran and Shurima." Lux He raised his eyebrows and said, "The wind of change has been watching everyone here, watching them turn their faith in the gods into trust in the tools in their hands, watching them, like grown-up children, burst out to change the world little by little. Ability."


"The Storm Guardian is no longer needed, and with the decline of faith, she can no longer raise storms, but even so, the gentle evening breeze will still take away the sweat of those who dig trenches, and will blow away the sleeping snores of workers at night ." Bao Bao seemed a little bored, so Lux handed a paper pinwheel to her, and then Bao Bao returned it in disgust, "Later, there was an accident while digging the canal, maybe because too many explosions were used. There may have been an error in the calculation, a piece of land subsided, seawater poured in, and a large amount of deadly poisonous gas was released from the cracks in the earth."

Speaking of this, Wei finally frowned.

"In helpless prayers, Janna used her last strength. That day, the Zaun people saw the wind spirit appear, and then turned into a howling wind, blocking the sea water, extinguishing the flames, and blowing away the Poison gas, protecting the canal completed the last step." Lux told the ending of this story, "Then, she disappeared into the dust of history."

Lux told the story very well - although Bao Bao didn't seem to understand it at all, he vaguely thought of something.

"So, you want to say that Pi City was originally a part of Zaun?" Wei stretched out her hand and twisted her nose, and returned to her previous indifferent look, "This Fander also said it, but he was talking about... us I made the Gate of the Sun with my own hands.”

"But the wealth of the Sun Gate did not flow back to Zaun." Lux added the second half of the sentence, "I have made statistics on various aspects of Piltover. Although I cannot find a lot of confidential information, I can confirm that What’s more, this wealth created by the Zaun people is being squandered by Lady Piltover in their own way.”

"So what do you want to say?" Wei felt a little irritated. She seemed to have caught something, but she didn't seem to have caught it, so she couldn't help but grit her teeth. "Tell me about your profound knowledge and show off your intelligence. ?”

"I want to change all this." Lux stared into Vi's eyes, "Take back the wealth that was taken away and return it to the person who created it."


Wei didn't speak, just looked at Lux in front of her, the girl who had been fetching water side by side with her recently.

She is obviously not from the same world as him. She is a mage with a bright future. Even Fandel cares about her every move - but she is different from those Piltover guys.

"Why, is there something on my face?" Looking at Wei, who seemed a little dull in front of her, Lux showed a bright smile, "Or do you have any doubts?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"There's no reason." Lux shrugged calmly, "Whoever works gets paid. The more you work, the more you get. Isn't this a natural principle?"

Kalya’s Little Classroom·History:

History is always a little girl who can be dressed up by anyone. It is a piece of auspicious light left by the past, just like the footprints on the beach that have been soaked by the sea water.

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