Lux's Magic Penetration Rod

Chapter 951 【0942】 A letter to future generations

"The descendants of the Frost Guard who read this, this is Serelda and Avarosa."

"Being able to come here proves that you defeated that terrible existence and prevented its conspiracy to devour the world. I am sincerely proud of your victory."

"Although I couldn't see the battle, it must have been a heroic battle, and you must have made heavy sacrifices, just like Lissandra when she said goodbye."

"The dead have passed away, but the living will live forever. All this is worth it. If our names are still of some use, then please take it as a reward for the noble fighters."

"However, I'm sorry to tell you that getting here is not the point. The crack in front is the source of all dangers. We have extracted all the power and can only barely freeze it. I didn't know you were here. Was the seal still stable at that time, but since you can kill that terrifying one-eyed monster, you should have a way to close this crack, right?"

"If there is no other solution for the time being, there should be our bodies behind you. Maybe you can try to extract the remaining iceborn power to strengthen this seal, just like what we did here."

"The following is the extraction method..."

"The list of comrades and tribes..."

When he read this, the Ice Bloodline stopped with choked sobs.

Kalya and his party quickly changed direction in silence and looked to the other side of the cavity. Here, they quickly found the bodies of Avarosa and Serelda...

The two corpses seemed to have just fallen asleep, calmly sealing themselves completely in the ice, smiling and staring in the direction of the inscription, with expectations that spanned thousands of years still remaining on their faces.

They look forward to Lissandra or Lissandra's descendants finding a way to defeat the Monitor, looking forward to the day when this place can see the light of day again, and looking forward to the time when they may be able to see this rift closed.

The small inscription recorded the last wishes of Avarosa and Serelda. At the last moment, perhaps before sealing themselves, the two were staring at the inscription and imagining what the future would look like.

But actually?

After two of the three sisters stayed in the Void Rift forever, the Freljord fell into a long division and was never reunited.

And the little sister Lissandra, who they had high hopes for, did not unite the Freljord and find a way to kill the Watcher and bridge the void rift as they expected. Instead, she used ice to As the source of bloodline, he maintains his influence on the entire Freljord.

Seeing Avarosa and Serelda motionless under the eternal flames, even Kalya couldn't help but feel a little complicated at this time.

It was at this time that the cavity they were in shook, and large swaths of ice began to crumble.

Kalya became nervous immediately, and the commandos who followed him deep underground also assumed a defensive posture.

Then, just as they were waiting and looking at the crack in the void, the skylight of this underground cavity covered by solid ice opened without warning.

The ice above everyone's heads cracked and fell, and this dark room that had been sealed for thousands of years finally saw the sunlight again.

And along with the sunshine comes Lissandra.

Behind Lissandra were Volibear, who followed impatiently, and Lux, who followed carefully. They never expected that after the monitor was finished, Lissandra, who had released her self-seal, would not be the first to do so. Time slipped away, but he jumped into the Howling Abyss like crazy, so his actions were slowed down.

And Lissandra didn't care about the pursuers behind her at all, but came directly in front of Avarosa and Serelda.

She subconsciously stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to hold her sister - but in the end, she turned her head and "looked" at the ice monument.

To ordinary people's eyes, it is engraved with the suicide notes of Avarosa and Serelda.

But in Lissandra's perception, she could discover more.

Even though a long time had passed, the regrets lingering on the ice monument still made Lissandra hold her breath subconsciously.

At this moment, the Frost Witch was at a loss.


Lissandra still clearly remembers when this seal was built, when the monitor came, when the three sisters' families were vulnerable to the void, Avarosa and Serelda still did not waver in the slightest.

They were even in the mood to comfort Lissandra.

"It's not your fault. We used a dangerous power. No one knows it's different from other gods."

Yes, Lissandra was responsible for introducing the power of the void, giving the clansmen the blood of ice, and creating relatives for the three sisters.

She was the first to discover the existence of the void, and she was the first to covet the eternity of the void. Until she discovered that the eternity of the void was not the real eternity, but that "the world of the void does not have the dimension of time at all", everything changed. It's too late.

Although she stopped calling the Void to come, at this time everything was too late. The Watcher was ready to come, and the Void had already located the Freljord's existence.

At this time, Lissandra struggled to reveal part of the Void's information to her sister, and Avarosa and Serelda had no doubts about Lissandra's words. In their view, the Void was "no "They are all the same alien gods." They used the power of the void, but the reward the void demanded was beyond their expectations.

Therefore, in this doomed situation, Avarosa and Serelda fully accepted Lissandra's plan, pretended to welcome the arrival of the Watcher, and waited until it had not fully formed an entity before killing or killing it. Seal the opponent.

There is nothing wrong with this plan, which can be regarded as a "half-crossed attack" in a sense, but they completely underestimated the characteristics of the monitor. As a sentinel in the void that penetrates all realms, the monitor is the void. In the transformation of living things in various worlds, unless there is a way to completely annihilate the void energy supporting the monitor, the monitor will always be able to recover itself until it is reborn.

Even for the monitor, the process of self-recovery itself is also a process of strengthening the understanding of the world and self-strengthening. Even if the three sisters who suddenly rebelled and led their own tribe to completely block the door of the void rift, they would not be able to protect the monitor. A siege was launched, but neither magic nor swords could kill the Watcher.

Not only that, during the process of recovery, the monitor's size was gradually expanding visibly to the naked eye, and the damage caused gradually exceeded the acceptable range of the three sisters.

