Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 918 【0913】 Inner Demon

The undead always have an instinctive hostility towards the living.

If Aatrox hadn't controlled the scope of the black mist, I'm afraid the Immortal Fortress would have faced an undead massacre.

But even if Aatrox deliberately controlled it, Noxian soldiers still suffered heavy casualties near the Well of Darkness - if Darius hadn't taken away many elites, the casualties would have been even higher.

Moreover, except for the undead under Aatrox, the undead creatures controlled by Mordekaiser are not so easy to talk to. Although Mordekaiser himself escaped back to his own world in embarrassment, many undead under his command But he retaliated by causing chaos in the Immortal Fortress.

In addition, gangsters who took advantage of the situation, slaves who fought in groups, and gangsters who took advantage of the situation, plunged the entire Immortal Fortress into complete chaos.

Therefore, Riel, who had just defeated a powerful enemy, had not even had time to be happy about the hard-won victory, and had to deal with this serious situation - considering that there were a lot of dangerous metal fragments in her blood. , the test is both physical and spiritual for her.

It's just terrible.

Although he is willing to give Noxus a chance, Riel still has a long way to go before passing this test.

The chaos in the Immortal Fortress did not exceed Kalya's expectations.

In other words, in Kalya's view, this level of chaos is just right.

This is already very kind.

Now, it's time to go to Drunje to have a look - counting the time, Lux should have prepared an elite assault team, right?


When Kalya arrived in Drunje, the atmosphere there was quite tense.

The elites specially drawn from the coalition forces are maintaining a confrontation with the Noxians.

Demacia has free passage, so the army is theoretically free to come and go anywhere in Noxus.

But the Door of Rebirth is the passage to the Delver Fort, and it is also Darius's last hope. He carefully prepares his weapons and gathers training here, so that after both the Demacians and the Frostguard tribe are defeated, Noxus can Sit back and reap the benefits - in this case, how could he allow a Demacia army to wander around?

If it is not allowed, what reason can be used?

Darius simply showed his face and used all kinds of unscrupulous methods to try to prevent the Demacians from approaching the Door of Rebirth without the outbreak of armed conflict, but the delaying effect was very limited. , maybe it won't be long before the Demacians will discover that secret passage.

Or... they were heading towards that passage.

Although that passage is a high-level military secret of Noxus, theoretically at least a very small number of people know it, and the Demacians should know nothing about it, but Darius still has strong uneasiness, even after several delays. Because of this.

Unfortunately, procrastination cannot last.

After passing through Drunne, the elite coalition forces were quickly approaching Drunne, and Darius's ominous premonition was coming true step by step.

It was at this time that he received news from the Immortal Fortress - the black mist leaked from the Well of Darkness, and the power of death was spreading in the Immortal Fortress.

Darius was a little confused.

Although Swain had long heard that the Well of Darkness was very dangerous and might be connected to some terrifying existence, Darius never thought that this thunder would explode at this time.

The messenger who rushed to the Gate of Rebirth day and night brought the first-hand news after the seal of the Well of Darkness was opened, so Darius did not know that the black mist did not continue to spread, so from his perspective, the Immortal Fortress is now In danger!

And the reason for this danger...a large part of it was because he took away the last elite of the Immortal Fortress.

Realizing this, Darius almost gave up. The former Hand of Noxus and the former Commander-in-Chief of Noxus is already over fifty this year, although his body is still strong due to regular exercise. He is strong and healthy, but his spirit is far inferior to what he was twenty years ago.

Darius is not a spellcaster, but a pure warrior. The negative impact of aging on him is all-round. In this case, even the most obvious decision of choosing the lesser of two evils will take a long time. It took him several minutes.

After a long time, he slowly and unwillingly gathered the last elite Noxians who had originally expected to go to the fire to get chestnuts, and prepared to return to the Immortal Fortress.

This was Noxus' last piece of fire, and he couldn't afford to pay for it.

At this moment, Darius's only hope is that Riel can withstand the pressure in this terrible situation and prevent the situation in the Immortal Fortress from deteriorating further.

Otherwise, everything will be unimaginable.

The mobilization of the army cannot be completed in a few words - especially the teams that are being trained at the Gate of Rebirth. In order to better complete the mission of the raid, Darius re-disorganized the knitting of these battle groups in accordance with the requirements of the commando team. , and plans to equip it with a special supply sequence, and these processes are carried out together with the training. When the training has not been completed, the relevant logistics establishment is not ready.

Therefore, if you want to transfer this army back, the best way is to give up all the results of the training and bring people back the same way you brought them out.

Darius was very reluctant.

But it was useless not to give in. He had no choice.

So, with an order, the last elite Noxians, who had been training for almost a month, restored their original organization. After a period of confusion, they began to board the ship and return to the Immortal Fortress.

As for those Demacians who are approaching the Door of Rebirth...

Darius was already prepared to burn the Door of Rebirth with fire after the army and craftsmen withdrew - it must not be left to the Demacians!

Let them wrestle with the barbarians in the ice and snow!


Kalya watched quietly as the Noxians retreated and prepared fuel.

Noxus himself will burn his own hopes whenever the flames are ignited.

Kalya is not in a hurry. He is confident that he can stop the Noxians at the last moment. Even if the flames burn, the Door of Rebirth will never be destroyed - don't forget, he was lurking inside.

Kalya had been soft-hearted once, but the result of that soft-heartedness was that he was stabbed hard.

This time, he will not show any mercy. As long as the Noxians continue to resist, Noxus will be completely dismantled and destroyed!

