Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 943 【0934】 Score twice

For Kalya, the battle with Lissandra was extremely stressful.

He has already experienced the power of the Frost Witch. If it hadn't been for the mixed power that gave Kalya an opportunity last time, Kalya would not have been able to get the slightest advantage even in the chaotic storm.

Considering that she had just swallowed Volibear's power not long ago, I'm afraid this is far from Lissandra's peak.

Now, after Lissandra suffered a big loss, she would be careful to avoid making the same mistake again, and would definitely try her best to coordinate the multiple forces in her body. If she were to challenge her one-on-one, Kalya would have no chance of winning.

It is precisely for this reason that Kalya is certain that the other party will definitely be willing to fight - not only because of her own provocation, but also because from Lissandra's perspective, she is sure to win regardless of whether she fights or not. , in this case, why should we allow Kalya to continue talking nonsense?

Through the battle at the Diver Fort, Kalya got to know Lissandra, but wouldn't the same be true for Lissandra?

Even if Kalya did not reveal any obvious flaws, the fluctuations in magic power could not fool anyone. Lissandra was very sure that the strength of Lord Kalja was probably not as great as his reputation.

This is what Kalya wants to see.

Only in this way can he lure Lissandra out of the Frostguard Fortress, let her stand in front of him, and give him a one-on-one chance.

At this time, the coalition was Kalya's confidence and background. It was the existence of this coalition that forced Lissandra to choose a method that would cause less loss to herself.

Judging from Lissandra's angry results, Kalya's plan was successful.

Under his provocation, Lissandra did choose a plan that was as "sure" as defending the Frostguard Fortress, intending to take down Kalya in a one-on-one battle.


Although Kalya tried his best to describe Lissandra as a coward in his verbal provocation, he actually knew better than anyone else that the Frost Witch had nothing to do with being a coward - although sometimes she would appear to be so because of her calmness and silence. It's different from the hot-blooded and reckless Freljordians, but that doesn't mean Lissandra can swallow her anger.

Therefore, knowing that Lissandra would definitely take action, Kalya was already preparing for the next battle when he started reciting the letter of challenge.

The gravel flowed out of the small world and accumulated into a rolling sand dune between the Frostguard Fortress and the Frost Bridge. The wind howling from the Howling Abyss wanted to take away the gravel, but although the wind stirred up the dust and sand, it rolled up the golden sand. The gravel is flying everywhere, but if you look closely, you can easily find that the gravel has never left the range of the sand dune.

This is Kalya's domain, and the gravel soaked in his magic power seems to be a part of him. Even if he does not seem to control it carefully, it is still under his control.

Facing this piece of sand dune, Lissandra just snorted slightly disdainfully, and then slid into it without any scruples or fear, like a moving iceberg.

The finely crushed gravels became disturbed, and they turned into a shower of sand, eroding the iceberg from different directions, but the iceberg remained unmoved, still slowly coming towards Kalya, as if these gravels were nothing more than ordinary.

"I am Lissandra, the Frost Witch."

"I am the wisdom of the three sisters, the relic of the ancient Freljord."

"I am the guide of civilization and the witness to countless ups and downs."

"I have sat on the top of the mountains for a long time, watching the ocean currents reverse and the sea change."

"Now, I am the eternal ice, and even more so the eternal thunder."

"Challenger from Shurima, you don't naively think that dry gravel can submerge icebergs, do you?"

"Even if you are standing between the Frost Guard Fortresses now, what you can see with your eyes that have been blinded by your pride is just the tip of the iceberg!"

Names and slogans are indispensable links for Freljordians before a duel.

It seems that she has some recognition for Kalya. After many years, Lissandra finally reported her name again. Although compared to many guys who like to add many names to themselves, Lissandra's The name was not too long, but when she spoke, every word and sentence she spoke was like a morning bell, hitting the hearts of the coalition soldiers present.

Especially the Avarosans who were in the front row, excitedly awaiting the battle.

For them, every time Lissandra uttered a word, they felt that their heartbeats were synchronized with it. After Lissandra finished speaking, they almost couldn't control themselves and opened their mouths to cheer Lissandra. !

This is the gravity originating from the depths of the blood. As one of the three sisters, as the source of power of the ice blood, even though Kalya used the power of the devil to block Lissandra's influence and influence on the ice blood through dreams, Peeping, but when Lissandra actually stood in front of everyone and guided the power of blood to speak, many Avarosan warriors would still have their blood boiling because of her words.

For this, Kalya had already expected this.

Therefore, he did not allow Lissandra to continue to exert influence on the Ice Bloodline, but also announced his name in the same Freljordian way.

"I am Kalya, Prince Regent of Shurima."

"I am the light of hope in the desert and the wisdom of Shurima."

"I am the embodiment of life and death, and the guide to all good things."

"I have witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, and I am a tracer of the long river of time."

"Now, I am back again, and I will completely end the ancient disputes and eliminate the vanguard of the void invasion."

"Anyone who is my enemy will be submerged by the torrent of time, and will eventually be buried under the sands of time, and will never have a future."

If Lissandra's words are like Huang Zhong Dalu, then Kalya's words are like the desert wind mixed with gravel. As he announced his name, the previous warriors of Avarosa finally gradually calmed down. After coming down, after realizing the subtlety, they all retreated far enough back, leaving the battlefield completely to the two bosses, and no longer thought of rushing to the front line to watch the battle.

And as Kalya closed her mouth and opened her wings, on the huge battlefield, except for the howling wind of the Howling Abyss, there was no sound at all. Everyone's eyes were focused on the center of the battlefield, where On the two figures, one up and one down.

Kalya in mid-air, Lissandra on the ground.

They just stared at each other calmly.

The next moment, both sides started moving at the same time.


