Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 923 【0918】True Card

The characteristics of the light element determine that Lux can take the absolute initiative in the battle when she is in a semi-elementary state. She can fight whenever she wants and run away whenever she wants.

It is precisely for this reason that Lux took the initiative to start a war without understanding Lissandra.

As a master of sealing magic, Lissandra also knew this very well.

A series of previous confrontations have fully proved that Lissandra would have no way to defeat Lux if she relied solely on conventional spells. No matter how rigorous the spells were, it would be impossible for Lux to react and become semi-elementary. Just let the seal take full shape.

In this case, the outcome of the battle seems to be destined and no one can do anything about it.

Will Lissandra allow this to happen?

The answer is naturally no.

Under the cover of the flying snow, she quietly hatched her own trap.

From Lux's performance since the battle, it is not difficult for Lissandra to see that although her opponent is not old, his level of caution is quite alarming. For such an opponent, as long as he reveals a little bit of clues, the opponent may directly choose to pull him. Therefore, she must find a way to complete the preparation of the spell without Lux knowing.

To this end, she used quite a variety of spells, both to suppress Lux and to test Lux's perception and reaction to the spells.

The results of the test showed that Lux's reaction was very sharp, and ordinary spells could not do anything to her.

Even many spells that are hidden in the dark and cannot be triggered will be carefully guarded against by her, and will ultimately fail.

In this case, ordinary methods obviously have no way to deal with Lux.

Lissandra must find a way to completely hide her magic.

So, what could be better than the weather?

The falling snow is always on the battlefield, but even as cautious as Lux, it is impossible to carefully examine every snowflake.

And relying on the snowflakes quietly suspended in the air under the cover of heavy snow, Lissandra can mobilize the power she plundered from Volibear to complete the entire spell the moment the lightning lights up.

Only in this way can she completely control Lux before she even has time to semi-elementalize!

Following this idea, she quietly stopped a few falling snowflakes, and while suppressing Lux with endless spells, she brewed the power of thunder.

Finally, when Lux finally realized that something was wrong and was about to pull away, a bolt of lightning struck down, fully activating the snowflakes that Lissandra had carefully placed before, forming a snowflake in the air, completely sealing Lux. in.

Although Lux successfully entered a semi-elemental state the moment the cage was formed, she was unable to break through this thunder prison in her semi-elemental state.

Lux could clearly feel the increasingly powerful thunder in this prison. If she really plunged in and tried to break through by becoming semi-elemental, the only result would be to be electrocuted unconscious and become Li Sandro's prisoner.

And if things get to that point, the coalition will be completely finished, and even Demacia will enter turmoil and even fall into chaos.

Outside the Thunder Prison, Lissandra was quite satisfied with her spells.

Although she is not very proficient in controlling Volibear's power now, this level of spells has fully met her needs. Laxana is a difficult opponent, and it is indeed a bit difficult to defeat her, but the result It's good...wait, what's going on?

Before a smile could bloom on Lissandra's lips, she saw Lux disappear from the spot, then easily pass through her carefully arranged sealing spell, and appear outside the seal of thunder and lightning.

Something is wrong, very wrong!

A semi-elemental or even elemental person shouldn't be able to pass through the thunder prison he has arranged so easily!

In disbelief, Lissandra also tried hard to catch the magic ripples left by Lux just teleported, and this ripple was completely different from all Lux's previous spells - there were some similarities between the two, but It should be completely different in nature.

This seems to be a space spell at all, the kind that forcibly "modifies" the position coordinates!

Yes, this is not Lux's own power, but comes from a certain magic item!


Lissandra's judgment was very accurate.

In the arcane jump at the critical moment just now, what Lux relied on was indeed not her own power, but Horok's gauntlet.

Lissandra, who was blind, sensed a completely different burst of magic power from before, while others who looked up to watch the battle saw a burst of arcane brilliance that suddenly bloomed, disappearing from the place with Lux and coming to Thunder. Outside prison.

Horok's gauntlet is Lux's most important trump card when she dares to face Lissandra.

No matter what weird magic Lissandra mastered, as long as she did not release spells such as space anchors and plane cages in advance, Lux could escape by activating Horok's gauntlet.

However, even if Lux successfully escaped from the control of Thunder Prison, when she looked at Lissandra, she still felt a chill on her back.

Lissandra not only has an amazing reserve of magic power, a wide variety of spells, a high level of magic control, and an unbridled use of spells, but she is also quite insidious, and may even have the ability to multi-purpose.

After a fight, Lux has clearly realized the gap between herself and the opponent - it is no exaggeration to say that in front of Lissandra, she tried her best, but she could at best protect herself.

Even this ability to protect herself is based on the special nature of her light magic!

If Ino were replaced, even if Lissandra didn't use the power of ice blood, it would only take a few rounds to take down Ino.


She is worthy of being the one who can defeat Volibear. She has truly achieved the level of a god in a mortal body!

Unlike Lux, who was still frightened, Lissandra felt troubled and troubled at this time.

She was very sure that Lux was not an easy opponent, but he was just too immature in front of her.

However, against such an opponent, she almost tried her best, but in the end she missed the move and failed to win. This was somewhat embarrassing for Lissandra.

Not all of Lissandra's cards were revealed.

But the remaining cards... shouldn't be revealed to Lux!

In other words, even Lissandra couldn't afford the price of those cards.

Now was not the time to fight to the death. Although Lissandra was unwilling to do so, she finally decided to suppress her impulse.

Of course, not revealing the final trump card does not mean that she will let the opponent go easily.

You, Laxana, are flexible and can be semi-elementary.

However, do the warriors and spellcasters under your command have the same level and skills?

