Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 940 【0931】 Howling Abyss

The polar ice fissure is undoubtedly a difficult area for the coalition forces to pass through.

Under the frequent harassment from the Frost Guard tribe, Lux and Ashe could only be thankful that they had killed many marauders before. Otherwise, under the harassment of those wolf cavalry, they might not have been able to pass through this dangerous gap unharmed. Zone, it’s not that easy.

They didn't know that in the Frostguard tribe, there weren't many people who could move around this extreme ice fissure - the harsh terrain was fair to both sides, and there were many people trying to escape in places they didn't know about. The members of the Frost Guard tribe who took a detour also fell into the bottomless glacier fissures and died in pain.

When the army finally passed through this extreme ice fissure zone after paying a heavy price, they didn't even have any time to rest and rushed straight towards the Howling Abyss.

It's not that Lux and Ashe didn't know why the end of the crossbow couldn't penetrate Lu Zhen, but after passing through the ice crack zone, they both realized that the battle to siege the Frost Guard Fortress must be fought quickly!

The army was covered, and it cost a lot of casualties to pass through the polar ice fissure. In this case, if the logistics team wanted to pass, the cost would probably be even greater!

Once the Frost Guard tribe chooses to intercept, even if the coalition forces fully support logistics and transportation, the supply of materials and supplies will be intermittent and unsustainable.

This is a battle that cannot be delayed for long!

Moreover, the morale of the coalition forces is now at a high level. If we do not take advantage of this opportunity to work hard, it will become more and more difficult to delay the attack on Frost Guard Fortress!

Under the huge offensive pressure, the coalition forces did not have much time to rest. For the sake of safety, after personally investigating the environment on the battlefield, Lux and Ashe unanimously decided to establish their own camp on the south side of the Howling Abyss. , a place across the bridge from Frostguard Fortress!

The Frostguard tribe obviously would not let the coalition gain a foothold so easily.

As a result, the two sides launched a fierce battle at the bridgehead of Frostguard Fortress.

Because the terrain is relatively narrow and the battle situation is relatively chaotic, the spellcasters on both sides cannot directly use large-scale magic to clear the area - that will directly affect the enemies and teammates. With some restraint, the spellcasting of both sides will They all just started supporting.

The Archon Masters are quite familiar with auxiliary work. Although the Howling Abyss has greatly suppressed their spellcasting ability, under the illumination of various spell auras, the combat effectiveness of the Avarosan warriors has been visibly improved to the naked eye. .

In contrast, the Frost Guard Priest, who was not very good at auxiliary spells, realized that he was not professional enough, so he chose to find another way and put a lot of effort into shaping the terrain. Large stretches of ice walls rose from time to time. , sometimes sinking, and the archers of the Frost Guard tribe holding it up were shooting from a high position, which greatly made up for their lack of long-range firepower.

So, what is Lissandra doing in such a melee?

Answer: Lissandra is confronting Kalya.

In other words, Lissandra is confronting Kalya + Lux + Ashe.

The armies were fighting fiercely at the bridge, while the commanders of both sides were confronting each other far away from the battlefield. This did not mean that they wanted to fight a sit-down battle, but that neither side believed that now was not the best time for a decisive battle.

Lissandra believes that her body is not fully recovered yet. Although the main injuries are no longer a problem, she is not yet 100% sure if she wants to defeat Kalya stably - and she also knows that the coalition is the best. The one who can't afford to delay, if the other party is willing to delay, she will naturally be happy to accompany him.

There is no secret passage under the Howling Abyss for you to attack by surprise!

Kalya believes that if he starts a battle with Lissandra here, even if he wins, he will not be able to capture her. The number of trump cards in his hand is limited. If he turns over one card, he will lose one. It is best to wait until he can be sure that Lissandra can avoid it. When it is inevitable or impossible to escape, it is better to open it and take it down.

With this idea in mind, the two sides faced each other in the air at a distance from the battlefield, but they tacitly agreed not to take action, but quietly waited for the winner to be determined on the frontal battlefield.

On the frontal battlefield, after the initial chaos, the coalition forces gradually gained the upper hand by relying on their more professional advantages.

