Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 947 【0938】 The Awakening Monitor

During the three consecutive days of fierce fighting, Kalya has been paying attention to the mental and physical conditions of the coalition soldiers.

While fighting can be desensitizing, it is also, in a sense, a form of desensitization.

According to Kalya's experience, in the battle with the void, although the endless swarms of insects can gradually numb or even collapse people in the fierce battle, the most dangerous thing is the spurt of void energy at the beginning of the battle--according to forgiveness According to statistics from the Rhima Empire period, the casualties at this stage were the heaviest, unless there was advance preparation and professional defense measures.

As long as one survives the most dangerous surge of void energy and gradually becomes familiar with the erosion of void energy, the subsequent long insect wave will become an experience.

Judging from the current situation, the coalition forces have successfully passed this experience.

Although everyone was inevitably a little numb, judging from the results, the soldiers of the coalition army could calmly kill a large group of void insects before turning around to eat and sleep. Some even took the initiative to joke, "Wan If supplies are low, there might be a chance to taste the void worms."

It seems that the continuous battles did not collapse the coalition forces, but instead tempered their will.

Of course, this is inseparable from the long expedition of the previous coalition forces. Looking at the entire expedition process, the Northern Expeditionary Army was only marching and forced marching at first, and then waited for work in the Black Forest, and then joined forces with Avarosa, and then in Fuca Rodner fought a battle, and then began a long expedition on a strange snowfield that he was not familiar with, and met at the Diver Fort.

During the entire process of the battle, the difficulty faced by the Northern Expedition gradually increased, just like Lux's Twenty Thousand Miles of Yellow Sand in Shurima. Through this expedition that almost spanned the entire continent of Valoran, the Northern Expedition With sufficient supplies and full energy, the army gradually pushed itself to its limit.

This is exactly what Kalya wants to see.

Fighting against void creatures and fighting against humans are completely different concepts. He needs everyone in the coalition to be fully prepared so that they can adapt to the feeling of fighting against the void as much as possible. Only when they are adaptable enough can they survive here. Fight to the end in a fierce battle.

The three axes of the void include the energy spurt, the insect invasion, and the arrival of the monitors. Now that the coalition has successfully defended against the first two axes, the next step is the most deadly last move.

Earthquakes are a sign of the Watcher's presence.

Its huge size is destined to make it impossible for it to start moving freely like other void insects quickly. From the void to the material world, it often takes longer to shape a complete body for itself.

It's just that it's different from the situation in Icathia. It seems that under the Howling Abyss, the watchers have already arrived, because in Kalya's impression, it would take at least a month for the watchers to arrive during the Shurima period. Battlefield - But it has only been three days, and the magnitude of the earthquakes is getting bigger and bigger, and the monitor is about to appear.

The only reason for this situation is that the monitors of Icacia have arrived a long time ago, but they did not arrive completely for some reasons, or they were sealed.

The early arrival of the monitors was slightly beyond Karya's expectation, but fortunately the situation was not out of control. As soon as the earthquake occurred, he quickly issued an order and gathered all members of the coalition forces to prepare for this final battle. Preparations were made for the battle.

At the same time, he also immediately notified the three original gods of Freljord who were still working hard to eliminate insects. According to the monitor's habits, these three will probably be its first targets.


After being reminded by Kalya, Anivia quickly put on a ready posture, quickly spread her wings and flew high, and summoned a polar storm of staggering scale.

Ornn also cautiously stayed away from the center of the battlefield for the time being, and created a small hill on the ground that he could lean on. He grabbed the hammer and started clanging, as if he wanted to use it as a center to deal with dangerous enemies.

Only Volibear dismissed Kalya's reminder. Although he was embarrassed by Lissandra before, he still didn't care much about Kalya. In his logic, Kalya was "Lian Li". "A guy that even Sandra can't handle", and as soon as he took action, Lissandra had to choose to seal herself.

What, you said that Volibear's power was almost stolen by Lissandra before?

Isn't that because Lissandra is cheating?

In an upright fight, Volibear hung her up and beat her in minutes!

With this logic in mind, when Volibear was reminded by Kalya and learned that a powerful enemy was about to come, his first reaction was not to be wary, but to be disdainful.

Volibear doesn't believe that there is any truly powerful and terrifying existence down here. Look at what he has faced in the past few days!

Bugs, bugs, bugs!

What could the leader of this insect be?

An oversized caterpillar?

Whether it's a beetle, flying insect or caterpillar, Volibear's thunder will completely electrocute it into slag!

With this idea in mind, Volibear loudly called out the power of thunder and storm. When the tremors of the earth became more and more intense, he approached the Howling Abyss and even poked his head to see what was underneath. stuff.

Seeing Volibear's actions, Kalya almost couldn't help but want to cover her face.

Kalya knew the bear was a bit silly.

But he really didn’t know that this guy could be so stupid!

I have given up my contempt for you for the time being and kindly gave a dangerous signal. Why the hell are you still seeking death...

Could it be said that every time the void comes, it will take away a primitive god who has no idea?

Shaking his head, Kalya no longer thought about these messy things, but once again told Lux ​​some precautions, and then escaped into his own little world.

Kalya didn't slip away.

But in order to deal with the monitor, he still needs a little preparation.


Volibear waved his claws to drive away the significantly increased number of insect swarms, while looking down into the Howling Abyss.

Legend has it that this abyss is Ornn's masterpiece, but Volibear knows that Ornn should have been crafted on an existing canyon - if it must be said, the bridge is Ornn's main work.

The taciturn Ornn has not said why he built this thing, and since Volibear and Ornn broke up, he has not spoken to Ornn much.