Kalya did not guide the Chaos Storm, but after confirming that Lissandra had completely entered the dune range, she raised her hands and summoned the power of the gravel.

As a result, the gravel formed in front of him into a huge giant that stood tall and tall. It stood up from the sand dune, raised a fist larger than a house, and hit Lissandra hard.

Although countless pieces of gravel would slide down every time the gravel giant moved, this punch was still enough to strike fear into the hearts of the Frostguard priests on the walls of the Frostguard Fortress.

The huge gravel giant in front of it is far larger than the legendary Ornn. It is not a mountain, but a builder of mountains. With every move it makes, the earth beside the howling abyss Everyone began to tremble, and even the eternal ice began to crack.

However, as the target of the attack, a disdainful smile appeared on Lissandra's lips. Her magic perception told her that this huge gravel giant was just a tough-looking guy. Although it was huge in size, the spell itself was only weak. It's just maintenance. The caster's lack of magic power makes it less than perfect in many aspects.

Although its material is relatively special and naturally contains a lot of magic power, Lissandra is convinced that its attack power is good, but it is only attack power - to deal with this kind of attack, she does not even need any dodge or defense, and directly destroys it. The opponent's spell structure is enough!

As a result, the dim and black ice began to spread in all directions with Lissandra as the center.

Wherever the ice reached, the gravel was frozen in an instant - before the gravel giant's fist could hit Lissandra, it was wrapped in a thick layer of ice, completely stagnating.


Following Lissandra's cold command, the gravel giant wrapped in ice exploded completely as if it had been crushed by a glacier. Countless gravels spurted out from the cracks in the ice like fireworks. In a short period of time, After blooming, it fell back onto the dune and became part of the dune again.

A burst of cheers erupted on the Frostguard Fortress. Although they did not understand the risks involved in this spell confrontation, this did not prevent the Frostguard tribe from cheering for their Frost Witch.

Kalya is not in a hurry, because the huge gravel giant is just a cover for his subsequent attacks. Although his own magic power is indeed a bit lacking, the fundamental reason why the huge gravel giant is so fragile is that he is unwilling to waste on covering attacks. Too much magic.

Almost at the moment when the gravel giant shattered, two golden chains emerged from the sand dunes silently. On the chains, the complex magic circuit quietly closed the loop. Lux, who was watching the battle from a distance, could see it at a glance. understand the meaning of these magic circuits.

Seal, seal, seal.

This is a magic circuit with multiple seals. It can not only seal the target captured by the chain, but also seal its own magic power. It will not be activated until it is activated. Targeting Lissandra's magic perception, Kalya took advantage of it. Taking advantage of the gravel giant's fist, he quickly pulled out these two sealed chains that were invisible to Lissandra.

Unfortunately, Lissandra's perception of the outside world has never been just a perception of magic power.

Just like Kalya can sense magic power through the gravel raised in the air, in addition to magic power perception, Lissandra is also constantly turbulent with magic ripples - she has an amazing magic power reserve, which allows her to Maintain the spellcasting state, and then detect the surrounding environment through spell feedback.

Although the sealing chain sealed its own magic power, it still existed in entity, so Lissandra quickly discovered it.

In Lissandra's perception, these are two slender strips, and there is no magic feedback. With a little thought, it can be confirmed that there must be some relationship with the seal.

Coincidentally, Lissandra herself is proficient in sealing spells. Under the Howling Abyss, almost all of the nine seals that sealed the monitors were completed by her herself. She knows the troubles and disadvantages of sealing spells better than anyone else. Easy to mess with.

If you want to deal with a sealing spell, the best way is to use another sealing spell - using elemental magic is likely to cause some troubles, so Lissandra did not hesitate at all and directly prepared what she was best at. The nine seals.

As ice shackles appeared one after another around Lissandra, they quickly formed a network, completely blocking the direction of the seal chain. A lump of ice appeared out of thin air, blocking Kalya's seal chain. Completely wrapped up.

Almost at the same time, the ice shackles of the nine seals were like laces for binding a gift, tightly wrapping this large mass of ice. As the last ice shackles were clasped together, Kalya was surprised. He found that he almost instantly lost control of the sealing chain.

In other words, even though the sealing chain was still in front of him, within the mass of ice, Kalya didn't have the slightest sense of it.

It's an amazing sealing spell. Even though he's as well-informed as Kalya, he still can't help but admire it.

Is this the way to seal the monitor?

With these two consecutive spell duels, Kalya had to admit helplessly that facing Lissandra, few of the many Ascended Ones could truly be her opponent.

Although Aatrox is very powerful, pure physical melee combat will only be out of reach when facing Lissandra.

Although Nezuk is proficient in elemental magic, the upper limit of elemental magic is still a bit uninteresting.

Horok's assassination was hard to guard against, but Kalya didn't think that an ordinary assassination could cause any fatal harm to Lissandra. On the contrary, if he attacked her side and assassinated her, he would probably be counterattacked.

After all, I am afraid that only Setaka can deal with her by relying on Chalikar and her own excellent magic resistance.

What a terrifying opponent. If her mind wasn't too complex, I might not have had the slightest chance.

While sighing secretly in his heart, Kalya swooped down from the mid-air and flew straight towards Lissandra.

At the same time, the magic power rolled up under his wings gradually became disordered and chaotic. It seemed that he was planning to repeat his old tricks and set off a chaotic storm to deal with Lissandra's superb spellcasting ability!

However, before the chaotic storm could take shape, the rolling thunder burst out with thousands of brilliance under the dark clouds.

You want to create a chaos storm, right?

Let me help you!

Last time you were lucky enough to win half of the chips, did you think you could win for sure this time?

This time, I, Lissandra, will get up wherever I fall!

A bit late.

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