Under this situation, the three sisters had no choice but to give up their plan to kill the Monitor completely, and instead looked for ways to seal the Monitor and the void rift.

When things came to this point, the bottom of the Howling Abyss had been completely occupied by the Void Insect Swarm, and the battle line of the three sisters had retreated to the ground. At this time, let alone the Sealed Monitor, even if they wanted to get close to it, It has been very difficult.

It was at this time that Avarosa and Cyril proposed that they personally lead the team, take their war mothers and their family members into the depths of the Howling Abyss to seal the monitor.

As the source of the Ice Bloodline, Avarosa and Serelda have better resistance to the power of the void. As long as they can get in close contact with the Monitor and use their own blood as a guide, they can seal the Monitor. The probability is still very high!

The price of doing this is that they cannot get out of the seal.

Lissandra didn't want to see this scene, but she had no other choice - even she knew deep down in her heart that she had been hiding something from her sisters, and she wanted to see this scene.

However, Avarosa and Serelda obviously didn't know.

In other words, they didn't think about it at all - after deciding to self-sacrifice, they turned back to encourage Lissandra and encouraged her to "keep going."

In this way, Avarosa and Serelda, accompanied by their closest relatives and war mothers, rushed straight in from outside the insect swarm until they came to the monitor. They tried their best to lay out the trap with Lissandra. After breaking the nine seals, he also used his last strength to temporarily seal the door of the void rift.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't know that Lissandra knew how terrifying the Monitor was from the beginning, and they didn't know that Lissandra was planning to use the threat of the Monitor and the Void to reshape Frey in her own way. The order of Erdhord.

Even the self-sacrifice of Avarosa and Serelda was expected by Lissandra.

As for Lissandra...

After Avarosa and Serelda were gone, she had been trying her best to avoid mentioning them and this period of history. On the one hand, she also wanted to find a way to completely solve the problem, and on the other hand, she was unwilling to break Frey. Erdhord's current inherent order, in this entanglement and chaos, she has survived for thousands of years, until today.

Perhaps at the beginning, Lissandra did look for a way to eliminate the Monitor and bridge the rift in the void, but as time went by, she became more stubborn and proud, and finally became a powerful force entrenched in the void. The evil dragon of the Frostguard Fortress greedily included the entire Freljord into his ruling order.

It wasn't until Avarosa and Serelda's suicide notes were revealed, and until the Watcher was reduced to ashes by the burning of eternal flames, that Lissandra finally felt something and was a little moved.

Lissandra, who admires wisdom, has always believed that emotions will interfere with judgment. If you want to have extraordinary wisdom, it is a very important method and means to have a pure heart and few desires.

But those emotions that had been suppressed by her ambition and calmness suddenly burst out when she saw the bodies and suicide notes of Avarosa and Serelda. Lissandra seemed to have had all her strength drained away. Sitting blankly in front of the self-sealed ice of Avarosa and Serelda, there was no trace of color in their eyes.

It was at this time that Volibear rushed over. After seeing Lissandra, he quickly jumped up high like a mountain, as if he was about to crush Lissandra into a pile.

However, facing Volibear's attack, Lissandra seemed to have no interest in defending at all. She just moved slightly backward, leading Volibear away from the bodies of Avarosa and Cyril.

Then, she ignored Volibear's threat and looked towards Kalya.

"Three sisters were born together, and they should die together."

Hearing what Lissandra said, even Kalya couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Kalya didn't like her very much, but for the sake of Avarosa and Serelda, he nodded.

A relaxed smile suddenly appeared on Lissandra's face. After nodding, she turned to Volibear, and then stood there upright until she was swallowed up by the violent thunder.


The soldiers of the coalition army looked at everything in front of them in surprise.

This kind of thing is so impactful that many people can hardly believe their eyes.

Lissandra...this could almost be considered seeking death.

The last words she left in this world were to Kalya, but all she wanted was to be buried with the other two.

When the storm subsided, the thunder dissipated, and Volibear snorted and left, Lissandra who was left on the ground was like a broken rag doll, no longer alive.

She is dead.

In Kalya's view, maybe Lissandra, one of the three sisters, had died long ago in the battle of the Howling Abyss - the current Lissandra is just an afterimage left by the three sisters. It's just that she is not the wise person of Freljord, nor is she the three sisters who inspired civilization. Lissandra, who survived the Battle of the Howling Abyss, has long been completely changed, until this failure, until the surveillance Only when the killer is eliminated can she truly breathe a sigh of relief and go where she should go.

Since she asked, considering that she was one of the three sisters after all, Kalya chose to give her the last bit of dignity.

Asking people to seal Lissandra as well, Kalya sent people to move the bodies of the three sisters out of the Howling Abyss, and at the same time mobilized the Malphite combat unit to come in.

The ice tablet left by Avarosa must also be taken away. For Freljord, this is an important cultural relic that can endorse Ashe and the coalition forces.

As for this void rift, judging from its scale, as long as the Malphite combat unit takes action, it is only a matter of time before it can be completely closed!

As long as the energy supply can keep up, and the Malphites bombard them day and night for ten days and a half, the spatial stability of the void rift will be completely lost. Then, taking advantage of the opportunity of the space to be broken, Kalya will modify it, and this void Even if the rift is completely closed, unless someone contacts the Void Monitor again, the Void can no longer be pulled to Runeterra through it!

The story of the three sisters comes to an end.

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