On the contrary, the gossipy Anivia has been trying to bridge the relationship between the brothers and revealed a little news about the Howling Abyss.

According to Anivia, there are some dangerous existences sealed under the abyss, and they are world destroyers more dangerous than the Lund Python.

Although Anivia is not a good talker, he is usually reliable when talking about these serious things. Therefore, in Volibear's heart, under the Howling Abyss, it is "sealed with a giant Billund." The python is also a powerful and dangerous primordial god" who must be dealt with with caution.

So this time when Anivia made a request to completely solve this trouble, He would happily go there.

Well, it's definitely not because he wants to take back the power that Lissandra took away from him.

Now that Lissandra was finished, although the bugs were endless, a mere three days of fighting was not even an appetizer for the primitive gods. When Kalya issued an early warning, warning that the Watcher might be about to appear, Wally Bell was even full of disdain for "this Lund python that he had never met before."

It has only been three days since the family members were killed and they can no longer sit still. Do you want to come out and fight against three people?

Then you're done!

Although Anivia briefly told him what a watcher was, Volibear's wild nature made him naturally refuse to think and obey his nature. Most of these explanations were ignored by him and he basically ignored them.

So, when the Watcher really arrived, Volibear was stunned.

What a huge monster this is?

Volibear could hardly believe his eyes when this huge one-eye with countless tentacles suspended on its back "squeezed" out from under the Howling Abyss.

You know, the total length of the Frost Bridge connecting both sides of the Howling Abyss is at least ten miles!

When the Watcher emerged from the Howling Abyss, its eyeballs and tentacles almost touched the cliffs on both sides of the abyss - in other words, its body length was probably measured in miles!

Previously, Volibear was still laughing at the weakness and insignificance of the Void Worm.

But at this moment, it was shocked to find that it was also terrifyingly small in front of the monitor.

Although the rolling thunder struck the monitor's huge eyeball immediately, and even hit its pupil with great precision, the powerful attack seemed to it to be just a grain of sand in the eye, and it only needed to blink. The eyes can handle it easily.

Then, it seemed that Thunder had attracted the attention of the monitor, and it quickly looked in the direction of Volibear.

The moment he was enveloped by the gaze, Volibear felt an indescribable pain, a kind of embarrassment and despair that had been completely seen through. Volibear seemed to be penetrated by this gaze from the inside out. Whether it is the body, will, thoughts or emotions, they are all completely seen through.

What makes people even more desperate is that Volibear was not only seen through, but also felt a subtle... relief in his eyes.

Volibear's stubbornness is well known.

However, facing the silent eyes of the monitor, He seemed to be easily persuaded and gave up resistance visibly.

In this relief, the ends of Volibear's hair began to curl slightly.

This is a sign of dissolution.

Volibear was completely unaware of the danger involved. He was completely unaware that he was being analyzed by the Monitor. Once the analysis was completed, he would be completely torn apart by the Monitor and then become part of the Monitor.

Although it was their first time fighting against the Monitor, Anivia and Orn immediately noticed something was wrong with Volibear.

The guy who was always jumping up and down and being more irritable than anyone else suddenly became quiet now. He just summoned a thunderstorm and stopped moving. There must be something wrong with this!

Seeing that Volibear's hideous ugly face even showed a happy smile, Anivia and Ornn couldn't care about anything else. They had to wake him up first!

Without any communication, a chasm covered with smooth ice appeared at Volibear's feet, causing the wandering guy to stumble.

At the same time, several ice picks and a ball of flames were also directed towards His face. This kind of attack, which is enough to destroy an elite team of mortals, is almost like a slap to wake up the dreamer to the primitive god.

However, under the gaze of the monitor, both the ice cone and the flame quickly disappeared in the purple gaze - not only that, Volibear even rolled around on the spot after slipping and then started again. He took a step forward and continued towards the direction of the monitor.

Ordinary means can't wake up Volibear at all!

In desperation, Ornn and Anivia could only act cruelly and directly regarded Volibear as the real target of attack.

He must be woken up, even if he is seriously injured!

As the storm and flames suddenly intensified, Volibear, who had suffered two spells of ice and fire, finally woke up from the pain of burning and severe cold.

Volibear, who quickly figured out the situation, fell into a rage and charged at the Monitor...'s tentacles angrily.

He doesn't want to look into that dangerous eye anymore, so he should cut off its tentacles first!

There were a lot of eyeballs that were much smaller in the void bugs before. Their tentacles were quite weak and would break when pulled - what happened? !

Before Volibear could grab and tear apart the Monitor's tentacles, the Monitor's tentacles actively swept towards Volibear.

And under this seemingly light and skillful sweep, Volibear, who was over forty yards tall, was swept away easily like a toy, and his huge body hit the Frostguard Fortress heavily. The city wall almost collapsed.

Facts have proved that although the Monitor still seems not very good at melee combat, with the blessing of its amazing size, its physical attacks can still achieve the effect of flying bricks.

The furious Volibear tried several times, but the result was still a tennis ball, which was whipped by the monitor's tentacles and rolled everywhere. The majestic storm bear and the immortal thunder were beaten into a rolling ball in front of everyone.

Maybe Volibear is thick-skinned enough, or maybe it’s because the Monitor still wants to analyze him so he didn’t kill him. In any case, Volibear, who had forced Lissandra into a panic before, was now beaten into a Toys cannot be faked.

Upon seeing this, Anivia and Ornn used their special skills to attract the attention of the monitor and save Volibear.

After Lux saw this scene, she thought of the monolithic fortress that Kalya told herself.

"No wonder the Shurima Empire wants to build a city fortress suspended in the air." Lux couldn't help but murmured, "Such a size does require a city to fight it."

Kalya is charging up.

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