Determined, Kalya waited for the Noxians to make their decision.

During this period, several more waves of messengers arrived at the Door of Rebirth, bringing new news about the Immortal Fortress and orders from Riel, the current commander of Noxus.

Unlike Darius, who was determined to destroy the Door of Rebirth, Riel's opinion was to "cooperate with Demacia."

Give up the Door of Rebirth in exchange for Demacia's help and end the all-out confrontation.

Darius naturally scorned Riel's order.

Even if the other party is the legitimate commander-in-chief of Noxus, in essence, she is just the person who occupies his position after he leaves the field. Although Darius is very optimistic about her, Darius is still concerned about her childish remarks. with no intention of complying.

Noxus and Demacia have never been on the same side. For the two sides to form an alliance would simply cut off the future of Noxus!

Demacia is already strong now. If we form an alliance at this time, wouldn't Noxus become the younger brother?

Noxus cannot accept the status of becoming a second-rate player in Runeterra. The Noxus Empire is a glorious, great, and enterprising country!

Even though the envoy brought back Riel's original words, repeatedly stating that "the threat from death is far greater than that of Demacia" and "this is a struggle between life and death, not a battle between two countries", Darius still Unwilling to accept Riel's request.

The dispute went beyond Kalja's expectations.

Darius's persistence is also the biggest legacy of Noxus in the eyes of Kalya - apart from militarism, this kind of failure to recognize one's own status and the direction of the future brings the most damage. , causing the most trouble!

If this point cannot be eliminated, then Noxus will not be qualified to enter the future at all.

Runeterra is facing a huge threat at this time. Now there is no Shurima Empire in its full glory to support it. If Noxus cannot learn to cooperate, even in the face of the threat of the undead, it will Disgusting Demacia, they will be completely abandoned and have no chance to move forward.

From the current dispute, it seems that Noxus chose the wrong option.

He watched helplessly as Darius rudely rejected the request from the messenger from the Immortal Fortress, and even violently drove away the subsequent messengers. Then, just as the fire at the Gate of Rebirth was about to ignite, the fourth wave of messengers Suddenly launched an attack on Darius.

To be honest, the surprise attack was a bit unexpected, and even Kalya didn't expect this to happen.

The envoy who led the personal guard was once a classmate of Riel. He saw that Darius still relied on his qualifications to refuse orders from Riel, and used magic to restrain him without hesitation, and first Time took Darius's seal.

Darius subconsciously wanted to say a string of Besilico curse words, but before he could say anything, his mouth was tightly covered.

Then, in the name of Darius, the commander's bodyguard gave up the request for arson, and on behalf of the commander, took the initiative to contact the elite coalition forces who were approaching the Door of Rebirth, conveying the goodwill from Noxus.

This set of consecutive punch combinations left Kalya stunned.

Are the Noxians... so decisive?

This is so decisive that it doesn't look like Noxus!

what's the situation?


Riel himself does tend to cooperate with Demacia.

But whether it was the direct attack on Darius or the subsequent decisive performance, it largely came from an unnamed former commander-in-chief.

Well, yes, Swain did it.

When the Black Mist Legion arrived at the Immortal Fortress, Swain was satisfied with the current state of the city in some aspects, but was a little dissatisfied with it in other aspects.

Although he cannot control the Black Mist Legion, nor can he directly control the Black Mist, this does not prevent him from quietly crossing the curtain of death and delivering some news from his predecessors to Rui Er.

At the beginning, Riel did not trust Swain, and she even wanted to attack Swain. However, through the common enemy of the Black Rose, Swain finally gained some of Riel's trust.

Due to Aatrox's orders, Swain was unable to directly tell Riel all about this test of Noxus, but as an experienced politician, Swain was also quite good at making insinuations. level, his slightly Riddler-like words made Riel quickly come to the conclusion that "Death will attack the world of the living in a big way". Under this judgment, she finally chose to take the initiative to show her favor to Demacia and try to cooperate with her. Face the crisis.

Here, Swain played a little trick. When he could not directly convince Riel, he chose to create an enemy that did not actually exist to make Riel nervous and then guide her to cooperate with Demacia. If not Through this method, even Riel, who is willing to cooperate and has not been poisoned by militarism, may not be able to come up with the correct answer in a short time.

From this perspective, the test that Kalya left to the Noxians seemed... to be a complete dead end.

Kalya's last act of mercy was actually not very merciful.


On the Door of Rebirth, when Kalya saw the piled fuel being removed, a sense of disappointment overflowed from the bottom of his heart.

To be honest, Kalya really hopes that the Noxians will make the wrong choice, so that he can completely destroy this huge empire without any psychological burden and turn it into biscuit crumbs scattered on the ground. At that time, the situation in the entire Valoran continent will usher in changes, and Demacia will also gain a broader space for development...

Even vaguely, this disappointment was mixed with a bit of destructive desire and dissatisfaction. Kalya was very eager to see the door of rebirth burning, rather than Noxus seizing the opportunity of rebirth.

Fire, blood, destruction, killing, and then...destruction.

Wait, something seems wrong!

Shaking his head vigorously, Kalya finally clearly felt the serious abnormality in his emotions - this kind of violence and desire for destruction was obviously wrong!

After noticing the problem, Kalya immediately wanted to return to his own little world, but after thinking about it for a moment, he felt that that might not be a good choice.

Because he discovered that the source of this abnormal emotion was the power of the devil.

Power always comes at a price, this is what he has said many times to Lax.

But now, it has come true in Kalya himself.

I have a demon in my heart! (End of chapter)

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