The coalition forces with multiple arms and the support of professional mages are obviously stronger than the Frost Guard tribe, which has stronger individual combat effectiveness. Even if the narrow terrain interferes with their cooperation in a sense, the Frost Guard tribe still cannot completely defeat it. Holding the front line, they were forced to gradually retreat.

In the end, when the rear army had retreated to the Frost Bridge on the Howling Abyss, the Frostguard tribe finally reluctantly chose to withdraw its troops.

While the opponent's formation was still not destroyed, the coalition forces did not continue to pursue it.

In other words, the coalition forces no longer have the strength to pursue.

It will be dark soon, and the daylight hours in Freljord are not long now. In order to avoid discrediting their work, the coalition forces must set up their tents as soon as possible.

Moreover, although it was the Frost Guard tribe that retreated, the victory of the coalition forces was not worthy of praise.

Because if we have to talk about casualties, the coalition forces suffered more than the Frost Guard Tribe - when they left the extreme ice crevice, they were already delayed by the Frost Guard Tribe, and then there was no room to stop. In the continuous battle, it was still difficult to form an organized melee. In order to advance the front, countless brave Avarosan warriors fell in a pool of blood.

The victory was important, but also painful.

If the coalition forces hadn't come all the way and maintained good morale, they might not have been able to take the initiative to march in a short time.


When Lux, who had ended the confrontation and returned to the camp, was patrolling as usual, she immediately saw the wounded barracks, which was obviously many times larger than before, and it was overcrowded with wounded people.

Even though nearly two-thirds of them were Avarosans without armor or wearing only leather armor, Lux still couldn't help but smack her lips in distress.

To be honest, since the battle of Mithral City, Lux has not fought such a brutal battle. If I have to say it, only the battle with the Moon Warriors in Shurima can compare with this.

But at that time, Lux only commanded a small number of plainswalkers, but now she has pulled out nearly half of Demacia's elite. Even if it is just as tragic, in terms of losses, it is still not the same. .

If Lux is like this, Ashe will undoubtedly feel even more painful.

As Avarosa's war mother, she is not only the leader and commander of the tribe, but also the patriarch of the entire tribe. Every dead Avarosan warrior is her family - and Ashe really The Avarosan people all regard themselves as their own family. Now they are seeing a large number of Avarosan people dying in the war, and low moans and swear words can be heard from time to time in the wounded barracks. When Ash attended the post-war meeting, his expression It's already a bit unbearable.

Yes, she was very convinced of the necessity of this battle.

But when she actually faced sacrifice, how could she face it with a calm attitude?

In this way, with both Lux and Ashe feeling a little depressed, the atmosphere of today's post-war summary meeting was somewhat heavy.

What's even more terrible is that the staff officers accompanying the army wanted to find out the reasons for such serious casualties, but after searching around, they found that there seemed to be no problem with the coalition's handling. This battle would have ended like this no matter what. , an atmosphere of helplessness began to spread in the meeting, making the already slightly awkward atmosphere even more awkward.

Fortunately, Kalya stepped forward in time to smooth things over, and this barely ended today's review session, allowing the military meeting to proceed to the next stage.

"Three days, we can rest for at most three days." When talking about the next attack plan, Lux held out three fingers, "The logistical pressure is too great, we can't count on Erniuk or Jukar to hold them back. The large vehicle easily passed through the chasm area, which was full of traps.”

"But the three-day rest period is really too tight." Ai Xi said in a helpless tone, "And that also means that the wounded with minor injuries can hardly be put into battle."

"Here, if you are slightly injured, don't think about recovering quickly and going into battle." Kalya took the initiative to say, "The elemental environment here is very wrong, and the temperature is obviously abnormally low. It is best for the injured to extend their recovery time to avoid Leave other mistakes behind."

"That's right." Lux nodded, and she also discovered this, "That's why I suggested shortening the rest time of the uninjured main force, and maybe we can also consider taking turns and attacking in stages to strive for a breakthrough. The blockade on the Frost Bridge—the issue I’m most worried about right now is whether this bridge is strong enough.”