As a super-standard spellcaster, Lissandra has a variety of methods. Not only is she a killer when facing difficult enemies, but she is also unparalleled in cutting grass when facing ordinary enemies!

The atmosphere has been heightened to this point. If the coalition forces are not made to pay a price of blood, then Lissandra will not be able to step down!

Without any hesitation, Lissandra began to shout loudly for the power from the thunder.

Facing Lissandra's call, the thunder and lightning seemed to have their own will, actively responding to the call from Lissandra - at this moment of heavy snowfall, above the rolling clouds, bursts of The electric light began to surge, and the dull thunder was also accumulating power, waiting to pour all the energy onto the enemy's head.

The originally silent elemental energy became completely active at this moment, as if it had been unchained.

Lux retreated suddenly, and while retreating, she also signaled, asking the mages to be on guard and be ready.

In fact, even without Lux's warning, the imperial monitors who had been paying attention to the battlefield environment had already discovered the abnormal activity of the elements and immediately sent a warning signal to the on-call commander commander.

Those who can become the commanders of the Archon are not ordinary people. They quickly realized what would happen after the long-suppressed elements were suddenly released and active thunder was introduced, so they quickly issued orders and required The mages began to deploy large-scale war magic to stabilize the elemental environment.

Elemental stability is a very important part of large-scale mage wars. Different elemental environments will make the effects of different spells more effective or greatly reduced. Therefore, before the war begins, it is important to stabilize the elemental environment or activate the elemental environment. It is considered a compulsory course for legal practitioners.

Of course, in a normal mage war, no matter how active the elements are, it is impossible to be as active and exciting as they are now. Even if the magicians cooperate and tacitly start to arrange the elemental stabilizing array, as a storm blows, the unbalanced elements are still there. Under the convection of ice, snow and thunder, several sizable elemental vortices were formed, and there was a faint trend of getting stronger.

Compared to a blizzard that cools a large area but is less lethal, or a lightning storm that is lethal enough but not large enough or lasts long enough, Lissandra chose to create a storm through the collision and destruction of two elements. There will be an elemental storm. In addition to Fort Diver being in the eye of the storm and getting a moment of peace, the outside of Fort Diver will be completely enveloped by the storm. The coalition forces that are ready will usher in a terrifying attack amidst the roaring elements. Disaster!

Moreover, what's even more terrible is that as long as someone of the Ice Bloodline dies in the storm, Lissandra will let their bloodline power become part of the turbulent storm, gradually expanding the scope and lethality of the storm, and strive to pass this Spell, completely destroy the coalition forces!

Lissandra has seen clearly that Laxana's biggest advantage is the flexibility of light magic, but this is also her biggest disadvantage - unless she faces certain dark creatures, the influence of light magic is quite limited!

As long as she doesn't stare at her alone, Lissandra doesn't believe that those mortals can survive this turmoil unharmed!


Lux barely held up a light shield, but the light shield she held up had a very limited range of protection.

With her magic power at a disadvantage, she could only protect the friendly forces within the light shield. As for the increasingly violent chaotic storm outside the light shield, she could only worry.

This is a battle between Lissandra and the Archon, and Lux ​​can't get involved.

Among the increasingly violent elements, the expressions of many people in the coalition began to change.

It's just that these people are either the elite of Demacia's Northern Expedition or the followers of Avarosa's War Mother. Under the order, although they were worried, they finally chose to follow the order and start gathering near the Archon formation.

At the Royal Guards formation, as the Royal Guards monitors rhythmically reported numbers one after another, the Royal Guards, who had always seemed to have a well-informed attitude, finally became completely serious.

Pieces of rune slates were unpacked and distributed to everyone's hands, and the mages activated them as soon as they got the rune slates.

The next moment, colorful magic fireworks bloomed in the sky - the magicians used the rune slates to steadily extract the power of the elements around them, turning them into magic fireworks that bloomed in the mid-air. among.

The elemental energy in the turbulent storm is chaotic and disorderly. If it is used directly by the Dharma Protector, it will not only be difficult to extract, but it will also cause irreversible damage to the Dharma Protector himself.

But through the rune slate, things become less dangerous. The chaotic and disordered power will be filtered for the first time in the slate, and the magic circuit of the slate will bear the destruction of this chaos and turmoil.

Extracting the chaotic elemental power and setting off fireworks is the best way for the ruler to stabilize the elemental environment.

Under the dark clouds, magic fireworks exploded one after another.

The pressure brought by the chaotic magic left the mages with no time to worry about the shaping of the fireworks. Many of the fireworks were impressively ugly, and they were even just fireballs that exploded after taking off, but this scene was still shocking enough. People's hearts.

The mages held the rune slates, methodically extracted the chaotic elemental power, and recited familiar celebratory spells in a low voice. Among these low chants, there were only occasional sounds of the rune slates. The crisp sound of the explosion reminds people that this is a magical confrontation.

Sorting out the power of the elements and stabilizing the unstable elemental environment is an extremely difficult thing to do in anyone's hands. At this time, for many legal practitioners, it actually seems to be somewhat step-by-step. It seems to end the chaos and Restoring order itself is generally their highest task.

On the Diver Keep, Lissandra, who was expecting the Chaos Storm to destroy everything, sensed everything.

In her perception, the violent elemental power rushed into the coalition's position like a raging wave and a violent tornado.

But the next moment, the huge wave hit the breakwater, and the tornado also encountered the fixed wind bead.

The power of the chaotic storm was extracted bit by bit, wasted away bit by bit, and finally turned into a gentle breeze and drizzle, blooming into flowers all over the sky amidst the rolling thunder. (End of chapter)

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