"The Frost Bridge is absolutely strong." Ashe said firmly, "This bridge is said to have been built by Ornn, and the Frostguard tribe itself also needs to rely on this bridge to enter and exit. Even if we fall over on the bridge, as long as we If we don’t focus on attacking the bridge itself, there will be no problems with the Frost Bridge.”

"This is best." Lux nodded, "As long as there is no problem with the Frost Bridge, then we can at least confirm the direction of the main attack - it has been confirmed before that the Frost Guard tribe did not build heavy fortifications on the bridge. Look. Look, they have made up their mind to delay our actions on the bridge, and then seek a decisive battle under the Frostguard Fortress!"

"That's what I judged too." Ashe agreed. "Since the Diver Fort, the attitude of the Frostguard tribe has changed significantly. They don't seem to intend to fight under the conditions of disadvantage or balance of power. They have always been Work hard to create an advantageous environment - the Bridge of Frost is fair to both offense and defense, I'm afraid Lissandra still has the purpose of delaying our actions."

"Yes, this can be verified by Lissandra's performance today." Lux also nodded, "It's just that we can't be sure of Lissandra's current status. After all, she can still affect the situation of the battle."

"Lissandra should be almost fine." After thinking for a moment, Kalya came to a somewhat worrying conclusion, "In other words, at least I can no longer see elemental disorder and the like in her. This has It may be because she is suppressing and concealing it, but I personally prefer that she has recovered."


Lux and Ashe both looked at each other, slightly silent.

"After all, after a winter, it's normal to adjust yourself like this." Kalya spread his hands and said in a relaxed tone, "Don't worry too much, as long as I can handle it once, I can definitely handle it the second time."

Hearing what Kalya said, most people were visibly relieved.

Lissandra is a Frost Witch after all. Although she fled in disgrace from the Diver Castle, everyone knows how much effort the coalition forces put in to achieve that effect.

And even with such an advantage, Lissandra could easily leave if she wanted to - now that it is known that Lissandra may have recovered, that will naturally make people worried.

Fortunately, there is Kalya.

Unlike others, although Lux looked relieved on the surface, she was slightly worried in her heart.

She knew Kalya well.

In her opinion, although Mr. Kalya always has many trump cards hidden somewhere, the trump cards he takes out every time seem to be disposable.

Moreover, the current teacher Kalya is not an ascended person, nor is he a dark descendant. He has lost his immortality and is a mortal - it may not be that simple to fight against Lissandra just relying on him.

However, in this game, Lux could only provide a little cover. Due to the characteristics of light magic, she extremely lacked the ability to attack difficulties. This was clearly shown when facing Lissandra.

Teacher Kalya is under a lot of pressure, but she has no ability to share the burden, which makes Lux feel quite uncomfortable.

At this moment, her only consolation is that at least Teacher Kalya is still reliable. As long as he can deal with Lissandra, in the subsequent battle to siege the Frostguard Fortress, the coalition forces will still retain the advantage of professionalism as a caster and long-range fire suppression capabilities.


After re-dividing the coalition forces, three days later, the Avarosan warriors and the first battalion of the first attack echelon surged onto the Frost Bridge with the blessing of the magic controller.

As for the Frost Guard Fortress, after receiving the news, they quickly dispatched a team to intercept it.

So, on the icy deck of the Frost Bridge, in the biting cold wind above the Howling Abyss, under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes on both sides of the bridge and below, a tragic polar battle began.

The coalition forces hoped to rush across the Frost Bridge as soon as possible and gain a foothold on the other side of the bridge, so the attacks came one after another like a tide.

The Frost Guard tribe was determined to cause enough damage to the coalition forces here, and their resistance was as firm as the rocks on the shore.

Blood dripped on the bridge, and was quickly frozen into a bright red like red crystal.

And these touches of bright red quickly connected into pieces, until the bridge was completely dyed red, until this touch of red was connected with the sunset, until both sides were somewhat unsteady on the bridge. Today's battle It was just declared over.

After a day of bloody fighting and five waves of attacks, the coalition's advance distance hundred yards.

Restored updated text.

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